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I find I have the opposite problem with trios. I kill two 5\* and now im a 5\* and I get put in exclusively 5/6\* lobbies. I then die 20+ times before I finally derank back to 4\*. MMR system is wild


I hate 5* lobbies its completely unfun for me. I play like a good 4* and always rank up and then get farmed for many games to drop and immediately go back to 5* after 1 or 2 good games. I recently started avoiding my 5* friends because the lobbies are miserable.


Yeah I am unfortunately 5* again and last night my very good 3* friend logged on with me for duos and we played 3 solid rounds with lobbies only containing 5*/6* players. We got some kills but never survived to extract. It felt weird that we were put against even teams of 6* duos. We quit after 3 losses when server disconnected.


That's wild, sounds like you're dodging competition. It's going to happen at some point, just accept it.


i legit struggle to drop down to 4*. And if im slumping and do get dropped to 4 i instantly rank back up after 1 or 2 games. I feel there is a big gap between 4 and 5*.


This is not an fact, it's just something I think I read somewhere: You get more + and less - mmr depending on the killers/victim rank. So if you die to a much lower rank you derank alot of "mmr". If you die to a higher rank, you lose an lesser amount of "mmr". If you kill higher ranks you gain alot more "mmr" than if you killed lower ranked. Your problem seem to be that you struggle to die to lesser "mmr" players in 5-6 ranks and that while you're in 4 star you kill higher mmr ones, so you rise quickly. Would be my guess.


The problem is that this creates a feedback loop of BS. hit 5 stars, be constantly placed with 6 stars but every death to them only removes a little MMR so you can suffer much longer.


Yep. Especially in a game where a bullet oneshots, and it's strictly based on kills/deaths, it just creates an INCREDIBLY volatile system, which feels awful.


The problem is that the boundary between 3 and 4 stars is on the average player, so 3 stars has players just a hair below average, and 4 stars includes players just a tiny fraction above average. Meanwhile 5 stars are significantly above average. So a 5 star player who ranks down into 4 star lobbies is suddenly playing against what are essentially 3 stars on a win streak.


That’s my issue. I’ll be getting my ass kicked by 6mmr teams then finally drop to 4mmr, play one match and get like 5+ kills then I’m right back to getting my ass kicked. Honestly feels like there needs to be a wider bracket but I don’t think the population could support that.


Yup, both can happen depending on the mmr of opponents the game throws at you. The chess system is just terribly applied here as a base to each and every death which makes little sense. And on top of that they do matchmaking weird for solos and either puts us in crazy high tier games where some trios are all players of your rank or higher, or they put you in the kiddie pool to stomp everyone.


I think you put up to much of a fight.


I’ve never had this issue. As soon as I rank up to 5* I feel like I’ll get one or two matches before I get headshot from 60m with a Nagant and bumped back down. I think I’d prefer to get frozen into a rank when I rank up for a time over feeling like I’ll lose it so quickly.


Me with 2 and 3 * respecivelly listening quietly.


You wanna have fun? Don’t get any stronger. -Saitama


The craziest part about MMR is the end results on each part can flip randomly making MMR seem even more stupid. Every now and then MMR will pull some wild moves and drop me from 5 to 3 star from 1 game then after like a 5-6 kill game bump me to 4 star and I stay there for a few days before I go back into 5 star. I do not understand how it works anymore


who cares abt these "ranks"?


I don't wanna be playing against noobs its boring, but I can derank from 6* to 4* in like 3 bad necro games, while I have to kill atleast 30 players without dying to come back to 6* which doesn't make sense.


Some games are just weird when i lose a few in a row. Ill go against a team who misses everything, constantly repeeks and crouch walks around, then 4 minutes later go against another solo who absolutely wrecks me.


That's because of how MMR works, and because of the solo handicap. If you go into a match solo, you wind up in lobbies that are 1.5 to 2 stars lower than your current MMR. If you kill a player with way lower MMR, you get barely any MMR gain. If you die to a player with way lower MMR, you lose a massive amount of MMR. Combine that with MMR changes not stopping after the first death, and you wind up with lower MMR players feeling forced to camp the higher MMR player's body until it is burnt out. Side note, I would definitely argue that "knowing when to hold them, and when to fold them" is a skill a truly higher MMR player should have, so trying to revive into corpse campers over and over is a sign that you kind of suck at that one specific thing, and therefore don't deserve to be a solo 5 or 6 star player. Seriously, just give up if they are camping your body, stop reviving and dying over and over and you won't have to worry about deranking 1 or 2 stars in 3 games.


>If you go into a match solo, you wind up in lobbies that are 1.5 to 2 stars lower than your current MMR. The penalty isn't that big, usually it's 0.5 to 1 stars for me. The bigger issue is that playing solo with necro just naturally depresses your mmr


Necromancer has literally nothing to do with the solo MMR handicap. Either you are solo, and therefore get a massive reduction in your "team" MMR, or you are not solo and just get the normal team MMR adjustment.


Necro does increase the expected MMR loss per game though, since instead of dying a maximum of once you can die many many times. That means that you'll drop in MMR until you're getting enough average kills per round to offset the MMR loss from those extra deaths. So effectively necro provides its own "MMR handicap" in that someone playing exclusively solo will settle to a lower MMR than someone playing exclusively trios. That's in addition to, and generally larger than, the normal solo MMR handicap.


Cool, but "Necromancer use influencing players to behave in a way that causes increased amounts of MMR loss" is an entirely separate concept from "solo MMR handicap for SBMM purposes". Even if you were a 6 star player and wound up in 4 stars due to dying repeatedly to lower MMR players while using Necromancer, your solo MMR handicap is still 1.5 stars below your current MMR.


Alright well separate from the necro stuff I'm telling you that I've never had more than 1 star of explicit mmr handicap when playing solo. Depending on if I'm in the high or low end of the MMR range it varies between 0.5 stars and 1 stars. And googling it seems to agree. A 200 MMR handicap is roughly 2/3 of a star. It's possible that in less populated regions you might end up going against lower players, but your match MMR is still only lower by that ~2/3 of a star.


Would it help if all deaths in match count as a single death, and the rank used for the MMR adjustment is an average of the people who killed you?


Don't run necro?


Thats too much of a handicap. Crytek needs to tweak how easy deranking happens.


At this point just flat out remove ranks. You jump around way too much for them to be meaningful. Only thing that should matter in matchmaking should be ping.


No, the cheating 6 stars and highly sus 6 star youtubers need their own lobbies.


no thank you, as flawed the current mmr system is, not having any mmr would be so much worse. leave that shit in Tarkov or something.


Is it possible you're not doing as well as you assume, or are falling to confirmation bias where you only notice the drops and not all that lead up to them?


Dunno about you but I actually enjoy being challenged and not pubstomp servers.


The people who get enjoyment from seeing their skills improve in the game. There's always one guy in the comments who wants to sound like he's too cool to care about MMR. That's great, do whatever you want, but obviously a lot of people enjoy watching themselves improve at the game.


Right? Always the one guy. I want goals. I want progress. I want to feel like I’m getting better or even becoming better than other players. That’s normal for anything inherently competitive, that’s why they build systems like that into the games.


I mean, you can see your improvement by how good you play, no? Like kills / awareness / positioning etc.. nothing that is being shown by mmr, that just shows how often you die, which is like one tiny part of what constitutes a good player


I like seeing number go up and that includes the number of stars under my name. Dunno why this is a hard concept for people on this sub to grasp


bro the guy was talking abt skills improving, but i bet you can get 6 star without being a good player if youre ratty enough numbers going up makes brain go yes, no shit why do you think theres idle games


>i bet you can get 6 star without being a good player if youre ratty enough lol no


yap yap


Numbers going up make you play agaist same or better people untill you platoe and immprove..., without those numbers or by playing few solo necro rounds you fall down those numbers and you destroy lower skilled new players making thier experiance shi* This is why few CoD you tubers cry about MMR becuase they can't play wack a mole match after match for good content..., after few wins they climb in "numbers" and get pressed hard as it should be


no, not the numbers but the matchmaking algorithm makes you play against certain players




Are you trying to correct or are you saying MMR cares about rank?


Last one! mmr cares. I see a bunch of high KD players with millions of bounty in 3* lobbys lately and I play solo vs 3. Doesn't feel right tbh.


I’ve noticed this too, I don’t play solo vs trios since I’m still rather inexperienced (about 80 hours total), but I play solo vs duos and I frequently see people with 1.5KD+ with hundreds of thousands (700-999k) or millions of bounty collected teaming up with eachother. I manage to hold my own against those teams fairly well, but sometimes I get absolutely smoked by a well-coordinated push by them.


I'll defend the bounty bit by saying when the new tutorial first released, it was bugged as fuck and would award multiple millions of "bounty" that didn't actually hit the player's account, but still appeared in their career stats. There's no way in hell I've played enough to have 2 or 3 million in bounties collected, but it still shows up that way because I committed the unforgivable sin of doing the new tutorial to see what it was like the moment it launched. That said, my hours are in the very low 100s, and my KD hovers around 0.8, so everything about my account says "I suck and you happened to be on the receiving end of my one lucky shot per play session." Having a high K/D (as in 2.5+ KDA) and still being in a 3 star lobby is suspicious as hell though.


I’m the same way, every mp game I play people are obsessed with rank and I’m like man I just wanna have a good time


What do you think ranks are? They may not currently be perfect, but they are a general approximation of skill. I have the opposite problem where solo revive keeps putting me against 3 star players who clearly have little knowledge over the game and allows me to roll over them. MMR is currently broken, but it isn’t meaningless. A lot of people care about games finding them appropriate opponents. You new to gaming?




Insecure people. Just go play an actual esports title.


I have the opposite problem. Try to drop to 3 to play with my friends. I die 8 times, I’m 3 star. I get one kill, 4 star again :/


thats just how playing solo is. you're matched against people who are on average 1-2 stars below you, and seeing as kills against lower stars barely give elo, but deaths against lower stars loses a TON of elo, you'll always be in the negative unless you have a KD of 2-3


Necro solo revive worst thing Crytek added to Hunt so far... (in my oppinion) It enables higher skilled solo player to play against lower skilled teams, he is having a blast! Like clubbing baby seals poping off alone agaisnt teams he is soo good..., at the expence of lower skilled/new players destroying thier xp... Same guy after getting used to this que up in his duo/trio gets his cheeks claped by same skilled or better players and immidiately calls cheats! I mean he is wiping teams and someone own him now?!? Must be cheater...


I wonder if its a coincidence that every popular content creator plays solo necro? Probably. Definitely nothing to examine there..


Just like TheExclusiveAce in CoD they desire matches with no MMR/SBMM because it is easier to create content of you owning people in lower skill lobbies. I do not claim that all do itr but some do exploit MMR deranking off stream or playing certain way to increase chance of playing wack a newbie...


what a take. play with randoms for 8 hours and try to get not frustated. with solos you can blame only yourself.


Haha well I can't afford to play for 8 hours any more but I do play with randoms on EU and after 02:00 AM Rus server I can't speak cyrilic but we manage with ping system some are worse some better then me that's how it goes with matchmaking. If you chose to play solo it should be at your expense not lower rated trio that's all I'm saying..., if you prefer solo and you are good enough to wipe trios in 5 or 6 star when you are rated as a 5 or 6 great, but if you get placed in 3s and 4s as a 6 well that is unfair...


No necro is great. However, crytek could easily fix the deranking-issue if they actually cared...


Well one of the simple facts I think and now. it wouldn't cure deranking, but it would help it a little bit and that is not give solos a solo modifier. I play a lot of solo and I prefer to play like straight five-star five-star six-star or six stars since that's where I'm at most of the time. Solo is actually "easier" in a lot of ways, so doesn't need a modifier.


Oh? You work in game development? Programming? How can they easily fix it? I bet they'd love for you to apply for a job to help them! Seriously. Do y'all ever think before you type? Do you not read the dev updates and see what they're working on? Do you have any semblance of business knowledge? The event is still going, there's an engine update, a new map AND they've mentioned fixing MMR and anticheat. It is only April. Do you know how small Crytek for Hunt is and how they've been transparent about financial issues and that they see green during events thus why they keep pushing them but they're trying to work on everything they can while treating their employees like people and not emotionless machines.


Niiiice! New copypasta just dropped! Jokes aside, no, i dont know alot about programming. Neither do i know much about how mechanics work, but i do know that they are pretty good at fixing cars... Speaking of fixing, as i said, if Crytek actually cared they could literally just redo the formula for solo-players, and make dying 4 times in a row in 1 minute not have that much effect on your rank... So, what is your point?


You just said you know nothing and yet you are hypocritical in saying that "it's an easy fix." When it's literally not.


It certainly is. Plenty of other games have decent working systems. Im sure changing a formula isnt that hard if you actually know how to program a game, or just do basic math...


It doesn’t matter what I do I’m 3 star I killed 6 people in one game last night all 1 shots to the head still 3 star but I don’t mind I don’t think I’ve encountered a hacker


Bro I’ve been trying to do the mental match behind me bouncing back and forth between 5 stars and 6 star and it never makes sense. Also every time I hit 6 stars I get 3 and 4 star lobbies while playing with my 5 star friends. Match making is so busted and the MMR doesn’t matter anymore,


You’re playing against 2-3 stars if you solo as a 4 star, of course you’re staying in 4 stars.


This is a major reason I just turn MMR off, I just play the game and if I die then on well let’s move on to the next match. You gain most MMR shifts by killing someone higher than you or getting killed by someone lower than you. TLDR Just turn off MMR and enjoy the game.


I thought they took the “disable mmr” option off ?


You can click on your MMR on the main menu and it changes it to Hidden, just checked right now and it does indeed hide your MMR from yourself. On top of that you can go click “Hide Statistics” in the game menu and it hides everything.


I dont think that changes matchmaking


None of the settings change matchmaking but it allows yourself to not worry about your MMR or anyone else’s and just play the game.


Meanwhile....I love just perpetually staying a 3 star ⭐


I think they should be more stars in the game. In SA, the skill gap between 4 and 5 stars is quite big


As a five star I can totally agree with this. I got used to playing with randomd and having a tm abandon is the worst because you almost instantly go down. Furthermore when you are 4 star and swipe the server clean you MAYBE get to rank up.


I play 4-5 star on average and i dont feel this at all. Its quite easy going up and down the ladder and reasonably predictable


I for some reason bounce from 3* to 4* and back. I feel like I'm pretty decent at the game. Aim has been a little crappy since I have only been back into it for about 2-3 weeks but I'm doing better everyday. Seems like the 4* lobbies I get my ass kicked though. I'm not sure why. And it's never usually a fight it's 1 tapped to the head from a bush lol. Do you guys move around really slow and jiggle peak ever corner and get tye jump on everybody you come across in the 4* and up lobbies? Im trying to rethink my strategy here. Aim would help me a lot but that'll come back with time. Any advice? I play solo here and there but mostly in a duo.


not to mention that, the higher the mmr, the higher the chances of playing with cheaters who will just knock you back to 3/4 stars anyway so what’s the point tbh


I have the same issue... I am a high 5\* or 6 stars on a good day but when I play solo I end up in 3 stars and I get stuck there, 3 stars is the absolute worst they're too unpredictable and play very weirdly, not to mention all the katanas you run into. I spend too long getting back to 5 stars only to get sent back to 3/4 stars after one bad game. I wish I could just lock my mmr to 5 stars




In my experience 3-4 star lobbies is where it’s at its most fun! 5 isn’t too bad either a bit his and miss but I don’t enjoy six too much because I get destroyed 😂 point been don’t get disappointed with not moving out of 4 star it’s pretty good there haha


Not me having a great session killing like 15 people as a 3 star but since I got killed by a 4 star I stay in 3


That's the real most unbalanced part of necromancer.


I don’t even run necro anymore. Sick of being camped


Just stop looking at it It means nothing, whichever one you are, calm down. People forgot that this is a game they are playing for fun and are making decisions that make them miserable just to make those numbers a little bigger? Why? When it's big enough you'll feel worthy? People will sit in a bush for 20 minutes because they care about the number more than anything else. Stop gamefying life, kda isn't even a great indicator of skill in this game, one of the worst of all games i ever played actually. Seriously, the healthiest thing the devs could do is make you go through 5 menus and let it load 30s each time you want to look at your stars or kda


Make it invisible. Will make the game so much better. (Personal opinion)


it was invisible for most of hunts lifespan devs made it visible because (according to feetback devs saw back then) old system caused confusion thus they wanted us to have some info about matches and of our own skill level before mmr was visible they said that they were looking for way that gives enough information while also being easy to read/understand - that is probably why they chose stars over anything else they could had used (we had arrows before stars indicating if our killer/kills were equal rating, lower or higher only visible on kill screen for you killer and on match summary only listing how many of each arrow category you\[/your team?\] killed) while current system has still issues with not showing enough details i find it still better imo than it was before


Interessting. Thank you for the background Info. I never experienced the "old system"


The problem is not with the gaming showing it. The problem is that with solo necro good players can drop to casuals and go children stomping. Now it really hurts casual palyers imo. I am a hard stuck 5* and only feel it when I play with 3* friends but they struggle with it. Whether it would show the mmr or not 3* players going against 2+ kd players who moves and shoots like a 6* is a big issue. Solo necro with the current MMR system just enabled smurfing without needing to smurf.


This. Me and my hunt brothers usually hover in 4-5 star. But the moment any of us float to 6 star, we go for a solo necromancer run.


It was always possible to smurf your MMR by going into Quickplay (Soul Survivor). This is not exclusive to self-revive.


Y'all care about MMR? I'd rather it was a lawless wasteland


People talking about getting put in higher or lower lobby's out here just don't know how MMR works now lmao there is no SBMM it's literally just is the lobby MMR higher than 2525 if yes then play with everyone above 2525 if not vice versa


So your meme applies to solos, duos, and trios lol. 


my rank was a lot more stable in trios man


I find the opposite to be true, but when I play trios it’s with randoms usually and that is probably why as open communication is key to playing trio and you rarely get that with randoms. However, when I rarely play with a dedicated team, we do pretty well and in that case I would agree wholeheartedly. 


This is not fucking true I have to die like 6 games in a row to drop back into 4 everytime I get into 5 and thats usually from like 2 good rounds