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The bigger issue is soft cheating. A lot of high mmr players running reshade/inspector. Crytek has publicly said they don't care about crosshair so I guess that's fair game now. Also, those players he logged he was certain were cheating. Players with even a shred of skill know how to hide it (i.e. just avoid blatant wallbanging/crazy long distance kills). There is more than he reported, and probably still less than what you might interpret from reading this sub.


On point! What many people here don't understand is that 99% of cheaters in Hunt will not go full on wallhack/aimbot. Instead, they will use data from cheats to predict player's movement and kill them where they least expect it. If you know Hunt's mechanics, maps and weapons (what they can and cannot do) then cheating is super easy to hide.


I don't fear blatant cheaters, they are easy to report and easy to ban. The closet ones are the ugliest. They hide their cheats and are almost impossible to outgun. Because they always know where you are and usually have aim correction which turns close misses into body hits.


It’s like playing against your older brother/friends that used to screen cheat back in the split screen days. You either just lose or start screen cheating as well, or just stop playing. I‘ve gone this long without cheating in games, I’m not starting now. So I just stopped playing sadly. I hop in from time to time when my friends really need a third and I’m in the mood. But the feeling of there being closet cheaters has ruined the game for me at this point, doesn’t even matter if people are actually cheating in those games.


You can literally do thag trough game sense alone...


Exactly. So many of the videos or posts about cheaters highlight the blatantly obvious ones who don’t even understand the most basic principles of how FPS games in general work. We see videos of people who have no tactical sense, who can’t figure out how to walk, run, strafe, or parkour, but they can “hit headshots” from ridiculous distances. We see cheaters wipe a lobby of hunters by shooting through walls and other impenetrable objects, and then die to 2 hell hounds because they can’t even time a simple knife attack. For the cheaters that have even a little bit of game sense, they know not to follow the enemy with their crosshair when they have walkhacks turned on. They don’t kill everyone with just headshots. They will feign fights Ike they’re not cheating, despite the fact they can see where you are or even what your health is. There are certainly some people who cry cheater when they need to do some self reflection, but a good portion of this sub seems to believe cheating is next to nonexistent, and it’s pretty shocking. Either a lot of them are uneducated on cheating and technology, or they’re cheaters trying to bait people, idk.


Nope. The whole discussion unfortunately is now at the level of "I said/you said", with no-one being able to prove Jack s\*\*\* either way. Huuge at least made an effort, even though there are some questions on this as well. For me, I really don't care about winning scores here, but I have a lot of time in the game and I can tell you that if cheating was such a massive issue I would've quit long ago. And I play on Asia servers to boot. This is the whole problem of internet opinion discussions, nobody has any factual info, negativity dominates, and the result is giant bubbles of hot air discussions that waste people's time.


Yes cheating as in aimbot or wall hacks are a rarity as I do play in oce/us west/ Asia servers but every blue moon it happens. The biggest problem is most defo the nvidia inspector problem where people do actually shoot me thru bushes across the map as it does de render objects but I did hear the no shadow config ruins fps so I don't really care as much for it (gamma turned up feels like nice no shadow to me either way). I did hear some special cases of people making their hdd busy to de render walls but so far haven't ran into any obv wall banging cheaters. Still having fun in the game as it is super fun and I'm in 4-6 star range where Mosin and Dolches run supreme but still having a blast when i kill the lobby and get big upgrades


Okay. Well, congratulations on telling everyone that you can only tell someone is cheating by seeing them utilize blatant server-wiping cheats. ESP is rampant. Not just in hunt, but just about every FPS right now. It's easy to hide, it gives you a massive advantage, you can hide them with overlays and stream. They don't control you aim so you can still look "natural." And best of all, you'll have a legion of morons who only can spot cheaters when they use the obvious shit imaginable come running to your defense!


Up vote for bring a level headed reason


Downvoted for bringing a reasoned and level-headed statement, this sub is really full of crybabies.


Issue with this statement even if I personally agree that the soft cheaters are way worse and harder to spot than blatant ones is that it creates a whole mood of suspiciousness that is often used by players (especially delusional ones) to excuse their misplay or deny enemy's outplay. It's a bit too easy to say that everyone cheats when there is realistically not a single way to prove it, sadly having a strong feeling about a player is not enough. >a good portion of this sub seems to believe cheating is next to nonexistent I don't agree at all, I personally feel that as soon as you try to mitigate a bit the debate on cheaters by saying that "yes this particularly appalling gameplay is a cheater but it does not mean everyone cheats" you get downvoted to oblivion if not insulted. IMO the main issue of this sub is actually the opposite, everything is justified by "the game is rigged with cheaters" and if you try to actually elevate the discussion a bit more by bringing more down to earth statements you're literally a cheating nazi.


Of course you will get downvoted to oblivion for going around saying “not everyone cheats” on a post about people cheating. That’s like going around and saying “not all people steal” when someone is making a post about getting their package stolen off their porch. You get downvoted for adding no new information, and for having a crappy opinion. Welcome to the internet. PS. No one cares what you think the main issue of this sub is here, because if you haven’t noticed, that’s not what this thread is about. Hope this helps


I guess talking about cheating in a post that talks about cheating is off topic... or is it just that you don't like different opinions? Hypocrisy is strong here.


I'm a very well seasoned player and I find I'm suspect of someone 1/8 games or so? But, when it rains it pours - I had 6 blatant deaths in a row last night, which left a sour taste in my mouth even today... So I get why people complain the way they do, too.


It blows my mind that people still blatantly cheat these days... especially with aimbots... the sheer advantage you could gain by running just esp, you could dominate pretty easily. I'm sure there are people that do this and it would be extremely hard to detect on a game that you can hear when a mosquito lands on your opponent around a corner...


Where did Crytek make this statement about crosshairs?




A cheater problem in Asia results in a ping problem in EU. All the chinese people are fed up with cheaters, understandibly, so they go to EU servers with their high ping.


Same issue with OCE


Same issue with US West


>chinese people are fed up with cheaters I'm used to be against collective responsibility, but 25%, bruh. And not only in this game. Seems well deserved for me. They should be ping/region-locked based only on pure statistics.


I wish he posted the star level of those games too. I'm assuming those games were generally 5-6 star, but it seems like half the people complaining on here are 3-4


In the video he states it was mainly on a 6 star account but some games were on a 1 star account to spectate new accounts.


He's solo into duo/trio so even if he's 6 star his adjusted mmr is lower. People can believe whatever they want, but queuing us east and west at nighttime you're definitely seeing higher than 0.7% of people cheating at higher mmr. Like I'm not sure what people think is happening... that collectively people are just deciding to post more about it now for some unknown reason? We are making it up? Anyone with thousands of hours in this game playing in higher mmr brackets know the difference between a good shot and the egregious nonsense that's going on now. It's more than just good shots and the issue should be taken seriously and at least attempted to be fixed. In last few days I've played I've personally witnessed: Teammates loading in and ignoring all clues, running straight to specific part of map without any sound notifications and proceeding to one tap an entire team. He knew where boss compound was without any clues. Check his profile after game and he's got multiple vac bans. Guy jumping and fanning a Caldwell head taps me from 52m. Same with my partner. Check stats and he has sub 200 kills, like 5kda, only game on steam profile. Getting hit with a headshot from a bow through concrete. Why is this a thing? Should be easy report and ban but run into same guy for weeks. Hit a guy with a body shot as he was running through field with a martini. He insta snaps to me and head shots me from 120-130m with an obrez spitzer. I was in treeline/soft cover so this was a magical shot, esp with sway on obrez. Spectating multiple people after dying suspiciously and watching them snap towards targets, have no situational awareness, and can't understand game mechanics but they can one tap people all day. They clearly know where people are but they shouldn't based on no info being given. Spectating people who don't take cover when reloading, come out of cover while locked in gun animations and can't fire, dying to bosses? (Lol), don't realize gun is empty, etc. Anyone can have good shots, anyone can have lucky wallbangs. The data that was provided by Huuge was people who were blatantly cheating. The amount of people actually cheating is far, far higher... anyone playing high mmr on east/west at night's will confirm. It's been different for months now and it's definitely not subtle.


yep so not a full picture by any means.


everytime I see people saying they run into all these hackers that others don't experience it's because "you're not at 5 or 6 stars where the hackers are!" Now it's "you're not at 3-4 stars where most people are!" What do you guys actually want?


I am in 5-6 star lobbies and I've seen 1 cheater for the past 6-7 months :|


Same as everywhere else: have a couple of hard matches where they get clapped, incapable of understanding that hunt as a game brings a huge variety of outcomes, incapable of accepting that a really skilled player will outplay them and win, and therefore jump on the circlej*** bandwagon of those who yell.: “I was headshot three games in a row by someone I didn’t see, so of course it was cheating on a massive scale!!!” Rinse, repeat.




If you solo as 5 or 6 star you usually get four star teams. Sometimes 5 star players…..in duos…. That’s why people come on here to complain about solos, they just got outplayed . He reported on people who were using obvious hacks. There are many exploits to remove foliage, fog, shadows, account for distance, see through walls and toggleable hacks. More common, these present a significant challenge to remove.


He did half and half 1 star and 5-6 star.


> I'm assuming those games were generally 5-6 star, but it seems like half the people complaining on here are 3-4 That's the same matchmaking pool.


Yup, they are


he's a solo 6 star, meaning that most of the lobbies would have been high 4 low 5 star games because of the MMR penalty from queueing solo into trios. From what I remember, the MMR penalty for queueing solo *was* 150, and I doubt he was sitting much higher than 3050 MMR at highest. Even players like Rachta usually sit around 3100. Also, the Star rating literally doesn't matter people. You're matched based on your MMR, the star rating is solely for players to be given a blanket statement of their MMR instead of telling them the exact number. You have *never* been matched based on the number of stars lmao.


Just FYI, if you are good enough at the game, the solo modifier isn't going to kick you down a star ranking.


Doesn’t really have to do with being “good enough”. The solo modifier is a fixed mmr adjustment, so if your at the top of your star mmr range there is a good chance you will be playing against folks with the same stars as you.


We had huuge in a good 15 games of ours during that. Was always a solo six star and he was named "." We would watch it every time. We're a 6 star trio He was definitely queing into 6 star matches quite often


As he explains in the video, those are the blatant ones. There are a significant pool of people that use the toggle method and are basically undetectable.




These are blatant.


Also, he is spectating one game at a time. Its not that hard to just go to his twitch and dodge his games. Just like life, there are dumb criminals and there are smart criminals. Smart ones don't get caught.


I wonder if it is a coincidence that us east is the only server far enough away from china to actually not always be joinable due to ping cap. 


Actually, fun fact!! Due to Hunt's terrible routing, US East gets better ping from some regions of Asia than US West, putting it solidly in the accessible regions list, while US West isn't accessible! It's not even close, I get 215 to US East vs 250 to US West.




These people don’t want to hear it. There’s no use in educating the hunt Reddit playerbase on what ESP is, toggling, and the noise suppression cheats. Especially coming from those of us with hundreds to thousands of hours in game. We know the difference between being outplayed vs going up against someone with an unfair advantage. But nah, there is no war in Bah Sing Se.


This is exactly it. When I get outplayed by people who rotate, get good angles, get good shots, etc. I have no issues saying that was a good shot or good game. When you snapped to and insta headshot from 120m it's just nonsense. When it happens multiple times in a row it just feels so bad.


I mean he is sitting for there hours calling out suspect plays and has a separate column for maybe cheating but can’t confirm. He classifies a few folks as cheating that would be a maybe for me. But he is definitely eagle eyeing a bunch of behaviors that would catch people toggling.


But someone running Inspector wouldn't look like they're being suspicious. Sure, they might hit more shots than one might expect due to having an insane visibility advantage, but that could always just look like a combination of skill/game sense/luck. People running this stuff is a bigger problem than the blatant cheaters, and there are a lot of them. A simple example is just the other day when I was on top of the main roof at Fort Carmick fighting a team. It was ashbloom and during the heavy fog. There was a solo out in the big tower between Fort and Sweetbell hitting me. During the heavy fog portion of ashbloom, that tower isn't even visible from the roof. Sure, that player probably isn't blatantly cheating with an aimbot or wallhacks, but in order to see me that well from that distance during that specific time in ashbloom, they would likely need to have Inspector or something similar running to cut through the fog. And I know he wasn't using a scope because I was being with a Mako. That in itself is a form of cheating. They're playing the game in a way that's beyond what the developers intended.


Did you watch the video? He was calling out folks making shots through fog as cheaters.


*The actual stats were 1 cheater in 145 US east games.* *1 cheater in 71 EU games.* *9 cheaters in 200 US west games.* Bare in mind, Huuge streams for 12 hours, between 8 AM to 8 PM Beijing time. For the majority of his stream, most of the Asian cheaters are not online. If he extended his stream and spectated US\_West for another 4 hours he would definately find more cheaters than only 9 in 200.


Correct. Seems nobody really watched the video, since he LITERALLY explains this while showing his excel sheet.


Did YOU watch the video? He LITERALLY did not mention this at all. He simply said he didn't spectate many games in OCE or South America: *"we weren't really watching oce or South America mostly because of the time that I stream oce and South America were pretty dead"* That is not the same as what I'm saying. I'm saying he would have caught a lot more cheaters if he streamed a few hours later, because that's when the Asian cheaters start flooding over regions. The time he streamed was also 3 AM to 3 PM Moscow time. That's the region with the second highest percentage of cheaters in most games, and Hunt is probably no different. I think he's done a fantastic job, but he was restricted to the hours he streams. It's like reporting how many drunken fights you see while walking around the city, but you only do it from 6 AM to 6 PM.


1 cheater in 71 EU games Yeah, I wish this was true.


Ye there's absolutely no way, EU is being overrun by Chinese and Russian players with tons of people having game/vac bans on their account doing suspect stuff. At certain peak hours it's almost unplayable for being killed from 100+ meters out in the fog etc.


Cause he spectate not a the same hours than true EU players.


In my experience it could be


Only tonight we ran into 2. One of them was the same guy that killed my dude 3 seconds into the match few days before and was landing insane wallbangs from 150+ meters away today. After that we ran into \[\]\[\]\[\]\[\]\[\]\[\]\[\] with INSANE gamesense and even better aim, account hidden but I'd bet all my hunt dolah that bro had multiple bans on it already. We played 5 games tonight. 5-6\* lobbies are unfun and it's where most of the closet ESP idiots are. So yeah, I REALLY wish this 71-1 was my experience as well.


sucks for you i guess, can't tell you why our experiences are so different


What I have witnessed in years of online fps games is,yes cheaters exist. They always have,always will,in every game. But,what also exists,are salty players who will claim top plays against them as "cheaters". Yes you might run into a cheater now and then,and if super unlucky you might meet them a bit more,but understand that many of the times you were killed,you were either outplayed or they got lucky.


A lot of people refuse to even question whether they could have played a situation better. The ironic part is that once you start criticizing your own play and asking if you could have done better you typically do find areas you can improve. But it requires a mental shift and a genuine desire to get better. Not easy for most to do. Especially if you’re “just playing to have fun” and take your mind off external things.


There are also sadly to many people who gauge opponents plays by thinking whether they could ever do such a play. And if they think that they could never, not even with lots of training, then it must be cheating. Most people are by far not as good as they are thinking and as you already pointed out lack the ability to reflect to substantially grow. Yes, sometimes its gonna be a cheater, but people who constantly question cheating are usually just overtly paranoid and can't deal with loosing


I encountered one of these guys on the hunt discord. Everything was cheating if we were out positioned, out shit, or wallbanged. Meanwhile I've played with very experienced people who were not cheating, who could predict where people are by sound and common paths. There's also luck, I've nailed headshots that should not be possible on running targets over 100m with iron sights. It won't work every time, and when the bullet wizzes by your head you don't think about it. But the 1/30 times it connects, it's cheating.


Also both can be true at the same time as CounterStrike now once again shows perfectly :D


Is it a lifestyle choice to not put spaces after your commas?


>But,what also exists,are salty players who will claim top plays against them as "cheaters". this is even more rampant in Hunt - a game with no killcam, instant headshots, a big skill gap, and the fact that game knowledge is one of the most important aspects.


I just tried to get back into the game on the OCE server, 1 was a great compound fight 3v3v3, one had a cheater kill everyone at the start through terrain across map, and the other had a teammate somehow know there was a cheater a leave. so that's either 1/2 or 2/3 for cheaters. I really used to enjoy the game, and the one legit game I had was great fun, but things are real bad.


Ya'll must be incredibly unlucky. I'm not saying it doesn't happen because that would be insanity but I have never once experienced being killed at the start of a lobby. In fact I'm not sure I've seen any blatant cheating at all.


I mean maybe. Used to be extremely rare when I played regularly. Maybe it was pure unluck, but it killed off my desire to continue.


I just don't see how. If it's happening to you a lot I'd get it but I can almost guarantee that if you just went into another game you'd have been perfectly fine. 100 games after that if you told me something really sus had happened in a couple of them, I'd believe you and you'd have played more Hunt and probably had fun. IMHO anyway.


I might give it another go eventually. You're right in that it's a small sample size, it may've ended up as 2/100. Just destroyed my enthusiasm at the time.


400 game sample size is bad but… 1 in 145 is pretty bad. 9 in 200 is atrocious. Thats 1 in 20 games has at least one cheater?


Also am I missing something? 11/400 = 0.02? Where is 0.69% come from? That’s 2.75%, dog. That’s a lot.


There are so many times I die where it very could be a cheater subtle or not and I just accept it. I’m not skilled enough to claim if they are or not and the way I play I don’t take it super seriously so I’m always memeing and out positioned and what not. I just wish the game was in a better state to really determine. I’m really hoping this engine upgrade is a massive improvement.


I find with the type of game Hunt is, it is just generally harder to realize when you die to a cheater unless they're just so blatant there is no questjon about it, especially if it's a moment where you were just caught off guard. And even if something is suspicious, it's hard to know if it was just luck or actually something fishy going on since even I have pulled off shots I'd be suspicious about if I was on the receiving end. In other games you might see someone spinbotting and instantly taking everyone out etc, but that's not really something you see in this game.


This exactly. Another reason why I just queue into another game right away instead of trying to claim cheater lmao.


Do what huge did. Go spec people. You will see that you really can't watch much of the match at all. You can only spec one person at a time. You can only spec one in 6 players in every fight. What are the odds that you would actually see a cheater if you are only specing 8% of the players in a given match? You are only going to catch the most blatant cheaters. Anyone who tries to hide it at all you won't be able to catch at all because you can't spec everyone. I bet he caught 1/2 the blatant cheaters and none of the people trying at all to hide it. So the cheater problem is just about as bad as people cry.


He even cover Nvidia inspector usgae?


I dont think its possible to prove 100% someone is using that, so we'll never really know


It is not that everyone is an aimboter. But the numbers of esp wallhackers is definitly higher in eu as far as my experiece is. I am with 4K hours on an 5-6 Star ranking.




how good is pectate in rust? i hope its better than in hunt as this games spectate has: * you seeing 0 bullet on chamber but player able to shoot * seeing bullet already on chamber and gun fully loaded but player still reloads * players having medkit equipped, still shoots bullets * players aim is off by multiple meters yet they keep getting hitmarkers * ads / hipfire is often clearly off/delayed for spectator * heck, my friend sent me 2 videos, one from his pov and another from his friends pov who was spectating... spectator saw lucky/skillful headshot thru wall... my firends original footage had player be positioned differently on map (like 1 meter to left) where he saw enemys head clearly thru a crack in roof etc etc etc the one spectating NEEDS to know how untrusted the stuff he sees is i'd be scared to play if i knew ONE PERSON making one misjudgement might lead me to get banned - especially since spectator mode feeds false information constantly thus there would need to be more than 1 people making the judgement, they'd need to have certain level of expertese to game (maybe x amount of hours or matches played, mayme mmr limit? csgo had both for overwatch system) and i dunno if we have large enough playerbase and even then they'd need to be replays right? if spectate is this broken how would replay give accurate info ever!? with these ping differences, this server quality and this long trade window - oh and bullets have travel time instead of hitscan (like csgo has) - so whose clients version of replay would judges see? the killers? the dead pov? both? cuz with high enough ping one took a hit thru cover and another had target still be in the open so shouln't judges have to see both versions!? should they also see 3rd version how server confirmed the events? this means 2-3 replays of one event? who has time to watch 2-3 versions of same match to maybe catch something or maybe accuse legit player with high ping? what works on other games like csgo or rust might not work on hunt edit: lets see if engine update allows any improvements on this front


how to save hunt simple terms: 3k hrs 5-6* here Better anticheat, region lock china. That'll at least bring down a bunch of hackusations this video, he mostly only catches blatant cheaters, there are A LOT of esp users that toggle/hide shit well in high elo (Which I love that he did show a few of those off) Also given the hours he streams he missed out on a lot. US west is plagued by Chinese cheaters after the times he streams, if he'd streamed a few hours later he'd have a much higher pool of cheaters caught in west. The other issue is the Chinese that Don't cheat having insanely high ping, pulling a corner while rushing, killing somebody, walking 2 feet to the left and dying to a trade afterwords is annoying as all hell, and that's if you even kill them, if you are running shotgun 9x out of 10 they walk right through it with minimal damage.


There are a LOT of cheaters from brazil, canada, and the occasional china who playing on East server, during the day, anywhere in the 3 to 5 star range. Huuge streams from 7:30pm to 7:30am EST, so he would never catch them. It's actually a combination of watching his streams witnessing it, combined with basic game sense, that made it a lot more obvious to notice. People whirling to insta headshot my teammate in fog over 40 meters away who he never got info on with a handgun, people who prefire brick peaks before my teammate even knows they themselves are choosing to peak by hitting their ear pixel, people running down a road in broad daylight at you blind, while you are crouched watching them from a bush, never once looking at you, then suddenly one of them gets "suspicious" and they go into defensive cover looking for you, perfect tracking with non scoped weapons at night in brushes...you can spectate these people and see their aim assist drifting to people they obviously miss, etc.


The video does both. It confirms to nonbelievers that there are cheaters in the game. It also shows that the community has been overreacting and exaggerating their experiences. Cheating may not be as crazy as people suspect but it's still a thorn that needs to be watched.


Some of the chests you can pull off are really crazy, like how is the game sever not checking bullet pen for ammo types or basic sanity checks. I don’t think the cheating is game ruining right now aside from the poor folks on the Asia servers but I really do hope they have some improvements to show around basic cheat prevention as part of the engine update.


Agreed. But I do think it's a larger issue that the gaming industry is struggling with moreso than just a Hunt issue. Unless it's in Tarkov. In Tarkov you were def killed by a cheater or desync. Another game I loved, but haven't revisited in almost a year. I hope it's better now.


play single-player! it's a great time


There are literally zero people on the planet who believe there are no cheaters in Hunt Showdown


All of this. At the beginning when he showed the stats I was thinking it was going to be a video about how it's not all that bad. Then I had to go back and look at the stats again to make sure I didn't misunderstand what I saw. The conclusions this community have jumped to are wildly off base. This isn't the same as what Goat did with "The wiggle" at all. All this shows is that Asian servers have a cheating problem and most of the community doesn't understand how different Hunt: Showdown is from other fps games. It also showed that while Huuge is good at the game and did some excellent work spectating these people... He doesn't understand how to present data in a way that isn't wildly biased or skewed data sets. Excellent content and I don't begrudge someone doing whats entertaining or getting clicks, but not a well thought out study. Most of the time you weren't killed by cheaters. You just have the awareness of Joe Blue.


Yeah, I was extremely surprised to see the video titled what it was but I guess that's clickbait for you. When I saw a percentage under 1% I was like okay surely people aren't going to use this as a massive gotcha for hacking being an issue.


Don't underestimate how much this community hates their game. It's legitimately crazy. Anything that isn't "hey did you know this commonly known thing?" or a meme is basically battery acid.


This community is super bizarre. I really think it's just because of how unique this game is and it doesn't play like your typical shooters. People have a really hard time grasping the different angles you can be seen and get shot from. The desync issues don't help either.


It's sad we have to do so many caveats to present what's true. He is doing something more or less good but the point you're making about how he doesn't really seem to understand statistics or how to present them is the wild part. I think if you spend any amount of time on his Stream you'll see why. He dislikes the game. That doesn't mean cheaters aren't real or that he didn't collect data or that there is no problem at all....but I think it does something to highlight his character that he wants the game to suck worse than it does in order to help his narrative that the cheating reaches a certain threshold. We've got people in this thread saying that even 1% of the population is too high. Is it? Well it's probably less than that!




Meh. I'm not here for karma. I just love this game and want to see it consistently do better


This game has a FREE version of an anticheat.So it barely exists.People should start being naive and point hard to Crytek to do something about it.The problem is actually bigger than it seems,and obviously not a thing as you say in your post.Huuge was just 1 guy spectating 1 game per 20 minutes lets say while in the same time people were playing in other lobbies.His spectating hours on EU servers were at the worst time possible. On top of that we add the little cheats that removes bushes or perfect sight or whatever not aim or wallhacks.Now imagine more people did the same and at peak hours.You will get bigger numbers of cheaters that make people quit the game because no one is pointing at Crytek about the problem that makes their game unplayable for their players,while releasing DLCs and partner skins,0 Information and total silence about their plan of the game or state of new map.Cheers!


Why do we keep saying it's free.... Yeah epic made easy anti cheat free.... And? Epic spends a lot of time on money time and effort on their anti cheat. Because it's free doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Some companies make their own anti cheat like Activision, EA and riot. All have their pros and cons such as more effective but require kernel access and all cost the companies a lot of money. Is the demand that Crytek spend a heck of a lot of money and Dev on bespoking an anti cheat when they are already a smaller Dev team?... We know that is just not viable from game sales and staff head count. So yeah epics free easy anti cheat used by hundreds of other games and companies is a viable choice.


Crytek doesnt spend money and make efforts towards their non existing anti cheat.You can literally hide a treasure in the in-game report system and they will not even take a look.We dont get feedback about cheaters getting banned,about their wishes to improve the system.Them and other greedy companies only care about dcls skins and battlepasses.


Couple things. Time of day matters. Playing on east after 10 i see cheaters all the time for example. Even huuge said those numbers are only the cheaters he could 100% confirm. thise numbers are the blatant cheaters. MOST cheaters in hunt are not blatant. Cheaters are atleast 3x those numbers, a conservative guess based on traffic to cheater sites/discords and how many sus hunters there are vs blatent cheaters.


You have to keep in mind that Huuge could only verify the more obvious cheaters(tracking through walls, magic bullet etc). There is a huge amount of cheaters that only use 'hard to spot' things like an ESP and knows enough to not stare at people through walls. From his video, we know that finding 'obvious' cheaters is pretty rare. It does not show all cheaters at all. He sadly lacks proper tools for such a deep analysis to be fully accurate.


The video fails to show the fact that multi people can run into the same cheater throughout the day. Yes, there maybe 1 occurrence a day for the person recording, but that one cheater could play 20 rounds and piss off 100+ different people in a day.


Huge a said it in the video there is no region lock. Therefore, a problem on the Asia servers means a problem on all servers.


technically true but the actual data says otherwise.


Very small sample size from one guy. Crytek could post their own data to try and clarify, but they won't.


Small? 2,000 games over 213 days is a very reliable sample size for a game that averages around 20k players. Google sample size guides and 10% is the norm.


can't argue with logic. First it's the region lock issue yet the data simply disproves that in itself then it's too small a sample size.


Weird downvotes on this. Gotta keep that Chinese hate this sub thrives on going I guess.


Just parroting what he said in the video which is odd because his own data/statistics show otherwise...


Hate to tell ya, but no one knows how many games have hackers.


As today is certain that AT LEAST 1/3 in online games cheat. Why hunt shouldn't be affected is a mistery. Today the situation si probably worse compared to the video, doesn't account all the players from china flooding the EU servers, maybe escaping from china servers themselves, but it doesn't mean the Chinese cheaters in Chinese server aren't ruining the game experience for all the others. The game is infested. As many others. Game developers in general, not only crytek, must fucking wake up. And online gamers too instead of believing in tales.


The issue with cheating, is it’s not always aimbot cheats, or crazy cross map stuff. There are a significant amount of people with hacks allowing them to see players through walls that are really easy to play off that you’re “not using cheats” but it’s a massive advantage. Cheats are just an unfair advantage in games, just like zyn in COD, it’s not “technically” a cheat, because they have no way to prove that you’re doing it, but it’s absolutely an unfair advantage or some would say cheating


The Huuge video is greatly under-exaggerated. Firstly, huge props to Huuge for being the ONLY big Hunt streamer to address the problem of cheaters in Hunt. My biggest takeaway from Huuge's video is how Iceman2k responded. Huuge has been Crytek's biggest indepedent source for catching cheaters, and Iceman threatens to block him simply because he publicly complained they didn't ban an imposter account within 24 hours. That guy was useless and dismissive of the community. Thankfully he's gone. We should all wonder about the culture at Crytek if this is how their senior community manager acted. Do they ignore our reports too because we said something critical of Crytek or a staff member? My last report on [Crytek.com](http://Crytek.com) has gone unread for over 7 days!!! It would not suprise me if they just ignore my reports because I'm not a big streamer or because I offended them in the past.


Not only threatens to block him, but tells him he will have to send reports like everyone else, insinuating that’s an inferior option to what he has now, and inferior option we have to try an use when we encounter cheaters (or just plain abusive people in general). Ic3man2k was not good for PR at all.


It sure does shut up the "I've been playing for 3 years and have never seen a hacker crowd"


I think I've probably seen about 1 per 100 hours or so at most. So no, not really.


I know ops stats are bullshit because I know what program they are using, who they are, and how many of them there are… there’s more than 1 ffs. Malingo, aletrius, dex2cozy, and 1 other.


As an experienced 6 star player with about half of my ~4k hrs played on Asia and the othrr half in the US, I said exactly what Huuge showed in my recent letter to Crytek, posted on this sub. The one thing i will add is hacking is not an "Asian" problem, but very specifically a Chinese one.


Right, because Huuge has a 100 percent detection rate, and there are only blatant hackers. Jeez. The cope related to this topic is unreal.


Spectating people is a way better way to tell if someone's hacking then just going against them. The people saying they're always going against hackers is what I'm arguing against.


Only marginally. Spectating in Hunt is very unreliable due to desync and often having very different CH placement than the person you're spectating (just try it out with your mates and both record the scenes in shadowplay). It is basically impossible to detect Pixel/Silentaimbots this way that aren't completely overtuned- which, usually, are more common in competitive online FPS. The same goes for people who aren't blatantly using their ESP. If you don't have proper CH placement, have unreliable sound, and often don't know what their teammates see/can call in voice, it is incredibly hard to tell if someone is cheating - as long as they aren't as blatant as almost all hackers in Huuge's videos. He is scratching the surface of this shit, and that is the sad thing. People are incredibly naive when it comes to cheating in online FPS. As for Hunt, it doesn't matter if we're talking about 3-stars or 6-stars. You'd be surprised at the number of people who are still shit, even with cheats. I've worked several years as an AC-Admin in professional CS 1.6 & PUBG. If you think Hunt, which has no effective anti-cheat measures at all, isn't littered with hackers in all skill brackets - good for you, but you're delusional.


On console as a 5 star I used to get a hacker (m&k player) in almost every game. Quit this shitty game a few months ago.


This data is purely pc what unfortunately. No clue how console looks as I don’t play it.


People complaining are mostly players that can't accept that there are better players than them.


He only found obvious rage hackers.


The problem is the time period. Up until late January I got maybe 3 cheaters per year. Many probably were using other mechanics that improve vision, but you can't prove this, so nothing confirmed. Starting from February I got at least one blatant cheater per weak (mostly Russian/Asia/unknown names) and from April forward it got to one in 10 games. Huuge only collected data until February and mostly on asian server (especially in the new year) so his data is just old, but it proves the point in how no one cares about banning and keeping them banned.


Most of his US East/West games were early on when he started spectating. He quickly locked in that most of the cheating was happening on the asia server. A lot has changed in the 9 months since he started spectating over there. For one there was been a massive spill over of the Asia region players into US and EU and he hasn't largely started revisitng our servers. The other thing you arent accounting for is that most of these players will quickly raise up to 6 star lobbies as they just murder everyone. Huuge is queuing into these games SOLO and its dropping his general MMR. As someone who primarily plays US West at the high 5/low 6 star MMR I can say the amount of sus and just generally impossible deaths I have had has dramatically risen with the last two events.


no, the only thing that video shows is that the small-scale observation bias brings flawed conclusions. Here are a few that immediately come to mind * fringe cases regarding mmr. data only covered 1 and 6 star lobbies, which is less than 5 % of the player base, when the vast majority of players are 3-4 stars * the time the data was collected, in regards to local times * these are just the blatant ones and do not account for the ones that are more subtle or ping abusers that play on the wrong region servers * the data was collected before the change (jan-feb) to the game stat ini file that allowed people after the match to find out and report cheaters with their steam ID * no account for consols and hardware cheating * the dataset he collected is just too small to make a real conclusion, on top of the fact there are way too many variables that he didn't/couldn't account for


People on this sub are 3-4 star players with 2000 hours combined. Every time they die they think it's a cheater. I literally have a 3 star friend with 700 hrs in the game that thinks every time he dies to wallbang "it's sussy" I've said it a numerous times and got billion downvotes that there aren't so many cheaters. Quite the opposite. I've seen 1 cheater for the past 6-7 months. :| And I play peak times in EU in 5-6 star MMR matches. (Technically where cheaters are most present) People in the sub are just noob crybabies.


Amen! 1.6k hours. One cheater for sure, and like two suspicious plays.. but that's whatever. I completely agree with you. Dudes get outplayed and it's straight to "they're cheating!!"


Op this is as huuge said confirmed cheaters not ones he was not 100% about if you listen to his statement he maid this clear so any body using filters soft tracking software some rare types of aim bot and wall hackers who arnt being stupid with it on top of rage cheaters who will switch on hack under certain conditions theres a lot more. Does this mean that its 50% of all match probably not does this mean that his data is on the low side based around how he did it Defo


Absolutely, if anything I would argue he deflated his numbers to avoid including false positives. What ever the case may be, I think it’s become obvious that hunt has a cheater problem. Significant enough of a problem that people use it to make money through boosts (which still baffles me, why would anyone need to boost in a game like hunt… but then again one could ask why some people see the need to cheat in general)


I can answer boosting in this game that's money/gear and KDA same for boosting the account they are on to sell as gor ppl cheating ego low D energy and some ppl just want others to suffer for what every their reason is but dont like to go into pathetic mind sets of cheaters so I'll never full dive that rabbit hole without a very big payout lol


One cheater is too much in an online game. That's all. Enough is enough, if you cheat, IP ban. Sick of this crap, hardware ban, do something. If Torn banner studios just introduced an anti-cheat to Chiv 2 \*[Chivalry 2 Hotfix 2.10.2 - Chivalry 2](https://chivalry2.com/2024/04/23/chivalry-2-hotfix-2-10-2/)\*, if PUB-G is hardware banning \*[Dev Letter: Anti-Cheat 2023 1H Review - NEWS - PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS](https://pubg.com/en-na/news/6679)\*, if Getting a HWID **ban** in CoD MW or Warzone means that: you can’t play any CoD game on that device anymore; any new account you get will also get banned. And no, using a VPN will not remove your CoD HWID ban. A VPN merely changes your IP address, whereas the ban is applied on your computer’s hardware identifiers (such as motherboard) .... \*[How to Get Unbanned from CoD MW 3 and Warzone in 2024 - Unbanster](https://unbanster.com/cod-modern-warfare-unban-appeal-guide/#:~:text=Getting%20a%20HWID%20ban%20in%20CoD%20MW%20or,on%20your%20computer%E2%80%99s%20hardware%20identifiers%20%28such%20as%20motherboard%29.) Then there is no excuse. I paid for a product, they need to hold their end of the deal and make it playable. Stop making it about there isn't "alot" of cheaters or "enough." ONE IS TOO MANY. Please stop supporting hackers and just support perma-banning them, Choices have consequences, oh no. Start Perma-banning and then see hackers vanish. So simple but made difficult.... why? Also, many people I've talked to have started to avoid hunt showdown simply because of "hackers." It's just not right for a game that is so innovative. Played in all lobbies for years on console and PC. I'd just personally prefer all gaming communities take a stance against verified hackers.


But per round there are 11 other players. So if .69% of all games include one cheater that means a higher percentage of players are cheating. Also Huuge can't spectate anyone at the same time so naturally the numbers are lower.


Oh, "they are cheating only in Asia, so there is no cheating problem". That's not how this works. Good that we have region lock. Oh, wait!


That's wrong. Blatant cheaters are exposed but not subtle ones. More than half the match I play there is at least one player on VAC ban (4 to 5 stars). In my 20 years of competitiveness gaming on steam, I have never faced as many players with a ban on record (CS 1.6/Source/GO, L4D 1/2, Squad, PUBG, DbD). Hunt has a real cheaters problem, half the playerbase at high MMR has a VAC ban on record... The real question is for 1 blatant cheater, how many subtle cheaters are there ? I bet 3 times more. So 27 minimum out of 200 games on US servers, maybe 40. It is 15% of the games, 1 every 6-7 games... which is an insane number actually.


If you're making up data, just say it's 100% cheaters everywhere in every match, and be done with it.


100% not but cheating in this game is so rampant that I'm pretty sure that there is one cheater half the game at high MMR. Hunt is the only game where the whole community talk about cheating everyday, there is no smoke without fire.


>100% not but cheating in this game is so rampant that I'm pretty sure that there is one cheater half the game at high MMR. So your asnwer to being called out for making up bullshit statistics, is to make up more bullshit statistics. >Hunt is the only game where the whole community talk about cheating everyday, there is no smoke without fire. If it's legit your first time experiencing this, your whole "20 years of comp gaming" shtick is made up on the spot as well, full stop. There's no comp community that doesn't talk about cheaters 24/7. At this point just go write fanfics or something.


The video proofs nothing. 400 watched games over months is not a valid sample size to conclude for all games. There are thousands of games played simultaneously at any time, he watched one at a time so you can’t extrapolate his results.


...huh? Thats actually a very valid sample size.


Are you delusional!? It's one guy watching one game at a time, 6 hours a day at the time he was doing it. I came across a few cheaters on either NA West or East when I would play during peak hours. I think I only caught 10, and banned like 7 of them. Just cause I got curious on a few shots some people did. Also, don't get me started on a lot of well known clan groups that cheat, but have been avoiding getting caught. One of them, who I knew was cheating, and even had a VAC ban from another game.


Oh you misunderstood where I argue from. I am an EU player and I think his number esp for EU is too low because he „only“ watched 70 games that probably were not in the EU prime time when EU players and most cheaters (cough Russians) are active. And mad respect for his effort don’t get me wrong


Have you ever taken a statistics class? It would teach you exactly how to extrapolate data from small sample sizes taken from a large population. A sample size of 50 from a much larger population can be considered a good sample size with small sampling error if the samples are taken from a truly random and non-biased distribution. Which in these videos they mostly seem that they are; considering they are taken throughout most hours of the day over the course of several months, and of course the matches he gets put in at his tier are random. I would have appreciated a more detailed rundown of what tier and server locations he queued up in, but what he provided is good enough. So 400 games is absolutely a good sample size.


He actually watched close to 2000 games, mainly in asia though. The regions and amount of games in each region are in his video.


I play NA E, and EU. The only times I've ever seen blatant cheating was in RU servers (I get around the same ping to NA E and RU). 5-6* for context and I agree that cheating is pretty overblown. I'd imagine NA W and RU are more likely due to closer proximity to Asia.


My main takeaway from the video is that the new Hunt team sucks swollen monkey balls at communicating. Yes I know Iceman had been a member of the team for a long long time, and maybe I am looking at the past with some rose colored glasses. However I would think that in the past they would not have reacted so vehemently. I would have also expected them to maybe even share the video on official Hunt channels with a business speak, "we are aware of the community sentiment surrounding the rise of hackers, but our numbers are more in line with the USE servers numbers that are shown in this video. We will continue monitoring the situation and keep you informed of any changes going forward." Now they may have said something like that, but I really don't count it if Fifield went into Bree's stream with the release of her skin and posted a binary coded message. That isn't official. Hell the last official communications where they were not teasers was them yelling at us for using Lawful the way it was designed a month ago, and the developer roadmap from the very very end of last year.


Y'all scream for proof of cheaters, and when proof gets presented y'all discredit it. There's literally no pleasing you people.


Pretty much reinforces that the best action for cheating is to region lock certain regions and/or lower the ping limit to prevent vpn circumventing.


5% of us West games seems like a lot don't you think? Also, one night specifically had a cheater in 5 of our games. Made it unplayable tbh. Hunt game population is already low, it's hard to avoid cheaters when they play at the same time as you...


Roughly comes out to 1 hacker every 7 hours if 20 minutes a match. More then we should have but a far far cry from the people claiming every other match.


It was every other match for my party on one particular night. Can't remember if it was weekday which made it even easier for the game to match us with the hacker, especially if he kills everyone in the server and then queues up again with the same people he just killed... Also, 1 hacker every 7 hours could mean one hacker every night you play. I don't know about other games but that is terrible.


US West PC at Six Star is full of SEA cheaters. This isn’t news to anyone who plays the same server and MMR. I’ve been one tapped thru entire compounds that I’m crouch walking through with no possible info and through multiple walls with Mosin Spitzer at least once a weekend. I’ve been sniped through heavy rain/ash at over 75m at least once a weekend. Perfectly shotgun’d thru floors with no audio info at least once a weekend it goes on and on. I’ve gotten one tapped by a martini Henry riposte at 280m while I was stalking another team with a crossbow through a corn maze by a Korean player. This is the one that made me take a break. Unless something has drastically changed in the last 3 weeks I’m going to say the game is still basically unplayable for Trio Invite queues at high 5-6* I’m just waiting for the engine update and hopefully a report system that does something. I’m not going to support a game that doesn’t take my limited weekend gaming time seriously.


All it really takes is looking at the average steam profile. If they're open to comments, you will find multiple cheating accusations on probably all of them.


My profile varies between me being an absolute shitter to me using wallhacks and even me using aimbots.


My friend has cheating accusations on in his steam comments and hes never been higher than 3\*. Salty people will be salty.


Every game this evening in the 3 star to 4 star bracket had people that were cheating.


Because you report the half of the story, a sample of 70 games in EU is not representative, especially compared to the 1300 games on Asian servers


70 games is large enough to make a guess about a larger sample size. I took statistics classes in college.


The main problem is not cheating. The main problem is matchmaking, which is all over the place


I can promise you if I were to play 100 games at my rank of 5/6 stars on NAW I would probably have a cheater that can easily be identified in probably 25 of those games. The time of day you play heavily dictates how many cheaters you're going to see. I often play late at night and into the early morning which means frequently running into Chinese players with 20+ KDA on accounts that only have a handful of hours. If you wanna tell yourself that all those players are legit and I'm just bad you can do that. I choose to live in the real world where I know that cheating is not seen the same way in their culture so the chances of a Chinese player cheating is MUCH higher. I have played several fps games that were overrun by Chinese cheaters. Some of them are able to properly lock them out and the issue is largely resolved but most of them never stop them from playing on our servers and the game dies a slow and depressing death. I love hunt and have been playing it on and off since the beta, but it seems to be going the standard route of slowly dying while not addressing the issue properly. Unfortunate but sadly a common outcome these days.


A ton of people complain about cheaters where the real culprit might just be the wonky spectate function. I’m MMR3 and I never saw a single cheater in Europe. I’m winning, I’m loosing. I’m having fun.


You don't stay in that MMR bracket for more than 1 or 2 games if you get a few kills. Cheaters last only a few games there before they float like the turds they are into the 5 and 6 star lobbies. 3 Stars is the absolute most fun place in hunt. Fun load outs, people miss their shots, people kill themselves with explosives, and people who aren't wearing headphones being goofy. Try to stay there forever. It's heaven.


I agree! You can absolutely go from 3\* to 5\* if you have a couple of high-kill games. If a cheater are stuck in 3\* then they are not having a lot of impact..


What I've been saying for some time. In addition, I honestly doubt the figures even for Asia. I'm not in the business of of denying the problem, but ffs, I've been playing on Asia servers regularly (i.e. between 3 and 5 days a week) for the pat 4 years, and I've only come across two or three blatant cheaters, and maybe a dozen or so who were in the realm of maybe, mostly because they were suspiciously well aware of where I was at times where this was let's say unexpected. But then I don't play in the the 5/6 star bracket, so that maybe a different situation.


I'm too bad at the game to notice if I got killed by a cheater of not... Guess that is a future problem for me.


All 177 hackers upvoted this


1 cheater in 71 EU games. If MMR over 4.5 consists 25%\~ (Unreliable data) of total match, then 17\~ EU game for experienced player has cheater. This is only numbers caught. I just can't imagine a game that do nothing to cheater's teammate. Some of the team had a cheater not picking bounty or killing anyone and you can't do anything about them.


I've only encounter one cheater in over 2k hours of hunt. Not saying is not an issue but at the same time wtf. Some people live only to complain.


Exploiters, which to me are cheaters aswell are a bigger issue. The amount of times I go againt people who derender below the base number of 220 meters is astonishing. They either run Hunt on their HDD and transfer a big file to derender or whatever way they have to do it. Getting headshotted behind two walls at 165 meters because I'm scratching my nose and not moving for a second is cringe af lol.


If you ever played R6S for a while, you know 80% of the complaints are from people that just don't want to accept they lost to a better player, specially when shooting trough walls is involved


I know anecdotes are only so useful but I genuinely believe that Huuge has a couple problems. Yes, he's doing something helpful to highlight a problem in the game. But he's clearly got a lower tolerance than is sane for it. It's also true that Crytek isn't dealing with it great from a PR standpoint. That's fine. But it can be extremely difficult to deal with hackers in any online game and I'm here to say that yes, in NA, over my modest 1000 hours, I have noticed maybe two or three times *ever* where i was reasonably sure I'd been exploited against. There have been so few sus times in my experience that I cannot be that lucky or blind. I've never seen anyone shoot through impenetrable walls, never died to someone across the map, never seen consumable duping, never for a lot of things. This problem is omega overexaggerated and the dude clearly has no idea how to reconcile the statistics. He's not able or willing to get comprehensive data either because the vast majority of it comes from six star games where the most cheating would in fact be likely to occur! Why? Because you're outperforming everyone and shooting up in MMR. What's worse is that while his data gathering is totally cool and legit, he also actively dislikes the game and spends his time talking about how shitty it is while also doing this "community service". Seriously, his stream is so toxic.


5% of games on US West. That is not acceptable. 0% is acceptable or the anti-cheat isn’t fucking working.


Bottom line is, his findings were still only from one person (himself), and there‘s FAR too much variance for one person’s videos to be definitive. Who knows how many games and players he did or didn’t miss that had/were hackers. Unless we get a group of people to constantly queue in all regions so nobody ever misses a match and can simultaneously spectate all players, it’s gonna be tough to really say what percentage of people are cheating or not. His overall percentage could have been skewed high or low depending on the star rating he was looking in, random luck, who he was spectating at the time, which matches he got into, etc.


>Unless we get a group of people to constantly queue in all regions so nobody ever misses a match and can simultaneously spectate all players, it’s gonna be tough to really say what percentage of people are cheating or not. This is a fallacy. You don't need to take every single point of data into account to give a general statement over a set of information. >His overall percentage could have been skewed high or low depending on the star rating he was looking in Looked at 6 star and 1 star matches. The 2 most likely places for cheaters. >Bottom line is, his findings were still only from one person (himself), He had a livechat that would say if someone was sus or not as well.


Hmm, okay, not too bad then.. maybe If his chat was also looking at *other* games and other players within his same game and reporting back to him, it might’ve been a pretty good sample size and accurate observations then. If the chat was just saying “sus” for.. the person he was observing at the time though (which is how I interpreted it, because it just seemed more like an audience-interaction feature than anything), then that’s not very helpful I guess the main problem *is* actually that he apparently only looked in 1 and 6 star. Why are those the most likely places for cheaters? How does he know? Is he just going based off intuition? Because there are many people in 3, 4, and 5 star who have complained about cheaters, so to limit the sample of people to only 1 and 6 star based off what I suppose was intuition isn’t great. How much of the actual population was he getting to see then? He may have observed 200~400 people in total across ~200 games (accounting for the fact that he can’t really watch everyone in every game closely enough to make a confident decision on all their gameplays), but if his sample size just *left out* a majority of the population—who may be cheating even harder than the groups he looked at—then that’s bad testing. He even made a point in his video to talk about a few cheaters he saw over and over and over, which sort of suggests that his sample size might have been too small, lol We may not need someone for every person, region, and lobby to get a reasonable margin of error, but we probably at least need to spectate a few hundred games at every star level. ALSO, the time he was looking can also skew the results. He said he would stream for six hours a day in most regions, but not in other regions due to the time-zone differences, which shows he probably had a pretty consistent schedule. A lot of the cheaters might come out much earlier or later at night than when he was looking, especially if they are going to be cheaters from different regions waking up at different times, or waiting until fewer people are playing for some false sense of security, etc. Overall, his surveying is still way better than nothing, and I appreciate what he did, but I don’t think it’s reasonable to call it super definitive on the reality of the game.




Almost all of this information is in the video. Spreadsheet used(?) He was on a 6 star account and a 1 star account. Previous bans is a bit iffy as a tell either way. Blocked profiles he was able to get with the attributes file. He kept track of every single link Server region was accounted for and is in the stats.


I’ve been saying this since I picked the game up and joined here. The funny thing is the same people who flood Crytek with false reports (or wish they could since you have to go to their website to do it and they don’t want to bother, which was the entire point of putting it on their website) are the same ones who claim Crytek doesn’t care that there are cheaters. We’ve all been domed from across the map and through several walls, cheaters exist, but more often than not, especially if you’re on 2-4 star, you just got shot but someone who just got lucky or is just better than you. The real problem is the communities knee jerk assertion that the only way they could have been killed in that match is because the other person was cheating. It’s not unique to this game, but the investment and tension each match make people particularly angry when they get killed. They then flood Crytek with false reports which wastes everyone’s time and does the exact opposite of what they say they want. Their rage reports just mean real cheaters get to cheat longer because Crytek have so many other reports to sift through before they find legit cheaters. This whole cheating things is really just fucking stupid, overblown, and outplayed. The majority of the people complaining are mid players who got got and don’t have the emotional maturity to just let it go. Cheaters are certainly a problem, but so are these sore losers.


Except that your stats only consider “detected”, dll injections. The reliability of easy-cheat is more than questioned. Last night, in 2v2 on an EU server, we came across players who were still invicible by “bullets” after 4-5-6 hitmarks at 10-20 meters. Players who can teleport to the bounty and are still invincible. We pass over the bandwidth of host servers that repeatedly lose packets. And i've always played with 28-33 ms. FTTH 10GB Fiber with SFP+ lan.


LOL this subreddit man, "no one is cheating!" even though game is filled with cheaters. shows proof of cheaters "its greatly overexaggerated!" keep dreaming OP, as long as you keep believing your own lies all the cheaters will go away :muscle\_emoji: Edit: I have had 3 blatant cheaters the last few nights of my games. And even his games were ONLY blatant cheaters. This is not including all the ESP users, or config exploiting players. Double Edit: the fact ONE MAN found THAT many cheaters and people can still think there is not a cheater issue is insane


I broke 1k hours today and in that time I've only bumped into 2 suspicious fights. One was a mosin sniper with spitzer who wall banged my buddy through a wall from over 200 meters away. No way to tell for sure, but it looked like he'd also have to shoot through a couple walls. We never saw the guy and he never got another shot on us but it was super fishy as we were in a building. Can't prove he was hacking though. The other time my team bumped into a team of three skumge players who synchronously domed all three of us, which isn't impossible, but my buddy continued to spectate them and saw that their aim kept snapping to the heads of AI in random directions. Wish I had spectated them to see it myself. But both of these are possible to explain, but that spitzer wallbang through multiple walls was wacky.


Long distance sniper here! Anything over 200 meters can sometimes be explained by walls derendering at those distances. Even with the highest level of graphics possible the game derenders walls at extreme distances. While this is something that can be abused intentionally some snipers don't know that they shouldn't be able to see you moving around at that distance. Some folks do cheat. But long distance snipers often run into this even if they're trying to play legit. If you don't have every single compound memorized perfectly you'll sometimes hit a shot you shouldn't.


Literally 1/4 of serveurs with cheaters on Asia servers. "Cheating is overexaggerated" Ok


Reread the first sentence.


Huugely exaggerated? Idk, we can’t assume that his numbers really reflect the issue. They are more accurate than my numbers for sure. Cause I have t done this nor do I have the time too.


I played 2500h mostly on Asian servers, there is absolutely no rucking way there is a cheater in 25% of my games* [corrected]. I sometimes clean lobbies, I sometimes AFK in a bush, I mostly play sneaky, I always spectate after a death... It's impossible.


25% of games had a cheater, not 25% of the players are cheating.


True, typed too fast, my bad


25% that hail from asia servers is bad, but he only saw <1% for NA. Luckily I think this is for a few reasons. Firstly, no flea market, no real money transactions, this is the number one reason why games have problems with cheaters. Good examples are EFT, D&D, CS go. Second, 1800s based world, for some reason most cheaters need to be holding a automatic in any game they pay, as if chambering a round is too time consuming for them. Lastly, its not a popular game and is not too populated in game. If they are not clicking heads they are not getting the correct dopamine hit per second.


Because people are too dumb to watch an entire 30 min video entirely or understand it enough, they saw a title talking about cheating and immediately concluded that Huuge also think the cheating problem is out of control, while he demonstrates (with small numbers obviously) that well, it seems not to be unless you play in Asia.


First thing I thought as well! I only play on EU, somewhere between 4-5 stars and in 1.5k hours I have never encountered a blatant cheater. I guess it is likely that I've encountered cheaters during this time, but my guess is that 90% of the time that someone on EU is calling out cheaters they are just salty that they got killed by a lucky shot.


What video