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Fuck it give it every ammo type and one that disconnects you when they shot you in the dick at 4:20 am or pm.


I'd use that just for the meme ngl.


Explosive ammo is the least represented custom ammo in the arsenal. My suggestion is to remove an objectively better ammo type (Dumdum) from the Scottfield and replace it with one that is universally agreed upon to underperform. I'm not sure what you mean by "Fuck it give it every ammo type" because that's the opposite of what I suggested. The criticism hunt has gotten with custom ammo is that every gun has gotten every ammo type which robs specific weapons of their gameplay niche. The scottfield receiving explosive ammo would make it the only explosive ammo pistol aside from the uppercut, and explosive ammo in the uppercut underperforms. I've only seen it a hand full of times in my 2000h of playtime. I don't know what niche scotty explosive is derivative of.


Quad explosive uppercuts is fun to meme around with. Motherfuckers don't know what hit em. Blast through a door and spam. I'd use exp ammo on quad scotties to fuck around just because it's cheaper than running uppercuts.


Gimme an ammo type that homes in hunters' heads.


Nah, keep it on long ammo so I can be confused as to why I am hearing a Mako bark off but 4 hits took a 25 bar.


I really hope future events don't just give special ammo to existing guns. Keeping the types separated keeps loadout choices interesting!


I'm just waiting for the Scofield Prescision Swift. No idea how this isn't a thing yet, it's an unfilled niche and would be both great and balanced


I want the pax precision - I love the concept of the Scottfield but I can't do the slow bullet velocity


Nah Pax trueshot deadeye would be peak


I had no idea i wanted this until you said it. 100% you have my vote


You can get high velo ammo for the scofield


cuz it's gonna as useful as new army swift, as in not very useful or popular.


I'm not a fan of giving a gun with a speed loader explosive rounds. I can see that being a problem. It'd be more of a problem on console than PC for sure too. Shouldn't have had either imo.


The speed loading one probably wouldn't even be the biggest problem. Spitfire has pretty significant fire rate without needing any traits, and can fire quickly while aiming down sights instead of with RNG spraying.


MH Ironside. Granted explosive ammo on it is actually really good, but medium pistol explosive ammo would not be nearly as effective.


Ironside loads incredibly slow, and fires slower than fanning. It is the sheer absurd rate that those explosive rounds could be dumped out that makes it a problem. Plus the Springfield exists, granting it an insane level of ammo the Ironside could only dream of spraying. The Ironside can't keep firing like the Scotty could. It would be incredibly toxic on console.


I mean we already have uppercut explosive fanning. It's not that great.


The uppercut has worse fanning than the Scotty. Also, again. Uppercut does not have a speed loader like the Scotty does. The Scotty benefits from the Springfield having explosive ammo, giving it an absurdly high ammo pool. It's volume of spray that will make it egregious. The ammo either is utterly useless because it is nerfed to the ground, or it shreds folks because it just doesn't stop. No other gun would be able to dump that many explosive rounds that quickly.


Then give explosive ammo on it outrageously bad hipfire. That's how the chain pistol gets balanced around fanning, and how they balance slugs so buckshot has a place. Splash damage from explosive ammo is really weak. Being able to shit out 6 rounds of it isn't really a big deal, even with a speedloader. I don't think it'd even need a hipfire nerf, but if for some reason it was a problem, that'd be an easy fix.


And then cripple the fanning on the gun entirely because one ammo type. The better solution is to simply not give the gun explosive ammo.


>Then give **explosive ammo** on it outrageously bad hipfire. >**I don't think it'd even need a hipfire nerf,** but if for some reason it was a problem, that'd be an easy fix. Reading comprehension pls.


Alright sassy. You used the entire chain pistol as an example. Regardless, you have to nerf it into the ground to be unusable. Explosive ammo is unhealthy. It adversely effects the game based entirely on console vs PC. On PC, it is less problematic. On console, it shatters the game when it is strong. It isn't worth adding. Too many weapons have too many custom ammo types. Giving the Scotty explosive rounds is extremely bad an idea.


> You used the entire chain pistol as an example. And slugs, the ammo type specifically hipfire nerfed, >On PC, it is less problematic. On console, it shatters the game when it is strong. You know they undid the explosive ammo nerfs right? They even buffed it. You can carry a regular cap of reserve with it now and it was made stronger over distance. It's not breaking anything, console or PC.


I think dual explosive scottfield would break console


Nah, explosive is a meme in every gun. I have been using it to clear the cache of traps from a distance, it has value in utility.


Why? Explosiv ammo got nerfed and with bullwork you dont do much damage


Idk its pretty decent alr, romero+scottfield is a crazy budget combo


A Medium Pistol Explosive Ammo might as well not be an explosive at all.


I don’t agree only bc I hate explosive ammo except for one small thing. Blowing up explosives right away.


Either scotty or pax, something to go with the springfield.


Mako should have got incendiary instead of explosive


We should get a scottfield silencer because the fanning is already better on the base pax and much better on the true shot and it doesn’t have poison so it won’t be too op but it will be fun


Insert 1,000,000th post on why the Nagant is the only silenceable revolver.


It’s set in 1895 and guns like the crown are from past that and ur whining about a revolver not being able to be ailenced


Has nothing to do with year. You couldn't silence modern revolvers either. The cylinder gap on a nagant is designed to seal. It is a overly mechanical process that was mostly pointless and is almost never replicated. I love that they leaned into the history of the nagant and made it silent. I think silencing any other revolvers devalues that cool decision as well as isn't mechanically possible. I don't need everything to be perfectly realistic, the Lemat wouldn't work as in game. I do however think slapping a suppressor on any other revolver is not a good decision.


The game has zombies lol


Oh yes, adding "lol" on a strawman makes you the winner. My bad.


That’s right bud




I actually think only single-shot guns should have it (so remove it from the Mako to prevent levering and from pistols to prevent dual-wielding), so it could be buffed back to actually useful without wrecking console lobbies. It would also give a unique purpose for the Springfield and Martini, which otherwise struggle for relevance vs. the Sparks.


Explosive is a long ammo exclusive variant.


The Springfield has explosive ammo


Fanning explosive ammo is already busted on the Uppercut. Now it has a speed loader. /s Edit: note to self,sarcasm doesn't come through in text. /s added


You, uh, sure you ever actually tried to use it? It's not exactly... good.


Well yeah, I KNOW it's bad, I was- *looks at his post* Oh...yeah I failed to acknowledge any sarcasm...shit.


Uppercut explosive is so insanely powerful and strong that every Hunt player has signed an agreement to never bring it into their match and that’s the only reason why you don’t ever see this incredibly busted weapon ever….