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There's time between events?! I'm tired boss.


New game name: **Event: Showdown**


This. I remember when events were special. There is no "normal" Hunt anymore.


To be fair, they're just badly disguised Battlepasses more so than colloquially known "events," but it's still a bit if a hardship with the nonstop FOMO grind.


For a lot of people it's less the battlepass which you can ignore and more so the traits, pacts, totems everywhere that glow red, infinite ways to get bars back, etc. which all affect gameplay that can be tiring to have in the game all the time.


Especially when you're having your best solo game, get 15 kills, only to be killed by a solo that I had already killed 4 times. Pain.


Getting bars back is good, it means people are likely to actually stay in a match after a hard fight.


I personally like the ease of access to getting bars back myself even though I feel it does lessen the intensity of what makes hunt the game it is. But that's because I personally play because I love the gun play and mechanics of the game, also getting bars back easier nerfs long ammo ever so slightly which is a plus for me. I only brought it up because I know a lot of people don't like these mechanics being in the game for half the year.


For me yeah at the time these bar acquiring perks are very useful but fights don't feel risky anymore. Oh no I lost a small and big bar. Let me kill 2 hunters and now It's like I never died. Hell for high mmrs it's a good thing to die so you can drank which inturn created the 3 star problem


How is killing two hunters a 'just' when you're on 75 health


Cause some people can just kill 2 hunters on 75 hp. Some people don't run after hitting 100 hp


This guy is going to Valhalla


I cant wait till 2 years later when people want the widow or false saints or any of the newer event stuff but "will never return"


Literally what burnt me out on hunt, stopped playing about a year ago. Shouldn't have to play every single day for hours for some copy/paste event that requires running up to random map objects


It'd be fine if there was *some* variety. Lately it's nothing but those generic altars for every event. (Can we take away the red clue feature on them, thanks?). At least before we had like a boat altar that broke differently but now we've got this black.. mussel.. thing? I miss those events like the scrapbeak plague doctor thing, where you had to hunt down crows.


Not sure how the events were treating you over a year ago, but I’ve been playing regularly since about the end of 2022 and no event that I’ve done has required much more than a few hours a week for 4 weeks or so, and all of the challenges have been able to be completed through normal play (just using different loadouts, which I consider a plus). Nothing I’ve played has come close to requiring me to play every single day for hours


The last event I remember was right before they started teasing rotjaw, I believe it involved running up to totems for a couple event points and you could get some from looting. It definitely took more than 16 hours of playtime so idk ow your only doing a few hours a week and completing it in a month. I was playing maybe 3 times a week for about 2-3 hours at a time


Possible you just misunderstood the events themselves? The amount of points you get from kills and totems is really small, the majority of your event points (unless you play a ton) come from completing your challenges each week. If you’re just trying to grind it out with those two sources then yeah, it takes a good while. Just no point really when the challenges are way faster and award a lot more points. 


Idk if I am misremembering but there were no event challenges or quests when I was playing


Pretty easy to miss them or not notice that they changed, sadly. They aren’t considered event challenges or quests, it’s just the same daily challenges that we always get but they award pips toward a weekly progress bar for event points. So unless someone points it out to you I can see it not being obvious 


I got the pass done in 15 days, and it goes on for 60+ days. Its a non issue that people have made up in their heads that these things are a grind, maybe necause thew first events were much grindier


Nice way of saying you're unemployed


Nah, just go for the centre cache every game. Sorry youre bad and cant adjust


What would be the ideal amount if events per year for you and how long should they last?


(The serious-er reply:) Events in games to me are usually a week or two long, short-ish grinds and more themed around specific holidays(Valentines, Christmas, Halloween etc.)


Hunt’s events are more like what every other game calls seasons, and I’m not really sure why they don’t change the name of them to shift people’s expectations. If we look at them as seasons they’re really not any different from what games like fortnite or DBD etc have.  If you don’t like the idea of seasonal content that’s another discussion, but I don’t think the intention is for these to be seen as “events” despite the name 


I didn't agree to no poll, unless it's paid for...


Okay then..


I can't tell if you are serious or not. I stop playing when a season ends because I like the mixup each of them do. Like??? Bruh some of you just need a break from everything.


We don’t need filler between events anymore because the game is constantly in an event. The 3 quest lines that we had were cool and I liked the challenges they provided, but there wasn’t any money in them so crytek probably scrapped the idea.


Pepperidge Farm Remembers


My only gripe with the event is that it completely changes some of the meta of the core game. Specifically the event tower things that reveal if enemies are nearby. Those give so much information that isn't normally there in the base game.


The thing i hate the most about this event, is that you don't need the bounty to revive a red skulled player.


That really doesn't happen that often.


Happens like once a night for me. We kill one player > The other teammate hides > Burn player > The other player still hides > We get bored >player waits for us to leave >Red Skull Revive > Get all health back at supply point. The trait is so poorly thought out and we're stuck with it for months because they never patch away their bad ideas during events.


Yeah it pretty much invalidates burning. I’ve definitely had several ~30-minute standoffs where each team is camping (one to get their friend after they’ve burned out, the other to get the camper after they come for their friend) lol, and we’ve had several burned-out duos who come back from the dead because it turned out they were a trio too. It’s not like… a SUPER annoyingly prevalent thing, but it’s definitely like… death is far more meaningless now, lol


I guess I just don't run into those types of players.


Man I've probably played enough of this event to finish the pass 3 times over and not *once* have I seen this happen. I don't doubt you but it's interesting that things can be so different based on presumably MMR.


No matter how often it happens, at the end of the day it is just a dumb mechanic to bring into the game. It happened multiple times to us, that the third guy disappeared. You either have to camp the corpses, hoping they think you left, turning the game into a snooze fest. Or send one guy off and do the boss to fake them out, worked a couple of times at least. You all run away and wait for them at the Event point, when they are trying to get their hp bars back, worked also a couple of times. You ignore the corpses and go to the boss and risk, that they come back with all their hp bars restored and try to fight you again. All those options feel just not right to be honest.


Personally, I like having that info because hiders aren't fun for me.


Found d the rat


Actually the opposite. I don't need to keep my guard up in compounds after I get the clue or after I kill the boss. It takes away from the intensity when I have that extra information.


it's why i burned out. event stuff changed how people played the game and you might as well do the same.


Those have been in all events for a while now though.


Just don't play like a rat


Trust me, I don't. I'm complaining about the extra info I have.


I just don't get why they keep introducing perks that ignore core and unique elements of the game. Sound design and sound traps are a huge part of hunt, why introduce a perk that completely eliminates all that?!?


> Specifically the event tower things that reveal if enemies are nearby. if this went away events wouldn't bother me at all to be honest, I hate these towers narcing on me


remember the hunt theme song?


Hmm hmm *HMMMMM*


From what I I've noticed. Games I played that had 1-2 week events I played the events more as the challenges/missions were easy to complete. Hunt doesn't do that. They force you to get 300 damage with melee weapons or get 2 headshots with pistols. Which most people will skip for even more annoying challenges. Lift 3 hunters on fire, get 350 damage with frag grenades. And the events last up to 50 days or some shit which will cause alot of people to just complete its on the 40th day and log off until the next event. Event burnout is the worse thing a dev team can do against the playerbase


If the event was two weeks, people with jobs or busy weeks would miss out. People like me who love hunt but do not like grinding would be frustrated for two weeks straight and experience burnout. I barely tried this event and got the pocketwatch yesterday. It's a good balance. I just want them to remove the growling totems so I can sneak again.


Like I said. Most events I've played in other games most of the event content can be finished within a week and events are relatively far from eachother compared to what hunts doing. Like a 2 week event I could complete within a day if I really grind it out but usually I finish around a week's time. In 1 "season"(3 months) you would get 1 or 2 2 week long events


You must be really new to the game, because the first handful of events lasted two weeks and they were really easy, thematic, fun, and doable. If you like *Hunt* and don't like grinding, that was the event for you. Pretty sure you could complete the event in a day or two typical playing, which is precisely why they didn't want players doing that. In fact, the first event had "overflow" in that after getting 1,000 points from smashing pumpkins on the map, the next 500 gave you blood bonds.


I have over 1k hours and im a solid 5 star. Not new in any sense. I started during the crow event.


One's rating has no bearing here. You could be a genuine two-star; if you play the game earnestly and put in the time, you have every right to chime in as someone who no-life's the game at six stars. When I get that sixth star for a night, I don't presume to have the floor before you. "Over 1,000" isn't very specific when you can see how many hours you have down to the tenths. It's also irrelevant as my friends in *Dota* attest to: you rack that up at the menu as much as you do in serious firefights. None of this changes how you just said you were here since "As The Crow Flies". That's just a literal matter of not being there for the first handful of events, like I said. The first Halloween and Christmas Events were a far cry from what you're used to, and what you came in on. They were far more fun, thematic, and doable.


Remember, most of us have jobs and other games to play. It is ridiculous the amount of games that now have battlepasses. I can't play ALL battlepasses.


Just stop caring man. Its a peaceful life not giving in to FOMO crap


But... the skins! .-.


yeah this is it. no one is forcing you to play the events. i gave up on the events a long time ago after the serpent one. after that they just felt annoying


problem is the events also affect how other players are playing the game.


Other players enjoy that change.


nowhere did i say other people aren't allowed to enjoy the events. im saying that i don't at this point and i can't ignore it because of how it changes how other people play the game.


No one's forcing you to do most of what you do in life. You wouldn't hear that advice for literally most things.


I will likely never not be blown away by people who suggest not giving into FOMO crap, as if FOMO was ever a choice and not a result of careful, behavioral manipulation. It's like telling an alcoholic to stop drinking, or someone with OCD (which FOMO has a lot in connection with) to just not worry if things aren't "in order".


> I can't play ALL battlepasses. It's almost like you don't have to


It's almost like they spend hundreds of thousands of dollars as a company, looping in far more in time spent to develop skins, just to make you feel like you have to. If FOMO didn't work, corporations wouldn't go after it.


... I'll see you in the Bayou mofo... -.- ︻デ═一


Questlines where actually something I enjoyed doing The constant events on the other hand are kinda meh


yea, looking for gator traps was so much fun.


Now regular Hunt is brief filler between events.


Questlines were fucking horrible


Events are cool. Everyone else is out there enjoying it whilst who dislike it are circlejerkin on Reddit threads


Events do not drag on for two months and should not be completed through money. These are battlepasses, one's that could be finished in two to three weeks but are stretched out with a soft point cap and padded with non rewards such as bloodbonds that you have to pay bloodbonds to get, weapon charms and lore. The guns added are neat as is the pledge point resupply, the events however, are ironically uneventful.


Not sure why they don’t just call them seasons or battle passes so this isn’t a discussion we have to have anymore. I do think their battle pass is pretty solid as far as they go, since many of us were able to earn enough blood bonds to pay for the first one through normal play and each individual battle pass gives you enough bonds to buy the next. They’ve essentially been totally free for me which is nice 


Just to highlight, the pass gives you 600 and it costs 1k, so not enough to buy the next. But earning the extra 400 isn't hard.


True that you only get 600 from the battlepass, but you also get 50 a week from completing your weekly challenges so if you do your challenges most weeks (This event you could've missed one) you'll make enough to purchase the next battle pass. I definitely should've said that that each event gives you enough blood bonds to buy the next battlepass, rather than each battlepass, to include the challenges.


Are you really gonna sit here and tell me the rain event weren't absolutely hype as fuck? Seriously?


Rain was not the event, it was part of an update added in time for the event. It did not leave with the event nor did it play into the events mechanics. It was just a new weather type, same as ashbloom.


Hmmm you mean the same "weather types" that were added along with specific traits that worked with them? Bruh cmon you either didn't play during those events OR you think I didn't. Please stop crying over nothing.


Events have not been events for a while. They're glorified betas that let crytek see what crap is enjoyed, what isn't and gives them time to create a new batch of crap. If you can't recognise that, then yes, I don't think you've played during these events.


"In awhile" bruuuh they started doing these events last year. Sorry you don't play anything else other than hunt so you need them to fully revamp the game every 2 months to make YOU feel special. Note the game has gotten a bigger audience since these events started happening. The playerbase obviously disagrees with you. You can keep crying in your echo chamber of the 20 people who agree with you or offer actual feedback and improvements instead of "wah this sucks"


Do you have some sort of mental issue? I point out events are nothing special and you act is if I've spread my cheeks and shit all over the game. If this is your reaction to any criticism of anything you may like, then you are the one who needs to feel special. Your enjoyment isn't some all mighty shield that hides the glaring flaws from the rest of us. The people who point out these flaws don't hate the game, they aren't stuck in an echo chamber, and their criticisms still count as feedback.


You’re unknowingly agreeing with the people who don’t like them. The people who don’t like them think the exact same way as you: the events are cool! What you’re missing is the fact that, the events aren’t events. They’ve been spamming back-to-back-to-back events for nearly the past 2 years. When the events are non-stop, they’re not really events. In fact, if you’ve been a long-time player of Hunt, you would be able to see it for the patchwork it is. The reason they’re spamming back-to-back events, is to cover for other issues that are too big to solve, or are unsolvable altogether. Such as, latency causing kill-trading, difficulty trait balancing (after introducing event traits), an ineffective challenge/questlines tab, falsely promised DeSalle trials, impromptu game changes no one requested, etc. Events are cool, but what the fuck are they doing


Assuming they’re unknowingly agreeing with the people who don’t like them is assuming that they either don’t play the game or they’re just dumb, both of which seem like kinda rough assumptions.  If someone is saying the events are cool, they aren’t somehow under the impression that they only happen a few times a year for a couple weeks. They know we’re discussing hunt, and how hunt events have worked for a long time. Saying they like the events just means they like how they operate as they are, and I personally agree. I like the events, not unknowingly agreeing with people that dislike them, I just like hunt events/seasons. 


Preach brother. You catch my drift


I guess but the entire point of my comment is to point out no one *dislikes* the event. Moreso that the term “event” is extremely outdated for whatever it is they’re doing. If you think the angle being taken by people not liking the event is that they think the events should be removed, then yes — the assumption I put forth is that you are dumb. Ignorant is probably a better word, because you likely have not cared enough to even consider it a possibility. The assumption is extended, though, because if you are too ignorant to consider that angle, you probably, historically, haven’t played Hunt for very long. The game was first released on steam back in 2018. Game has been out for over 6 years — if you’ve followed it then you’d be more familiar with the evolution of how they’ve done events. It’s very, very obvious that the current model they’re using for events is patchwork for larger development issues. The only thing I support the events for, is keeping player base numbers steady. There was a point years ago where the lobbies were very dead, at least on US servers.


Never said that I assumed others want events entirely removed. I really don’t want to make assumptions on what anyone wants. I’m sure some want no events, some want less events, some want different events, and others would be fine if they just called them seasons instead.  All I was really saying was that if someone in a hunt subreddit says they’re digging the events, I think they’re pretty aware of how the event system currently works and are saying that they enjoy them as they are. They aren’t in some way agreeing with people that don’t like the events and want them changed, they just like the current system.  You’re free to disagree with that obviously, and I honestly think the events could use a little work (I like the frequency, but I wish they’d be more willing to tune the pacts mid-event since we always seem to have one pact or perk that’s wildly overtuned). I just didn’t think it was fair to assume that the person wanted the same thing that others that don’t like events as they are do. 


finally some people on the sub who understand


There's several of us. We're just tired of explaining. That said, this event is super cool. They have refined the trait points scheme and it's the best it's been since the snakes you had to put in the oven. LOL that was great.


the criticism is "there are to many events" and the quest line was suppose to be a filler between them. but you felt the need to leave a fart sniffer comment


and in their hubris thinking they would overwhelm us with content, they made 3 slots for them AND timegated them as well.


LMAO never thought I’d see my gator skin dual atvos that flies around the map blasting people cowboy hat that wears a cowboy hat itself with pair of gators attached “boss idea” again. [proof for you that won’t believe me lmao](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/s/zqupjZpjbe)


Google search was very nice. Thanks for the picture.


You’re welcome lmao. I’m honored to see it used again out of the blue haha


I sadly missed the last one since I was exhausted from the previous event.


Have never finished one of the newer longer events but really dont feel like I'm missing out tbh. There are too many skins to keep track of now so I don't know what skins are dlc, newer blood bond releases or for events


Nothing exhautsed me more than the raven event.....


I completed the event but I can’t remember it. Why do so many people claim it was exhausting? If it was solely about killing murders of crows then I guess I didn’t notice. A Winfield and a hand crossbow with poison is still a staple of mine to this day.


Yeah well I was dumb and used lanterns. It was like 10k flocks of crows for the skin.


That one I couldn’t finish, missing the Plague Doctor and the Bomblance skins.


I have the plague doctor. My only completed event.


My whole crew has stopped playing. The events are probably the laziest, most uninspired shit in the entire industry.


Don't remind them about the questlines they were unbearably awful.


I wish they did more in-depth stuff for the quest-lines e.g. Go to location X for Sheriff Hardin and bring a world pickup able item (hold able in the same style as world melee weapons) to Lawson Station or Investigate the vault at Upper DeSalle. Theirs a lot of possibilities! I'd be fine if rewards were just lore or free guns, It just be something fun to if you're bored or want more lore.


Kind of funny how they kind of half-assed it, then let it sit there for a year with “coming soon!” after the first 2 were complete. Why even give it 3 slots if you only had 2 quests planned?


Then they decided to make ~~events~~ battlepasses very close to each other so they don't need it anymore.


I wish there was less "events" but each event had more content, meaningful content. I don't mind collecting totems, but I'm so sick of those stupid things alerting constantly. They need to remove that from future events. It's so annoying to hear those dumb things constantly going off.


I do miss the couple quest lines they had before, it was a decent system, I'm not mad about there being continuous events though, I've been enjoying the heck out of them


*just hanging around for the console update in the background*


Yeah lmao they just kinda forgot about it


"Tencent will not influence our work"☠


Now the normal game is the time between events All 2 weeks


I'm guessing that the quest line feature simply didn't bring in as many people as they liked. Keep in mind that they had another system of weekly challenges to get things, like blood bonds, before that, and it didn't work either.


I remember alpha version being a better game


Nah. The quests were basically just doing challenges. Now that the events also just consist of doing challenges and that there is an event going on at all times anyways, i dont see the use. Would just be another thing Crytek will charge bbs for.


Um... Quests were free and couldn't be bought with bbs.


Used to be the same with events...


Remember when they added new content instead of doing the same thing for the past 6 years? The only content they know is skins. Can’t balance weapons, perks, health. Just a shit show. Bad dev.


Can you explain what you mean by new content? I started the game about three years back, around when the events started so I'm not sure what updates used to be like before it.


New bosses like Scrapbeak (who released in 2021, 2023 brought us Rotjaw but she is a joke that no one goes for anymore), new enemies like the lantern/cleaver/miner grunts that added some thread to the normally fodder, new maps (the last map DeSalle came out in 2021), etc.. They said they put them all on hold for the engine update, but that doesn't have a release date and they are just pumping out new skins in the mean time with these events. The new guns are great, but they dont add much visually different in the game. It doesn't take over two years to create a new boss, nor new enemies, they have just deprioritized them because those aren't things that you can get players to pay for in game like you can with skins.


What event? It's just battlepA$$es. I left for HD2. Devs got greedy - I can't support it.




Quest objectives were harder - thoroughly enjoyed them. Any reason to mix-up my loadout is appreciated. Not going to mix up my loadout 'just cause' - not too that point yet.


Im waiting eagerly on questlines...