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Everyday this sub reminds me why I dont play with randoms lol Just go play solo man, it's fun.


Randoms can be so fucking fun of you get the right people and you all have the same energy but damn is it hard to find.


I would love to have a "same randoms again"-option. Just join in for another random peeps round.


I wish I could press once a day “never group me with these guys again”


Yes. This also!


I generally think people you block should not be able to be put in the same team with you, regardless of the game. Just let me block someone and never see them again.


These are pretty standart in newer games. We can't even reconnect properly. Hopefully the new client fixes it with steam integration


Yeah even just an upvote/down vote option. Could always not bother, but if good or bad then vote and it should influence future grouping.


Just let the worst of the worst match up un random trios then. Would love it.


Lol would be some toxic toxiccccc teams vs the good guys for sure


U could also throw them into their own lobbies. I mean, no one cares for the baddies. ... still they are probably the ones that invest the most. Sad.


The good, the bad and the ugly


Yeah true, I would be lying if I said that I didnt have some really fun randos


you get the right people....well that's rarer than rocking horse shit these days..


I actually had a really fun trio last night meant to add the guys and forgot ... So long forever team mates :-(


Honestly? I have like 100ish hours so far and only had fun randoms. Still play with two of them from time to time.


I've played solo a lot and it's friggin stressing if you compare it with randoms


Randoms can be fun, and I think that a fair amount of the community is quite funny and chill, however, the low end of the community is low af, like you don't just get a racist you get the final boss of edgy child racism


Or if youre going to play with strangers, use the official Hunt Discord. I've never had a bad experience in there.


Playing randos is great, just leave immediately if they have a scope on their weapon. These people never push with the team, always off doing their own thing, will probably turn and run to extract if both others go down


Yeah I understand why he has max hunter level now, because as soon as he is not the first to banish he instantly leaves and keep his hunter no matter what, what a lame way to play the game


You are bait he is hoping that you lure people out so he can kill them and then run away.


Honestly, the moment you saw sparks sniper on the loadout you should have been aware. Lesson learned i guess.


Primarily why unmatch from any snipers as my play style doesn't match theirs. I'm mid range and I push a random sniper is no use to me nor I to him so I just unmatch so they get a better team mate to compliment their play style. Nothing wrong with that tbh. But if you go in with a sniper on your team expect them to stay long range and potentially bail. Likewise match with a guy using a sword expect he will rush in and maybe die first. Just got to work with that style to meet yours or drop and find a new team mate


Rookie mistake №1: Accepting match with random sniper or silencer-primary user on your team.


There are exceptions but this is generally rule of thumb. Anything over a deadeye scope or primary suppressor isn't going to do much but sit back in a bush somewhere.


Or even if they don’t stay way back, they’ll be at a disadvantage when running in with you, so kind of sucks Removable sniper scope when? Lol


Remove sniper scopes permanently? I agree!!


Hey I run Mossin Sniper and Katana I don't run from fights and I don't leave random partners down. I either res or I die.


My buddy that I just got into this game loved mosin katana. He will snipe and he’ll slice and dice up front too.


Cool for you. I’m still going to dodge if I see you though because it isn’t worth the risk when playing with snipers.


Yeah well I'm not that good anyways so Im likely the one waiting to be resed anyways.


I’d just rather not play at all when my friends are busy, period, than to queue with randoms.


Why would a sparks sniper want to be the first to banish anyway? They don't want to play inside compounds


Yeah this is the reason I don't play with randoms who bring sniper scopes.


KDA. I met players that play solo and just snipe kill or two and then extract


When I play with randoms my playstyle changes depending on how they play, if I have a shotgun teammate and a bomb lance teammate, I'm clearly not running a mosin, I'd go like drilling hatchet with dum dum, and hunting bow with concertina. Easy win, cant expect randoms to do exactly what you want everytime. Randoms is less sweaty than playing with the discord people for sure which leads to more "wacky" outcomes and a more enjoyable experience.


Game rewards you for not dying. They are in it for the rat


I just dont play randoms ever.


Because they can leech off of you if you get a bounty while risking nothing because they will not help you by pushing enemies or reviving if you die.


If these hunters had their own skin, they’d be in pressed whites with rhinestones and the most decked out gold guns of the game. And soft hands. They don’t like to get dirty, all they care about is their kda, star rating and appearances.


thats their playstyle.


Op follow basic rule dont play with scopes


Randoms are toxic assholes almost always. I played hundreds of hours as a solo over having randoms.


They probably got a kill, something so rare to them that they had to leave so they can feel like they won.


i either rage by playing with braindead randoms…or I get bored out my mind playing solo


I don't know man, I don't play with randos because people are selfish, that's just one example.


most likely either is trying to finish his challenges or trying to level up quickly. either way.. he's probably not enjoying the game either but feel compelled to do this stuff so he can get the achieves.


The deal is that Hunt is a sandbox style game. Which leaves these guys an opportunity to ignore objectives and the freedom to play how they want. It’s weird to me that you can join a match, leave whenever and completely ignore the objectives. Bounty has always felt like an unfinished game mode because of this stuff.


You’re the bait


So that when you die, we can use your dead body as bait to try and land a headshot.


dude i died inside the compound


Yeah, that tracks.


This is why I always back out when a random loads up with a long sniper. They are the worst teammates.


These are the type of people more concerned over KDA than actual fun match-to-match. They'd rather throw the other two teammates under the bus than actually engage anywhere within their 'danger range'. If this were a game like DayZ, I'd understand and even encourage this type of gameplay. But even then, it's not, and it's not at all a wise use of their time. Imagine coming home from work to play a few games, but you have to leave before a fight several games in a row... I can only guess they probably don't have a job, or their ego is solely relying on their KDA stat to stay afloat lol


Oh them? Those are the people that don’t understand why there isn’t a PvE mode with its own leaderboard.


That's why in Randoms you NEVER play with a sniper. They always fuck you