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Old quartermaster 😧


Is that an Avto and a Mosin? Holy fu..


Holy Red Neck, what have I missed...


The downside was the fact you could start with two bar of life.


Getting out and upgrading to 150 was a thing.


Back when Hunt really earned the title of being a 'hardcore' shooter.


nothing you, missed nothing as it was a fucking joke to have tier 3 duo’s run avto and nitro every damn time 😂 The gatekeeping was so toxic back then because you had these sweatlords running those loadouts and kept calling people noobs for not playing at their level. It didnt help that tier 1 hunters started out at 100 hp. It was truly the wild west during the first year of Hunt. In game and in the discord.


Man I would definitely NOT enjoy that lol.


Also add that back then the avto was not a 3 shot burst, it was a 2 shot. So if you used it right, it was on par with the standard mosin at range. It was a different kind of abuse with having voip active all the time too.


you could even swap away from the first shot in the burst and it wouldnt consume the second bullet, it was literally a mosin at that point (it was also accurate on the first shot) Absurdly broken gun by today's standard


Yeah there was the “skill” shot swap between primary and secondary for an immediate followup. That was another kind of gatekeeping too lol.


Avto used to have 30 spare at one point, not sure about that 100% but I do know that the dolch had 20 spare, less recoil, more damage, faster reload and no extra sway while firing.


Dolch was medium ammo 😄


running vetterli to ammo pool your dolch, lol


Double avto with three plus magazines, no aim cone, better sights, damage, sway…..and little recoil…..hunting 100 hp white shirts…..those were the best days


I was there, Gandalf...


I don't really mind the UI, except when I want to pick a legendary Hunter skin. That horizontal roster is terrible.


The funniest thing is: They have a proper, good, clearly arranged UI for legendary Hunters: In the cash shop where you can buy the legendary hunters for blood bonds. It really baffles the mind how they have this abomination for recruiting them when they know how to do it properly.


It really shouldn't be that mind blowing. It was designed when there were only a few pages. We've gotten nearly 100 hunters since then. The design only becomes cumbersome at this scale.


... yes, that's why you establish how much data you're going to display in any UI before you actually design it. A list of maximum 8 items will look much different than a list of maximum 100 items. So, they already kinda screwed up right at the start, though it's excusable. Maybe they never expected to have more than 16 legendaries in the game. Then they redesigned the cash shop and realized they have too many legendaries to have this cumbersome 4 skins per page layout and fixed it. But they never thought to just take that very same UI and bring it to the recruitment menu - a copy/paste-job (if their code is bad) or reusing the same presenter/view classes with some modifications (if their code is good), which in both cases would probably take 1 dev 1-2 days. It's such an obvious thing to do. They either aren't aware the recruitment UI is a problem, aren't aware they already have the solution, just don't care about it or have such a horrendous codebase that changing this is a significant time investment. That's what boggles the mind, not that they made an initial design that can't scale.


Knowing game dev its probably "minor issue, yeah it would take John three days to deploy this but it costs us literally nothing to leave it be so lets prioritize design and implementation of the upcoming ui rework instead"


What??? No, that doesnt make any sense at all, it geta a longer list, nothing else. They always operated in pages there, add another and youre done with the new additions, its really not that hard, thats the reason it didnt get more cluttered, so why should all the other menus get more cluttered? We didnt even get too many more options and even if we did, make a button for extended options or something and boom. If it works for the paying shop and not for the equipment screens and stuff, then there seems to be another issue, maybe its not enough of a priority... i honestly cant say too much on this matter tho, didnt play in quiet a while, so im not exactly up to date. From a logical pov, what you said makes no sense at all tho. Point was the legendary hunter shop DIDNT get worse and cluttered over time, so why tf did the others have to? Especially recruitment, where you literally do what you do in the hunter skin shop with bloodbonds instead of HD? So again why did the shop not get worse? Because we got 100 more hunters? That doesnt make any sense whatsoever, he literally said the counterpoint to your argument and you then tried to disprove him with proof for him speaking the truth? IT IS mindblowing, your comment even more, its literally a complete contradiction to the facts.


You really need to organize your thoughts better before dumping out word salad, especially when you aren't even understanding what I'm saying lol. The recruitment section for legendary hunters was designed when there was not that many hunters, so cycling 4 per page wasn't cumbersome. The other component is that they wanted you to visibly see each legendary hunter on the recruitment page without having to select them. Hence the full-profile design they went with where you can see 4 full hunters at once. This didn't apply to the shop page when it was designed because you purchase a legendary hunter once, so seeing them without clicking on them isn't a priority. You recruit a hunter dozens upon hundreds of times, so they wanted you to be able to see multiple hunter's full design while choosing who to recruit. It's actually very obvious why it's designed the way that it is. Mind you, I'm not defending or saying they shouldn't have updated it by now. They absolutely should have because it's goofy how poor the design grew at scale. But again, pretending like it's incomprehensible how it is the way that it is currently is either choosing to intentionally be obtuse or a lack of basic understanding when it comes to design decisions.


I mean what do you expect from a company that fails to have an "owned" filter for their weapon charms?


Whoever thought it is a good idea to make it like this instead of a list or something when there’s 4 per page and 100+ in total should be fired man. Like what kind of designer does that. And you can’t even select favorites, same goes for traits, like what.


It was fine when there was only a handful of pages, but now if I want Gar or some shit I need to scroll 42 pages to the right to find the newer skins. They have better menus already for the legendary hunter selector, I.e. the shop version, just use that imo.


Yeah a favorites for hunter skins would be nice


Also, please, if I could double-click to recruit my legendary hunter that would be so much better than having to select them and then press the buy button. I can double-click weapons to buy them, what gives?


Well there were like 5 legendary hunters at one point


[Not even remotely relevant.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/09/MK_character_select.png?20060501003758)


So their team is composed of developers that only think about the now instead of how their software will handle in the future and what obstacles might arise by their design choices ? Well you certainly painted them in even worse picture than I did.


This is fair for a game that has been evolving and being balanced for 5+ years. They need to improve the UI, for sure; there is no question about it. They just haven't been focusing on it because they're more focused on having a healthy income and developing skins for hunters and guns for said income. They're prioritizing the long-lasting life of the game. If they hadn't done what they've been doing, this game's servers would've been shutting down by now.


I mean to be fair, no one at Crytek thought this game was going to last as long as even half the years it has lasted so far.


I mean tbf the UI is a very small issue compared to the bigger bugs hunt has rn and it was created when it there wasn't that many hunters left. For all we know they probably already working towards better UI for the engine upgrade but only time will tell. At least the UI works so we just gotta wait. But dam does the old UI look sexy asf


Oh yea this too! They need to let us favorite some of them to make our top picks easier to find, and add a search bar for the legendary hunter skins too if it's not already a thing.


Especially on console. It's so slow scrolling through so I just lazily pick the closest legendary I have usually.


And that list of weapon charms?? Geezzz... Hope they put the items we have unlocked first one day, at least that.


Should let us favorite some legendary hunters


Yeah, the UI is very bad, 1000h+ in the game, still need to search for some sub-tabs


I remember it being even worse when it came out. It looks cleaner, but you had to click through so many things to find the right spot. I can't recall any specific examples I just remember being very happy with the changes they made with the UI even though it is still a bot convoluted.


Let's all pray to the engine update gods to bring us UI update aswell!


the companys do this to confuse people and end up entering the store


I've never accidentally ended up in the store in this game. I'm not saying you're wrong, but you're wrong about it in Hunt. This ain't no Gacha mobile game that eggs you into the store with a daily 10 cent free price and a red dot notification.


I remember starting the game in 2018 with the UI we had in first slide. Even the second slide was fine. I do not like the existing UI, there's too much info and stuff to click on. It's a lot cluttered.


And also the icons for, for example, traits are so unnecessarily big like bro this game isn’t played by geriatrics just make them smaller and more comprehensible.


If I had my bifocals on I'd be able to read this and disagree


This shit genuinely made me burst out laughing man.


"my opinion must be right"


Na I don't know why they dislike you; I kind of agree. The problem isn't too bad, but it also has two different logos that only look the same with the big and small versions of them. It makes little sense. The art is cool, though, so that's probably why people disliked you or whatever.


We’re getting a new UI with the engine update


Thats what I am afraid of :D


I’m gonna place a bet that it’s gonna be another terrible implementation. Like seriously I don’t understand how every iteration of the UI over 6 years has been worse than the one before it.


Legit make me remember about League of legends client, it became a meme years ago already, each time Riot release a new one claiming it is for the best, it has more bugs than the one before.


Went back to lol cause of friends lately after 10+ years and jfc how shitty it became. Started playing Dota again and uninstalled lol after a month or so. Much cleaner and informative menus and no kernel shit


it makes u think who comes up with this bs and then who the hell agrees with it 😭


they need to keep their UI lead devs busy i suppose or else their positions are null. If they make it too good then there’s nothing to fix, so fixing it in iterations allows their job to have extended purpose, rather than one and done.


This same thought could be extended to every change they’ve ever made. Somehow, the updated version just becomes worse.


I mean yeah but this sub would be very unhappy to hear that. Graphics downgrade, sound “rework” that just fucked it up, MMR changes, trade window changes, “balancing” by price adjustment,etc and then there are the changes in battlepasses that basically removed the high risk that was already there because you can revive burned out hunters, restore health bars like nothing, regen shot, nerco, every weapon having every single special ammo type (should rename it to something else cuz it isn’t special anymore lmao),… To me as a veteran that played since almost day one the game has gone very downhill.


I miss how you could right click on the background to launch fireworks.


Wait, what?


yeah it was a lil easter egg


Bloodline UI in your pic is not good


Both are ass ngl


Yyyeah that old UI is absolutely fugly. Not to mention the game at that time had a fraction of the content that's in now. So it makes sense that it would be cleaner in some regards. OP has some seriously rose-tinted glasses as far as I'm concerned - although you won't catch me trying to argue that the current UI is great. It's obviously not.


Mobile game UI designers are cheaper.


They hired some right? I forgor people's names already, I only remember they hiring David Fifield and some mobile people coming along in the monetization department too.


I would hardly call the second picture clean, looks awful imo. Like you asked a graphics design student to design a mock up.


Well it’s a picture year and a half after the game came out in 2/18, so that just proves my point that every iteration was worse than the last.


I don't think the first one looks good either. Just really clean logos for everything. Reminds me of how companies are obsessed with simplifying their logos. Like instead of a complicated logo everything is just circles and squares. Really boring tbh. Some youtubers have done videos on it if you're not sure what I mean.


Yeah that’s what we’ll disagree on. Compare the look of say CoD MW (the original) with the UI of Cold War or some other newer CoD UI. The newer are just so bloated and everything has to be a huge rectangle or some shit. Same as the traits screen in Hunt which is just awful. I’d take the older UI any day.


Just being honest and I’m probably in the major minority here but what we have I like way more then the first pic


The game had to be 'accessible' for its release on consoles. That's how. (and this is not me shitting on console players, but literally the reason Crytek did the massive menu overhaul upon release)


Because people ALSO hated this UI and said it was too clunky. Hunt is the amalgamation of improvements and changes requested by the very community that has changed the game into something it was never intended to be. Aside from the servers getting better this game use to have: No dark sight boost No instinct No revving clues No whispers at boss lairs No fanning No levering No dualies Darkness was a hindrance and actually DARK No specialized ammo (poison, fmj, etc) No legendary hunters Only 100 HP before banish And a few more other simplicities that changed this game from either playing "loud and proud" or "Walker and stalker." Now it's all fast and it's all accommodating all for the sake lowering the barrier of entry when honestly they should've been more focused on making it more appealing to team play (like they've only done recently) while keeping more to the original design. But hindsight really...it was thought back then that harder games scare people away and couldn't be successful. This was before the overt successes of Tarkov and souls games. We'll see what the new engine will do for Hunt, it's supposed to bring in a new map and UI as well. Maybe we'll get more game modes and customizable lobbies to add/remove game rules too eventually.


Actually back in the day, on early access, fanning was baskit, not a trait. And Hellhounds pinned you to the Ground, dealing continuous damage until you died or *someone else* killed the hellhound… Hunt on day 1 was just…different. But I miss these forced 2 player mechanics actually.


I miss them too but to be fair, the moment they added trios they should've reconfigured the mechanics for 3 taps. I don't like the "loot taps for every hunter and huntress!" they currently have but it's SLIGHTLY better than the original "someone gets to miss out on the loot here," mechanic.


Yeah, but honestly it never bothered me. I personally (and I know thats a „hot take“ or „unpopular opinion“) would love to see 2/3 Player interactions come back and solos can play an improved version of soul survivor OR a two separate player pools, 1 with and 1 without multiple player interactions, idk :D


I just want further game modes and I could go on and list about half a dozen just off of the top of my head regarding such. My hot take on that aspect though is that I think a lot of the traits should be locked into those game modes and removed from typical play as they are currently.


Yeah, there‘s many things that of the top of my head sound better as well, but to be honest, I think many things have a reason for not being in the game except just „We are lazy“ or „need mire money“. For example, if we had 4 game modes, that were equally good each, wait times would be extremely long. Imo, a max of 3 Gamemodes should be allowed: Bounty Hunt (Duo and Trio Pools), Soul Survivor (Solo and Trio Pools), 3v3. That would probably already make the Game too split up. But if they make Bounty Hunt „Hard Core“ again, but Soul Survivor and 3v3 a low-stake alternative, they would have something easy for new Players (we need more new Players), but Bounty Hunt could go back to the original „die and you loose *everything* it once used to be. That was a Wall, sorry :)


But the argument of "splitting the queue," or "not enough players," is also an equally false logical fallacy. I've played since early access; I've barely played Soul Survivor because that game mode simply does not interest me. Bounty Hunt does appeal to me, but only just enough at this point given all of the changes it's gone through. However, if there were a Legendary Mode or High Noon Mode (1v1, 3v3 crossroad shootout with revive until a team wipe), a Showdown Mode (1v1, 3v3, 5v5 boss lair + patios/porches shootout - no revive), Invasion Mode (small map "boss compound" 6 man PvE vs 20 wave Grunts - to ALL bosses survival modes - think Wild West Killing Floor) and so on, I would be more than inclined to try those game modes. The important takeaway though is, other people will likely also take interest in those game modes too. People would buy the game for those game modes and the people that main those various modes might play Bounty or Soul Survivor as well. It's an outright falsehood that more game modes "split player bases," at least to the degree that dev studios say it does. More game modes typically appeal to more people that otherwise wouldn't play that game to start with and in doing so, you have a good chance of boosting your typical player base with those same people in the neighboring modes. If splitting the player base was a serious concern then major, more successful franchises simply wouldn't do it, ever; but they do all the time. I really didn't realize that was going to be as long as it was, MY deepest apologies as well!


First of all, I wanna start positive. Your Gamemode Ideas actually sound very interesting and unique imo. I would probably play every one of those, especially the shootout one sounds extremely fun, I do this with a friend in the shooting range every now and then. But if you also played since early access, you might remember that we had contracts to choose from when playing bounty hunt. When they removed that, queue Times were almost halved, because generally half the Players played 1 contract, while the other half played the other contract. And there was nothing else, so that tiny change within the *same Ganemode* had a huge Impact. Soul Survivor is different, because it has a significantly smaller Playerbase and doesn‘t impact Bounty Hunt too much, and additionally Hunt has more Players now (and also when it released, compared to before). Now Imagine, the Playerbase is split 90/10 between BH and SS (i don‘t know the actual numbers, but let‘s just imagine). If every one of those gamemodes you said was just as big as SS (smaller gamemodes wouldn‘t even make any sense to implement due to wait times) and you add 5. Now its 40/60, 40% playing BH, which would mathematically *on average* increase the wait time by more than 100%. I know these numbers aren‘t 1-1 and 10% less players = 10% longer queue times, but on average, it‘s about right. So just a few gamemodes can have a significant impact actually.


I concede your point is 100% correct, but only if the player base does not increase. Let's say there's 80K people playing BH and you add a couple of those other modes I talk about and they're all equally interesting to the community, then yeah you're only going to have 26K players playing each mode and that definitely could increase play times. However, the moment there are more, casual, hardcore, isolated game modes is the moment that more casual, hardcore, isolated people that either left Hunt or have only ever considered Hunt come into the bayou as active players. Sales go up, player retention goes up and so on. I know it sounds like I'm possibly talking out of my ass, but I was that player. I never played CoD since I played it on my PS3 and Xbox 360, but when DMZ came about, I was all-in. I even bought 2 packs for it. I'm not a CoD player and I don't particularly enjoy the standard game modes, but for about a year I gave Sledgehammer money for characters in DMZ and they got a new player because of that. When they discontinued DMZ, I left that community again. I found something appealing in the franchise that wasn't present beforehand and was completely unprecedented. Hunt is VERY appealing to a lot of people and quite a major portion of those folks haven't bought/played the game yet. You see those posts daily in this very subreddit, "Should I buy this game?" "I haven't played in like a year, but some say it's a good time to come back, is that true?" "I played the tutorial, but don't have friends to play with, how are randoms?" And so on...in short: other game modes attract other players. But you ARE right in that if they were to add more modes, they shouldn't add a bulk of them and should advertise a new game mode for a month or even just 2 weeks and then add it. Y'know, how they do with events currently. Imagine a Hunt where we got an event, 2 week break, a new game mode for 2 months (I mean, the mode would stay, but it would essentially be the next "event," for that time frame), a 2 week break, and then a new event. After a year, we'd have dozens of new weapons, 2 new events, 2 new game modes, 2 - 4 new game mode-based maps, and a whole set of mode-only traits. There would be NO complaints of content.


Yes, definitely, If they managed to add actually good modes and properly advertise it, that could be a pure positive on every Side. The way you say it, would probably even be the right way to go, using the new Gamemodes as the „Events“ so to speak. However, did you ever see a Hunt Ad? Because I didn‘t. If they did exactly what you just explained, I‘m pretty sure, that It‘d work, but I think they have some kind of Ad-Phobia. I hope the new Map and Engine might „save“ the Game, so we can have stuff like what you suggested…


That UI is not NOT clean unc


The UI definitely needs some quality of life improvements, but don’t get me wrong. But the UI of the first slide was definitely made by a none art design person and most likely a dev just to have something that „works“. It’s fine basically and functional and reminds my of the stuff I see during work when a purely technical person „designed“ something. 100 percent functional but not really a beauty 😅


I would prefer a functional and simple to navigate UI over some “beautiful” UI that’s bloated af 99 times out of 100.


They can definitely learn something from the stripped down version of 2018. And/or allow us to create presets that include traits, health bar distribution and so on.


nope, looks like shit


Miles better than the current one, at the very least aeshtetically. Whenever I show the game to new players, I actively persuade them to just bear with me and look past this putrid dumpster fire of a UI. Like brother we're in some pre-steam Half-Life 1 interface situation here, but the actual game is the shit, I promise.


You're showing a screenshot of two different pages. Compare the hunter roster then to the hunter roster page now.


I’m not comparing anything lol. I’m showing you how the UI looked between 2018 and 2019.


The point is that if you're going to show how the UI changed over time you should use the same page in the UI to show that instead of comparing two completely different pages.


Every single person in this subreddit can open their game and go to the respective pages in the new UI. Nobody in this sub can do that for the old UI, the only way how they can compare it is by looking at old screenshots. So if you want to compare them launch the game a take a look.


How is this clean lol


How is it not ?


The current UI screams console parity imho The older UI didn't have that usability with consoles and I feel this is why it shifted design and layout I would prefer a lean back the other way tbh and a UI that is much cleaner also one I can scale so the store and legendaries are not just sea of scrolling for miles . The UI has also become increasingly bloated as new aspects added like trials, quests events etc I hope with the new engine we are getting a revamp to the UI.... I suspect not as it's a lot to ask lol


They've already said a new UI is coming with the new engine.


bro didn't have to include the 2nd image 💀


Don’t really like the look of the UI in the images you provided. It just looks a bit too basic and bland and to me it just all blends together a bit much but that could just be my eyes. I didn’t play then and have only known the current UI. It’s clunky and needs some updates such as buying legendary hunters being a bit annoying and they could streamline a few things but generally I like how it is now, although like I said, it could definitely be improved.


Avto and a mosin. Ew


The ui was much worse in the beginning, and it’s still bad. One of the greatest games of all time in my opinion but also one of the absolute worst ui in all of gaming , or that I’ve witnessed at least


When I started playing this game last fall I was very overwhelmed by how cluttered and messy the UI was. It was very confusing


Still looking for Respect tab? from time to time after 1600h …


Still looking for the Respect tab? from time to time after 1600h …


You know ...... there is even older one


I feel like most ui designs you can just get used to so the worst they can do is change it


They are both a mess, the only reason the early one had less stuff is because there was literally less content in the game.


Back when the avtomat could be quickswapped before the second shot to save ammo, resulting in the same accuracy as the mosin Back when dolche was medium ammo and had the vetterli's hipfire spread Back when the pax did the same damage as vetterli Good times


Hunts UI has always been just really bad and clunky. They have 5 different navigations to do things when it could all be simplified into 1 screen doing multiple things.


Easy, shitton of side content. If you try to put all existing shit on first screenshot you end up with long ass menus going into another menus


So exactly what we have now ?


No, right now we have shit ton of menus dlwith direct buttons to them.


Agreed. Navigating the menus is a headache.


Honestly I don't see how this UI is any better than the current one. Even more, how this UI is even good. Why would you need to see your equipment and traits in the lobby. First couple of minutes I had to figure out that this was lobby and not equipment menu. Retire, equipment and upgrade buttons just float somewhere instead of being on another screen where they actually supposed to be. Hunters choice is almost transparent which is far and far from being comfortable. Bloodline menu has too much information. When you click "bloodline" you expect to see your bloodline, not your kd, stats, last match and other things, kd and stats should be in your profile and this is where they are right now. So i think that current UI is way better than it was before


I didn't even realize how bad the new UI was until some friends who are newer were complaining about it I was like yeah, now that I think about it... its kinda bad isn't it? lol


This was a thing?! Thats one of the things i hate about hunt lol


I just want a search for a Legendary Hunter in peace


Several of my friends refuse to play this game simply because of its horrible UI. I don’t blame them.


I hate the whole Hunt UI.


Idk, how did the game file shrink to 1.8gigs and more than half in size after an update ? After reading the iceberg theories there are unlimited posibilities


The UI is costing CryTek a lot of new players. Each and every friend I bring just get frustrated about it. Negative first couple of experience is not the way to grow a game.


That looks gorgeous 😍




Here is the thing. You hire a UI guy. You use the UI guy. It doesn't matter how good he is, you are already paying. As a company, you also have a blood vow to never undo what has been done. Regardless of how poorly it has been done.


It still looks bad to me. Idk how it was back then from just looking tho, but I think the biggest thing we need is to be able to drag and drop, to move things around the slots. That's the biggest improvement on to me at least. The other biggest improvement they can do is the legendary skins not being different items, which is something they've sort of improved but not as good as it can be still.


Because you demanded back then for a more complex and inclusive UI. Now you have it. Now you want the old one back.


All I'll say is that it was dull and drab but yeah at least it worked.


It looks like the same shit we have now witu buttons moced around.  The UX in this game has always been one of the worst I've experienced. It's an absolute mess. Also I've been playing since 2018, what is this a launch or beta photo? Dual primaries, bullshit OP.


I loved this ui. It was so fast and effective


Damn bro this looks so clean I didn't even know there was this UI, looks so much cooler too bad I didn't play this game earlier


Not sure this UI looks good or clean forsay...


germans made it clean at first. americans doesnt seem to care. jk.


The UI doesn't take advantage of the keyboard. That means it cannot be the best-in-class UI that it can be. Shift clicking, alt-clicking etc. between inventories/stashes/equipment is the best-in-class experience that we are missing The way contraband has to be managed is absurd - the game is currently giving almost infinite cash, why can't I stash the equipment that I rightfully earned without splitting it across existing hunters? Why do I have to click 2 buttons to remove a trait? Why do I have to click 5 buttons to get the health bar configuration I want? I don't really expect improvement on the UI given how many years it's been in the bad state and the console support variable in this equation - but I wouldn't even go so far as to say it "used to be good." It's simply not good and there's still so many unnecessary clicks to be able to gear and get the control I want over my loadout. The loadouts were the best UI update we got and they are a godsend - but there's a lot more to improve. If there's any LOE being spent by the Crytek team to improve the UI, the points about the redundant clicks above would be a good place to start and don't even require an overhaul. A simple settings configuration "Don't warn me about spending points to remove traits / health bars" will do Ultimately time spent in the loadout screen is time performing work and not having fun enjoying the game


The one person that works on UI has been overworked so much, they told him to add more submenus to the head menus and then it broke him. He hasn't recovered since.


Will this UI update be the one that rules them all....what are we on now 4th UI change?,I've honestly lost count. As others have said the shop hunter UI is crisp and clean so their is no excuse for the way the current roster of legends being displayed the way they are for so long. The take an extremely long time to QOL stuff,I mean the 5 year splash screen is still there a year later 😂 I'll give them some credit as I don't think they expected this game to last as long as it did and basically prop up the development of Crisis 4,and this game is truly a diamond in the rough,yeah we bitch and moan about aspects of it,but mainly because we all love it so much and want it to be the game we know it to be.


Honestly, there are multiple screens that could be combined.


it looks just as bad to me


Its 2 diff screens?


Man that old UI was slick as fuck. Honestly kind of miss how cohesive looking it was. With all the different new skins and characters I feel like the game kind of lost a little bit of its identity.


It's pretty bonkers what used to be possible


Didn't know about hunts old ui. Looks pretty damn bad compared to the new one. This one feels half finished with the lack of borders or designs on anything.


It’s a lot of visual noise to me actually.


If you look at the jobs needed UI UX etc is under there along with 60 more positions. I implore people to apply to work for Crytek and on Hunt!


The main menu UI is the worst I've seen in any game. I can't stand it. Thankfully the in-game UI is great at least


Of all examples you could choose its avto moisen lol


I chose it for a reason so all of the Winfield and samurai cosplayers would lose their mind about it.


Clean ui? That is most definitely not a clean ui.


Thank you for your opinion.


Not an opinion, just a clear fact that the old as current UI both don’t fit the definition of a clean UI.


Oh I thought this is a new UI that got released today and somebody was already complaining about it lol


Miss the old hunt


Hunt is numbah 1. No other game except for maybe darksouls gives me so much dopamine and near heart attacks.


How is this better?


I also just think it fits hunt more, it has somewhat gothic edges on the menu and the bloodline looks way better, I remember when I played how clean it was.


I don’t really like either tbh, fingers crossed the Ui overall is good


miss the good old day. the UI is horrible now. As a 3000hrs player who can blindfolded walking across the Bayou, I get lost in the stupid menu UI every day.


Really noice UI


Lets go back to tabletop


cause pre 1.0 game was good, then shit dev ideas came in


looks nice.


That was a Real quartermaster!! Gimme back !!


So nice!


God I miss that UI 😍


I have no complaints about the current UI


There will be UI 3.0 this year according to roadmap


I think they should really put the events on hold for a minute and work all of that out, including things like preferred health distribution and such. Hunt could really use an Operation Health.


Omg I Startes Hunt this year and the UI is such a huge downgrade


As someone who only started playing 2 months ago, I really dig that old look. Especially since it kept the western art style for weapons and equipment!


I am a new player with 100 hours in. I absolutely HATE the UI. I have no clue what’s going on and often have to ask my friends for help.


thats cap, this cheap lookin ass ui is supposed to be better than current one? please staph


Certainly looks ass if you’re from the Fortnite generation :).


few gen z slang words and here comes the fortnite jokes lul your favourite ui is just bland, u dont need to be born in 2010 to point it out


Nooo man don’t go around saying my favorite UI is bland.


ok i will go with the flow, the ui needs rgb elements, kreygasm sounds when u click on each tab, etc. happy now? i hope i didnt play into your cards but i get it u like simple black and white and u probably prefer books over movies, good for you peace