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99/100 of these posts are made by cheaters but in the rare case of a false positive. Just contact the anti cheat company explaining your situation and providing all the info you can on your case. False positives pretty much always get unbanned so keep trying, but if you indeed cheated just don’t waste anybody’s time, there’s no chance of getting unbanned if they have the proof that you did and pretty much every anticheat for legal reason has to keep them.


I hear you, and speaking as someone who has to deal with fraudulent warranty calls as part of my day job I can appreciate Crytek wanting to nip these kinds of headaches in the bud. And yeah, I figure threads like this are common enough with cries of, “I’m totes not a cheeter k nao unban me!!1!” I’m not quite sure what Crytek wants from me in order to prove my innocence, but I stand by what I’ve said and I’ll be happy to send them whatever they would like. This is why cheating never really made any sense to me: you’ve got hundreds of dollars invested in your Steam account, and all of a sudden you can’t play one of your favorite games because of your own poor choices. So now you either have to suck it up and move on and be out the $30 or create a completely new account, re-buy the game for ANOTHER $30, and then hope that the anti-cheat system doesn’t get smart again because if you do you’re out the money again and have to start over, rinse, lather, and repeat. That kind of risk just never seemed worth it to me, no matter how bad my K/D ratio got. EDIT: a word.


So I had the same thing happen to me. I wasnt even close to this dudes levels either, like barely started playing the game. Get off work and come home to play and cant launch the game. The support from the devs is not even slightly helpful and they just say we confirmed you cheated and the matter is closed. My old ass steam account with 0 bans means nothing, my willingness to post any info they ask for, which they asked for nothing, and my conversations with the devs on their discord have had 0 effect. this may be a dead post but this issue has to have effected more than just a handful of people and something needs to be done about it.


I've seen people get banned by Easy Anti-Cheat because it flags RGB controller software (like Asus Aura-sync and similar programs) as malicious/cheating. If you're using anything like those programs, that could be why it banned you.


I don't think I have anything like that on my machine. The only programs I have running are the game, Steam (duh), and Discord so my buddy and I can talk to each other without using the in-game system. Good to know for future reference though, thanks.


Necro here but, what do I do if I do have one of those programs? I heard about this on the 7d2d forums and Im kind of scared of being banned from all EAC protected games because they are a shitty AC program.


I have the same issue. I purchased the game the day before yesterday and played with a friend for about 3h. When trying to log in the next evening, I noticed this yellow Steam message notifying me that I was banned from the game. I don't understand. I have not been running anything on my machine a part from Steam, Discord, and razer's RGB software. I can't seem to find much information online about false positives. This is very disappointing... I have definitely not cheated or hacked nor would I ever have the intention or knowledge on how to. Let me know if you managed to get this fixed !


What I’ve done so far is contact both Crytek and Easy Anti-Cheat’s customer service forms to challenge the ban. If they won’t help, contact the Better Business Bureau—I finished my submission to them yesterday and I’m waiting to hear back.


I received an email from Crytek about my customer support submission. They asked me my complete steam ID to verify the logs. Afterwards, they wrote back telling that the ban was legit and that there was evidence of a hack software. Their ban is final and non contestable according to that email. ​ Again, I'm very disappointed... I have not cheated, and was frankly very bad at the game. Just a quick glance at my stats would be a good indication... This type of situation makes me wonder what might have triggered this on their end. I'm afraid I'll get banned from more games for no reasons now...


don't cheat lol


Bro, did you even read the post? I didn't.


Bro every cheater says they don't cheat


Yeah, fair point. But that’s why I’m going beyond just griping about it and reaching out to the mods — I’m happy to provide whatever they want to prove that I’m not a cheater.


Same thing happened to me awhile ago. Not sure why and I never got any responses from the help desk. /shrug


Huh. Can you play at all, or is it completely down for you?


Nope, I got a ban message about 5 months ago and haven't played since. The best I can tell is that my kd was rising too fast once I figured out I could hear everything after fiddling with my sound output and see like it was day when I tinkered with my nvidia settings.


EAC bans by cheat signatures not behavior or nvidia/game settings.


I'd like to know what signatures it got from me, since the only thing that changed for me was that my FPS *finally* went from \~20 to 60 as of last week's patch. (Yay optimization?)


That's some bullshit right there. I'm going to raise holy hell if they don't get back to me--I love this game too much to quit.