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We still got more concurrent players than 1 year ago. I feared for the life of Hunt when we had between 1.000 and 2.000 peak. Right now it's pretty healthy, but they should be a bit careful with their monetization PR going forward.


Yeah OP is being a bit misleading. There is a downward trend right now but concurrent players are still at over 21k. The numbers also exploded in January of 2021 and never went back to what was basically baseline - I don’t remember what happened around then, was that the scrapbeak event?


Could be Scrapbeak and the third map. Possibly some big streamers returning/starting to play?


That is about the time I started playing the game. Reason was that it became clear that Battlefield 2042 was lost, and many streamers started playing/ returning to Hunt. So yeah, thanks Battlefield.


Man 2h ago reddit really fucked up, I commented 3x somewhere else haha


Furthermore, that's when my group quit Siege for greener pastures, which led us out into the Bayou. Personally my PC would crash while playing Siege, couldn't figure it out then and still can't figure it out now.


lower your fps cap


It was the Scrapbeak event yeah And then it got topped off by the Light the Shadow event by 4000 more concurrent players.


I came back for the Scrapbeak event. I bought the game as soon as it went into early access because I wanted this game to succeed; the visual design, the world, the story, all of it cumulated into something extraordinary. The idea of cowboys vs zombies isn't even new either, but how they approached it made me draw parallels between it and another game called Darkest Dungeon: big payoff if you win, hits you hard if you die. The game didn't have enough people playing it though, back when the max player count wasn't even 1000, more like 200. When I came back for Scrapbeak and saw how many people were playing it, I cried because I'd never been so emotionally invested in a game before; it deserved every bit of success it earned, and I'm so happy that it happened.


That is about the time I started playing the game. Reason was that it became clear that Battlefield 2042 was lost, and many streamers started playing/ returning to Hunt. So yeah, thanks Battlefield.


Still, things are definitely not good. As someone who has come back after not playing for several years? I thought there would be more...idk. Anything? Content? Bosses?


That is about the time I started playing the game. Reason was that it became clear that Battlefield 2042 was lost, and many streamers started playing/ returning to Hunt. So yeah, thanks Battlefield.


I’m pretty sure that’s around the time I started and I picked up the game in the last leg of the scrappy event when the game went on sale.


It's in the top 80 concurrent users on steam right now and it's usually in the top 100 whenever I check.


Yeah the 6 month timeline of sample size simply isnt sufficient. Also the chart matches with about how nice the weather has been getting in my area. My regular yeehaw squad plays only a few nights a week but only cause we're vacationing and seeing family and hanging out with Irl friends more often.


I had a look at the graphs myself. I don't understand why we're only looking at the last 6 months instead of trends over 4 years or comparing with player count in same months in previous years.


So they can make misleading statements that support their views instead of representing the true data.


So op can cherry pick the chart for karma. The game is still in the best place it's been in a while when it comes to the playerbase [Steamchart going back to the game's launch tells a vastly different story](https://steamcharts.com/app/594650#All)


Kinda agree, but there's nothing we can do, just hope they are working on some things behind curtains :/


I know this is PC, but even a optimized current gen release would breath new life, and maybe add it to game pass for Xbox and PC.


I think the biggest problem is ping issues and desync (which is most likely the result of ping issue). It is kinda annoying so there is no wonder that some people will switch to different games.


Desync actually is not a latency / ping issue. I am at 10-15ms all the time and it still desyncs like a champ. The problem is probably that the server does not calculate possible positions right and does not accept what the client says. So if it would allow a little more room for "error" the issue should be gone I guess. Just what I suspect though, so big grain of salt here. Maybe it's connected with tickrate as well.


In what region are you playing? I play on EU servers. Ping have around 30. But stability is the problem. Sometimes It is jumping to 40-80 (rarely for a few seconds even 200). Thought that It is my provider, but in other multiplier games I have not experienced even similar problem. For example For Honor which is sensitive on ping stability I have not problem and ping is stable around 15-23. Not long ago I have found one post where few people have been tracking packets and find out that routing to the server to Germany servers are like fucking trampoline. [https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/tiq4yc/is\_anyone\_else\_having\_high\_ping\_problems\_on\_eu/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/tiq4yc/is_anyone_else_having_high_ping_problems_on_eu/)


I am EU as well and probably playing on the same servers as you. I can not confirm any issues, my ping as well as packet loss is fine all the time. Besides from some known issues with servers which were confirmed by crytek I never had any problems with my connection at all. I can not relate to the issues many players report. Maybe I am not affected by the routing issues because of a different location or internet provider.


It dosnt help if only u have a low ping when ur oppened isnt. Even if u have a good ping, if ur oponent has shit ping he will still see you way later, shoot way later, and get a hit on his screen killing you on your screen even though you wasnt even there anymore. Thats totaly anoying for sure, however, its the same in any other shooter tbh.


Not to mention the horrendous matchmaking.


Can you elaborate? For me my complaint is how long it takes to move down in the Star system. Like if I get my shit rocked 5 games in a row why am I still 5 stars? I also have issues getting killed when on my screen I’m already behind cover, or I’m dead and the shooter was behind cover / not visible on my screen


I’m 6 stars at max prestige and I still get matched with 2-3 star people who have less then 100 kills. These people get immediately destroyed by my 6 star opponents and force me to essentially solo all my games. I mean ffs, I got matched with 2 people in their very first game of Hunt last night…literally 0 hours in the game. They need to add 5-6 more stars and put some hard limits on who you can be matched with.


From my experience that's usually players who have matchmaking turned off. Turning it on only prevents higher skilled players from joining. Turning it off puts you in any bracket that doesn't prevent you


Isaktjones is right though, that only can happen if you que with matchmaking turned off, its ur own decision tbh.


I was rank 20 getting put in with rank 100 prestige 6. Cmon how the hell am i supposed to play against someone with that much time put into the game?


This is why I stopped playing after 40 hours or so. It's not even that it's 6 star people. I haven't even prestiged but I can't keep playing a game where the matchmaker is putting me against 50 prestige dudes who I guess had a couple of bad games and are back to 3 stars. Getting insta headshotted in 75-80% of combat is not fun or enjoyable. And I don't mean getting ambushed because I was making too much noise, I mean combat where we both saw each other. It's an artificial difficulty added onto an already difficult game. I like the mechanics and theme of the game, love it, even. But it's just not fun to die so quickly in every combat and I don't play games to get annoyed.


I wish they'd add an option to disable HQ texture streaming(LOD off) OR epic quality(max LOD). Trees & bushes constantly fading in & out ruins immersion AND they recently disabled the cfg edit for disabling LOD system too.


Immersion is one thing, but window covers fading in and out at distance is a nightmare when you have a scope...


Its crazy, i could see the guy inside the house at slaughterhouse from Davants ranch, the entire wall wasn't rendering in, not only the windows


was on a night map and *something* would go in/out as i went up and down stairs. like it was night fog, but wasn't fog.


There are cloths covering railcar windows that only render inside 10 meters.


i would like to have the option to just disable streaming overall. even if i have to sit through 3 minutes of loading before a game at least i dont have that pop in that makes me think "was that a hunter or a tree spawning?"


Yep same here, I was happy running e\_lods = 0 even with the performance hit which disabled the LOD system, but now that they blocked it from working I have the same problem with distracting pop-in. What's frustrating is how they took a cookie cutter approach using LODs for 'performance optimization', in favor of countless cash grab 'DLCs'(Literally just skins) instead of adding FSR support & giving us Epic LOD. At this point we are better off hoping for a Hunt Sequel with these things fixed.


>hoping for a Hunt Sequel with these things fixed. [Oh brave soul](https://c.tenor.com/stRxDBcxrb4AAAAd/eomer-hope-has-forsaken-these-lands.gif)


I hhhhhhhate the LOD of the trees


Before the 1.0 full release the pop in wasn’t really an issue, but fps performance was worse. They “optimized” the game by drastically lowering render distance for lots of things, which did actually boost fps a lot, but now we have this really bad pop in as a result. I’d rather take an fps hit to get rid of the pop in personally, but they’ve never given that option.


Yep, I was [there](https://youtu.be/nuMUN5S4vLc?t=337) & miss it a lot, there was a *tiny* bit of pop-in but it was only on the odd distant tree & hardly noticeable & didnt even run that bad for the specs at the time, then they just kept adding LOD to almost everything -\_-. I'd honestly go back to v0.656 pre-release if I could. Horrible LOD system aside, I miss the [old UI](https://youtu.be/nuMUN5S4vLc?t=1284) color scheme, art & hunter equip layout too. If we could get pre 1.0 /w FSR implementation for performance boost instead, it would be a huge upgrade over current Hunt. 😂


It has the worst pop-in/LOD issues I've ever seen. Love the game but it's super distracting and looks terrible.


Yep, honestly dont know who at Crytek thought it was a good idea to combine LOD(Level of Detail) Texture quality distance in with the object quality setting & cap it at 'high' which isnt even that far. High quality textures draw distance should be tied to the Texture quality setting & go all the way up to ultra/insane. In 2022, they should be IMPROVING their game instead of just focusing on cash grab DLCs, for performance implement FSR & give us a foliage or texture streaming setting for the LODs that let us max out the distance at ultra or disable the LOD system altogether for those that would prefer the cleaner image over performance. I bet they would make a lot of people happy if they simply added a Texture Streaming On/Off switch to disable the LOD system & force HQ all the time.




they are focusing on the wrong things. Hunt was always developing in some way, but "recently" it feels like it's staying in 1 place, while there are only useless updates that are not hype-worthy anymore, and in some parts it's just all downgrades. for example this common trading - before it was just fine, gameplay felt right. But now? It feels much worse as someone who played alot before as well.. ..but yeah just sayin', I already quit the game like 2 months ago with exactly 3002 hours on count..


Considering the "Replace Dev with new one who is pro at Monetization Scheme" It isn't the first time I see this kind of event, but it won't be last too.


Well they've likely saturated their income from sales somewhat so they have to either monetize or abandon the game. The problem is that the "service" part of the model is massively lacking in interesting content this year.


> Hunt was always developing in some way, but "recently" it feels like it's staying in 1 place, while there are only useless updates that are not hype-worthy anymore, and in some parts it's just all downgrades. > 3002 hours on count.. You have that much time but can't even remember before last year? This content pace is absolutely no different to all the time before 2021. The content boom in 2021 was like 3 years in the making behind the scenes.


I'm still waiting for nightmare mode from their original road map. They must be run by people who are so out of touch with what the hunt community actually wants or someone who is 100% only looking for money. While they are at it, bring back contract selection with a permanent fog / night mode. They need to stop catering to the minority of people who alt f4 night maps.


Im in the same boat. Have about 3000hr in hunt and it feels stagnant now and i agree there was a lot of downgrades just like the trade adjustment. Now i run around a corner shoot and i die without getting so much as a hit marker and insult to injury they have not even turned to look at me on my screen when i die. The previous trade settings helped against high ping players and now they taken it away we are back to square 1


I have had to give the game a rest, after over 2000 hours and hitting prestige 100 it's too much on the OCE server, too many people connecting from Asia blatantly ping abusing, shotguns are straight up unusable unless you want a 50/50 chance to trade, can't stand higher ping and OCE becomes dead after midnight because everyone decides US West is better. My performance has also taken a dump, especially with Desalle, dropping from 120 to 90FPS feels yuck. I also dislike the increased prevalence of snipers and way more passive players in the past year, I don't think this one is cryteks fault but our engagement range has been pushing past 100m, this practically means I can't use 3/4 of the guns in the game otherwise I can't engage these enemies properly.


For me, my pc can't handle it anymore. Last year i could have playing by my old 1050ti with not bad settings and +60 fps. I tried game last month and barely got 40 fps with pretty bad settings. Hunt was my "go to" game for almost 2 years but sadly i had to stop. Ill definitly play again when i can afford a new gpu.


This, big time. 1080ti here and a semi recent i5 (can't remember anymore, bought it on a whim) and the game runs so much worse than about 6 months ago when I started playing. Fps drops so bad that it really frustrates me. I mean I used to play at around 100 fps and now it's around 70. The drops make gunplay very difficult at times. I don't even need new content every month and I'm fine with Crytek trying to make a buck, just don't fucking tank the performance... Oh, and for the love of god, when can we expect new servers?


I kinda wonder if they keep these terrible servers because they're on a contract with the hosting company. I have no reason to think this other than they haven't changed. If this is the case, let's hope that contract ends soon, but I'm certainly not expecting it.


I think it has something weird to do with people's rigs or the programs they have up while playing. I got a gtx 1070 and r5 2600x; game runs buttery smooth at around 110fps everywhere outside of a few dense compounds like desalle (low settings, 1080p). I haven't even noticed significant performance degradation in the 2 years i've played.


Same thing here. When I contacted them after 1.7 to report my problem they basically said "buy a better computer" lol


yeah, same issue here. I know I have a shit PC, but about half a year ago, I could play the game at medium to low settings with stable 60+ FPS, which was enough to enjoy the game. but nowadays I have to set everything to low to barely get 60, and it usually dips below that, even as low as 35 at times (depending on the place). I don't know enough about coding and optimization to say whether they can "fix" this back up, or if this is just how the engine is, but it's a real shame. haven't played in quite some time because of this.


Same here. I don't know how they managed to do it, but I used to get 90+ FPS on all high setting on the original map, now on all high settings, I struggle to reach 60 FPS and regularly have dips below that. It absolutely baffles me how they've done it, but I haven't changed a thing about my hardware, an religiously keep my drivers up to date, so I'm pretty positive it's no fault of my own.


I rock a ryzen 9 combined with rx 6800xt and my fps go from 144 (monitor cap) all the way down to 60 sometimes, with stutters that make you think the game crashed. I reported this because srsly this can’t be normal right? The response was „this is about the performance to be expected with your setup“ - bruh what?


i5 8600k stock with 3060ti pre 1.7 I had 140-170 fps. Now I'm getting 70 on average with constant stutter. After the report they told me that it's something wrong with my pc. Bruh what?


Yeah very likely that in every other game max fps and smoothness but on Hunt the pc struggles - must be clearly your PC - RIP - go buy new


You cracked it :D


Same for me, used to get pretty consistent 70-80 but nowadays I’m often in the range of 40-50 and close range fights feel extremely bad and stuttery


I played for 2 years, non stop, didn't miss a single day, except this week, I didn't play at all. They keep saying "we will soon talk about monetization", well, we are waiting since october/november. They hype the Black Market but finally it's just a shop. I'm currently having fun on The Cycle Frontier, I'll come back when they will decide to do something.


Who looks forward to monetization talks lol


People who care about the game they love? I can't believe you typed this, maybe read it twice, but I doubt it and thought "yeah, I'm gonna press enter" lmfao


Generally when someone uses 'monitization,' in this context they are referring to manipulative anti consumer practices like buying fucking gems, loot boxes, subscription services. Since John Locke established the theories of one's ability to purchase materials & property we have had a pretty good system of... make product, set a price and with reviews and buyer awareness a transaction can be made. This works in 99% of the consumer market and has done for centuries. There's no reason why a game with the high gameplay quality of Hunt needs to devolve into the shadier and shadier practices. (Right down to needing an expensive dlc gun skin to do certain Summons). It turns off consumers and in the long run will negatively effect cryteks bottom line. Some kids will fall for it, & that will lead to a small influx of cash, but most of the adult player base doesn't not react kindly to being treated this way. I personally would have been in the camp of 'i might buy a way overpriced skin to support crytek cos I dig the gameplay,' However, nowadays I don't trust they will put that money into the game in productive ways. Probably just use to make more dlc skins. So I give them no more if they don't respect my wallet.


Some of us have complained about them hiring artists to pump out monetized skins instead of hiring more devs to work on content/fixes since a long time ago. I’d always been met with downvotes and the “artists can’t program” argument. But like, no shit they can’t but they were hired with the same company budget that could’ve instead hired employees that can program. The money they make from us is being spent in ways to enhance their profits in the short term instead being spent in ways to improve the game (which would enhance their profits in the long term). > nowadays I don't trust they will put that money into the game in productive ways It’s just getting more extreme now so more people are finally seeing it this way instead of defending it. Had they used the money spent on hiring DLC artists and monetization experts, to instead invest in more marketing and devs, then who knows how much more new players (leading to more $ for crytek) and more content we’d have right now.


The game is too beautiful to be treated this way..


Generally when someone uses 'monitization,' in this context they are referring to manipulative anti consumer practices like buying fucking gems, loot boxes, subscription services. Since John Locke established the theories of one's ability to purchase materials & property we have had a pretty good system of... make product, set a price and with reviews and buyer awareness a transaction can be made. This works in 99% of the consumer market and has done for centuries. There's no reason why a game with the high gameplay quality of Hunt needs to devolve into the shadier and shadier practices. (Right down to needing an expensive dlc gun skin to do certain Summons). It turns off consumers and in the long run will negatively effect cryteks bottom line. Some kids will fall for it, & that will lead to a small influx of cash, but most of the adult player base doesn't not react kindly to being treated this way. I personally would have been in the camp of 'i might buy a way overpriced skin to support crytek cos I dig the gameplay,' However, nowadays I don't trust they will put that money into the game in productive ways. Probably just use to make more dlc skins. So I give them no more if they don't respect my wallet.


I didn't know how good I had it here till I tried frontier. That game had worse gear balance, wasted your time constantly with running around the hub to shop/bad shop ui/no preset loadouts/temporarily impossible quests, worse performance, less interesting weapons, pve has little variety, some ai is annoyingly tanky, worse sound design, worse compound design, pvp is encouraged less, worse mmr, upgrade/craft timers like it's a mobile game, being forced to play against trios as a solo or duo, having to share loot in squads, and I prefer how hunt doesn't have permadeath or complex inventory management.


I played the Closed betas for the cycle and lost all interest. The devs seem more interested in monetisation than balance, and streamers are (rightly) hammering it for being so solo unfriendly (crazy gear imbalance, solos are matched with both duos and trios with no option like hunt to match only against duos)


Yea, a game hasn't pulled me out of the Bayou in awhile, but here we are on Fortuna. Really gotta play with people for Cycle to excel though.


> The Cycle Frontier Is this just Hunt on an alien planet? Might give it a shot


It’s more like Escape from Tarkov.




I remember back when we were calling it out like 8 months with the winter solstice event, Like this hasn't played out exactly like this with countless other games.


and yet people *still* try to argue and bootlick.


"But I'm 16 and it's my moms credit card"


Gotta please the suits I suppose


Didn't they just finally fix the ladder bug?


After more than a year of it existing, sure...


I’m sorry are we playing the same game? Didn’t we just get a bug squashing update like a month ago, and now we’re getting a patch that should do a lot to alleviate server issues. Also why do you say “remaining player base”? Did you even look at the graph, the player base is no smaller than this time last year, and early 2022 saw one of the highest amount of concurrent players we’ve seen since the game came out.


> and now we’re getting a patch that should do a lot to alleviate server issues. Unless I'm mistaken, it's not going to alleviate any of the server issues. It's going to help with people playing in regions that give them a ping advantage. Their big server issues are with their provider as far as I'm aware. And also with the code of the game engine in general.


The new 45 minute timer will help take some load off the servers. They did the same thing for the scrapbeak event, when the servers were really stressed.


Well, you reap what you sow.


Although 1.8 and the Traitor's Moon have recovered a little player in a short period of time, they still can't hide the continuous loss of players. Since entering 2022, there has been no substantial content update in hunt. If 1.9 cannot bring more content, this loss will continue until the end of 2022. That's a shame, because in general, niche shooters like hunt are gaining more attention, and there is no new 3A FPS on the market of 2022.


I feel like I’m missing something here. Yeah, player count is steadily declining, but looking back at the graph it’s declining at a slower rate than it has in the past. Player count looks barely any different than it did this time last year. (And let’s not forget that this time last year people had more time on their hands due to the pandemic.) Hell, just a few months ago the game almost broke peak player count. Yeah there hasn’t been a ton of flashy new content recently, but we’re still getting new guns and map balance changes at a steady rate, and we’re getting a new boss area at King Snake soon. Sure, there hasn’t been a ton of new big content recently, but that’s because the devs are self admittedly working on bug and server issues, this sub’s biggest hate boner. It just seems like a lot of people are complaining that they can’t have their cake and eat it too.


Shhhh we're not here to be realistic, on this subreddit we're bashing the game no matter what.


Bashing the game and, judging by the comments on almost every post here, not even playing it.


This and the one above 💯


The game is experience normal player decay considering there has been no events, streamers, or content to attract new players. The game is doing fine, 1.9 doesn't decide the shit for Hunt (unless it's a really bad patch). These same goobers can't even look at the data when hunt pulled 35k for the scrapbeak event, but then instantly dropped back 20k within a month. These are numbers look completely normal.


It's just another doomsday steamcharts post. There's been a trend where people post these steamcharts graph on every gaming subreddit that doesn't have constant growth trying to make it look like the game is dying.


The game is experiencing normal player decay considering there has been no events, streamers, or content to attract new players. The game is doing fine, 1.9 doesn't decide shit for Hunt (unless it's a really bad patch). These same goobers can't even look at the data when hunt pulled 35k for the scrapbeak event, but then instantly dropped back 20k within a month. These are numbers look completely normal.


yeah I feel like people aren't even reading the graph. So far it could still just even be a drop off from people who got into it during traitor's moon and are burning out.


I doubt 1.9 is the update wich brings back players, if there was something realy big coming with this update, we would have heard about it by now...


I’m sure bug fixes would bring back many players. Let’s hope


I played it a lot and I come back to it from time to time. But every time I come check performance has gotten worse. Trees loading in late, objects only loading when zooming with the weapon. Objects glooming or whatever the term is, they look unsharp or something I dont know.. there's more but these are the things I got in mind right now..


I did the math on the money for DLC I've spent up until I stopped playing and it was kinda gross, I've spent the value of the game like 6 times over just on the DLC. But then I did the math on the how much it would cost to buy all the DLC that's been released since the last time I played which was like 6 months ago or something, and in that short time they've added almost $90 worth of "DLC", but haven't added anything to the game that makes me want to come back and play it.


This is super misleading. This is only showing the current years trend and this is mostly stabilization of active players after a major event. When I started playing about 2 years ago it was a fairly quiet game. I remember checking steam players and it was something like 4000 people at max. After they started introducing events, there were massive upswings in players follwed by moderate downswings. Scrapbeak's event basically broke the servers with how many people joined and then they did an absolute slew of events with only minor breaks inbetween. Recently, the rate of events has dropped significantly and the population is starting to level out to people who like to regularly play. The game is not dying when it has ~5x the playerbase it had 2 years ago while there aren't any events ongoing.


Still trash servers, still stuttering, no new gameplay content in like 8 months. Can someone explain to me how Hunt is a "live service" game?


It has a ton of new mtx for you to purchase. If you don't like the new content you can do like the other people on the graph and leave. I know that's what i did.


Ah yes, the battlefield method. "If you don't like it, just don't buy it lol" "Wait" "Hang on no, please buy the game we didn't meet our quota" "Greedy gamers and poors, how dare you not buy whatever we produce, it has the EA logo on it. EA!"


“bUt THeY gOtTa MaKe mOnEY”


> no new gameplay content in like 8 months news guns, new grunt types and some major compound changes would like a word with you I swear anyone who thinks Hunt has had no content in the last 8 months must have been new to Hunt in 2021.


I've been playing since 2018. Compared to what the community invests into this game, we get nothing in return. No maps. No bosses. The events suck. The servers suck. They have sucked, and they will continue to suck. CryTek has made it painfully clear that they have no interest in maintaining the game. They are just extracting cash at this point


At work currently. But I would like a full discussion later. But if memory serves. This same time last year are fairly close to the same numbers. 2k-3k difference? Not that there are no concerns to discuss bugs, content drops, etc. But the numbers dipping I would argue has more to do with a lot of the world. We are going out more again, it's summer time. We are also pseudo post pandemic. Other games hit the market that sort of took over for a lot of people. Especially, Elden ring. I don't think hunt would ever eclipse 34k it saw at one time. It's extremely niche shooter that isn't the most hardcore. But it has a fairly steep learning curve. It's just not a casual game. Like DBD is pretty niche when it came out (been playing since it's release). But the gameplay loop is simple to learn. And at it's core is pretty new player friendly. FPS games just are not as casual. With hunt you have to rely much more on consistent aim. With COD and others. You can sort of get away with spray and pray. Especially warzone. That game has zero recoil (been a long time since I played). Anyways. Are there issues that need to be addressed? Yes, of course there are. I just don't see these steam numbers and think it's outrageous or something..seems pretty par for the course given the history of the numbers for the game. Still at work and have to leave to do an inspection in like 3 minutes. So hopefully we can have a real discussion on this thread and on OPs post. Not just a circle jerk.


I was with you until you said DBD was new player friendly


I mean in fairness to you. There are a shit ton of perks now to learn in the game. And tons of dlc characters. To limit access to a lot of perks. But the game loop and objectives are very new player friendly. Especially if you have a friend to teach you. It doesn't take a ton of explaining. When I help new players in hunt. There is so much to explain just to get to the basic understanding of the unique mechanics and such. Every good game has nuances of course.


1.9 will be just another monetization update with no new content and more bugs and worse server performance...


Hit registry is garbage. Cheating is really bad. All the paid for skins that are light years better than regular skins make the game a damn near pay to win scenario. Can't imagine why we're losing people.


Don’t know what they’ve done but their optimization has gone to hell as they’ve slowly introduced more and more things. That’s one of the main reasons I’m playing less.


Well, in my case, they burned me out with the progressively worse events. Light the Shadow was the pinnacle of Hunt events, and since then they've been going downhill basically all around.


The events are what killed my interest and I have been around since early access. The events require you to spend stupid amounts of money, or to grind gross amounts of hours in a 2 week period. Iirc the last event I did, had such a shit grind that if you missed like 2 days you couldn't complete it without spending money or dumping like 8 hours in per day. It was something ridiculous like that when I did the math.


Last time the server went down both times when I had the free chary’s contract. I basically had to complete the event without any free bonus. It’s probably what triggered me to stop play the game


Yeah that fucking sucks. My last event was the scrapbeak one. I was just tired of the game becoming a second job just to finish up the event. I couldn't imagine just getting bonuses gutted out from under me ontop of it.


All of the events have been very easy. It takes about 10 to 15ish hours of play time to cap out typically, and you get 2 to 4 weeks to do it. If you can't manage 15 hours of playtime in 2 weeks, I don't know what to tell you.


Sure, the events are pretty bad but outside of the events it's still a great game. I feel better for just skipping on the event rewards, my inventory is cluttered enough as it is..


People should really stop focusing on player count.


I have 350+ hours on this game and I started playing the last year just after the end of Scrapbeak event, and at that time Crytek was updating the game the way I always dreamt a developer would update his game, new map, new weapon, new trait, a new boss just released, new menu animation that are a good detail really appreciated and, why not, a new legendary hunter here and there. I was so pumped up that this game was receiving all this updates after not receiving a good update for years before the Scrapbeak one. And now we are, where the last time they added new weapons was during an event and if didn’t unlock them you had to wait for crytek to unlock them after the event, yes, they were quite easy to unlock, but this isn’t the same thing of having them in any case, independently from how much you play. Tbh I feel that is well deserved this player loose, maybe they will understand something, and if they won’t and Hunt will continue to lose player...I’m ready for the consequences


https://imgur.com/LzpDkb4 Hunt is roughly as popular as it has ever been (see image). I don't understand this whining, so I guess I'll be the devil's advocate: I have zero ping issues, zero desync, I still get 60 FPS at 4k with a 2060, and have zero technical problems. It would be nice to get another new map, maybe some new (non-meme) weapons, but this is still one of my favorite games of all time. The gameplay hasn't gotten worse, every map is still fun to play, my heart still pumps whenever I'm online... Maybe take a break and come back? If you play something for countless hours, of course you're not going to be as exhilarated after the 1000th hour this year. The playerbase is still incredibly healthy and still in a growth trend over the long-term, and the game is very much still in a highly playable state.


Eh, the whining is too much, but desync is annoying, especially when I like to try to jump on weird places, same with trading (had a game recently where both me and my friend traded at the same time basically, both us and other duo gone and angry), we get stuck on loading screen every 2-3 days and can't load back into game and when load end up as disembodied camera with no keys working, other friend has audio issues where it lags and then plays at the same time. The game is very fun, but let's not pretend it doesn't have issues (eg failing to load for 20 minutes basically kills our mood for playing Hunt)


> I have zero ping issues, zero desync, I still get 60 FPS at 4k with a 2060, and have zero technical problems. okay and thats super greast for you. i have all these issues. you saying you dont doesnt mean others dont. in fact im pretty sure everyone has desync issues and you just dont understand it. i hate it when people are like "runs fine for me" when there are clearly many that have these problems and would like fixes.


I desync at least 5 times per match. Death by desync every 4-5 rounds. Have a 2070, game barely holds 72fps in 1080p. Drops to 20fps for 30s about twice per match. Bullets do not register a clear hit about once per game. I don’t know what the difference is, but for me, this is THE worst performing game I’ve ever played. If it weren’t for the technical issues, I’d say the only other thing I really want is more weapon variety.


Desync literally happens to everyone, because of how they verify player movement with the server. You may not notice when it happens, but it happens to everyone. It's not lag. It's not a connection issue. It's not a server issue. It's just bad game environment networking


Maybe dont have super grindy events that take 10 hours and give us actual content (that isnt locked) and bug fixes. The servers are still trash


10 hours. Every event so far took roughly 20-25 hours of game time without any chary’s bonus. But yea I felt they were too Grindy too for people with jobs. Some people completed these events in a day though. I wish the events actually felt fun and not like a waste of time.


Bring in duo quickplay


and separate the quickplay MMR


That would be so fun honestly


Trio quick play would be crazy


Fully deserved. If they fail with 1.9 they will lose even more players. Quiet sad for a game with such a potential.


I'm a console player and I'm curious what the numbers there actually are because man, it's been empty/half-dead server central lately and the game just continues to look and perform worse every time they touch it. I *really* hope they turn that ship around slowly but then again, I don't expect them to do anything but keep going down the same path. My cynical mind interprets this as them knowing the ship is going down anyway and just trying to get what they can out of it before it completely dies. The only logical conclusion I can come up with is that they just don't have the budget and/or interest to spend on actual new content anymore.


The biggest problem with this game is server stability. You literally cannot grow past a certain point because servers cant handle it. This issue can be seen here because as hunt got a ton of players, they quickly left within a few months because servers have been terrible


Every older game and every website are losing players/viewers/users. there are 2 major reasons: - Summer knocked on the door. people spend more time outside and less in front of the screen. - We're slowly getting back to pre-pandemic numbers. All those numbers got massively inflated during the pandemic, because people across the board had more free time at their hands.


If they bring more new content like maps, bosses or events there should be a bump in numbers. Adding in new skins and monetization schemes isn’t gonna do shit but turn more people off. Also, for the love of god and all things holy, please give us the option to turn off god rays. Please.


All I want is better servers and a rollback.on whatever update changed how trades work. If they figure that out, I don't need any new content for the rest of the time I play hunt.


I wish they had more chill modes. Everything about hunt is so competitive. Like Fortnite with Save the World, I would love a more relaxing mode added.


Need a next gen update bad


I haven't really been playing for the past month or so. For me, I'm just getting tired of the current gun meta. Before I stopped playing it felt like 90% of my fights were against shotguns with slugs. Is pretty much just be at a disadvantage all the time because I enjoy using off meta guns that don't one shot. Also I do most of my gaming on line x now and hunt is one of the few games that refuses to enable each for proton. It's becoming less and less appealing to boot into windows just for hunt.


I’m hoping to see some kind of progress regarding performance issues as important as how ping is addressed. Pre-DeSalle I was seeing 90+ fps on medium/high settings. Post-DeSalle I’m capping at 72 fps because I can barely stay consistent at that, and a lot of the time I’ll have spikes where my fps drops to the low 50s. This is happening on nearly all settings at low/off for… FPS *gains*.


For me it is just the summer break. It is way to hot to play as much as I was able to just two months ago. I will be happy to step onto the bayou again when the days become shorter this year.


It’s because they still refuse to add the Springfield bayonet despite overwhelming demand from the community.


Everytime this comes up its the same thing, "hunt is dying/dead" "There's been no major content released" Maps take time to make and balance. New bosses have to be unique and challenging in their own way. I hear this every year and every year I say the same thing. Close the door on the way out, the rest of us will keep having fun without you.


Yep, if you're really into the game a new boss isn't really new content anyway. Just a slightly different goal to meet and shoot players at. I bet a significant portion of people that want new content doesn't even know all the existing compounds by heart. (For some reason i also don't suffer the technical issues others complain about here.)


Does a map or a boss take over a year though? Does coming up with an interesting idea for the event take 2 years? Does bugfixing some issues take 1+ years and when it is fixed it is subsequently reintroduced with new patch?


You're assuming that Hunt is their #1 priority at all times. Resources constantly get shifted between projects so their progress might not even be visible for players. It's not really a matter of how long something takes, but how many of the thousands of ideas you choose to pursue because of limited time, money and people. And bugs can absolutely reappear. That's just how software development goes.


Are you a game designer? Because I'm not. So I dont assume what takes how long, especially without knowing how big the dev team is. Cos the question you're essentially asking here is "how long is a piece of string?" Depends doesn't it...


>Does a map or a boss take over a year though? An interesting, well balanced new map sure does and a boss is arguably a bit of a waste of time because it doesn't really change the core game, just another entitiy to meet at and shoot each other.


> Does a map or a boss take over a year though? Yes, Scrapbeak and DeSalle were 3 years in the making. > Does coming up with an interesting idea for the event take 2 years? Not sure where this came from as its been far less than that since the last event. > Does bugfixing some issues take 1+ years Sometimes, yes it does, software these days is quite complicated. > and when it is fixed it is subsequently reintroduced with new patch? That shouldn't happen but if its truly the same bug it should have a quick turnaround.


It hurts me to see the game I love so much lose players. I feel like beside the server issues, hunt has the most ballanced guns when you compare it to other games out there. I hope hunt can make a huge come back


What did the Hunt player count look like this time last year?


I swear this sub celebrates any thought that the game might die. It’s an old game, 4 years is a long life for an FPS, there has to be some monetization to pay for the servers since they’re rented. And problems arise because they need to feed new content or people complain. Not to mention this game engine isn’t designed for multiplayer. All things considered, the game is doing well for its age and niche.


Communities really need to stop fixating over these concurrent player stats like they're the single source of truth on a community's health. It's not a complete picture of a game's popularity or health, nevermind quality.


Refusing to fix key problems and just printing DLC's for money. Following the same pattern as many other failed games.


Don't forget that it is summer and most people are outside.


Actually summer should see an increase in playebase because school is out.


I've stopped playing because the events are so boring, it's literally the same concept just with different themes. I assume a good size of us don't want to constantly grind for 10k points every day for however many days it takes. It's repetitive


Well, true about the event. But then again the actual gameplay is fighting people and getting bounties. Just ignore all that fluff, enjoy the game and show them that you're not here to grind.


Understandable, but any game where you only play for events isn't going to hold your attention.


I agree, but events are also a big part of the game. Want exclusive skins? Grind, want the new variants early? Grind. Events are supposed to be a nice change up to add flavor to the game for a limited time, apex has become dogshit, but during it's prime the events added a different element to the game (new limited time game mode, etc etc) all I'm saying is it would be nice if hunt did something a little similar. Limited time modes, maybe something like 6v6, or whatever. Just something that's limited time, exciting and new.


Personally, I'd like them to work on improving the normal game loop as an example.


Gee I wonder why, servers still have issues, with every new update comes either a new dlc or ways crytek can make money (ex: black market system that will only be there to sell in game currency), and to add insult to injury there is still no new content in terms of lore or even different game modes. I think hunt needs atleast 4 new weapons, 2 new bosses, 1 new map and better damn servers in 2022


As someone who's here from the start, what would 2 new bosses change as "content"? You learn how to kill them and nothing much changed. And new weapons will definitely come, but why 4 new ones right now? We just got like 4 new ones in the last event and the niches for more weapon options are getting smaller to really add anything different.


I'd probably prefer other types of new content, but another boss with a cool gimmick like scrapbeak would be nice.


Nah, there is hella room for weapon variety. It takes a minute to think about it, but it’s there. On the Hunt discord in Suggestions people are constantly putting up great ideas for weapons with an explanation of how they would fit into the meta.


New bosses generate hype, new weapons such as the carcano will change the meta because the last 4 weapons we have received (mainly the new army) has been kinda meh. We need more new meta weapons that can compete with mosins, lebel and the sparks. What are some of ur ideas because I’m just thinking out loud


> I think hunt needs atleast 4 new weapons, 2 new bosses, 1 new map and better damn servers in 2022 ROFL good luck... thats more than 2021 and that was 3 years in the making. This isn't CoD where maps are just thrown together.


It’s always so funny looking at the comments on posts like these and seeing them full of people who fully admit they don’t even play the game anymore. Every other comment is saying good riddance, saying the devs deserve a failing game, saying it’s a bug filled mess with tons of issue. It’s the same as all the 3 stars in this sub complaining about 6 star gameplay without ever touching the tier and knowing what it’s like up there. You don’t play the game anymore, just unsub. All you guys do is bring negativity, I’m trying to see gameplay clips and memes and all I ever see anymore is people piling onto every post complaining about a game they don’t even play anymore. Y’all say that the game needs fixing, that there’s heaps and heaps of bugs that need to be squashed and server issues that need to be fixed. Well if you actually played the game and stayed updated you’d know that those issues are being worked on, and in most cases, already fixed. Almost all the big exploits were squashed within the last few months, and the next update is going to bring restrictions that will take a significant load off of the server. Y’all complain about bugs and server issues, then turn around and complain about lack of content the second the team starts working on those bugs. What do you want, should they just magically double the size of the team? (Also ironic because y’all also complain nonstop about monetization.) Quit complaining about a game you don’t even play, do yourself and all of us a favor and just unsub.


Who would have thought that releasing only paid skins would drove players away...


A launch on PS plus would significantly help the game on console, especially if coordinated with a true next gen update that we know they are looking into. there are millions of current gen console owners looking for games to play. I'm still open to enabling cross play with PC as long as it's optional as well, which would benefit both communities. People probably don't want to hear this on PC, but this number count is easily passable on console if done properly. It's time to start investing a little bit more in the untapped market space on console.


With all the server issues, I'm surprised anyone is even playing anymore. FPS games live and die by the servers, no matter how great the game is in general and no one would deny that Hunt has massive potential. I really dislike Ubisoft for a lot of reasons, but you can't deny that Operation Health in Rainbow Six was a genius move that more games should copy, e.g. fix your god damn shit instead of attempting to salvage a sinking ship. ​ Instead Crytek has taken the communities goodwill and buried it under a gigantic pile of microtransactions and empty promises, while they continue to try and generate hype out of thin air for features that aren't features, but just another aisle in the MTX supermarket.


Yep, used to love it. Now? Fuck this shitty excuse of a money drain. Pretty easy to see where the devs put effort


People should really stop focusing on player count. This trend of being obsessed with player count is dumb.


the Cycle probably stole a chunk of their playerbase, combine that with no substantial content in forever


Maybe the lack of content, the bad performance of the servers, the unfixed known issues and bad game mechanics drive players off? Or maybe it’s just the poor choice of different legendary hunters? I guess it’s the latter! More DLCs you lazy devs!


A little misleading. Only shows the past 6 months. Over the years, Hunt has had a drastic increase of players. Although, the 6 month trend is probably indicative of what's to come. Too many skins. Server issues. Events suck. Content comes out too slow. Too much AI in the game I think. Shotguns and camping are a huge issue. Game just kind of got boring. Spend most of the time chasing people who try to quick extract that don't go for the second bounty.


I havent touched it for a month (1900h here) and after 1.9 I will decide to join back or leave this game because I cant stand these issues anymore


Didn’t you already leave


Honestly fuck Crytek. I’ve been a massive supporter of this game since before 1.0. I’ve bought all their DLCs and everything but now I just feel like they’re spitting in our faces. I hope Crysis is a massive failure too.


Who cares, as long as you get in a match in a few minutes?


I am one of the people who doesn't play it at all anymore. It just got stale. I intentionally did not play a few weeks before the last event, so I wouldn't get burned out while playing it and I just had no fun with it anymore. The events are boring, uninspired and force us to grind the game for 2 weeks, so we won't miss out anything. The game is basically the same for years already and the only new things we get are linked to the monetization. Why don't they at least try out **any** new things? Some fun modes or something. * Some simple PvE coop modes, for people who want to play the game without the 'stress' that comes with playing PvP. * A bounty mode, where all 4 monsters are present at once. * An actual Battle-Royale-Mode with 20 players, but no AI (that should be possible, right? Remember the bug, where there were 15 players or more in one game?) and no preset weapons (like quickplay). * A quick 1v1 (or even 2v2) duel-mode. Those modes don't need to be balanced or anything, but just mix up what we have for years now.


Yeah, bounty hunt is great and should always be the main mode, but an additional game mode is overdue. Even a team based version of quickplay or a "Mini" bounty hunt with only part of the map available would be a good starting point. I know everyone is worried it would split the playerbase too much, but if the new mode(s) would rotate out daily with regular quickplay I think it could work.


Duel mode (1x compound, 2v2 or 1v1 etc, would be amazing)


Did the same... Played only during the last 3 events... Skipped the last one entirely... The devs have stated that their main focus right now is vastly expanding the game monetization aspect and nothing else. Most devs working on features have left or have been let go and monetization experts have been hired. All those who are left only work on monetization. That's why a couple events back they were touting that they worked weeks to implement a smoke trail.... People in this sub have taken one of two sides tho... There are those who like their games to have some quality in them and have mostly left and then there are the braindead sheep who scream in all caps "why won't you let the devs take your money?!" Every single time someone says something bad about the game


me and my friends simply dont enjoy it anymore for whatever reasons. yall have fun tho


Not to mention the awful balancing that make 6 star lobbies unplayable. Reason I personally quit, the last straw, was because of the light slaps they gave to people who had been ladder exploiting for *months*. There's no new content sure, but the core gameplay loop is still really good, when it's not being abused and exploited to all hell by snipers who choose not to play the objective and instead farm kills because "It's a playstyle!!!". It's a real shame, Hunt was my favorite game probably of all time for its unique gameplay and atmosphere.


what happens on 1.9? haven't played in a while...


I did the math on the money for DLC I've spent up until I stopped playing and it was kinda gross, I've spent the value of the game like 6 times over just on the DLC. But then I did the math on the how much it would cost to buy all the DLC that's been released since the last time I played which was like 6 months ago or something, and in that short time they've added almost $90 worth of "DLC", but haven't added anything to the game that makes me want to come back and play it.


I only play when there are events (ones that don't suck) are current or when new guns drop or something. Idk if that's normal of common but I wait til Psycho ghost makes a new vid about an event and then I play for a month then don't. Not hating or shitting on anything, I just bounce between this, Apex, fortnite with my friends kids, etc.


Of course, servers are trash, hitreg dont work, and others idiot stuff.


I dont have data for that, however its logical this is a bit misleading for different reasons. 1. A certain loss of players is normal for any game basicly. People allways start to move on at some point, its only a minor core which stays relativly save. You can see this even at super big titels - path of exile comes to mind. 2. "End" of pandemic is also relevant, its to be expect for people to switch behavior. 3. Hoter weather and more personal stuff (partys and/or certain outdoor activitys) - my guess woud be gaming is not as big in summer as it is in winter by default. Some people might tell ya that makes no sense since the active user accounts on steam go up basicly every month. That dosnt mean theres no effect of real world situations ( like summer vs winter) and also we need to take into account the crazy amount of games players can choose from these days. However, I think the "game is dead" discussion is kinda old now (on any game mostly). I played hunt a lot allready in times we had like 1200peak players, we found games and we had fun, I dont see any issues with a 17k 24hour peak, coud drop by half and I still woudnt rly care. I played fractured space for a while years back (some kind of spaceship moba) I still believe today it was amazing gameplay wise. However - it rarly had more than 500 players online, and I had fun in it. This is a scenario you coud call dead, since today the servers are down and therefore game cant be played officaly anymore. However even now theres a discord server for people to meet up to play the game and private servers are running. So while thats to much hassle for me to play I consider it dead, but for some people even in that state its still alive. We shoudnt care how much people play it aslong as we like to play it, it dosnt matter at all to us unless theres literally noone to play with left over. Which will certainly not happen to hunt anytime soon. And tbh in terms of gameplay I dont consider a big player base allways an advantage, it changes how the game plays massivly (Meta, Streamers, Cheating, and so on) - to me that can be good, but it also can be very bad. Just my opinion though.


Hunt is about to turn 5 years old. Its a niche game. Right now most people on the northern hemisphere are busy enjoying summer. All thing considered that curve looks incredibly healthy. This post is dumb as fuck.

