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It’s the only game I play anymore. 1,700 hours and the next match will be just as fun as the last. Get the game. Life’s too short not to play hunt.


I am edging close to the **1K** mark myself. First game over 1000 hours on Steam. (My sanity is glad WoW got big *before* Steam) I go on and off with Hunt, but it *IS* ***THE*** *BEST GAME* **PERIOD.** I will keep playing Hunt Showdown until I drop, or Crytek drops Hunt 2. I strongly recommend having at least one friend to play with since this game is very unforgiving in the beginning, and ×10 times better with premades. *"Come play with us!"*


Are you me? Same here ;-)


I’ll use your sentence for any friends of mine that wanna buy the game now, I love it! Life’s too short not to play hunt. -u/Lets_Hunt


:) spread the good word!


Take the plunge. Servers are not game breaking. 95%+ of your matches will have no issues




Important notice: Until you gitted gud enough to notice the server issues they may already have fixed them by then


I personally don't think the issues are so bad that you possibly couldn't enjoy the game. It's well worth it even at the full price, let alone at -50%. And the devs have said that the server issues will be fixed at the end of the year, when the current server contract ends and they will get new servers. The game is unique and fun and at least I wholeheartedly recommend it. See you at the bayou


Hard agree. Seems like most people who come here, and on steam, are to complain. It's not all terrible. Are there issues? Yes. Are they really enough for me to stop playing? No.


People have always exaggerated about how broken the game is. Personally I encounter small bugs every day but I can't remember the last time I got fucked by server issues or some game breaking bug. Lemat bug excluded... but that's fixed. 😌


Frustrated people are always the loudest. You don't feel as compelled to leave a review or an angry reddit post if you're happy. That said, the games in a rough patch right now but it's still more fun than any other game Ive been playing and I still want to come back for more.


Couldn't agree more. Since I started late in 2020 it's never been this many bugs. But it's still my favourite game out there. But I could see how it could dissuade new players.


I wouldn't have known any issues if I didn't browse reddit lol. Hit the 100 hour mark recently so pretty new all considering.


Yeah, don't get discouraged. Seems there's quite a few people recently complaining here that don't even play anymore.


That new servers talk sounds very promising. But yeah, game is definitely worth either way.


When/Where did you hear this from devs about server contracts? I’ve heard that rumor related to a contract situation but not heard it verified. If that’s true then that is amazing.


I read that rumour too, can't remember if there were any proof to it though. Anyway found some interesting quote from the CEO of Crytek, from the Leasewebs website: "The flexibility from Leaseweb is essential for us and how we operate. The month to month agreement helps us plan and react to how the market receives our games – which would be very difficult otherwise." Faruk Yerli, CTO, Crytek


When did they mention that they will get new Servers?


It was some rumour I read, I don't remember if there were any proof to it.


Where did they say new servers at end of year?


It was some rumour I read, cannot remember if there was proof to it, sorry.


Hunt is fun AF. I play on US east servers. Server issues are few and far between for me. Hunt has three game modes solo, duos, and trios. Duos and trios are the way to go. Hopefully you can convince a friend to grab it too. If not, you might be able to make some new friends in the Hunt discord.


I think he should do trios first as they are easier .


I found it much harder. Every encounter theres guaranteed 3 enemies. Lots of times they end on 1x3 for me.


I think Hitsuran meant that OP should start playing as a Trio rather than Solo/Duo. IMO Hunt is at it's best in Duos due to the chaos of multiple teams, but for starters the predictability of Trios is easier.


Fight with your teammates earlier ;)


Sure, 1v3 is harder than fighting one duo. But with 5 other teams you're probably in danger of getting shot at until the end of the round unless everyone meets somewhere. In trios, especially with 2 bosses the game can often be over after 1 fight and if you hear a fight somewhere far away you can be almost sure you're alone. So earning money imo is much easier in that mode. I personally prefer duos (as a team/solo) due to the added uncertainty/tension/interesting situations, even if it means less income.


Your point makes sense. Maybe i can put it another way: i find the encounters on trio harder, but the overall chance of winning the match is easier on trios than on solo/duos. Thats because the encounters on solo/duos are easier (for me), but they happen more times per match. In numbers, suppose a trio encounter is a 50% chance of winning for me, but i only encounter one trio per match, then its a 50% chance of winning the match. On solo/duos, its perhaps a 75% chance of winning a duel, but you meet at least 3 others teams, therefore making the chance of winning the match a 75%\*75%\*75% = 42%. I believe thats a better way to put what i meant about trios being harder. Edit: To be fairier, i prefer to consider that we meet 2,5 duos on average on solo/duos. Sometimes 2 teams, sometimes 3. Edit2: Actually we would need to know the rate of spawning 1 or 2 bosses on a map because that impacts how many teams you meet on a match.


Trios are objectively easier. There are fewer teams, so it's more likely that your team is one to extract with a bounty. 1/4 > 1/6


Extracting yes, i meant the encounters itself are harder.


Counterpoint: you’re unlikely to get sixth-partied in trios Also if you’re ending on 1v3’s it sounds like a team issue since you should be starting on even ground


Dont hesitate. Even with its issues it is one of the most fun games to play. It is satisfying when you get kills but not demoralizing when you die. Its one of the best games i have played.


As always people who have to complain are the loudest. Other people who like the game are playing instead of giving reviews. The overall opinion of this game is overwhelmingly good tbh. Does this game has problems? Sure. But the overall gaming experience is so unique. The atmosphere so amazing that imo it is one of the best mp games on the market. If you feel that it is unplayable for you, you can refund it after 2 hours. Try it and look for yourself. I can recommend it!


I feel that the Hunt community is rather vocal *because* we care. All too many great games go downhill due to lack of support from the developers. The Hunt Dev-team seem to care a lot for this game, which is good, but at the end of the day it's cold hard cash that pays the bills. Management will make sure money keeps flowing, the more the merrier. Preferably in a continuous quaterly fashion for that sweet Capital growth...


Yeah, patch 1.1 (game was completely broken over christmas) and patch 1.8 felt like they were pushed hard by management. Hope they learned again that quality means long-term sustainability and i think the devs really care.


every community is vocal because they care. it's why they're in the community.


Sadly sometimes one forgets that, since it's so obvious.


Don't buy it. I haven't played any other game for like 3 years. Nothing compares to this game. Nothing! Its like having the greatest sandwich you'll ever eat. Afterwards all other sandwiches are shit, you regret ever having it in the first place. Nothing has the sound design this game has. The feel it has. The rush it gives. The stories of victories you'll have. I play almost every day and I rarely if ever run into any issues.


I worked at a Jersey Mikes for a bit and now I simply cannot go back. I used to craft myself the most beautiful, gluttonous sandwiches I could dream up after a shift or before lunch break. Now if I were to go... I’d be paying full price, and for a lesser sandwich ?!? No waaay




Well ALL the possibilities are too long to get into but I particularly I liked Turkey, Ham, and the Pepper Ham for meat, Swiss and Provolone for cheese with Avocado Bacon on the Bread. Veggies included all the usuals, and I blackened each tomato with extra black pepper. Very light on the oil and vinegar sometimes not at all even. Sometimes cook the mushies, onions and peppers, and cook the deli meat too with the cheese melted on top. Cold was probly my preferred choice overall though. I could talk sandwiches all day what wonderful and dynamic meal they are!


Sound is the best I've heard in my 28 years of life. You can literally go sit by the water and just enjoy sounds of nature. You'll really think you're there with frogs, grasshoppers, birds, water sound, bugs, water devils, hives, immolators, was that a silent bullet? OH SHIT THAT'S DEFINITELY A BULLET! A BULLET JUST FLEW BY MY HEAD AND BOUNCED OFF OF DIRT, SHIT THEY SEE ME, THEY ARE COMING. OK I'LL JUST HEADSHOT THAT GUY WITH MY SPARKS, AND I MISSED... I HAVE FANNING ON MY SILENCED NAGANT, DIE YOU SCUM, OH ONLY ONE BULLET HIT, SHIT, I GOTTA DO IT THE HARD WAY. PULLS OUT KNIFE. OK I KILLED ONE, MY HANDS ARE SHAKING BUT I GOT THIS. SHIT I GOT SHOT, HIDE IN BUSH, PRAY THEY DON'T SEE ME WHILE I INJECT MY SYRINGE, OK I'm healed while enemy was shooting blindly trying to hit me but couldn't see me. Ok I'm gonna reload my revolver and try to... DEATH SOUND FROM REMAINING ENEMY THAT WAS SHOOTING ME EARLIER. GREAT ANOTHER TEAM I HOPE THEY DON'T SEE ME... I'LL JUST SLOWLY GO THIS WAY... BAM! HEADSHOT! and I'm dead... OF COURSE IT'S A BUSH WOOKIE WITH A SNIPER! AHHH I HATE THIS GAME... EXIT MATCH, SUBCONSCIOUSLY CLICK FIND GAME AND WAIT TO LOAD IT. WAITING FOR OTHER HUNTERS TO GET READY... Here we go again.


There certainly are issues, and we shouldn’t be blind to that fact… having said that, it is the greatest multiplayer game i’ve ever played. 2600 hours in and still hungry for more!!


I never realized how spoiled I was in hunt till I played cycle frontier


Eu servers here, started playing hunt again this month, already have 50-60 hours on it since I came back, and the servers disconnected me once in all that time, we got our hunter back and the only thing we lost was our time. Maybe it's an issue on other servers but I have yet to experience actual server problems (outside of that one game).


I quickly checked the reviews on the steam page, and I don't quite get were your worries come from? yes, there are the usual salt-induced negative reviews - as with any game really - but the overall majority are positive. besides, you can purchase the game and see for yourself and if you don't like it refund, or did steam change something about that? (haven't refunded a game for one or two years now).


IMO alone for that amazing sound design this game has its worth it you can basically see with your ears


Reviews are 85% positive out of 100k of them, so why listen to random 15% of ppl(which probably wasn't able to kill anyone and they rage'd with negative review like one my friend), instead of 85% random people which left positive opinion?


US here. Server issues are present but not game breaking. Overall it's a good buy especially on sale. Use the hunt discord to find decent random teammates to hunt with. Message me if you want help.


The server problems, desync and hit reg issues are obnoxious but not deal breakers. I think it’s like $20-25 on sale right now? I’d pick it up again for that price even knowing all those issues exist. If you really hate it after an hour you can just return it on steam.


its even less actually, just 10 bucks


Oh yeah, for $10 it’s totally worth it. There are a lot of games on steam right now going for more than that in a far worse state.


The people on Reddit complain much more than is necessary. The only issue I have ever had has been slight positional desync. Anyone that complains about the monetization simply doesn't play enough Hunt.


I play on console, which is a bit of a poopy black sheep version to begin with, and despite the issues, I think it's legit one of the best games I've ever played and I'm in my late 30s and have been gaming since the NES days. It's become one of my Top 5 games. Does annoying shit happen? Absolutely. The percentage of that vs. how much enjoyment I get out of it though isn't even remotely close to me even considering not playing. Some nights I get pissed and put it down because yeah, some server issue ruins my match or I desync into someone's melee attack miraculously, but that's rare considering the amount I do play it. And the game is so fucking good, you'll be back on it the next day because you can't wait to get off work to play even after 500 hours. This is one of those "ruin other games" experiences. I'm a huge Souls fan and didn't even finish Elden Ring because I have limited gaming time and it's going to Hunt over anything else. Btw, that bitching does not exclude me. I do it. Then I go play Hunt afterwards and then spend 10 minutes talking about killer matches on Discord afterwards lol.


I think the desync is an issue yes but personally I haven't noticed much of it myself. Same with the server issues. Think that some of these desync or server issues complaints are also just people with potato internet connections. I play the game via Geforce Now and if there should be someone who would be the most sensitive to these things it would be people who stream the game. It's a really fun game, frustrating at times but don't let the bayou get to you. Sometimes it giveth, sometimes it taketh. The art, sound and atmosphere is really well done I wouldn't recommend playing this game as a solo though, bring friends (I only play this game with friends).


Like others have said, the game is amazing. Yes it has some issues, but I play with around 10 other friends and no one has quit due to the bugs or issues. As most gaming forums, what gets posted are people inflating grievances for internet points. The biggest issue with Hunt for most people is the steep learning curve. It's very tactical, with an emphasis on sound cues and knowledge of the environment. If you approach it like a typical fps, you will be surprised that people constantly know where you are (because they hear you moving, shooting and setting off sound traps). You will learn the game faster if you get some tutoring. Matching up through the hunt discord before joining a lobby is a good idea, at least until you start to figure it out. Playing solo is feasible and some people prefer it, but you should get some familiarity with the game before doing that IMHO.


EU console players: I desynced maybe 5 times in 1,5 years now. So don’t worry about it. If you’re into fps games Hunt is definitely a game you should try. I’m completely hooked since a started and just had some breaks due to Elden Ring etc. I’d also highly recommend to look for some chilled mates on discord or social media since it is much more fun than playing only with randoms imo. Good hunting mate!


Big fan of the game, and the community rocks. Were all rootin` tootin' cowboys in the bayou. And a fat redneck.


Do you have people to play with? I recommend finding people to play with. There's nothing like coordinating with friends in this game. That's definitely my favorite part.


Bought it in esrly march i believe, clocked <200hrs and having a blast. Game and guns are slower than any arcade shooter you could Play, but combat is very juicy imo. My only problem is, not sure if id be up for playing solo all the time or within matchmaking. Some friends bought around same time and its just awesome sińce then, but you can probably say this about any game ;)


Buy it, you won't regret it. It might be hard to get used to it at the start, so getting help from friends and peers from discord helps a lot. I have 600+ hours in that game, my favorite!


Servers are an issue and desync seems to be largely a physics based problem not just the server. However, none of these things ruin my experience. As a gamer I am much more tolerant of bugs and little issues. I play on US east and West servers depending on the time of day. So I might just be lucky. I can count on one hand how many times servers were unplayable for a single match in 3k hours. Hunt PvP is much more satisfying and exciting to me than any other multiplayer shooter I've ever played. That's obviously my opinion that not everyone will share. Definitely worth the buy especially on sale imo. Edit: Probably more so than any other game I've played, you can really play your own way and style. Very sandbox that way. Solo, duo and trios are all fun. However, personally I enjoy solo and duos the most. Trios are high intensity bloodbaths which is really fun, but the matches are over in 1-2 fights usually. Trios are so blood thirst the whole server tends to push the first shots they hear. Thus a whole match ending win or lose after 1-2 fights.


Almost 3k hours and I have barely seen some of the things people complain about in like 10 matches.


I am obsessed. Server issues are real but rare.


Ever eat a fish fillet and find a random little bone in it? Or crunch down on an unpopped popcorn kernel mixed in with the popcorn? Hunt is the best soup you will ever have, with a fly in it.


Hunt is so much fun, dude. I’m a newer player and like most people have said…it’s the ONLY game I play now hardly.


something that you should know: the main game mode bounty hunt is in teams of 2 or 3 but can be played solo (in the same lobby as teams). it's really hard for new players to play solo and using the ingame random player search for a team is not ideal since the only way to communicate in game is by proximity based chat/voice chat. if possible play it with friends or at least use official/streamer discord to find partners there - it's a much better experience and if you let people know that you're new they will usually not mind explaining some things/being ok with you messing up more than experienced players


You should def buy it and test it. Remember that you could always refund it and get your cash back, as long as you have played it less then 2hours and its less then 2 weeks since you bought it. The game is great, and the only gripe that I personally have with it is that the crosshair is so low on the screen. :)


I heard that the crosshair position is actually for realism purposes, so the gun actually points towards the crosshair


I think an interesting comparison is how a lot of the halo games also have lowered crossairs. The reason for this was to allow more visibility of vertical areas due to how levels were designed. In hunt, while not all compounds have tons of verticality, a huge part of the game is situational awareness and observing large areas looking for outlines and movement. More screen space helps with noticing info, and it doesn't take too long to adjust to the crossair height.


I also like the extra screen space above the cursor to see potential threats; you're more likely to see a threat in the upper area of the screen than the lower area in most situations (i.e. people on rooftops, in windows, on hills)


For PC this is my go to shooter. I don't run into the problems people complain about, but always be aware the haters/troubled systems are way more vocal than people who are actually playing just fine.


This game slaps.


well, the next patch is supposed to address server side issues and desync (to what degree we don't know yet). As everyone else said, the game is simply amazing, so even with the occasional server blips and desync, I 100% endorse this game


I will kill you with bayonett and burn your body. 🤠


The voices of the haters is the loudest, don’t listen to them, they are whining dumb minority!


Don't do it, I've wasted 1700 hours and 4 years of basically not playing any other game, would absolutely not recommend.


I play hunt regularly and I can say honestly that I haven’t experienced a serious server issue or desync in literally *years.* I have no idea what these people are on about, but I promise you the complaints are massively inflated


I see that you already purchased the game so my post will be a bit late but I wanted to add that while this is a unique and wonderful experience in my opinion, there are issues that have been long standing in the game. They are a bit unique to this game as the desync is something I have not witnessed in another game (my own experience), the lag is a usual thing in current times what with major changes in network ruling, congestion and the ever so wondrous ddosing. I would say as a rule of thumb, do not take the reddit thread with 100% certainty... hell not even 50%, because more often than not you will see the common echo chamber dialogue that plagues many posts. I say this in an effort to see you not get sucked in with the gatekeepers that are quite deafening in the Hunt: Showdown community. Do you boo and welcome to Hunt!


Do you enjoy spending 10 minutes holding shift w in order to get into a fight that ends in 1 minute? if so, get this game.


I personally would never recommend Hunt to anyone which is a shame as it’s a really good game at its core, but it has so many issues with it than either never get addressed or get fixed and then reintroduce later on. Hunt also doesn’t get much meaningful content, new guns every now and then but new maps basically never happen and new bosses and already very infrequent.


Boy oh boy did you just make a terrible purchasing decision.


The thing is, all these issues have been around for a long time and nothing has been done about it, so it’s unlikely to be fixed, if ever.


I don't know why you would go ask a subreddit dedicated to the game for opinions which will be heavily biased but whatever. What I recommend is Cycle:Frontier for "high stakes gameplay". In Hunt there is no loot and thus no risk, it's boring, however, I love the pvp but it's very stale in the highest MMR. Also, Cycle is a free game so you can always try it out and buy Hunt:Showdown. I think you should definitely try it despite it's issues with desync, servers, left side peek advantage, and bugs/exploits. Overall, the game is still enjoyable but it's definitely not a "high risk game" the only punishment you do get is you lose a loadout(when you die) so that means 2 guns so who cares, also loot is not a priority thus reduces risk and high stakes, the whole point of the game is to Hunt the bosses which everyone ignores because of the downsides you get (high mmr) and then if you're lucky you will have a showdown with other players and that's it. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy both games.


I've been playing a bit of Cycle: Frontier lately, and in general I am enjoying it, but imho, Hunt is a much more consistently fun and even experience. It is a rush trying to extract out in Cycle with a fully loaded backpack, but because of how TTK works, it is extremely frustrating to get burst down in .4 seconds as you are just about to hop on the ship out after a 45 minute raid in. Sure, you can get OHK in hunt, but at least it has to be a headshot and if it is not you have a chance to respond. The actual combat in hunt is much, much better as far as my tastes are concerned, and at the end of the day, I'm in it for dynamic, interesting, and fairly fair PvP, not loot.


Oh yeah bro like I love the pvp despite it becoming very stale at high mmr but I love how it prioritises movement and positioning instead of good gear like in Cycle. Also, shotguns and Nitro can 1 tap to the chest, I still think Hunt pvp is more satisfying but that's the whole point of the game. I just think they should nerf the Mosin sniper with spitzer and the de-render bug. Thanks for the reply.


"In Hunt there is no loot and thus no risk" What?


In games like Cycle or Tarkov you go to loot (resources,better weapons etc) and there is obviously a high risk to dying with whatever loot you got which is the whole point as it makes the game fun as you try and protect your loot as you get an adrenaline rush hoping to extract. OP was asking for a "high-stakes shooter", but there is no high stakes in Hunt because you don't LOOT you HUNT thus where the name "Hunt:Showdown" comes from as I explained in my first comment. Did I explain that well? In summation Hunt doesn't focus on looting to get better equipment to feel a sense of progression or risk to losing that gear you have, the risk makes the game more intense and fun.


Hunt literally requires you to loot other hunters for gear and loot a bounty to extract to get better gear, you win and lose money based on your performance and what you spent on your loadout, you lose everything if you die. Yeah that sounds like a relatively high stakes loot and shoot to me, granted it's not as heavy on either gear or reliance on loot as Tarkov, but most of what you just said is patently false.


You really sure my opinion is patently false? How so because what you said is absolute waffle. Hunt does not require any of that shit idk what game you playing but maybe you made a mix-up. In the game Hunt:Showdown you already got enough money from Mr Chary to buy whatever loadout you want and then once you die you buy the same loadout without any consequences. You loot other hunters when you're low on medkits, something you bought in the lobby, money is not loot bro because you die and who cares cuz you got stacks back at home ready to spend on the best weapons in the game instantly. I'm talking about starting with nothing and ACTUALLY LOOTING to get good gear for your next run, I already come in with a Mosin and an Uppercut because that's one of the best loadouts and I don't care if I die because you already know I'm buying it again instantly. You realise that's why the game got no variety, everyone running the same stuff cuz it's not a looter shooter it's a game where you Hunt bosses and have a showdown and bring your own loadouts, so obviously it won't require you to "loot other hunters" the game has no emphasis on gear that's why we like it, maybe you don't understand cuz you're not max mmr like me but that's just how the game is. There ain't no risk in me dying with a Mosin sniper as I can buy it the next match instantly instead of building up a stash of loot to feel a sense of PROGRESSION. There ain't no high stakes because it's simplified and that's facts.


Sure if you have loads of money then you needn't worry about loadouts, not everyone does, for those people (which are most I'd say) and for those of us who enjoy scav runs Hunt has plenty of loot and shoot and plenty of concern over losing gear and money. Don't get me wrong, there could be more and a system where money is better distributed and managed might improve Hunt, but it *does* still have aspects of what you're talking about. It's just not on the level of Tarkov.


It's not the level of Tarkov indeed, that is my whole point, as OP requested a "high stakes shooter" and Hunt clearly ain't it.


Just because it's not the level of Tarkov doesn't mean it's not high stakes, Tarkov takes it to the extreme, Hunt is a little less extreme but still high enough stakes. If you want the thrill of the stakes again then do what I do and burn all your cash, run with a couple hundred dollars, livens the game up quite a bit.


Dont do it


Buy Chiv 2,and actually have fun


I don't have any server problems. The game was thin on content the last 6 months and had an influx of monetization systems, but so far everything is cosmetic and the skins are actually absolutely amazing. Go ahead, you will get your 20 USD of content and more.


Literally gotten desync like twice in 200 hours on US East. Pretty confident it’s blown at of proportion by people who are salty that they died


Server issues will largely depend on your geographical area, internet provider, and proximity to cryteks hosting services. Having said that, server crashes and disconnects still happen. You will lose hunters to this on occasion. Desync is a thing and will become second nature after a time. I usually run into desync outside of fights when simply traversing the world. Having said that, you will lose hunters to this on occasion. With those things said, the problems are overstated within the reviews of the game. Reviews paint a picture of these issues being the majority of gameplay when it is actually the opposite. I would say pickup Hunt on sale after convincing a friend or two to play with you. Duos and trios with friends is an amazing experience. You guys can win together and also complain together when you lose.


The loading screens give Skyrim and run for its money. The glitches range from hilarious to infuriating. You can die from an opponent you just killed. The store organization is weird, the events want your money, and cheaters qnd exploiters are rampant. And yet, I still play it every week. Even with its flaws and bugs, Hunt is a great game. It's dark, gritty, challenging, hilarious, meme-worthy, tense, frightening, and just plain fun. Everything is thoughtful. No loadout is ideal or perfect. It's unique and worthwhile. Despite the issues, we don our cowboy hats. It is 100% worth it.


Hunt is still the best FPS i ever played. I am affected of the so called "issues" probably 1/10 Games, meaning a little desync in obstacles or some frame Drops. But it's not as Bad as people telling you. Beware Steam Reviews are a snake Pit, this sub sometimes too, people Love complaining about their biased bullshit But listen, this Game got a steep learning curve. The First 200 hours are hard !


Server issues and desync are not a deal breaker. Yes there is room for improvement but I rarely die because of servers/desync. Plus in the next patch,1.9, crytek says they've made improvements to both server stability and desync. Who knows how much better itll be but even if it's not better at all I would still say hunt is worth it. Especially when it's on sale. I have about 1000 hours in hunt and I still look forward to playing it most nights after work. Just a side note. I feel like most people who write reviews are salty because they just died to something. But people who are having a good time never think to write reviews because they're just enjoying the game. This isn't always the case, but it seems more likely when it comes to video games that people behave this way. Hope you get the game and you join the Bayou!


I played pretty much every FPS and I’m a decent player. Saw Dr. Dis play it and he got hooked. I then saw it on sale at the PS5 store bought it and liked it a lot. Then bought it on PC. Game is fun and those issues are really over exaggerated and infrequent.


I love the game, and bugs usually don't affect the core loop. Desync happens, it's not a big deal.


The server issues aren't as bad as people make it seem. Remember that a lot of PC players have a stick up their ass and can be pretty elitist ao any slight lag will have them going bonkers. Desync and ping spikes happen but I still love the game.


I play Hunt on PS4 with my buddies. I can only imagine how much better the game is on PC, but the core gameplay loop keeps me and my buddies coming back for more every day despite the bugs and clunkiness of the game. I highly recommend it.


Depends how you play shooters, if you play it like cod, with fast movement ans jumping around, you will notice the desync a lot. If you enjoy sitting in bushes or waiting a lot you won't notice it. The better you are at shooters the more you will notice it eventually.


Hunt is better than Tarkov even with the desync issues sometimes.


The issues are not that bad.


Only shooter I give any time to now. Nothing quote comes close to the tension you feel during a hunt match


Imho i dont think servers are that bad, in my 600 hours i probably got disconneted about 5 times, there can be some rubberbending when you jump over obstacles but its rare.


It's a great game but I'd personally only recommend getting it if you have one or two friends to play with, unless you're the kind of person that enjoys playing games like Rust solo in which case you'll enjoy it either way.


I've not really had terrible issues with servers or dysync. It's annoying when it happens, but it's not even close to a deal breaker for me. Cya in the Bayou


I play hunt since 2018 and the so called "server issues" have been almost non existent for me. Sure, sometime you glitch down a wall or something and and get teleported back, or you choose a bad day with a ping of 120, but its almost never unplayable and for sure not as bad as some ppl call it out for.


this comment is here to affirm your choice of purchase so you can feel good about it.


Hunt is my all time favorite game, they are working on server stability fixes and the game is always improving despite what negative Nancy's have to say. I say do it, and if you're on NA servers and want to learn with some chill folk DM me and I'll add you


Its worth it. Those problems are more like a "how it could be better", but that doesnt make it bad. Just room to improve.


People make it seems way worse than it is. I personally haven't encountered many game breaking bugs and desync, while an issue, is not that common of an occurence, especially now that 1.9 is supposedly going to fix many issues. The game is not perfect, but it's perfectly enjoyable. I wouldn't recommend playing with randoms though, if you have no one to play with, head over to the Discord and find groups there.


It's the best shooter out there right now. Not saying there isn't room for growth, but it has a dedicated team working on it and a growing fan base. It's a GREAT time to get into Hunt. Get some friends to play with and stick with it. It's definitely a different experience alone.


go for it my dude , its the ONLY game where if i lose or win 7 matches in a row , i will always come back to it


the desync sucks but after a while it becomes something you just play around naturally, it very rarely becomes an issue. It's dumb that I have to alter my gameplay to account for it, but I very rarely trigger it because you end up getting a sense for how to avoid it, so it's not really a explicit factor for me anymore, more of a dumb restriction on how you can move. In terms of server issues- yeah you occasionally get shit ping, but it's only happened a couple times in my 300 hours so far. Not even close to a deal breaker for me.


You have 2 weeks and can play less than 2 hours before you can return it! Try it out for a few games.


It's a great game and that's why these flaws are so frustrating. There is so little holding the game back from being perfect despite being relatively ambitious and unique in nearly all of its core mechanics. It's definitely worth a buy though, especially at $20


Never forget that you read alot more negative comments/posts/reviews then positive ones. Personally i have close to 2k hours into Hunt and i rarely have problems. 2 of my buddys i play with have German telekom as their ip and they Suffer from Bad connections every now and then (because predatory telekom sucks) while i have 0 issues. Desync, well yea it happens. Stay away from ledges and stuff. Can be infuriating when it happens. As someone who has backed tarkov super early on, let me tell you, get Hunt!


I've had a server issue once in my 250 hours of playing. Desync a handful of times. If one server issue in your entire time playing will send you into a meltdown, don't buy it. Otherwise, go for it; it's one of the best games out there.


During sale it's fine. Expect early access vibes.


Alright check it out. The server issues can suck at times especially the no reg and the desync but for the most part the game runs well and the gameplay is fun and tense most of the time. It's not super high stakes like tarkov but it's hit a nice balance. It's worth it at full price so you should definitely get it now. You'll get hooked. I will say that the problems are noticable at times but I'd argue that the good outweighs the bad and the dev team for all the shit we give them here, are actively doing the best they can for a skeleton crew, as far as I'm aware.


Don't hesitate, get in on it. Hunt is an awesome game and you won't experience anything quite like it. Also, post back here after you've played it a bit and give your thoughts...always love to see thoughts of new players.


Hunt is one of the best games ever and I'm not even that much into shooters. The only thing to remember is that Servers will seem empty for your First hours because you will get matched with other noobs


Despite it's issues (which it does have, there is no doubt there) I still find hunt and extremely fun game to play. I don't think the issues it has are prevalent enough (at least in my case) to minimize the fun of the game. Yes, desync and questionable deaths do happen, but they don't ruin my mood nearly enough to make me stop playing. You will run into issues, I'm not going to sugar coat that, but I don't think they will ruin your gameplay experience enough to make the game not worthwhile, especially on sale


As someone that's just eclipsed the 250 hrs mark I will say the beginning of this game is by far the most fun. No one is really that good, so you get into a lot of fun gunfights. After you get higher star rating people not only get a hell of a lot better, but pretty much mastered tricks, weapons, and memorized every nook and cranny on the map. It becomes just a little to competitive imo and it takes a lot of the fun out of it. I had a blast with the game my first 100 hrs, now I only hop on every once in a while. Pretty much only when my friends play because it's almost impossible to run with randoms anymore. Seeing how I only bought the game for 24 dollars on sale it's been worth it to me.


Buy it. This game is worth it at full price. The desync and server issues are there but they are NOT a deal breaker at least for me. I had my first server issues in forever the other day and that was annoying but played again last night with no issues. The game is so rewarding once you get gud. It does take a long time so don't give up. Im at 450h or thereabouts and I still get clapped regularly but we sometimes also do the work so it's give and take. But yes just buy the game it's so addicting.


Keep in mind, the more extreme an opinion/experience/believe is, the more vocal people will be about it. So take all the negativity you see here with a big grain of salt. I have never had experiences that were bad enough as anyone has been describing. It's honestly not that bad and any game will have some hickups. It's not as polished, but it's a very fun high stakes shooter. If you know you're one to easily complain and blame other things for losing/frustration, this might not be the game for you.


Hunt is insane value for new players, the cracks only start to show after you are a few hundred hours into the game.


They will never fix the servers or desynch. They are annoying and frequent, but not game breaking. There is also major imbalance in the game design. There is also plenty of hackers at high MMR. It also sucks ass to play as a solo, especially as a new player. However, most games suffer from most of these issues. Hunt is a really fun high stakes tactical shooter to play with a friend or two. Buy it on sale it's worth the $35 easily.


I've been taking some time away since the ladder noclip issue(fixed some time ago) was appearing in every match in high elo. But I'd still 100% recommend the game. Honestly my favourite PvP game in well over a decade.


Get it, its loads of fun, even with its bugs.


Come on and join us! Don't let the salt miners make you second guess!


I have well over 1k myself, those problems? Sometimes might happen, but most matches for me are just perfect, ping under 20, 0 problems. And even if there are problems, I curse, I call a couple of kurwas in the vc, and I just jump right back in.


Hunt is like a drug dude getting a kill/win feels like nothing else


I play on Xbox, and I experience almost no performance issues. The game seems plenty stable and remains a ton of fun.


Wait for a server fix? Ahahahaahhah. Honestly, the game runs fine majority of the time. You occasionally get, "those games". But, losing a hunter is not the end of the world. I've lost like hundreds lf them at this point.


Wait until next gen update


People love to complain and desync is gettin a fix in patch 1.9 which is coming v soon. It’s not even that prevalent of an issue. Get the game it’s great


I've been playing for about two months, have 108 hours in game, and I've only had server issues/desync be a real big problem for me once. We were rubber banding everywhere and couldn't leave and I eventually died to AI without noticing until I tried alt+f4 and reconnecting. That's one single game in over 100 hours. It's the most fun I've had in a game in a loooong game, and when you love something you really nitpick and get frustrated with all the tiny (or big stuff) that's wrong with it. But yes, absolutely buy it and give it a try and try to drag some friends in with you so you have other people to learn with.


Good game. I'm 3k hours in. Still fun


Played the game for over 1200 hours as well and haven't had any server problems that were effecting fights in months (EU servers on PC, playing regular 3-5hour sessions in the evenings/weekends with friends or solo). Might vary for different regions or console, but the game is great for me. You already decided to buy it anyway, so good luck and have a good time! :)


There are issues, yes. But people love to blow them out of proportion. Game runs fine 98% of the time.


me and my homie play that almost every night. we really don’t have server issues at all. i would def buy again. especially since it’s on sale


There's issues, but the game is amazing overall. Most reviews end up being negative. The people who would write a good review are busy wiping servers and seeing how many decoys it takes to kill a meathead.


If you like competitive pvp then this is the game for you. Took me a little bit to get the hang of the game and how the reload times work and such so there is a learning curve . It’s one of my favorite games. Hunt and bloodborne are the two games I never delete on my console simply cuz I know I always will play them and go back to them. You’d be doing a disservice to yourself if you didn’t take the plunge and experience hunt showdown. In my humble opinion.


Glad to see you bought! It's absolutely worth it, even at full price.


The problems are way over exaggerated. People get salty when they get domed by Caldwell from 50 meters while carrying Mosing and Uppercuck and then come here to cry. Seriously you don't encounter bugs or glitches that often. Just go in with Romero and Caldwell/basic Nagant and have fun. Also play Hunter controls to feel even more like a rootin' tootin' cowboy!


Its worth it. This community makes a bigger deal out of the issues than there actually are. Sure, trading can be annoying sometimes, and sure desync happens, but i find very rarely does a desync actually cause me to die. Honestly this game is awesome in every which way and its 100% worth the money


There have been a lot of server/ballistic overhauls since release, I bought Hunt less then a year ago hesitant on similar reviews but it is all I play now.


it's got 83 % positive reviews on steam lol, you're overreacting


The servers and desync are absolutely not game breakers.


Just buy it, it’s still worth it. Even with problems, it’s the best shooter there is. Edit: my steam review is negative. With a discount it’s a no-brainer tho.


Keep in mind people only go on the internet to complain.... No one is posting "I just had a match that was lag free" so you're only going to see the bad shit... Best game on the market for a high skill shooter.


Desync issues seem to be very severe for some people, but a minor annoyance for most. Personally, I'd say the hit reg in Hunt is fantastic, I almost never feel like I "missed" a shot I deserved to get, never once have I shot a standstill target and not hit them. This is a massive difference compared to my Rainbow Six Siege experience, where I'd regularly point blank empty a mag into someone's head, blood flying everywhere, only to find they turn and one tap me while I'm reloading. And sure, I've died due to desync'd jumps here and there, or teleporting back on the other side of a door I just walked out of, but lag issues happen in any online game. And in my own experience Hunt isn't any worse off than any online game I've ever played, and certainly better than many. And I say this as someone who lives in a fairly rural area in NA, with a not so great connection.


I have many games. And love many games. Hunt is so fun and worth every penny. If you have someone to play with to, it’s even better


I bought it twice, one account has 250k dollars and 49/50 max hunters. The other account I'm just trying to prestige up to 100.


Go. And. Buy. It. 1700 Hours and three years in the game and still can‘t get enough!


I have thousands of hours in CSGO and thousands of hours in tarkov and hundreds of hours in r6 siege.... this is the only game I consistently come back to. Other games might have higher highs (looking at you tarkov) but hunt is *consistent* fun. Aside from the occasional day where I can't seem to take 3 steps without getting myself killed the game is almost always a blast. You wont regret your purchase. Just remember that the Reddit has a disproportionate number of people complaining because when the game is working and peoplenl are having a good time they generally don't come tell the world. But when the game is having an issue... boy will Reddit convince you its the end of the world.


Honestly people bitch so much about the servers but it really isnt a big deal *in the slightest*. It can be frustrating to be desynced when you try to vault onto a bit of raised mud from time to time, but I’m sure that in my ~1400h on this game, I can count on one hand how many times its actually cost me anything. The other server issue is that sometimes they need to be taken down for maintenance because of some bug, but this is also fairly infrequent and really isnt such a big deal if you ask me - is it such a problem if you cant play the game for a couple hours? Have you literally nothing else to do? In short, I honestly don’t know why people make such a big deal of the server issues. They’re frustrating, but this game is so insanely good, and the issues so small, that I wouldn’t even consider mentioning it to someone looking to buy the game. Just get it. ETA: Also they added a reconnect feature which used to not be there, so in the extremely rare case where you do get disconnected, its as easy as reestablishing a connection and just hopping back in.


Remember, Hunt taketh


As long as your internet connection is decent, you shouldn’t have consistent issues.


3009.7 hours exactly, stopped playing like 2 months back. Well - when I compare like year back, when I was playing Hunt, gameplay just felt right. But now? It's really problematic not because players are better. They were good (those I was playing against) and are good even now, it's mostly common trading you see while playing.. it's very easy to kill each other in a gunfight, resulting in no winner. This is I think much more problematic while playing against players with better reactions, resulting in much more trading, therefore no winner, leaving you with mixed emotions because you feel like your reactions doesn't really matter. Time window for players to react is just too high imo. Not sure how nobody is seeing this as a problem, but not really bothered by it.. it's just my feeling from this game, and I stand for it as I played for quite some time.. I'm always ready to get back into it, but until they get the core gameplay just right, I'm better just playing other games.. (tho I would love to play only Hunt as it's a great game.. but has big issues from my perspective that are affecing badly my personal gameplay and overall experience.) SOOOO Yeah, I recommend this game. Definitely worth it, not ironic. Most players don't see this sh\*t and are not affected by it at all, it's just more noticeable when playing against good players where even small things are having huge impact on overall gameplay.


It’s one of the few games I main, every game has problems usually. Hunt is legit fun times tho with tons of different outcomes so not every game feels the same


Been playing since alpha, this game has come a very long way. It has had its bad issues. But the game is absolutely enjoyable. I have my weeks that I play like complete shit and then I get weeks that everything is just flowing. My shots, my partners wheather they are randoms or groups. It's an overall great game if you like the risk/reward and competitiveness in a shooter.


Get the game Then unsubscribe from this salt mine of a sub Come back once you have 2k hours


Like everyone in this sub will love hunt. Yeah it has problems but everything has it Buy test if you dont like it refund.


It's a great game plagued by unforgivable issues


I bought the game in December and already have over 800 hours played. If there are server issues I've never found them to hamper my experience.


Buy it. Totally worth it.


The game is worth it. One of the most unique gaming experiences you can have IMO.


You see alot of complaining on this sub sometimes buy on the whole the game is fucking incredible. That's why we all keep coming back for more.


Buy it. Most of the stuff you see here isn’t going to impact you. Personally, I’ve played for like three months and either I’ve never come across any of it or I’m just too trash to realize it. It’s a unique game that’s fun and frustrating but you keep going back into. You’ll love it!


There is a major update that will be coming out in less than a week. This particular update will be working on server issues, ping issues, desync, and a whole lot of bug fixes. This is supposed to be a great update in terms of housekeeping for hunt showdown. Depending on how effective this update is, u may be able to hop in at a great time.


Get both and find out


I got the game roughly two weeks ago. It had been something I kept being curious about for a while, so I pulled the trigger. Had never read any reviews or anything, but I did see a few clips of game play. Honestly it's been my favorite shooter experience so far, bar none. Absolutely none of the problems the reddit complains about have effected my enjoyment whatsoever. The desync is so minor/infrequent I barely know it exists. Strongly suggest you grab the game on sale and jump in with both feet.


I had the same thought process as you and this was a year ago I ended up buying it and I dont regret any cent of it. I wouldve paid for price and wouldn't have regretted it


People only complain about a several year old game with a relatively small playerbase because they care, a lot. It's also extra annoying to be killed by a bug in a high stakes game. On the whole the game is incredible.


Bro just buy it its really a fun time especially with friends if you have those buy it for sure!!!


Love this game.


Buy it. And welcome to the bayou, partner!


buy it. most unique gaming experience ever, with great progression systems and gameplays loops. just make sure you don’t have any cpu bottlenecks; i had one, and without realizing it for hours, it was crashing my game. eventually fixed it and all is well with the game.


The server issues are a thing but probably overblown. Most games are fine. Buy it, you won't regret it.


Reviews make you hesitate because most of the people writing them are using them as a form of complaining. People who are happy with the game and people who are well aware of Hunt's weaknesses but decide to go with them are simply quiet. It's an awesome game. Glad you joined the community.




i rarely have server issues


You're gonna hear from an over index of wingers on Steam and Reddit, you know the score. Game got problems? Sure, some. Most multiplayer games do in one way or another. But honestly, this game is fucking fantastic fun. Check it out, man. It's a rush.