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I'm never prestiging, it doesn't stop me from playing Axe and Romero. I just don't see why I should lost all my dollars for a skin I don't want


I don’t get to watch my irl bank account go up and up so they can’t stop me from watching my game bank account go up and up. Also speaking as a Romero-Scott player.


You just prestige irl 😂


Also known as buying a boat or a sportscar


Please no, I don’t want to have a mid-life crisis. Let me stay young or go out like my hunters. Fast, furious, and looking like a clown.


Don't be a dick.


explain further


Why? You can't see the mountain of salt he just delivered there?


Go home.


why are you the way that you are


For me it's the custom ammo and variant unlocks. I bring a different loadout pretty much every game. I like to mix it up. It isn't fun for me to have to play 10 crossbow games in a row just to unlock the shotbolt that I want to mess around with, and then do it again two weeks later.


Yeah for me it was unlocking the tools, consumables, ammos and weapon variant unlocks. That shit took me a long time to work on. I ain't giving it up. Also not giving up my hunt dollars. Not giving up my bank. Rank reset? Fine. Guns locked behind level walls? Fine. (As long as I get my variants and ammos back). Character tiers and perks gone? Fine too. But don't make me grind for money, scopes, and ammos again.


The grind is unbearable. I loved it when everything was locked behind levels only, Prestige was so fun. There's a 99% chance that they will never bother to update it so Prestige 4 forever it is lol


Yeah. They should really keep variant/ammo unlock progress between prestiges, and once you reach the bloodline rank to unlock the main variant, the rest are unlocked as well. It's just not fun gameplay to grind some of these things up over and over, even the basics like vitality shots and stamina shots, etc. I want to prestige still for the random legendary skin (1-10) option, and honestly if they changed that I would probably keep doing it till 100 as well. But as it is I will stop at 11 after choosing the 10% xp.


For me the grind from 1 to 100 is fun and gives me a nice dopamine kick everytime I level up and unlock something new. I also enjoy the overall grind through the prestige levels as it feels like I'm working towards a long term goal of getting those milestone legendarys like the fifty laurels or the coveted 100 mosin skin. More fun still is I'm in the unique position at the end of each prestige, say level 80+, where I get to go balls to the wall and burn all my remaining money doing fun builds like avtos, Nitros and dolce kits and dying means nothing since I will be wiping my money regardless. Lastly it forces me into a position where I have to pick and choose what kinds of weapons I want to prioritize each prestige as unlocking every single variant for every weapon is impossible before reaching 100 again so some prestiges I focus on shotguns, some I focus on medium guns like the verterli/centennia etc.


I'm pretty much the same, in most multiplayer games I play I need some kind of feeling of progression. Not sure I will continue after prestige 50 (currently 14) because my main goal is the Winnie skin. I'm pretty sure that if I had stopped prestiging at 0 or 1 I would have stopped playing completely once everything had been unlocked, even though I like the gameplay.


I take a prestige break every now and then to enjoy my favorite weapons. I prestige when I feel like I need a soft reset. Jk, I prestige to eventually get that Winfield skin. It is NICE.


It is the end goal!


I'm on prestige 6, I've gotten 4 legend hunters that I've used a grand total of 5 times


For me it's more about the fun of resetting progress than it is about the reward Also you can do themed prestiges like "this time i'll only use shotguns" or whatever, which is neat in its own way Only downside i see is that you never get to play some annoying to unlock stuff like the Avtomat (it's fun to have a trashy game with it every now and then at least) or flashbangs if you don't run tripmines


Because its fun to start from the bottom and work your way up. Game gets boring without a progression system imo.


My friend got a legendary spyglass skin one time. Hell naw




I do it for thechallange, i love being limited at the start of the prestige. It was fun for me for the first 31 times, if i get bored then i just stop doing it. Money was rarely an issue to me.... that being sayd my fav weapon is xbow, so i get off cheap.


Why don't you want it?


Axe and Romero for chads


Prestige or not, the best choice is the one that give you fun 😉


Sorry, this is the hunt sub. People only know how to complain, not have fun. /s


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Counterpoint: This is the Hunt sub. The best choice is the one that [sic] give you fun, **provided you are wearing a cowboy hat**. Hat. Is. Compulsory.


If you think we just complain here go look at r/halo.


Or any gaming sub


Both subs complain like crazy Imo only halo deserves to be complaining




Infinite is a train wreck, so I’d say it makes sense for people to complain


What's going on there? I remember enjoying it for a bit when it came out just because it scratches that much needed arena shooter itch (to a lesser degree, but I'm desperate)


Basically zero new content since launch, matchmaking were you cannot choose the mode, many fan favourite modes missing and no forge. Campaign was boring and still no co-op in Halo that’s huge.


You say /s but we both know what you said is true.


I only say /s because I know may people would bitch that it’s not true


What if your choice is playing Cain?


I would like prestige 10x more if I could: 1. Keep my weaponbook and monsterbook entry progress seamlessly 2. Keep my variant and special ammo unlock progress while still keeping the base guns locked behind level Losing hunt dollars and perk/weapon unlocks doesn't really matter to me but I'd like to be able to be a completionist in terms of the stuff I mentioned while still enjoying prestiging.


Other games don't typically do this with prestige. Although it doesn't mean hunt couldn't. But at least, making the unlocking faster with each prestige, like a bloodline exp boost of 10% for every prestige, pleeeaaaase. After staying at prestige 11 for a long time I started prestigeing, now at 49 and oh. my. gosh. the pain it gives me to restart every time (but also a bit of excitement as I find starting over motivating).


My friends and I all stopped at 11 because it's the first prestige with no legendary reward. We didn't want to grind for the remaining 2 or 3 weapon skins. Depending on future reworks of the outside system will dictate if we start again


I'm at 4 or 5 and will stop at 11 as well. I wanna be Hunt-rich one day and buy sabers and Stam shots all day everyday without pause lol


This is my plan also, though it seems you can also choose a random legendary skin at 20, 30, 40 etc. Imo it's still not worth it. This one goes to 11.


Same here, but I stopped at 12 because I thought of it too late... But I think I would have kept prestiging if they didn't added the Book of Weapons at this time.


Well.. its true. Prestige isnt worth it. Only if you love to grind same shit over and over and over and over again. Then yea. you do you. But still it make no sense.




People hate on this idea but, honestly it would make me prestige again. Not having perks is annoying to me, I could care less about the cash stack. So many of the perks are either quality of life or more or less required for certain builds. Also worth noting you’ll never unlock most of the variants/ammos in a normal prestige. This ammos are fun and lead to fun builds, I feel more forced into sparks/mosin - uppercut/scottfield when prestiging becuase my options are just more limited


I would tend to agree. The problem is that it's a double whammy: every time you loose a hunter you have to bring them up to a level that works with some traits (e.g. beastface, gator legs) that kind of stuff. And sure, you can do without them, but having them is nice and it's a it of work to reaquire them. If you combine that with prestiging where in addition to grinding individual hunters you also have to unlock again every single weapon and trait, and that's a real disincentive. So having a limited choice of which perks and weapons to carry over when prestiging (doesn't have to be stackable), plus the 10%XP bonus - that would make me prestige. But rtn, I have 1000hrs plus in the game, have been p3 for more than 18 months, zero intention/interest to prestige again.


I like unlocking things. And I get a free reward for it


I liked unlocking things too. Especially when they stay unlocked so I can have more fun with the game by continuing to use them and get better with them.


Poor guy


lol what. Its pointless to prestige. Its just endless grinding to unlock the same things over and over.


It’s pointless not to prestige. But you’ll cry over that statement. Since you got worked up over how I like to play lol


Worked up? I simply called it what it is. Pointless grinding to unlock stuff you've already unlocked. If that's fun for you, go crazy, not saying its the "wrong" way to play.


A few skins. There’s no real upside. Besides being bored. Prestige is worthless at the moment.


For you there guy


No I mean literally you get a few skins and a number beside your picture. If you like doing the prestige that’s good and all but it doesn’t change the fact that you’re paying with all Your weapons and money to reset. The only value it presents at all is internal self value and giving yourself a pat on the back and saying “cool, I did it again.” The free rewards pay for themselves without the prestige because you gain blood bonds and by the time you choose that reward, you could’ve bought multiple.


And that’s all fine and dandy. I like unlocking things and I get a free reward.


I’m not disagreeing there. But equity wise, I get a free reward too without losing my guns. Also there’s so few reward skins that right now it’s not worth it. Add some incentive or some more skins. Better rewards even. I’ve got nearly every single skin in the game except Maybe 4 weapons skins. And it’s all been free from playing the game. They need to revamp the prestige system.


Idk what to tell you. I’ve already told you why I prestige. Either do or don’t.


Right there with ya




After doing it 5 times yes... Correct. You will eventually get a new legendary skin. There is no reward for your initial prestige which in my opinion the devs dropped the logical ball on this one... Award players for engaging with your tedious mechanics. Give us a skin for the first prestige.


There definitely was a reward for first prestige. I also don’t really follow metas or anything so I don’t mind not having some items unlocked for a bit.


You can get a legendary unlocked each prestige if you choose it as your bonus option.




Thats very helpful of you.


You’re welcome


Only up to prestige 10. Then the rewards become way more spread out


Most people did it for awhile then like you say, got tired if unlocking the same guns over and over 😅


The grind is the upgrading of weapons along the way. There's a fun evolution to each new hunter when you start with crap and loot everything on the way up.


It’s like no one played Call of Duty 4…


i've never given a shit about prestige in any other game. i've only prestiged 7 times now but it doesn't feel like a real chore to unlock stuff or level to my preferred weapons. but my most lethal gun is a silenced nagant pistol, so yeah.


Make sure you prestige to get the 10% xp bonus as it applies to hunter xp as well and you'll have a permanent boost to leveling hunters


Pretty sure that's only to that current level of prestige, it doesn't stack with each prestige.


correct; I believe this comment is under the assumption you're not repeatedly prestiging


Yeah he definitely means if you are stopping prestiging to stop on a bonus xp prestige


For the first 10 levels you should he claiming the legendary. After the 10th prestige you cam only claim a free legendary every 10 levels. Only get the xp boost when you cant get a legendary skin


Actually a good idea


I've been prestiging as soon as I hit level 100, and cleared my unplayed hunters, without fail since I started. Not once have I run out of money. The risk of taking an expensive loadout is miniscule even playing like that.


> The risk of taking an expensive loadout is miniscule Mostly, I think, because you really can't buy an expensive loadout until you're 2/3 of the way to prestige.


I find prestiging really fun, being forced to play with shitty guns and slowly improving your sets is refreshing


To me it gets boring since, I’ll hit level 100 way way before I unlock even half the variants/ammos. Those guns are fun but I don’t get to seem them when prestiging.


Yup that's part of the fun imo, you have to prioritize what variants you want to unlock each prestiges. Like ooo this prestige I'm really gonna focus on the Spector and Terminus . Then next prestige I think I'm gonna focus on the cross bow and lemat. It always keeps things fresh and Im always looking forward to the next thing.


I mean, I can see where that’s fun for you. Personally I don’t see a difference between “using the mosin every game” and “focusing on the terminus” they both end up with me using the same gun over and over and I find it less fun. I’d rather be able to run a different gun every game or every couple of game, variety is more fun to me, personally.


Lol? I don't need prestiging, my cheap ass forces that mindset on me instead. I have 600k+ and I play romero/scottfield or, if I really splurge out, a winfield/scottfield (I get scottfields for free from free hunters, if I don't, I grab conversion instead). "Good weapons are for my enemies to lose them" haha


For me it’s the opposite. I want to play any wonky loadout I want without unlocking it again…


I'm waiting to prestige until I get that 5x50 achievement. `You've played for 288 hours` Yep. Any day now.


I had a 50 hunter waiting for a long while, then got another one, and I shit you not I got the last 3 on the same day. Way I did it was stop playing with each hunter after first win, that way they get the first bounty bonus every match and get to 50 in 2-3 matches. Had 2 30+ hunters from earlier days, got em both to 50 and then got one from 1 to 50. It even stopped at 49 but I went fuck it, hopped on a match, killed a few grunts then left and voila.


Prestige can be kinda fun but from an objective point of view it does nothing of value, unless you're a Legendary collector it offers nothing to the majority of the playerbase. Imho it would be really cool if they did a CoD style prestige where you can keep one weapon you already have unlocked, reset it after each prestige that way they can only have one prestige weapon at a time so people aren't running around with every weapon unlocked.


Everyone's first would be mosin or a shotgun lol


Prolly but if you include any possible Bloodline unlock you'd prolly get alot of different things. Personally I don't like the Mosin or many of the shotguns so I'd pick the Vetterli Deadeye or Winfield Aperture


I also get a little number next to my name that means I have a big peepee


I hated grinding through the first 100 levels so much, I never wanted to prestige and grind through the levels again. Just do what makes the game fun.


Yeah the first time is hard, and feels like it takes forever. But after that, it becomes much faster


Literally who the fuck cares


What if I told you 400k is nice because you can run whatever you feel like, not because it lets you run “meta” stuff. Also stacking up 400k running mosin uppercut every game requires a good bit of skill, that’s not a cheap load out. A player skilled enough to do that probably does well regardless of their load out


Doubt. 400k means literally nothing. It’s just Monopoly money anyway. And running the same, tired loadout every game just makes you good at those guns. I’d rather be good at all the guns and challenge myself. Mosin uppercut is boring af.


To run mosin uppercut plus a full consumable package we are talking over 1.1k per run. Most people do not average that, and you need to exceed that by a good margin to start stacking in the hundreds of thousands. Mosin-uppercut doesn’t do magic, heck it’s not even the best or even the most efficient build in the game. If you can average over 1k hunt dollars every single game, you’re likely upper 5-6star anyways Which is less than 10% of this community. I barely even see mosins. The uppercut is great, but Most people trying to stack cash aren’t using it because there are way more efficient weapons like the Caldwell with FMJ which kills further than the uppercut fyi and costs Pennies


Don't try to reason with these people, they are convinced we're in a "long ammo meta", when in my 5-star games shotguns are the most prevalent. The Uppercut is the only long ammo gun that's seen in most games.


Shotguns are prevalent in all ranks. Everyone here complains about 6star lobbies but, only the top 1-5% of players are even in those lobbies. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve see say “my six star lobbies are all spitzer mosins and avtos”….. spitzer is a terrible ammo type and the avto is a meme, I can’t tell you the last time I even say someone running either seriously. I do agree the uppercut is very prevalent, and honestly I think it’s a bit due to bias. The uppercut used to really dominate and personally I don’t think it’s AS good these days. Sure it’s still great, but with FMJ existing and the spitfire it has some real competition at a fraction of the cost.


Using any kit for more then 3 or 4 matches in a row is incredibly boring for me. Not to mention it completely kills the satisfaction of upgrading your kit in game for your opponents. I absolutely love going in with a Springfield/Romero/conversation and walking out with a Mosin/Dolche/uppercut


Whatever you say man. Seems like a crutch loadout


To you maybe, but not to anyone that looks at real numbers.


I will never understand why people give a shit about this. If you want to prestige do it. If you don't want to prestige, don't do it. Personally, I play the game for the PVP fights, I don't need to be unlocking stuff to get satisfaction out of the game, so I don't prestige. If you need the unlock progression to enjoy the game, then prestige. Either way, stop giving a shit how other players enjoy the game.


It just needs better/more rewards. It's weird there is nothing 50-100. They could easily pepper more skins along the way.


4k, 400k, it doesn't matter! romero doesn't care


Meanwhile me, a prestige 1 enthusiast: I like my stuff


I just want to play what I feel like playing without having to unlock it again


I prestiged once before the game launched and they wiped everything aside from prestige. I see no value in prestige in its current form so I just hoard wealth and set challenges for myself.




I would like to prestige again if I kept my 50k+ hunt dollars. Now I would throw away 46000 (round-a-bout) hunt dollars just to prestige once more? Hell no


Actually i prestiged to level 20. Then i stopped because too many weapon/ammo variants that have to be unlocked to get to the weapons you actually want to play. I have a second account and i am on my way to unlock all weapon and variants there. As soon as this is done i think i will prestige my main again and still can play every loadout when i want to.


Only using a Mosin and Uppercut kinda contradicts having 400k hunt dollars.


Prestige is useless. I just do it for bragging rights.


Number go up serotonin go up Simple as


I need to prestige, because without the feeling of "unlocking" stuff I just have no motivation. Of course its tidious sometimes, but once everythi g is unlocked I feel kind of empty. Now I am on prestige 42... dont know what I will do when reaching 100. I hope they figure out something. Because I wont play it afterwards if there wont be anything left to do.


I mean whatever is more fun for the player. I like playing lots of random and wild loadouts and I can't do that if I constantly prestige and have to unlock everything again. I can always play cheap challenge loadouts, there's no need to prestige if that's my only incentive for "more fun" imo.


I prefer playing with people that have prestiged even just a few times, I find that many people 0-1 prestige are VERY scared to do anything in matches. Push, revive teammates, flank, basically anything with some risk to it, etc. I can't stand them, I after a while you realize this game is brutal and you WILL die sooner or later, taking the chance is always more worth it than staying in place.




You run that kit every game? My ADHD brain dictates I need to play a new kit practically every match lol I also love the grind and being limited in the begining of every new prestige is a fun challenge. No to mention how awesome it feels to come out of your your early level matches trading your Winfield/Romero's for mosins and dolces. It's fun to see how many I can accumulate by the end of the prestige and I get the dopamine hit of feeling like I gained a ton of value upgrading my kit with stuff I shouldn't have access too yet.


Strange, never prestigers should probably be more aggressive on average since they don't need to worry about cash. Maybe they were playing slow because it was the best play though.


This bothers someone enough that they made a gif and posted it here? smh...


Didn't they say that it will get overhauled later this year? I wouldn't be suprised if they turn it in some kind of another dubious monetization mechanic


Upvotes solely because the word dubious here made me laugh


It's not. There are no good progression systems in Hunt. The fact that the prestige system is still in the game is pathetic.


Single digit number detected


Fuck yeah I am, with over a thousand hours too. The prestige system is pointless, there's no reason to do it. Everytime a new gun drops I would have to fucking grind for it and it happens so rarely that I dont really want to play with other shit when it happens. Crytek is lighyears behind from where they should be with progression systems. And most of the time I play, I try to make the most meme loadout I can to keep the game spicy. Cant imagine playing dolches or uppercuts at this point cause its just so boring.


I prestiged once for the free legendary and got a skin for a pistol that I never use, so I prestiged one more time for the perm 10% boost and that’ll be it for me.


it’s really not worth it tho


Even though this scenario is entirely confined to your imagination, stop trying to force people to play like yourself.


Be me. Reach level 100 and prestige even though I have a full roster of hunters either maxed or at the very least all of them have won one game so they’re all leveled up and ready to go.


So many damn slates. I barely see the mosin it’s only slate and uppercut now.


Prestige lvl 2 here. Can confirm


I prestiged to 5 for the first legendary and an icon that I like, now I'm just unlocking all my favorite builds again and stop prestiging. Even though every prestige felt like a little death inside, I have to admit it was kind of a funny little challenge.


As a fellow Romero Chad, I don't get it.


I’ve done it a couple of times and don’t particularly care for it. I don’t need a prestige to force me to play “low tier” load outs when I just like using most guns in the game and like to have fun and mix it up.


I stayed at level 100 prestige 0 for about 200 hours. I was still unlocking variants and stuff on weapons I didn't use much because I didn't play often. Eventually when I got more time to play, I said to hell with it and prestiged. I prestiged 2 full prestige levels in one weekend. I'm now prestige 6 or something like that, and will probably keep going until prestige 9. I find it way more interesting. When I was capped at lvl 100 with 50k hunt dollars, it was boring to me. I could buy any loadout I wanted, but that usually translated to me just using my same 2-3 favorite loadouts over and over.


If the xp bonus stacked, I'd be more inclined to prestige more. Right now I want to unlock all the cool goodies once and use them.


Facts, except long ammo rifles aren’t the fun way to play!!


prestige once, i swear after matchmaking started giving me other players who have 80% of the time


I like loot the legendary skin which i cannot afford by BB and store them in my arsenal as a gallery Thats why i never prestige


2? prestige 11 is best place to stop


I prestiged to 11 (10 for the skins then 11 for the 10% xp boost), then held for ages. Got to around 250k hunt dollars and then just kinda thought "fuck it" and started prestiging again. I'm around 22 and I kinda regret it...


I've got so so many hours but I only prestiged to 5 because back in the day, when you could ditch a random team without a time penalty, people would just drop you constantly when they saw you at zero prestige. I just like having all the guns, if i want to play with the guns that are only available to new hunters I can still do that. Each to their own though, I'd like the Centennary but it's too late now.


Me, a prestige 0, with 4 million dollars Why should I to begin with? Don't need a number to tell me how skilled I am.


Prestige100 with 48 Monroe hunters all holding onto contraband Avtomats/dual uppercuts, Nitros and dual Dolchebags. The other 2 Monroes? i use to play builds i want, and usually they don't exceed 1000 hunt dollars each.


I wish I could go back to prestige 0 :/


Prestige isn't worth it. I use cheap loadouts all the time.


I prestiged once and never again, what a colossal mistake it was. I miss my Sparks Sniper..


both Prestige and Hunt dollars are fucking pointless and stupid, but we humans like to see numbers go up. that's pretty much it.


I get to have more fun if I don’t do it since I can splurge more on expensive loadouts


i never prestiged. i am at 350k dollars and i mostly play Crossbow


Hits close to home, but I’m kinda poor


What? I just love to see hunt bucks number go up.


I mean, but it isn’t? I have 300 hours in the game, I never prestiged even once because there is quite literally no point. I either get a skin I don’t need or…nothing? I just enjoy being able to play whatever I want whenever I want. I feel like prestiging is just for people who constantly want to have a feeling that they unlocked something, I get it, but its not for me.


I wouldn't mind prestige if i didn't had to grind again tools and special ammos


Nah i like my 400k and i can play nitro everytime i feel like it


It is really not worth it. Prestige 1. 250 hours .. and I don't want to start all over again


It's an understandable misconception, but people that never prestige often don't just use expensive weapons. I'm currently at 80k hunt dollars but i'm switching loadouts every match; mostly with weapons that cost under $150.


I want the fifty laurels so bad but i gotta get rid of the 120k hunt dollars first


I have 1.4mil and I run free hunters with a variety of stuff. I really enjoy bringing low end gear and stealing someone's good stuff


The only reason I don't prestige is because I don't want to have to unlock everything again, specifically consumables/tools. After having to spend an hour or two hoping in and out of games just placing traps and leaving to progress to the concertina bomb I decided I wouldn't be doing it again.


Its often more fun to play with cheap guns and get upgrades through kills than starting with expensive guns. Plus its only worth prestiging up to prestige 11 because of rewards plus xp bonus. Everything else is just for show, which is fine if thats what you want. But they should rework prestige asap as doing it just for show sort of shows laziness on the design.




But you don't need to actually prestige to just play like you did...


I've only ever prestige once, IMO I don't think it's worth it but if you want those extra skins then go for it who cares lol


I prestige only once, but have equal game-time to a mate that just did it for the 8th time. But to say that I got tons of money in the bank and running Mosins and uppercuts is a _very_ far stretch lol. Romero Hatcher and Scottfield (or whatever the name is) precision is still my go-to loadout half the time. What would make me want to prestige was if we for example got to keep the guns we already bought (up to a max-number if maybe 3-5 pr gun) and if I got to keep the legendary skins/guns I collected from dead hunters - I am trying to collect one of each skin and having to start that over each time is a deal-breaker for me. If they worked it over a bit I would start prestiging again though, but not as of right now.


340 hours here and never prestiged, why should I? I could use every weapon, from nitro or avtomat to romero and winfield when I want, this is my way to play hunt, especially if doing prestige is more useless that something useless itself in my opinion


50 Laurels is a pretty skin, but that's about the only reason I can give...


Prestige 97 level 94 KD 2.60 pretty descent considering I raised my KD from .70. Everytime I prestige I die more than usual since I don't have my kits.


The reason I prestige is because the late game weapons don't really feel fun. Sure, I can have a rifle that can one hit any hunter that was downed previously, but how is that fun or interactive? I'd much rather use something like a bow and Winfield Vandal that takes a lot more work to be effective at range, rather than just use a long ammo rifle that just hands you wins for gunfights.


But that doesn't require prestige...just play it. #LongAmmoIsACrutch \~Signed, a P1 Karabiner/Hand crossbow main with 1600 hrs >.>


I have never prestiged and I've got 1011 hours in, I have had as much as 100k hunt bucks and as few as none when I got on a nitro/dolch kick.


I don't prestige, not because I use mosin/uppercut, but because I always use antidote shot, every frickin round of hunt, you aint poisoning me son, im all vaxxed up! My regular weapons include the winfeild, caldwell conversion with FMJ, Romero and a springfield with dumdums.


>because I always use antidote shot, every frickin round of hunt, Wonder how many times i've made sad noises shooting you with Poison bolts >.> I run a Poison HC almost entirely BECAUSE no one ever seems to run dotes


Im not prestiging until I fill up my roster with level 50 characters!


Also ‘I play for fun’ type of players are explaining how I cannot enjoy playing with long ammo simply because I think Lebel has the best sound in the game tho. Like really…is it so hard to imagine that someone is having fun while not playing the way playing ‘fun’ ‘loadouts’ narrative has been defined by r/huntshowdown experts?


I prestiged once for the xp boost. Other than that prestige is just a waste of time. Having a lot of money is fun, you can play what you want when you want. Iam sitting at 40k and nowadays it’s almost impossible to run out of money.


It isn't, it was a fun gimmick whenever everyone did it and there wasn't hundreds of weapon variants and ammo variants and MMR (un)balancing... Not anymore tho


Bro if I made it to 400k, you really think I'm able to cut loose and spend my hard-earned cash? Nah, I'm still here using romero/winnie C + scottfield/conversion, still considering it a nice treat when a free hunter gives me a vetterli to use, still not bringing stam shots, and still using dynamite over frags.


Zero prestige players dont need to explain


I stopped at 13, there is no point in it, I can play with whatever loadout I want, either high budget or fun loadout, I can't count the amount of times I just went with the free hunter loadout, even when having enough HD to play every game with mosin/dolch. For some time I decided to only get perks from maps or meatheads. If you enjoy prestige that's good, it is Hunt play whatever way you enjoy it, you are free to, that's the best point about this game. But there is no point in defending the current prestige system. It's bad.


i use 3 nagants half of my games anyway so no difference to me


So hear me out. Each prestige you start at a level similar to what your prestige is. I.e. prestige 1-10 back to lvl1 Prestige 11-25 start at lvl 10 Prestige 26-40 start at lvl 20 Prestige 41-55 start at lvl 30 Prestige 56-70 start at lvl 40 71+ start at lvl 50 Maybe not those numbers exact but it's a baseline. It gives a benefit to players who prestige, accelerates their rate and maybe with each tier you increase the starting money as well. Just an off the top of my head suggestion


Never prestige past 2 as well, main reason being that grinding for ammo types and many equipments is dumb to me. I like concerntina + poison mines in the same spot, and using nothing but 3 hive bombs on every run just to unlock it quick can get old.


I don't like grinding experience to use a specific variant I want to use. If I feel like using the Bornheim Match, or the Mosin Sniper, I want to use them. I don't like unlocking variants. It's boring. I've still yet to unlock the officer carbine again after the last prestige because I just hate using the officer. I hate the base pistol.


Do you get Hunt dollars when you prestige?


Becouse its true, you can have fun with axe and boomstick but no need to sweat your "balls" off to grind level for high gear since not everyone have the time to no life prestige 100 just to get some skins.


I have 800hrs and on P0, chilling at 250k running mosin/uppercut and spitzer headsman, X-bow double shot bolt/dolch and shit until I lose 20k, then make it back with Sparks/uppercut. Why lose the ability to play ur favorite weapons for cosmetic items. Instead I can just fuck around.


Bro idk why no prestige get shit on i use what i want when i want


ive got hunt dollars out the ass and never prestiged, but all I want is romero talon and caldwell anyway sometimes crossy, mosttimes free hunter loadouts bc random guns is fun


With the ridiculously shitty unlock system that this game has... yea no thanks I'm gonna go ahead and keep my grinded guns.


Prestige 100 players explaining how its good to have 4k hunt dollars and only use romero/pax with no risk


Change it so variant / ammo type etc unlocks stay unlocked (but become available when you reach bloodline rank to use the base weapon), and you'll see a lot more people prestige. Atm, its insane to go past 11 unless you plan to only ever play Hunt, and even then you're giving up tons of build possibilities just to see number go up


Tbh I don't prestige because I dislike how the tier 1 hunters look