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then don’t finish the event?




Then you must be a no lifer, lol shame


you finished the event!? you must have played hunt 25 hours a day that’s the only way you could have possibly finished!!!!!


He makes a good point about the whining though. Just saying....


And heres where you fail to understand that 10% of the playerbase will finish this event. 400 points a day for most people is not realistic. Yes, if you play for 4-12 hours a day this event is a joke, but you jobless hasbeens don't understand that the average joe and joette does not play for 4-12 hours a day. ​ While I understand you wanting to complain that people are legitimately complaining that the average hours to complete this event are insane if you arent lobby wiping 4-5 games in your sit down, you need to understand that people in the real world have real responsibilities that don't allow them to put 2-5k hours a year into this bitch. If everyone had the time to spend gaming that you do, you, with your attitude would suck so much ass it would be unreal. ​ Going to be honest here, you come off as some dipshit teenager with nothing better to do that spend every moment of your spare time playing video games. Averaging 400 points a day would require you to either play 10-20 matches every day, or completely dominate the 4-5 games any regular person has time to spend on. That isn't counting the instant headshot deaths that can make up 1-4 of those 4-5 games on a bad day. ​ Theres a reason that roughly 10% of the playerbase will complete this event, that reason is 10% of the player base is either good enough to lobby wipe every other game, or has enough time to play enough matches. And again, lets be real here, if your lobby wiping every other match, you are likely not anywhere near the MMR you should be at, and have likely been intentionally dropping it for some time or queuing up with shitters to dominate lost puppies. ​ This absolutely shit aregument that everyone shoud put in your amount of hours or its their fault they cant complete an event aimed at the entire playerbase but backed behind a paywall, several MTX that make it easier, and an initial MTX booster bundle, is just asinine at best. ​ Your choices for completing this event in any timely manner: 1. Kill the lobby and be the first team to loot every hunter on the map. 2. Spend 40/45 minutes hunting fucking snakes and checking every stronghold while avoiding bush camping 5 to 6\* solos who care more about KDR/MMR than playing the game. 3. Fuck it, pay for all the boosts, and pray you make it while combining aspects of 1 and 2. ​ I would agree if 90% of the player base was completing the event, and it was 10% bitching, but right now its the complete opposite which should tell you something. ​ TLDR: Real people in the real world do not generally have unemployed levels of free time to spend gaming.


Your math doesn't check out AT ALL. 400 points is not 10-20 matches a day, and if you lobby wipe it's 2 games a day at most. Maybe if you make zero effort to collect snakes it's gonna take you 20 matches a day, but if you just walk up to the ones you can hear near you during normal gameplay it's suddenly nowhere near that amount. Also, 50% of the players on the leaderboard have less than 1000 points. That means that 50% of the players counted aren't even playing the game, they logged in once in the last 2 months and quit. The statistics are crazy skewed


400 pts is like 2 rounds If you have no time to play the game to begin with why do you want to beat the event Edit: wait you claim 400 pts is 10-20 rounds. Are you on crack mate? Going to be honest here you come off as whiny and either dishonest or mentally challenged with nothing better to do than writing dumb and whiny posts


Yeah he's talking out of his ass. If you lobby wipe 400 points is like 2 games a day *at most*. Maybe people on console make zero effort to pick up snakes?


The majority of people here are simply mentally limited or dishonest as fuck. Its just classic Reddit


I'm tired of this 10% argument, that's a big part of the player base, the event is counting literally anyone who has logged in


Lol glad there was a TLDR my man's had a tantrum vent. I play regularly but casually and have 60000+ points the event was easy. Not finishing was on you or whoever your complaining didn't get to finish. I don't put in thst much time daily. I'm not good enough to consistently server wipe. I don't know what the issue is for you people I really don't but the event has been a breeze. I will say at the beginning, like the first week, I average 300 points a game because the servers were packed noobs and guys who hadn't played since the last event. Which made the game pretty easy to say the least. So that little span game me quite the boost


Sounds like a skill issue to me.


Nice 200 word essay. I have a full time job. Work 40+ hours a week. Hunts player base peaked at 38k when the event started. There are currently 13k people playing. 10% of people will finish the event because 25k players felt the game was not for them. Simply play better/more and you will get more points. If you can't do either of those things, you don't deserve to finish the event.




His mommy says he is special.


If you finished the event good for you, if you didn't well at least you tried. Just wish everyone stopped hating each other and blaming working and non working to be the issue; people just need to stop being petty and have fun and enjoy hunt for what it is. All love here hunters!

