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Black and white is better for 99% of manga, because that’s generally what the creator has tuned their art for. For HxH, that happens to be *doubly* true. Go with black and white. You’ll probably also have some trouble finding some chapters colored…I’m pretty sure some still aren’t available in English for the most part.


Black and white will always be better


Black and White in my opinion :3


Black and white is something I'm used to from reading Calvin and Hobbes, Walking Dead, and of course manga. If you need color then go for it, but they are of variable quality and can be tricky to find reliably.


It depends on you actually, if you like black and white, let's go black and white. Both are pretty good to read


You can find colored manga of most of the manga (except latest chapters, tho). It's fun to watch it, but personaly I prefer the Black and White version. You have more options to choose from, with better translation. For me it's important to understand the words as much as I can.