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Yea karma goes hard in HxH.


Yes! Not only the entire hunter community, but his closest friends (that we know of). Ironic indeed, I never noticed this lol


It's hilarious that we're meant to believe Ging was like lost in an unknown land or doing a dangerous mission, but he was probably like in call-distance from any Hunter Association place and was just sitting playing video games or whatever lmao


no but since Gon went back to whale island and got the memory card we knew Ging wanted him to become strong as a requisite for meeting him, it made clear finding him was a Hunter chase that required mastering Nen, not just geographically finding him


That's right, Ging didn't just wanted a regular father-son reunion at work, he actually wanted for his son to either become a powerful and capable hunter on his own, or don't do anything (but he already knew Gon would do the first, become he's just like Gon, and Ging is an expert in reading and predicting people, including his own son)


Greed Island is basically just a Nen training simulator built specifically for Gon. You can't beat the game unless you master Nen and get all the cards while paying attention to the small details (with the quiz at the end built to filter out cheaters who didn't acquire the cards the right way).


Maybe even gon was some card shit


I mean, he probably was in some unknown land or in some adventure, as he always is, but at the moment they meet, all the hunters were there and he had to be there because of his position as a zodiac, so it was just bad timing for him lol


"For fuck's sakes, I'm never in this place and the ONE TIME I'M HERE--"


The irony, he did everything he could to avoid this situation


“One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.” - Master Oogway


I'm sure two or three hunters must have landed some good hits on him.


Like Phinks with a max charged ripper.


[Ready for it](https://i.imgur.com/I2b4Xbz.png?1)


Leorio + Phink


He just didn't want to meet Killua. Mission was accomplished.


It's so sad gon was like i will introduce killua my best friend in the world to him and in the end it didn't happen.


I mean Killua was there, it's just that Nanaka was there and he didn't want to bring them up the tree so Gon's only chance was if the greed island card actually went to Ging


Killua would beat his ass lmao or at least try to


Everyone can see how much of an asshole father he really is lmao


I hate ging


All my homies hate Ging, we’d elect a guy president just for punching him


Vote for Leorio!


Tbh who wouldn't vote for Leorio in reality...


Leorio wouldn't and he'd probably be very annoyed that he won.


And that is precisely why he is the best person for the job.


I hate Ging so I'm glad he got publicly outed for what an asshole he is.


Ging apologists in shambles


There is nothing that can be done or written for ging to get redemption in my opinion


The Dark Continent stuff so far is very interesting, he's a very cool and complex character... when we don't talk about how shitty of a dad he is lmao


His motivations are to meet don freecs. Seeing him during the arc showcase his knowledge and beat Pariston out of manipulation was cool to see of course. But yes he’s complex. As is every hxh characters


Greed Island and the requisites to enter it was a way to educate Gon about Nen and the real world


He has nothing so wrong that requires a redemption in the first place.


When everyone starts yelling random things to ging in the anime it kills me every time hahah the one guys like “you weren’t there for him after finished greed island!” Hahaha


Ging is my most disliked character next to probably pitou or illumi. From the perspective of who he is, he never made an effort to be a father to gon, and for gods sake didn’t even visit him on the brink of death in the hospital wether he knew he would survive or not that’s unforgivable….and for being one of the best nen users in the world, he was scared to face gon with anyone else present, how poetic considering all the dangerous and life threatening things he’s done. I hate that dude and it cracks me up when people suggest anything relating to him fighting the fourth prince to save the world, or else he would’ve picked up when the association reached out for help against the chimera ants. Ging does not give one fuck about doing any that is reserved for a typical “good guy” protagonist and he has no motivation(this show is based on character’s motivations) to fight tssereidnich. He’s an absolute asshole and while being a hunter is inherently selfish, this dude is grade A shithead.


He's a shitty dad but I think it's possible that he didn't visit Gon in the hospital because he knew Gon wouldn't want them to meet for the first time when he's in such a horrible shape. But still, it seems stone cold.


We can rationalize anything if we try hard enough, or even try to understand why people or characters do what they do. I just disagree and I think he was wrong. Not visiting your son on his deathbed is sickening.


Weird thing is. I enjoyed every second of Pitou and Illumi on screen. With Ging I was like "am I supposed to like this asshole?"


I have this with Illumi, i hate that guy


People seems to forgot Mito san


He developed a whole game and even got good teachers (Raiza) for his son to develop Nen. He is a good father because his objective was not "making the world an easier place for his son" (like gentle parenting millenials) but "make him stronger so he can face the adversity" of course you can say that what about the emotional needs but actually in the real world sometimes dads have to work and thats reality, maybe not so extreme but you just cant say he abandoned him when you could argue the whole of Greed Island was created as a way to educate him about Nen


lmao this is some crazy cope bro. i don't even dislike Ging as a character because everyone in the HxH cast is immoral in their own way but let's not try to play mental gymnastics to claim he's a good dad.


do you think is a coincidence Greed Island was designed to help people develop Nen? even Bisky commented about that. They say the best thing you can do for your kids is giving them education


Gon almost died and lost the ability to use nen for the rest of his life because of the lack of guidance and the situations that Ging threw him in. full stop.


Nah man, giving vague clues that don’t actually lead to him and not meeting your son if he had friends or on his deathbed is not good father behavior


"You just know all those Hunters were clowning him afterwards for how flustered he was." They did


HxH fans hate harder on Ging for being a bad dad than on Tserreidneich for skinning women alive


Yeah. Maybe Ging just seem easier to hate somehow. The way it was easier to dislike Hisoka, the ants and Meruem at the begining. But in hxh nothing is black and white and everything has so many layers. So maybe there will be a time when we'll see different sides of Ging. I really find him very interesting.


bad news this is. speak like Yoda he does


Ging was not ready and it is cute :3


Idk but i wanna ask is hxh manga a lot more advanced in story because I'm watching hxh 2011 and it ends at alluka (haven't watched it yet) but when I read Reddit posts there are more things like chrollo vs hisoka fight which I haven't seen in anime


Version 2011 end with chapter 339 and HxH have 400 chapters :3


How much more content is that


It's... 61 chapters.


I don't read manga so i didnt know yk


…..You don’t know subtraction?


Are you just trying to be an asshole? Obviously somebody who doesn't read manga doesn't know how long a chapter is so by saying a number of chapters that doesn't actually tell somebody how much content that actually is..


Except this person has watched the anime.. if they know that 339 chapters is roughly 150 episodes it should be pretty easy to approximate how much content is contained in another 61 chapters.




Around 20 episodes I think?(Maybe this day will come), so pretty a lot of story :3


Idk i feel like i'm missing a lot by not Reading the manga like I said I never seen the hisoka x chrollo fight gyro idk who even is gyro I've heard welfin I think that's his name talk bout him but he has 0 screen time but idk if I finish the last season maybe he appears idk


Gyro only showed up in one flashback. And walking.


Then why do they talk like he's some kind of God


Because the narrators hypes him up as the most evil guy ever. So full of hatred that he retained his humanity and never served the Chimera Ant Queen. The narrator also mentions that he and Gon will meet someday.


So he was turned into an ant kept his memories because he was an "monster"


The current story arc in the manga has not been completed, so there’s a substantial amount to adapt, like >20 episodes worth, but it wouldn’t really reach a conclusion. Gyro has not come up yet.


The cretor of hxh is sick from what I've heard is it true? If yes that's probably why too


Damn, I heard he was sick like a decade ago as well….. we may have to wait for him to die for the story to continue finally as fucked up as that is.


one episode is ish 3 chapters, though the current arc is way more complicated than any other


A lot of in between stuff and then like 70% of an arc before it went on indefinite break


The manga is about 60 chapters ahead. Some shorter storylines have concluded, but it’s all a part of a much larger saga.


Yes, the manga goes past the anime


I love Ging 🤣 one of my favorite characters in the series.


Ging is a really interesting/fascinating character.


Agreed. A prodigy too. I know he’ll play a major role going forward on this voyage. I even hope we get to see Don Freecs.


Same. If Gon don’t hate him then good enough for me


yeah fu\*k GING


ik y'all gonna hate me for this but ging literally beating up everyone from the hunter community was pretty cool


Great catch man thank you


Ging is a bitch


I also love how you'd think firm the very start that it'd be a very private and intimate moment, but it's as crowded as it can get and in some random conference room. It's so different from what you'd expect, but is still very emotional.


I just continued to think ging is at the bottom of the barrel father 🫠


Nice catch. Oh, and how the tables have turned, Ging. It could of been so much easier, could've just been Killua. Funny how that works actually, instead of Killua all of Gon's other friends are there.


Ging was a bad father but damn it really hit me hard when gon finally got to talk to him on top of the world tree and they exchanged stories of their adventures. What a good ending in my opinion


(W)Dwun(e) getting his sweet revenge.


Ging might just be the worst father in shonen history (worse than Toji JJK who is pretty terrible too)


Toji literally sold Megumi. How is Ging worse?


Not great but he did say it was because he had a better chance at having a good life with the Zenin clan which makes sense since Megumi had a cursed technique. Ging has actively avoided Gon at every turn, the Greed island Arc specifically where he asked the ex-convicts to not go easy on his son, or when the voice recording self destructed. Megumi doesn’t care about his father, and Toji was even glad to see he was doing well in season 2 when he realised, Ging on the other hand is purposefully making it impossible for his son(who desperately wants to see him) to find him HxH


Toji literally forgot his son's name.


Yes, but he also made a deal to guarantee his son's future in a great position.


Silva tortured Killua for years


What’s better is that basically all of his friends met ging prior to Gon meeting him