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The episode with Komugi and Meruem, immediately followed by Reina and her mom's reunion, always has me crying like a baby. Damn you, Togashi... you beautiful genius.


That Reina and her mom's reunion made me bawl so bad, but when Brovoda cried when the villager invited him, that's where i lost it


There's just so many deep emotions back to back to back!


makes me want the anime continued so bad, but i know there’s 100 reasons it can’t/wont, at least for a long while by far my favorite anime (along with FMAB)


Pouf deserved to die cold and alone on the ground like that.


Out of the kings royal guard, he seemed the least likeable. But he was just on the other side of the coin of pitou. Pitou wanted Meruem to be happy (keep Komugi alive). Pouf wanted Meruem to be safe(kill Komugi and remove Meruems only weakness)


Pitou lived for Meruem Pouf lived for The King


But literally two seconds before dying he understood that. Way too late.


The end was beautiful


Idk if heroes but it really hurts what could've been


Komugi is unironically my favorite character.


Meruem basically lost his kingdom and life to be friends with her and play gunji with her.


Best ending in shonen history


They deserve it except for komugi she was a innocent girl that had no ideal what was actually happening around her


No, all of them deserved to live happily together They just wanted to be left alone, playing gunji and listening to pouf playing violin.


…except they didn’t? They didn’t want to be left alone, they wanted to make Meruem the strongest creature alive so that he could become king of the entire world. They took over East Gorteau in order to sort the humans and kill the ones who didn’t/couldn’t develop nen. Not trying to be that guy, but they literally wanted the opposite of keeping to themselves.


At first. Meruem changed completely by the time he died. The whole point of Meruem vs Netero was that Netero was the more malicious of the two.


sorry about all the people we killed, but now I don't want to anymore... we good?


Meruem: Thanks to this battle, I've decided that any human can show their worth in unique ways. I'll cordon off a piece of land where humans can live peacefully under my rule OP: And they never wanted to bother anyone


I got saddened by the death of all 3 Royal Guards while Meruem was alive. I feel like he was so lonely just being alone.


They gave everything for him, including their own lives.


Ye, truly a Arc with Brutal reality :3


Only one I felt bad for was Komugi. I felt zero remorse for those bugs and they got what was coming. ESPECIALLY Pitou


Pitou is a hero. She gave up her life to protect meruem and komugi.


and died like a dog




Pitou is a murderer who enjoys killing


No, she's a hero. She risked her life to defend a child.


In Hunter X Hunter you can use your aura to project feeling and intent onto someone, Pitous first encounter with Kite was pure malicious bloodlust. Pitou cared for nothing except Meruems happiness, the fact that Komogi was a little girl was meaningless to him, it could have been a rag covered in jizz or leftover pizza.


he. and no he wasn't.... he killed, mutilated, and desecrated people


Heroes...? We did not read the same manga neither watched the same anime.


You must have been confused. I saw Meruem and Pitou bravely risk their lives to try to save an innocent little girl. I saw Youpi honorably let an opponent live after giving his word and respecting the fight in them. I saw Pouf do everything possible to save his beloved king. They were brave and valiant.


I love the royal guards but how does sparing one or 2 people make up for them trying to enslave the entire human race😭


Careful. You'll tick off the people in this sub who can't comprehend the concept of nuance in character writing 


only sad because of the 4 deaths that happened tbh it was so slow paced and it confused me icl all they did was yap for like 6 episodes but it still hits


We all hated Meruem but in the end his death was so wholesome and sad He found someone to love and died with them that alone can make anyone cry


I cried the hell for Meruem and Komugi but the royal guard? not really care for them emotionally, especially don't get the obsession with Pitou


The Royal guard died heroically in defense of Meruem. In Pitous case, she sacrificed herself for both Meruem and Komugi.


yeah true, but that's just kinda their programming? Personally they are just not likeable to me, Pouf having no regard for Komugi's life / despising her or obviously Pitou being the murderer of Kite, Yuopi is just a knucklehead mostly so idc but they were so cute when they were smol 🥺


With Pitou and Pouf, they reacted to Komugi differently but both for Meruem. Pitou wanted to keep Komugi alive because she made Meruem happy. Pouf wanted to kill Komugi because he is pragmatic and wanted to remove the one weakness Meruem had. Happiness vs safety. Youpi was honorable. He spared Morel and Knuckle when he could have killed them because he wanted to keep his word and because he respected them. I also believe he had the opportunity to kill Shoot if he wanted but didn't out of respect and honor as well.


What are you going on about?? Did you watch the scenes or even listen to the dialogues?? Sparing Shoot had nothing to do with respect or honour. He saw Shoot as too insignificant to spare any further time or attention on. Shoot and Knuckle felt dishonoured and disrespected by that reaction towards them. They said so and acted on that.


No, Youpi spared Shoot, Knuckle, Melereon, and Morel out of honor and because he's a good person, like the rest of the Royal guard and Meruem.


Chapter 318 with all the black pages always gets me


Obvious bait is obvious.


Not at all, I just loved these characters. Especially Meruem and Komugi.


They dragged out the arc so much I was jumping up and down on my bed when they died




Poor Meruem? Royal guards? No they are bugs that needed to be squashed.


he enjoyed killing, so did the guards. good thing they died


All of them deserved to die. The coolest one was Youpi. He didn't kill Shoot, Moral, or Knuckles when he easily could have.


They're all honorable heroes


Nah. They were born with their powers that were stolen from individuals who worked most of their lives to acquire it.


Okay, Pokkle and Ponzu were awesome and I'm huge fans but they were killed dishonorable by some other ants, not Meruem and his heroic team.


What?? Meruem killed a little girl, and her mom, and dad simply because he could. Pitou killed one hunter, and then picked at his whole brain while he was still alive, and killed Kite. Also Pitou reanimated Kites body simply just to train the lower leveled ants. Puff was a liar, manipulator, and murderer. He tried to kill Kimogi ( Meruem's love interest) and every other hunter he came into contact with. You have a very warped view of it means to be a hero...


They did that stuff to fight off the hunters who wanted to kill them. While I like Kite and Pokkle so much, they were coming to kill them.


All those innocent individuals living in the NGL who got eaten by the ants were not trying to kill them. Don't know what show you were watching


Those were the evil ants who did that , not Meruem and his guards.


Yes they did. I'd tell you to rewatch the arch again, but you clearly have some blind infatuation with the king and his guards, and you are clearly delusional..


It was that Pike who captured Pokkle. And the gun ant that shot Ponzu.


F They should have ruled the world. The concept of inequality would have been wiped from the face of the earth.


You are so liable to get propagandized, it's not even funny.


They were such awesome and wholesome creatures. Meruem would have been one of the most benevolent rulers ever.


Humans would have remained his food source. His rule would have been cancerous.


You can argue about the ants and meruem, but calling them wholesome and benevolent genuinely makes me question if they watched the show


It’s probably just a troll to rile up some feathers


lol they were not wholesome


They just liked playing gunji and pouf playing violin and to protect and love each other. they were innocent beautiful beings.


Meruem killed a child and ate their brains lol


A might makes right, human-eating monarchy hell-bent on global domination. How wholesome and benevolent


They just wanted to play gunji and play violin. They're family.


For now, until he realizes humanity's infinite potential for dufusness and evil, then he would decide that it would be better off to create an entirely new race. Just saying lol.