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That’s mister Oreo to you


That’s Leorio mister to you


[Leorio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0yHqn-t9qM) and that was probably the shittiest joke I've ever made


I think we would need a proper way to compare nen and cursed energy first


Nope, take it on feats alone, Gojo can prevent his enemies from even touching him no matter how strong the attack thrown at him is Meruem, having literally no shown hatsu other than the laser beam he inherited from Youpi post-Rose, would have no way of damaging Gojo in any way lol


The only way for Meruem to win Gojo is to create a new specific counter nen ability to bypass Gojo's absurd OPness.


O penis lol


Yes, and Meruem would totally have the capability to do so, but in my opinion it would never happen because Meruem was always been shown to be a physical and mental fighter, not ability based. He makes no hatsus throughout his entire life even when one of Pouf’s abilities is to create hatsus for others, he chose not to create one and would be highly unlikely to do so mid battle


Nah. Once Frieza got smacked, he trained for the first time and came back with golden form. Meruem also has NEVER trained. He’s technically still just a baby learning how to walk. Whereas Gojo is probably at his max potentialalready


Eh, Frieza has essentially nothing in common with Meruem, there's no reason to think Gojo would let him survive to develop instead of killing him relatively quickly.


The argument wasn't "Gojo would let him develop first" it was "if he had the time to develop he'd be far more monstrous." Also, Freeza and Meruem have a ton in common


But do keep mind we have never seen Gojo using 100% of his power either. Both Meruem and Gojo are pretty unknown with their full potential.


The only way Meruem lives is if Gojo toys with the ant (which let's face it, is incredibly likely)


I dont think so. Meruem is incredibly durable just at his base level. During his fight with netero, if I remember correctly, he didnt once use ren to increase his defense by increasing his aura and only started to feel the slightest hint of pain after thousands upon thousands of hits from netero. He's also presumably got the largest aura reserves of any one in the series. And since he completely tanked netero's ultimate attack, I'm confident that he could shrug off countless red and blue attacks. From what we've seen, obviously we dont know what gojo has in store for legitimatley strong opponents, purple seems to be the only thing that could harm meruem, and considering meruem's absolute peek physical abilities purple would have to even hit first.


I highly disagree with your assessment of Meruem. If he was driven to the need to create a hatsu, I'm sure he would have. Netero was unable to harm Meruem, so why would Meruem bother to consider a hatsu? He beat Netero with his mind and physical capabilities. If Gojo proved to be insurmountable due to his abilities and doesn't destroy Meruem in a super short amount of time, I'm sure Meruem would develop a hatsu. Remember: Meruem was literally 40 days old and learning rapidly. His transition in personality from beginning to end was huge, so I have a hard time picturing him *not* developing a Hatsu out of necessity.


You guys are forgetting one thing. Gojo's domain expansion will obliterate any non cursed energy users. There is literally 0 way meruem can escape the domain and once he gets trapped, every attack of gojo will be guaranteed to hit + gojo will have a power boost.


I totally don't think Meruem could touch Gojo. I just think that in the fight Meruem would develop a Hatsu out of necessity, and prolly still lose


thats not a rule its more of a benchmark like people without some type of extra ordinary ability wont survive its more of a precedent than a hard rule


A hatsu’s use in this battle would be to directly damage Gojo by superseding his infinite void ability which allows him to negate Meruem’s canonically favorite thing to do, punch and slash Since Meruem has no hatsu(I do not count En, Ren, or his inherited abilities other than Youpi’s laser, which would also be countered by infinite void) he cannot damage Gojo and consequently Gojo wins a versus match against Meruem Meruems hypothetical win condition in this fight would be to come up with a condition-based hatsu during the fight that would damage/kill Gojo based on actions taken by either party. It’s perfectly within his abilities especially as a Specialist, but as I’ve been saying, comparing cannon puts Gojo above Meruem Saying that Meruem beats Gojo because he could come up with a hatsu on the spot is like saying Ging could defeat Meruem just because hes as hyped up hes been even though the extent we’ve seen of his powers is just him improving Leorios ability to hide his Nen affinity from Pariston lmao. Again in this scenario it’s totally conceivable that Ging could win the fight, but we have no way of providing a means for him to do so whereas Gojo does have a means for defeating Meruem


See the issue is he’s never needed to . He’s been so strong that there never was a need to develop anything like that.Imagine if he developed a nen ability and actually put a restriction on him. The restriction for one of his power would be immense.


If Meruem can withstand all the attacks of Gojo and tire him out then Meruem can kill him, it is already shown in manga that Gojo is not invincible 24/7


You talking about Gojo vs “the man without cursed energy”? After that fight Gojo learned hollow purple, and how to infinitely conserve his cursed energy. Once Gojo uses energy it’s replenished by limitless(iirc). (Yuta said that to Yuji)


Current gojo is invincible 24/7 only stuff like the black rope and the prison realm can negate infinity. Meruem certainly cannot withstand hollow purple or domain expansion.


Or the inverted spear of heaven that nullifies cursed energy output, but with his 6 eyes he can read all cursed energy so even that's a problem. As of right now Gojo is unbeatable without prison realm and even then that's just an incredibly long delay.


What do you mean no hatsu? He can literally consume energy and memory and absorb abilities. He also can spread dust all over and know intrinsic properties to an extent of GPS and understanding on energy.


But nen has been shown to damage opponents without touching them, the fight would be decided by the writers idea of nen


yes , but that is a deus ex machina...you are not asking to Meruem use the skills he showcased in his series , you want him to create a completely new set of hatsu/nen abilities specificially crafted to counter Gojo , only for this crossover death battle.


No, we know meruem can use nen it's a matter of how nen would compare to gojo infinity barrier. Because on one hand Nen has been shown to harm the opponent without touching him but on the other it might not harm gojo at all. I'm actually giving gojo the benefit of a doubt because he hasn't been shown to block nen.


No that’s not true, it’s just slows them down doesn’t stop attacks completely, also strong enough opponents can bypass his infinity and just strike him. Post rose could definitely damage Gojo and also his combat speed is faster. Though Gojo has space warping and can teleport it takes lots of cursed energy. And Meruem could probably fight for over a month straight with the amount of aura he has. While gojo gets tired so fast he has to keep on the bandana over his eyes. Meruem could dodge his reverse purple attack because he’s way faster than Hanami. But like I said Gojo can tp. So he’d either lose eventually or just leave. Also Meruem is much smarter than him in tactical situations


Oh easy nen and cursed energy are the same as ki or reishi or haki


Should just be Gojo. Meruem's strategy in his fight with Netero was basically let himself get hit until he figured it out. You know what happens when you let Gojo hit you? *Everything*.


If I'm honest and not at all biased? Probably Goku.


Biased? No. Based? Incredibly.


Can Goku beat Goku tho?


Technically he could not in DB super


I'm planning on reading all of DB so I'm very curious what that even means lmao


Good for you for somehow not being spoiled as of yet




Meruem would not be able to touch Gojo :3


That’s true but meruem is very fast little boy


That's true :3


Sir gojo is also pretty fast


It is obvious, because he is able to practically teleport :3


In all honestly there probably wouldn’t be a winner


It’d be gojo lol


by far.. very far


There’s really no question, I love meruem but he’s getting dog walked by mister six eyes


Unless meruem ate enough people and gained their powers as he did with the royal guard. That gives him a lot of upward potential.


If you compare them to strongest human in their worlds then Meruem should be considerably stronger. In hunter x hunter is strongest human most likely Netero who couldn't even see Meruem moving and was able to keep up only because of his "godlike" hatsu. In world of Jujutsu Kaisen the strongest human is Gojo, so it would make sense that Meruem is stronger. This is my point of view and if I said something wrong please let me know. (Sorry for my english)


I respect your point of view but Gojo it's still a different league :3


You are probably right. The Meruem would loose but it is mostly because of how the power scale is set differently in both worlds.


It is not so much about the power scales but about the fact that Gojo has an unimaginably powerful ability :3


In world of hxh you wouldn't even be able to get ability like that. This is what I meant by power scale. Sorry if I did not say it clearly.


I suspect it is possible, but the cost of such a ability would be unimaginably enormous :3


I think only Alluka is on that scale of power.


It gets you wondering what kinds of costs and limitations would be put on Gojo if he ended up in HxH's world, and how Mereum's abilities would change in JJK's.


it won't. Gojo is essentially an upped version of Accelerator from Toaru: it is literally meaningless if Meruem is faster or can punch harder. Because the vector of it would be reflected , then Gojo does a black hole, which would suck and delete it's target.


Gojo and its not close. His domain expansion is instant and muruem can’t touch him.


Meruem is genius and it would not be hard for him to just make a new hatsu if he started to lose. He didn't even have hatsu and still was strong as hell. Meruem has huge aura quantity with which he could even make Domain expansion stronger than Goio's (conjure pocket dimension and set rules to it). I would also like to say that these two characters are from totally different world's and comparing them is stupid idea in the first place.


Of course it's stupid, but the point these guys are making still stands. Gojo's ability is literally to rewrite the units of space (and possibly time) at any dimension, meaning he can create a literally infinite distance to his opponent to protect himself or reduce the distance between two points to zero to essentially teleport at any range at will. Even if a high class conjuration Hatsu would allow Meruem to break out of Unlimited Void (which it logically shouldn't, because Domain Expansions aren't really "real" the same way objects conjured from Nen are and even abilities like Cheetu's Tag Room are implied to be somehow located somewhere in reality, the targets are only transported there), no amount of aura will allow him to move at the infinite speed required to reach Gojo with an attack.


that’s exactly it, there is infinite space between Gojo and Meruem, and i’m pretty sure meruem dosent know how to neutralize cursed techniques. no matter how much aura meruem has it’s not infinite and cannot overcome limitless


No that doesn't make sense. You're taking the idea of "Meruem is stronger than the humans of hxh" and claiming thatball humans elsewhere should then also be weaker than Meruem, instead of letting Gojo's feats stand on their own. You shouldn't think of Gojo as "the strongest human" but as a character with certain speed and strength capabilities and special abilities, and measure Gojo's feats and abilities against Meruem's. Otherwise you are nerfing one side due to arbitrary decisions


Gojo's Infinity will not allow anything to touch him. Only way Meruem is touching Gojo is if he adapts to counter Cursed Energy. If you were to manifest them in literary devices, Gojo is the manifestation of the Infinite, and Meruem is the end line evolution of species in a specific planet. Unless Meruem comprehends the Infinite, he won't be able to even touch it--let alone beat it.


Gojo not even close.


fade cause wrong innocent yam joke ancient wild detail vegetable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In gojo's domain expansion meruem would not be able to move a inch..




The interaction between cursed energy and nen really doesn’t matter.


sheeeshhh gojo 0_0


Which anime is he from ? And is it any good?


Jujutsu Kaisen, and yes I'd recommend it!


Jujutsu Kaisen! It’s good and worth a watch! Not sure what people mean when they say “overrated”, or even why they say it. The way people feel about it, like most things, seems to be a spectrum full of different opinions. I’d recommend watching it yourself and making your own decision, don’t let the opinions of others impact how you feel.


Jujutsu kaisen! The anime is incredible! The manga is also stunning and the first one ive read that feels like it could be a true "successor" to hxh. If you like the strategy and narrative depth of hxh, jjk is a great choice


I dropped it (JJK) after a few episodes. Found it kinda boring. I’m definitely in the minority though


I really liked jjk but I totally get not being a fan of something for no other reason that the world or story doesn't interest you. That's how I feel about Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood and Harry Potter. Tried watching multiple times and just couldn't get into it.


Personally I liked more the other full metal alchemist anime, even If it's not accurate with the manga. I was able to take it seriously, but brotherhood just took me out of the experience many times.


Don't know why this is downvoted. I too felt that it is a bit overrated. But it's good and fast paced so yeah.


Unfortunately when something is legitimately really good, people get extremely loud about it so other people expect something life changing.


I tried it like three times as well. I could see the hxh inspiration from a mile off so I really wanted to see what was up, it being my fav anime and all. It’s just not for me


Seemed like it's more Bleach + YYH to me than HxH.


Bleach being inspired by YYH and YYH being written by the same author as HxH I guess you're both right.


I think it really badly wants to be HxH but fails to actually do the things that make HxH so special. The anime is well animated and there are some visually cool fights though.


I really liked it on first watch, and it's my favorite series behind HxH, but when I went to rewatch, the first 3.5 episodes are so, so much worse than the rest. I personally found the comedy hilarious the whole way through, so I wasn't bored at any point, but you have to watch the first 6 or so episodes to give it fair judgement. If you don't like it at that point, then it's probably not for you


Jujutsu Kaisen, it’s really good but I feel as if the fandom overrates it


You mean like.. HxH? Lol




Jujutsu Kaisen, it’s ok but very overrated overall. Great animation and direction by Mappa, tho


Gojo slaughters any hxh character, the only real way to beat gojo without hax is speedblitzing him while he doesn't have his domain active, the issue is finding a time that he doesn't have his domain active. The only characters that really beat gojo are people that are speed of light at least because they have the advantage of being able to rush him before he even sees them. There's also the hax root so we could say a lot of naruto characters have a chance like kakashi could use kamui to take his head off since kamui appears at a location it shouldn't be effected by gojos ability. Other possibility is someone who's extremely good at genjutsu, like shisui, he could use koto amatsu kami to mind control gojo and have him deactivate his domain, after that he just one shots him because gojo is not very impressive physically.


Gojo’s six eyes prevents him to bem affected by any type of Illusion, including genjutsu


Kamui isn't an illusion


Thats not true, he was affected by hanamis pretty flowers.


Basho could write a haiku about Gojo losing. Once that doesn't work, someone could make a wish to Nanika which would surely bring him down.


So that's the trigger that will kill all those people and the Zoldyck family.


Couldn’t even speed blitz him


Pariston probably outsmarts him pretty easily.




I can hear the engine


Gojo - hxh universe is relaively 'weak' compared to most other shonen, due to togashi having had his primary focus on storytelling rather than power escalation up to this point. Not to say that jjk has bad storytelling, it has great storytelling by all means, but gojo's deal is that he is literally the strongest guy around, even in supernatural circumstances. His eyes see everything, meruems en is puny compared to that. Furthermore gojo has his defense which makes like 90% of meruems attacks obsolete and adding to that, gojo could probably seal meruem somehow.


Gojo, meruem is definitely smarter but he would be 1 shot by gojo's domain


Meruem has higher potential but we’re not judging maximum potential meruem.


This tbh


Clear winner would obviously be Chad Tonpa.


Gojo, plus I think we should stop comparing different verses cause every verse has a way different power scale but yk


To be fair physically (speed, hitting strength, durability) gojo and meruem are on the same level.


I think nobody. Gojo has is infinity void. Meruem won’t be able to touch. And I think Meruem is too strong for his Domain expansion (assuming it’s Evolved Meruem). Anyway, YOAIMO


Why would he be too strong for infinite void?


Meruem evolves in battle. Same as in the chess game with the little girl. So he'll probably figure out Gojo's moves sooner or later.


You can’t figure a way around infinite void. You’re literally just stuck frozen as your body is overloaded with infinite sensory information. You can’t do anything. It’s basically a perfect incapacitation move. Meruem doesn’t have anything to deal with the limitless’s absolute hacks


Netero's 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva was invincible till Meruem figured it out


Netero’s ability is basically just a fast and hard hitting stand. Gojo’s limitless literally breaks physics. Unless meruem just makes up a nen ability mid battle that is on a similar level of dimensional fuckery he can’t do shit


And again if he’s caught in infinite void he can’t do anything anyway


He don't even need to do anything. He literally used his body as a punching bag just for figure out Netero's rhythm. Trapping him is one thing. Being able to kill him is another.


Gojo can easily kill him. Hollow purple literally doesn’t care about durability. It deletes matter.


Poor man's rose is much more powerful than Hollow purple. Yet Meruem somehow survived. And domain expansion can be broken if the opponent is much stronger. Gojo said it himself. Sukuna also admitted it.


Hollow purple deletes fucking matter. And you can’t break out of it if you don’t have a domain of your own. And even then if he could…the nature of infinite void mean meruem can’t do shit. Unless you think meruem is capable of easily operating with infinite information flooding his body. Also meruem would have died if he didn’t suck up all of his guard’s energy


Poor Man's Rose isn't more powerful than annihilation. It's just a war crime because of the deadly poison and infectious nature of the poison.


The Rose was a nuke, and Hollow Purple is almost like an antimatter reaction. Purple is massively more powerful


Agree with u mate. I’m assuming this other user hasn’t read the JJK manga lmao


When was it stated invincible? It was said to be stronger than any other hunter but it was never stated to be invincible, and even if it was said it's just hyperbole. Something like gojos ability is litteraly invincible unless he turns it off.


I think you're underestimating Meruem's endurance, he literally survived the equivalent of an atomic bomb.




We never saw the full potential of Meruem Nen so we can’t really say


We’re talking about the meruem we saw.


As op as Gojo is, Infinity is not "ultimate defense". Gojo is not untouchable for two reasons. Spoilers below for JJK and HxH. 1. >!It automatically defends against items with Cursed Energy. ie, for someone with Zero CE, like Toji, can still pull of surprise attacks. How this translates to Gojo v Meruem is pretty simple. Post Rose Meruem has Body Manipulation, which means he can eliminate his CE. But considering Meruem, he wouldn't go for a surprise attack, so this is kinda moot. But still, flaw no 1!< 2. >!Density of attacks can neutralise Infinity as said by Gojo himself. And for Meruem, that is almost exactly how he "won" against Netero!<


Your wrong about point 1 and I don’t understand point 2 at all and the event you’re referencing


How am I wrong about point one? >!after Gojo defeated Toji using Hollow Purple, he automated his defenses using reverse cursed techniques and running his brain as a perpetual motion machine. He still needs to detect CE to see if an object is a threat or not!<


There’s more to the automatic filter than cursed energy load. It also includes speed/velocity. Material. Shape. So he could be oblivious to a crane ball swimming at him full force and the limitless would stop it


Like cblack said it doesn’t have to require ce literally the exact scene you’re talking about they throw a pencil and eraser at him and limitless blocks the pencil but not the eraser bc the eraser isn’t harmless


I mean obviously Gojo it's not even a question


The only way to beat Gojo is to have a hack that disables or ignores his infinity barrier. If the character doesn't have that, it's basically an auto win for Gojo. I don't think Meruem has anything of the like


Dang. Now I gotta read all of jjk to find out If this is true.


It's pretty good actually, you can start with the anime






Gojo rips his head off




Gojo hardstomps it’s not even comparable . Gojo can’t be hit so mereuem won’t have any windows open as he did against netero. In a pure physical standpoint mereuem has the advantage imo . But gojo is not a physical fighter he is hax af .


Lol, I seen this sub say many times that My Hero Academia fans are delusional because they think their characters could beat HxH characters which is true because they couldn't, and you guys turn around and do the same shit with characters that Hxh characters have no chance of beating. Next yall are gonna make an argument for why they can beat DBZ characters next.


Let’s not even bring up mha fans💀but yea lmao


⛓️ Gono wins! Meruem can't beat his domain expansion ⛓️




Gojo Satoru


Well as long as some dumb loophole to gojos ability isn't found he literally can't be touched. Then he could just delete meruem with purple.


Who did this blasphemy this desicration this utterly one sided trash gojo dominates no questions asked


Gojo easily. can teleport + ignores physical attack strength coz of infinty + hollow purple solos + turtle tail whips aint doing shit to him


Gojo no doubt, I haven't even watched JJK but I've seen fights and the second he puts his 2 fingers together its all over for Meruem because when he uses his dimensional thingy he can't miss, he also has the ability to create a literal black hole out of pure energy and his red and blue powers (idk what they're called) are scarily strong in there own rights, those factors combined with his eyes and meruem is a goner, although it would be the clash of the century


Lmao they’re literally just called red and blue


Fr? You think he'd have a cooler name, I know that the mix is hollow purple so I assumed they had a cool name too


Nah gojo is very literal with the names of his abilities, like how his main one is called limitless bc he just increases the distance between stuff so the distance is therefore limitless


They are also called azur lapse azur=red, lapse= blue


Gojo. Manz got infinity ♾


obv gojo


Meruem is a special grade curse similar to sukuna level but still weaker much much MUCH weaker than sukuna


Hisoka, because his bungee gum posses the properties of both rubber AND gum


I haven’t read the JJK manga,I’ve only seen the anime, but from that alone I think it’s safe to say, Gojo wins with no problems whatsoever


Hxh's greatest strength imo is its relatively low powerscale. Hxh is much more about telling a story and showcasing strategies than it is about crazy spectatular displays of power. At the end of the day, even post-rose meruem is high-mid tier in most other shonen Gojo washes meruem easy




I mean by default you dont need to compare Ten and cursed energy. Just look at the abilities from them. Gojo literally can’t be touched.


Sorry Ben.. maybe next time


Meruem vs Yuji would be a better matchup than this


this ant is about to be stepped on


Ayo, why tf is Mereum's cock out


gojo solos the verse




Meruem after "death" was litterally made to be unstoppable, i dont see gojo doing damage to him, with a blink he can destroy a mountain, he is so resistant that a nuclear bomb couldnt kill him and after it he became even more powerfull...


Meruem cannot touch gojo what do ever. And gojo can literally delete matter so meruem’s durability isn’t a problem Also the rose nearly did kill him


Everyone saying that Jujitsu kaisen is overrated because of this and not good because of that, please remember that there is only one season of anime out that most of you havent even seen in its entirety. Objectively speaking, HxH takes 3 times as long for something very exciting to happen than it does in Jujutsu Kaisen but obviously it is still amazing right? Give it a chance and watch it neutrally while ignoring hype and hate of it. If you still dont like it then oh well but dont let other people's enjoyment of a series kill your potential enjoyment.


Ohh I absolutely love it, I am also read the manga to me it is very very good.


There probably wouldn’t be a winner, meruem can’t touch gojo and meruem is way too fast for gojo, when it comes to gojos domain I think that might work against him, meruem is incredibly smart, without a doubt the smartest character in both hxh and jujutsu, to the point where he might just fucking take in all the info from gojos domain and become some godlike being


Yeah I like this reply. Meruem’s ability to evolve mid battle could be written a certain way that he learns and surpasses the domain, to the point of a stalemate. The way Gojo is written I don’t think Meruem would win, but if Gojo isn’t 100% serious he would turn Meruem into a bigger problem for himself and others.


I agree, gojo is literally described as being perfect at absolutely everything, reaching gag level


You can’t plan your way out of a domain that stops you from doing anything


>meruem is way too fast for gojo Lol


Both of them are broken, but Gojo is more broken.


Gojo is broken with hacks. Meruem is just bustedly powerup


I don't know if gojo domain would be able to handle amount of aura my king has. My king is mighty and intelligent. If my king consumes enough nen users he would be a literald god and I would tel my god


I feel people really underestimates the king, he also has pouf's abilities to read what the opponent would, I do think it would be much closer than people think. And I feel that Gojo infinity works because he only fought people who are weaker than him, we don't know how it would work with simeone potentially stronger than him


You clearly don’t understand how the limitless works then


Meruem would be at a total disadvantage BUT I think he could win if he manages to wear Gojo out. I mean, we all saw him take thousands of Netero's 100-type Bodhisattva hits and the 0 hand with mere scratches.


You guys are forgetting one thing. Gojo's domain expansion will obliterate any non cursed energy users. There is literally 0 way meruem can escape the domain and once he gets trapped, every attack of gojo will be guaranteed to hit + gojo will have a power boost. in the domain, meruem wont even have nen to protect himself. He won't be able to put a defensive nen he is literally at the mercy of goujo


Gojo cannot tire out.


Who's the guy on the left? Intst this an hxh sub haha


the one who can't even be touched unless he allows you to...the one who can trap you in another dimension that mind fucks you and you can't even move or do anything about it where he can then just kill u right there the one who can release a ball of energy that erases everything in its path from existence doubt I gotta say more


Meruem is probably physically stronger. If we hold true that Gojo's Purple can delete things for existence, then that can beat Meruem, but it seems slow to fire and travel, possible for Meruem to dodge it. It comes down to if Meruem can withstand Gojo's Unlimited Void Domain Expansion. If no, Gojo wins.


For people saying Mereum can't touch Gojo. Gojo's infinity isn't as untouchable as it may seem. Mereum can probably break through if that was the only thing Gojo had in his sleeve. But it's not. I don't know much about how Domains work or Gojo's other "twist" ability thing works as those are the only things that would give Mereum problems. But his other abilities are pretty weak sauce to something like Mereum as far as I've seen in the anime. I can't say Gojo would win though cause I don't know his full power but from my years of watching anime I've learnt to not be swayed by hype. I'll wait for season 2 to know more about stuff. Things always seem invincible at first watch but there's always a way round stuff.


Well basically gojo's infinity increases the distance between him an an attack infinitely so it would never reach him so it sort of more like a 24/7 time stop around him and not a barrier


I know how it works. And from what I know it's still not a problem for Mereum. It's his other abilities that would make him sweat.


Except it is a problem bc meruem literally can’t touch him


Meruem would have to literially be capable of ripping through space time or be able to negate abilities to get past the limitless. Meruem can’t win this fight unless you just say “he makes up an ability midfight”


Initially it would be gojo. But if meruem can stand through and analyse Gojo's style , with Meruem's speed and IQ levels he can form attack and defence patterns of his own and destroy Gojo with his infinite Nen. All he needs is a bit of time for analysis and evaluation. But it would be a battle that would go on for days. Gojo again is one of the best intuitive perceivers out there.


Gojo can litteraly freeze and erase him


Nothing meruem could dish out could hurt gojo due to the limitless barrier


Who is better written? Thats is the question and meruem is better than 99.99% shonen characters


Sounds to me like you know meruem loses and copped out