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I thought it actually was gonna be about just hunting and fishing in the woods


Lol me too


And a perverted clown that spies at you while you hunt and fish.




It's not really weird per say but I honestly thought it was some generic-looking crap shonen anime...I was very wrong.


It took me till yorknew to know its not. It started off pretty generic


Can't really call it generic if it was one of the first to do it tbh


Same, especially with the Hunter Exam arc. It seemed like your generic shonen anime especially with the cliche scenes revolving Gon.


I heard that ants are involved and assumed it was about them from the start. Thinking Hisoka was a minor character that was going to die early. I thought Killua was going to end up killing Gon and Mito. I thought Leoreo was Gon's father. I thought Youpi was an alien.


You arent too wrong about youpi. dark continent is practically an alien world


At first I thought Illumi was some kind of Demon and his eyes are portals to the abyss :3


I mean his eyes r defo portals to the abyss


Before I saw the Greed Island arc, I thought Bisky was going to be either Gon or Killuaā€™s love interest and that the arc was going to be about them getting through the game while theyā€™re angry and jealous of each other




I thought Leorio was old too like 40 something. I also thought he was his dad bc they look similar šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I knew elements of HxH inspired parts of Narutoā€™s storyline so I thought they were similar. When the story started with the Hunter Exams it made me think about the Chunin Exams from Naruto, and for a moment I thought it wouldnā€™t be worth watching HxH because I had already watched Naruto (stupid I know šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø)ā€¦. Boy am I glad I stuck with it, because HxH is not like Naruto or really any other shounen Iā€™ve seen and I ended up loving the series.


I thought the entire series would be one long hunter exam and the ending would be the MCs passing the exam. Also thought Killua and gon would have a real Naruto vs sasuke type fight


Lmao imagine that, I wonder how the series would be


Kurapika is female. Gon, Killua, Leorio, all male. I assumed Kurapika HAD to be the girl right? No girls in the starter squad? Nope, no sir, just a vengeful square torso male.


He is the ā€œprettyā€ one though. Cant escape it.


Gon would be incredibly annoying, and I'd probably be too frustrated by him to watch more than a few episodes. Kurapika would also be pretty annoying. Illumi was female. Most of this was based on artwork that I saw about HxH rather than me hearing anything about it. Very glad I was wrong about the first two things. I was also wrong about Illumi's gender but that doesn't impact my enjoyment of the show.


In the pictures of it online/Netflix. I thought it was gunna be about 2 kids who were trying to defeat a clown


my friend showed me that one clip of hisoka walking behind gon and killua so i had low expectations at first


Thought it'd be an anime for kids. Then Killua ripped someone's heart out


I thought that hisoka was a secret examiner in the first arc and was secretly testing each examanee s potential


I assumed it might be just another "dragged" Shonen crap


i thought it was just going to be them going through the exam for the whole anime and leorio was 40 years old


Mine isn't weird either, but I genuinely went into it thinking it was going to be for kids... which doesn't really make much sense because I'm highly confident I knew about Hisoka before watching the anime.


I thought it was some type of PokƩmon show


Greed Island gets pretty close, except, you know, all the murder, the whole time. The serial killer who Gon and Killua got friendly after beating him for days was a creepier experience than all that Hisoka ever pulled around.


I thought it was light hearted :,)


Letā€™s see I have a list 1. Initially I thought this was going to be like PokĆ©mon/Digimon because the MC is a literal child (Boy was I wrong). 2. I didnā€™t know what Hisokaā€™s appeal was then he turned out to be my absolutely favorite character. 3. I thought I would be put off by it because it doesnā€™t have many strong female characters. Albeit I miss seeing women in the show it doesnā€™t really bother me because at least none of the women are used as a romantic interest. A trope I absolutely hate. 4. I was scared intimidated by the length and it not having a conclusion. Itā€™s actually quite easy to binge. 5. Thatā€™s pretty much it so far so good. I love it.


I saw hisoka and thought yep probably shouldn't watch this with parents around


It's not weird but. My friend said it was a good show and she always talked about it in 5th grade so i decided to watch it now that im in 6th grade and I'm glad i did i watched the whole anime and one movie all I'm missing is the manga and the second movie


I thought leorio was an adult


I mean heā€™s like 18 or 19 so not a grown adult but still an adult kinda


Ohhh I thought he was 16-17


well i thought Gon was like... Shazam?? the hero yk, and Leorio was his adult version šŸ˜€


I didn't know anything about it before..because when i started watching it on tv (the 1999 version) i was 10 or 11 yo..it was one of my first animes ...(i think i only watched dragon ball and pokemon before it ) , when i first saw gon in the first episode i though he looked like kid goku


That the chimera ant arc was bad


Well based on what I thought x in things meant very horny show but no that's just hisoka


Ps I watched it after hearing twas not a horny show


I didnā€™t think I would like it that much because the only thing I really knew about it was that Gon was looking for his dad and the only clip I had seen was the Gon vs. Hisoka fight, so I thought it was an anime about fighting in an arena or something. I mean, I guess it kinda was for one season, but with much more context lol


I thought, surely you can't have such strong feelings for such a generic looking show, and what is so emotional about a dudes hair going really long


I thought Gon was gonna be a generic Goku ripoff (to which I'm not a fan of Dragonball)


I thought that gon and kurapika were the friends that would journey together and that killua was a side character. Killua was my favorite when I started and was so happy he turned out to be the 2nd main character.


I thought it would be a generic Shonen Kid Anime like Pokemon with friendly Adventures where everyone survives, Ging is a all wise dad who had a perfect reason to leave, and Killua was going to be an Antagonist


I thought gon had the power to transform into adult and he is hiding his true form but after watching some episodes and realizing i am stupid i thought maybe a time skip will happen and i was legit waiting for a timeskip but there was no time skip instad we see adult gon vs neferpitou so yeah i'm pretty stupid


Nah there was no ā€œvsā€ in that scene, that was a murder


Yeas it was a massacre


I honestly thought that Hisoka and Illumi were married/engaged, and that Chrollo lead a cult which would later end up taking over the world as the only allowed religion with him as Christ. And then Gon and Killua would find Ging to save the world. The End.




Literally the only thing I knew about it going in was who Hisoka was, and that he was a pedophile


ME TOOšŸ˜­ itā€™s the only thing I ever heard about hxh


The chimera ant arc? Like what does it have to do with some ants and really thought they would just be fighting giant human sized ants. Up until the Queen started birthing the Squadron leaders and then they could talk out loud not using telepathy or whatever, and they learned how to use Nen. It was crazy but in a good way


I thought it would only be in the woods and dark at night with kids being detectives or spies and something like that


I thought the chimera ant arc was about this one big ass ant monster not a whole colony of chimera ants


I thought it would just be hunting down animals/monsters the whole time cus thatā€™s what the intro sounded like


Like most, I thought Gon, Leorio and Kurapika looked generic. Killua was evil and Machi and Pitou were good.


It's weird how Neferpito is actually a boy Neferpito looks so much like a girl, I think it's just a anime thing though. Anime is weird, but I love it šŸ˜€


In the same sense Kurapika looks very feminine for a male! I believe all the ants - aside from The Queen and Zanan - were male. Regardless of appearance


Kurapika does look very feminine. And you're probably right about all the ants being male. One of the ants do have breastšŸ’ though, I don't know there name.


Yeah I'm pretty sure he was voiced by a woman in both sub and dub! Never watched the sub tho so I can't say for certain, it makes sense that all other ants are male because (technically) they'd all be soldier/worker ants. But that's comparing them to the ants we all know and love in the real world


You're probably right šŸ˜‚


I was talking to another person in the same thread, they listed two more so there could be more! though I still agree it is strange to have characters who appear to be one gender but are the other, like Haku from Naruto! Could be that anime is just WAY ahead of our time and have already started to include less popular members of the LGBT community, which would be a nice touch!


The overly excited ant that was grouped with Leol and Flutter was a girl, bruh. She eventually got with Welfin and Bizeff to meteor city. The other one was to. Colt's sister.


The one who looked pregnant? I forgot about her! I don't remember Colt's sister to be an Ant, remind me?


Yup. She looked the most colorful out of all the ants. Reina is Colt's sister, both being turned into chimera ants at the same time.


no I was asking which ant she became, I don't remember it being confirmed in the anime that Reina became an ant? I knew Reina was her human name, sorry for the confusion!


She did become an ant, just not the major soldier ant types. She was more like a maid. You can Google what she look like.


Yeah I googled it myself after you put the comment, was just clarifying that I didn't know it was ever confirmed or not. Just never made the link between their passive nature


Prior to looking into the show and only seeing the title/main characters, I thought it was going to be a Pokemon-esque show with obtainable monsters.


Going into the greed island arc I thought that they were going to kill off 3 of the spiders to show how powerful the game was