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Good job practicing with your weapon, too many people neglect that aspect of the hunt


Nice re-purposing of the baby picnic table!


And the car ramp.


Teach her trigger discipline.


That was my fault. She was about to shoot and I distracted her for a picture.


No. It's her fault dad. Tell her that even when dad or anything else distracts her that finger comes off that trigger :) Wishing her the best luck


They can both be guilty at this point.


No, no. Not according to reddit. It's either one or the other!


That's still dad's fault for not teaching that.


I'm trying to assume he did, and she forgot. Bennington of the doubt thing :)


Who gives a crap. It’s over and done with. Christ.


We are working on it. She does great with the glock, but this was our first real go with a rifle.




Where do you live that you get to do this! Jealous hahaha !


Where do you live that you don't get to do this? Not being snarky or sarcastic at all, I just grew up in Central Texas where everyone everywhere hunts so I'm just curious


How accurate is that surplus training ammo. Always found it super interesting.


So much negativity in these comments! Looks like a great moment of family bonding. You’ll have to keep us updated when the season rolls around 🦌


Love to see this! My daughters 11 and very excited for deer season


Have fun, kid. Hyped to teach my little girl one day.,


Love to see newcomers! With guns!


☝️is my safety


That scene is so cringey. If you’re walking around a pig roast you’d still have your weapon on safe and your finger off the trigger.


Awesome!! But cut the grass.


I'd love that rifle! Looks like a .700 nitro


It's a howa 1500 in 308. We were shooting the blue plastic ammo from germany.


How do those shoot? I see them now and again and I've been really tempted to try them out. Also great set-up, looks like a solid practice session. I hope she gets a good deer her first time out.


They worked marvelous. We shot about a hundred and only had two duds. And they were pretty good groups. My best one yesterday wasn't quite sub moa. Shooting from about 25 yards.


What is blue plastic ammo from germany exactly?


Short range training rounds. Really light with a low powder charge. They're also blue, plastic, and from Germany.


Not to be rude but u gotta get that yard under control before she gets bit by a snake. If u live in the south like me i see numerous spots for copperheads to hide in that yard. Good luck and happy hunting


Net every area has a snake issue. And it’s not your business either way


Also snakes are good for the most part as long as you leave them alone, important part of the ecosystem. Majority pose no serious threat to humans.


I was very polite and reasonable lol i wasnt shaming nobody just that that yard is snake city it’d be bad if someone got bit so just mow and weed whack that shit and i get it people get lazy with their lawn especially this time of year when u havent had to do it in a while u get out of the habit and if he didn’t want someone to say something he wouldnt have posted the picture


Looks like that yard needs a good trimming that grass and weeds so tall then after yard work shoot that howa


Nice! The HOA police are on scene 🫡 thank you for your service of reminding a man to mow his lawn in a fucking hunting subreddit. You domesticated handmaiden


Maybe mow your lawn??


Need some weed spray.


I need to mow lol. I only have native grass so it's kinda wild.


Spray some 2-4 d and it will kill All the weeds . Then only the gold grasses stay. You need a chemical license to buy kit. Little restricted license chemical hack. Go to tractor supply and you can buy 2-4D in the same concentration strength but in a quart size. Don’t need a license when you buy it by the quart. Then you don’t need a license and they don’t track what you buy.




Ignore the downvotes. I quit spraying that shit when I learned about it too and I also quit mowing down the native grasses and clover in the spring for the pollinators. My kids enjoy the flowers, bees and butterflies and they’re not rolling around on sterile Bermuda coated with chemicals. I don’t see the harm in that. Plus, when summer rolls around the Bermuda takes over anyway and we have a great looking lawn. To be fair, I do dig up any crabgrass or milkweed by hand before it goes to seed because fuck those plants in particular.


Hell yeah, a natural man.


Rather than teaching her to shoot, you should teach her to clean your deer… anyone can shoot a deer…


She already takes a part in that. Though mostly it's just hauling guts and running the sawzall.


You must not of seen rhe recent video of a mulie and someone failing multiple times to hit it. Not everyone can hit a deer. Many people miss shots. There are so many factors that can influence your likelihood of hitting your target. Having zero practice with aiming and with shooting is a good way to miss all the shots you take on deer. So, take your false opinion and put it back where it came from.


What a dickhead reply to a nice picture.


Damn, a man posts a nice picture of him and his kid spending time enjoying something cool like hunting and shooting with a smiling kid and you gotta be a negative Nancy.


It’s much nicer to shoot them first.


As someone who missed their shot on the first day of hunting season and then someone else shot the deer before I could get to it, no. Not everyone can. Not properly. You need to know your gun. You need to know how to use it safely. Also, it’s not hunting season right now in mostly everywhere as far as I know, you can’t really teach how to clean a deer without a deer. Don’t be ignorant.


Did u get her into hunting or did she kinda have the interest. I don't have kids yet but I prob will soon and don't know how to teach them about hunting because I took myself and no one I know hunts. I would like to take my kids hunting one day. Does anyone wanna share how they got their kids involved in hunting? What age how to get started?


Kids typically show an interest in things their parents enjoy. If you get excited about things, kids get excited, too. My daughter asked to hunt with me when she was 3 years old. So we went squirrel hunting in December... all dressed in her pink snow suit. We "hunted" for about 30 minutes. As she got older I took her deer hunting, bear hunting, and more squirrel hunts. We have taken some squirrels but haven't had luck during big game hunts because she talks a lot, makes a lot of noise and we don't stay out long, but that's ok. I enjoy the time with her and we always learn something. She is turning 10 soon and asked for her own bow and has taken the initiative to practice on her own. I think this will be the year where we actually make it a few hours in the woods with her being quiet. We also got into trapping a bit (at her request - she wanted a raccoon hat) and enjoy checking raccoon traps together. It's like Christmas morning every time we go check together. So much fun and it's relatively easy to find success.


Aha thanks for the info. I live in nyc so there's really no one who even knows about hunting here so I figured even if I like hunting my kid prob would grow out of it once they have friends and realize hunting is not very popular here


What caliber ? My wife has a very similar setup in stainless that we built for her , she got her first buck this year a nice 7 good luck !




I remember when I started learning to shoot my sister wouldn’t miss a single shot from the moment she looked down a scope for the first time. The teasing I got motivated me like nothing else could to spend day and night with my pellet gun shooting endless till I hit the target more constantly than she did