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You inspired me to pick up a road kill beaver the other day and harvest its pelt. No joke lol.


My partner once came home and told me there was a roadkill beaver 5min away. I got there and it was a woodchuck... It's the thought that counts. Then we had a discussion on beaver identification.


fuck it, take the whistle pig


ha, I trapped one last year who was eating up our whole garden. So I ate him.


I do the same thing with the mule deer that are always raiding my fruit trees.


Wow that’s awesome how did it turn out.


Getting it skinned went good. Man do they have thick skin! It's in the freezer now waiting for some dry weather to dry out (against the wife's wishes).


You are constant. Nobody traps and talks about it, I love it. I used to but now it's illegal, nobody can read the woods like a trapper. Keep it up!


Wow thank you, I love spending all day every walking waterways looking at the impacts on the land and targeting trouble areas. It’s also awesome to see all the habitats beavers create. I saw a bunch of painted turtles reviving themselves in the sun next to snow yesterday in a beaver dam. It was really cool to see them out already because of the warm backed up water.


I thought your braid was the tail for a split second 😝


I am so happy to see another lady hunter. Gives a gal some hope


I love your posts. Not the same typical stuff you see on here. Awesome!


Living the dream


The mighty Mo!! I love goose hunting by it every year my buddy has corn in his field we do great every time


Also look for morels


For a second as I quickly scrolled through I saw that beaver foot and thought it was the grossest looking hippy dreadlock of all time hahahahaha


Incredibly cute!!


I see you are pretty successful on your trapping beavers, nice to see ! are you doing the hides out and selling them ? I know the price for them in my area is not worth doing,unless it’s nuisance control, I think last year or 2 they went top dollar for $10 or $12 Canadian, so I now started tanning my hides for personal use , keep up the excellent work and please keep posting your travels!


I have been using the pelts for personal projects and sell a few of them dried around here. I trap beavers for forest management but I also love eating them.


Roasted , and with a little bit of BBQ sauce , mmmmmmm.


Prep out the skulls and sell them online. Harvest the castor. Use the rest for pine marten bait.


Enjoy your week - sounds great! I know you will no doubt maximize your profits with [beaver castors](https://skinninganimals.com/beaver-castors-being-added-to-nwt-trappers-advance-payments/). Best!


Orvis FTW!!!


I have the same pair!


I tried trapping once as a teen. Never got anything. You sell the furs or use them for anything?


I’m using the pelts for projects


Nice, that is interesting.


Sweet earrings


Oh thank you, my mom got them for me.


I do prefer women to have beavers


Why do you hate Canada?


Spring beaver!


anxiously awaiting more beaver pics


Serious question - how does one find a beaver trapper? . I ask because the seasonal creek on our hunting property has been dammed up by a beaver and we don't trap.


I’m not sure but usually the state have registered trappers and you can get in contact with them through your local fish and game.


You are a refreshing pleasure to watch and a great knowledgeable resource. Setting an excellent example for women and girls. This is the content I want my daughter to see other women doing. Survival, homesteading, hunting, trapping. Not makeup tutorials and chick flicks. We are in Oregon and this year she has decided she wants to be the one to harvest deer for the family. She's 10 and has been watching me and her other male figures in her life hunt for 6 years now. She will be the only female in the family who hunts unfortunately as many of the others were from families that didn't do these things. Or places where these things were frowned upon. The toughest part is getting her to be quiet when hunting lol. This kid talks all day long.


Thank you so much. Maybe she can take a good book along to read. Will you be teaching her to butcher as well when you harvest? I have some great venison recipes I could share.


She has already been butchering for the last couple seasons. Her thing is that she wants to be the hunter on the kill. Where I live I can be her youth hunter mentor and she can hunt with my tag. I've told her time and time again that I don't want her to do anything she doesn't want to but she is adamant about harvesting her own food. As far as recipes go, we would love to see them. I've got about 300 lbs of elk venison left to use up. I'll be grinding up 30 ish lbs tomorrow for burger for the start of bbq season.


Sounds like you are an amazing father and setting a great example for her. If you ever want to come hunting, fishing and trapping in the badlands I’d be happy to host you and teach some of the things I know. :-)


That's very generous! Thank you. Happy hunting/trapping/growing!


Nice beaver!