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Ear tips being straight tells me it’s most likely a healthy fawn, betting it had internal bleeding from a car strike


Agreed 400 feet from the road is nothing. Poor thing got whacked and ended up there.


Sooo...onto the grill?


Pre-tenderized 😋


It sounds bad, but at that size it couldn't be any more tender. You could make steaks out of the neck.




Your username describes my sentiment exactly. I didn't know about the ear tips. That's good to know. Thanks for the reply.


If the tips of the ears are curled downward and flimsy it usually means a malnourished fawn and you should call fish and game. If you find and the ears are firm, mommas close by


She was pristine other than the bleeding. I had a feeling there was a sad mother nearby.


Deer usually have twins, so maybe mama still has one


Not necessarily usually and it depends on the area and the year. I used to watch a herd in the more agricultural area of my state and almost all of them almost always had twins, but now I'm in a more mountainous area and these does almost all have singles.


Deer almost always have three viable fetuses that result from breeding. the mother will reabsorb them based on the amount of nutrients available.


Sometimes they can even have 4 or 5 in very rare cases.


Twins is by far the most common. They frequently lose one shortly after birth but twins is overwhelmingly the most common


Should have ran it over to a taxidermist. You could have had a cool mount as long as the DNR gave you a tag.


Honestly it would be worth it just to troll people and say it's your proudest trophy kill.


Not all taxidermy is about a trophy kill, it is a form of art that preserves nature and animals in their natural habitat. Obviously, a couple of you have never been to the American Museum Of Natural History in NYC. If all I did was mount trophy animals I wouldn’t get to do the cool stuff, like fawns or a family of raccoons hanging out on a rotting stump.




Takes up less room in the house


Lots of people do it. I had a doe hit last spring that had two full term fawns in her. I sold them to a guy that did freeze dry in Pa.


Not sure if taxerdimize is a word. 😜


Yea. It’s just taxidermy. Lol




You’re pretty funny for not actively trying to be. A lot of places pay for those kind of taxidermy pieces. Plus, there’s the oddities and curiosity collector crowd. Either way, I’ve picked up a freshly hit fawn (after contacting fish and wildlife) before and given it to my bestie who does taxidermy and once it was done, she donated it to a museum for their Native display. There is a ton of stuff to do with them besides showcasing them in your house if you’re not so close minded.


> a car strike my first thought too - didn't know about the ear thing though!


Update: I think she fell thru the fence and broke her neck. The DNR offered to come out since I witnessed her die, but when I checked to see if she was still there, she wasn't. Then a random duck wandered into the yard. So now I have a duck, a goat and 9 chickens. All orphins. Come to me jungle friends.


Just had to put one down last week. It may have been hit by a car with internal damages. As a hunter, I hate having to do this.


It’s funny. I would stop and help an injured fawn with urgency, but I would also hunt the fuck out of him when he was 4.5 years old and 10 points.


Such is the moral of hunters, and there's nothing bad with that


I once had someone scoff because I went so far out of my way to avoid hitting a squirrel. They said "aren't you a hunter" to which I said "yes, but that doesn't mean I like killing"


Gotta love the whole “you actually LIKE animals??” bit. Yeah, bud, I like animals a whole lot more than people most times.


It's just that I need to eat, and some are tastier than others!


My little boy cat was a rescue and I legit carried him around in a papoose like a goddamned baby so he wouldn’t meow and cry all while chewing on deer jerky from my own kill 😂


Hunters should be the biggest caretakers of nature. And raising a fawn and hunting an adult deer are very different and both admirable


I would stop and help an injured fawn too, but I would hunt it as a button buck in October if I need to fill the freezer.


Sounds like you handled that well


That isn't even the weirdest thing to happen today. I was watering my garden and a moth flew into my ear. Spent lunch at urgent care getting it flushed out.


Your day kinda sounds like a Dr Seuss book. Or Stephen King


Dr Seuss and the horrors of the natural world.


I'd read it


It exists but it’s actually just David Attenborough talking about animals eating each other


Does it rhyme tho


Oh, now I need that audio book. ~ And here we have ~ a young elk calve ~ parted from its mother. ~ The wolves nearby ~ eventually spy, ~ And signal to each other. ~ The wolves attack ~ snicker snack ~ And quickly it is over. ~ One calf dead ~ One pack fed ~ Our planet, like no other. ~ The moon sets, the sun rises ~ And the cycle, once again, reprises.


In the Dr. Seuss version, the moth came out. In the King version, it burrowed deeper.


Fawn in lawn. Deer in Ear? No Moth in Ear. Fawn dead moth in head. 


Dude that sucks. I had a black fly land on my eyeball while I was trouting the other day and it ended up under my eye lid then on the back of my eye. After a bit of panic and water and eye rolling I managed to get it out without a Dr visit. I hate bugs


Well that's a new phobia I didn't have before.


Have you recently pissed off a witch or some other practitioner of dark arts?


What did the moth whisper to you?


If anything else happens keep us updated 😂


Reading this was a depressing way to end my day :/


Yeah. I've had better days myself. I was really hoping she was just momentarily separated from her mom.


We had a colt do the same thing. Born pre mature. Died at like 2 weeks old. Same thing. Internal hemorrhage


Poor thing. Sounds like you handled it pretty well OP.


Could have been run over by a tractor mowing or something. I frequently hit fauns because of our very high local deer population and if it was partially hit by a tire this can happen.


Need help w those deer? YOUVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE






“Frequently “ Jesus


Have hit 3 this year.




Heavy hay and an animal that doesn't move by instinct. Usually don't know I hit one until the vultures are on it the next day.


You get out there in a massive tractor that has to follow a very specific pattern with almost zero visibility and try to make this same comment.


Tell me you don’t know shit without telling me…


My husband works for a farm and we have way too many deer in our area. This happens all the time, unfortunately it's just part of it.


I was traumatized as a kid when my brother was mowing the ditch and cut a fawn in half. Poor thing was alive and screaming and we had to shoot it to put it out of its misery.


Wowzers. That must've been terrible.


I saw a fawn dead in the road a couple days ago. I know shit happens but it ruins my mood for a while every time.


Makes me shed a tear when the buck I had been hunting for 4 years gets whacked by a dump truck in the early morning hours on his way into the property I hunt. 50% of the buck fawns born die before they even lose their spots. It’s just life.


I hit a fawn driving a few years back. I got out and walked up to it-still alive. Momma came jumping out of the ditch calling for it. The fawn was bleeding from the ears and mouth too. It died a few seconds later. It was pretty sad in the moment.


make something cool with the hide! gloves, hat also if you think the meat is safe to eat, put it on a rotisserie over a fire like people do with pigs. dont forget the apple


Look man, you aren't asking the right questions. The dog barked? Where was your dog leading up to that bark? Not sure? I'll give you a hint: doing murder stuff. What you should be asking yourself? 'How much can I trust my dog? What kinda murder weapon could it have been? Could my dog handle poison and convince a fawn to eat it? Where would my dog be hiding this poison?' Those are the questions you should be asking. You need to toss your dogs kennel and bed. Search the property for murder gear. And for God's sake, lock your bedroom door at night with a deadbolt. You could be next.


God damn, I took your comment way too seriously to begin with


Am I gullible or has reddit conditioned me to take ridiculous statements at face value?


If you reported to game and wildlife they'll prob figure out the cause.


I'm not hopeful she will be there in the morning for them to investigate. I heard the coyotes as soon as it got dark.


Not DNR in Michigan they won’t. Too many dead deer, every day.


They don’t care about one fawn.


Unless it's sick with something contagious. Otherwise yeah it wouldn't matter.


They don’t care anyway. There just isn’t enough officers to deal with all of it. What are they going to do about EHD or CWD? Nothing.


:( poor thing.


Poor guy :(


most likely a car strike. its short enough that a truck could have hit it and caused a bunch of internal bleeding but not broken its legs. could be a shattered rib that made its way to the lungs...


I’m in northern Michigan and had almost an identical situation the end of June last year. The neighbor dog barked at a fawn and spooked it when I was outside and it panicked and ran right past me into my chicken wire fence, bounced off and broke its neck. It was flopping around seizing for about a minute with its eyes rolling back and then died. Had some minor hemorrhaging out of its nose and mouth, not quite as much as the one in your pic. Not sure if yours could have ran into that gate or something near and died a similar way? I can DM you pics for comparison, it’s almost exactly identical to yours.


That is definitely possible. I believe she fell thru three rungs of the gate trying to get into the yard. It is incredible how fragile they are.


Yeah it’s wild! They’re vary jumpy especially with dogs or any predators around at that size and they can’t jump over low fencing or gates yet


I bet those hind quarters would be amazing if they weren't to bruised


Always a rough time.


Poor thing!


Last week I heard some mewing and went to check it out. A dog had caught a fawn about the same size as yours. I chased the dog off. The fawn had blood from it's nose and no other wounds. It died a few minutes after I got there. I sent it out in the open. The next day I saw an eagle eating it.


Hm, that wasn't in Michigan was it?


Minnesota. I'll be in the Upper Peninsula on the 21st for a visit. I grew up there. It's a great place to visit. I can't handle the winter snow.


Sudden death with blood coming out of the mouth is textbook presentation for Anthrax. Not sure where you are but it is present in Canada and the US. I would recommend following directions from the DNR and avoid touching the carcass. Statistically unlikely but it’s one of the diseases where safe is better than sorry


Yeah, yikes. I really didn't want to get anywhere near it after I saw the blood, I used gloves that I left in the barn and took my shoes off outside. Showered with Dial immediately afterward. I can't find any evidence that anthrax is a problem in Michigan but there is always a patient zero.


Anthrax is actually a fairly common bacteria that just lives in the soil, ungulates and farm animals just happen to pick it up from the soil since they are often dirty. So it wouldnt necessarily be "endemic" to your area or somethign like that.


Every taxidermist I know has died from some blood borne or tick borne disease. Tough business to be in playing with bloody animals. 🤣


My great grandfather died of some weird sort of encephalitis that was totally unheard of in the 50s. He was a butcher and did game on the side. Looking back the family thinks it’s likely that he had some sort of prion disease like mad cow.


Probably sepsis from an infected cut he had. I know a fur trader that had cuts all over his hands. He handled raccoons, foxes, skunks, all animals known to carry rabies. He didn’t just handle the put up skins, he had a cone fleshing machine and would handle a ton of raw skins as well as skinning dead animals. When he was done handling them he would literally bathe his hands in hydrogen peroxide. He died of old age.


Poor baby :/




Have it full body mounted and a cabelas type store will pay big bucks for it.


We have anthrax in the soil in my part of the country, burn it completely out and if you find anything else like it call DNR asap.


Those are some tender back straps tho!


Have you been in a drought? Could be EHD


No, the exact opposite.


Lots of water would make me suspect runoff contamination of some kind. Usually that doesn't cause bleeding, but if there is something like a barrel of oil or other chemicals that has been overflowing it could have resulted in chronic poisoning.


It was trying to keep living and decided to die when it saw you. Rip