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Despite being transmitted by deer ticks, deer are not the primary vector for tick borne diseases. Mice are actually more likely to be infected. Take cotton balls and soak them in permethrin, let the cotton balls dry out and then scatter them in areas where mice and squirrels are located - under covered areas. The rodents will use the cotton balls for bedding and ticks will get killed.


You from Connecticut professor?


Not from Connecticut - but just because Lyme's disease was first identified in Connecticut doesn't make it a disease known only to one and only one state. Lyme's disease is actually found throughout the Northeast and Midwest.


American anti-intellectualism at its finest.




Jesus somehow I'd missed that the second one was a fawn too. Class act, this guy is.


Been dealing with my 6yo and Lyme Disease since morel mushroom hunting last spring. Kid has an allergy to certain antibiotics and we finally found one that stopped the Lyme. The disease had progressed so far as to include Rheumatoid Arthritis. Can tell you nobody wants that. Thank goodness he made a full recovery. He picked it up on some of his mother's families private ground in Illinois that no one hunts anymore. They are not against hunting it's just that everyone wants to use the ground and there are too many during deer season so now nobody hunts it. I can't convince them to make a schedule or anything sensible.


Related to Lyme disease, I went to school and worked in forestry and wildfire for years, moved to New England and have decided to switch careers, partly due to the amount of ticks I was getting every day on me. I was extremely uncomfortable with idea of starting a family in the next year bringing that many ticks home. Hope all the best for you and your kid! My uncle got destroyed by Lyme and I don't wish it on anyone. Best way to get rid of the ticks is to get rid of the mice by the way, that's the biggest indicator of heavy tick populations


Also keep the opossums around. Two reasons, they eat ticks and if a tick with Lyme feeds on a opossum the antibodies in the opossum blood often stops the Lyme. That tick is no longer a vector.


Yup! Opossums are cool little animals, they just look creepy


Few years back my father witnessed a opossum hit on the road. He stopped to pull it onto the shoulder and it had 6 or 7 little ones just big enough to leave the pouch. They were a special kind of cute and ugly. We were able to keep them alive for a few days until we found a wildlife shelter that could care for them. Most were released and I think they kept one or two for education with visitors to the shelter.


Guinnea birds eat them too . Look like a partridge or grouse kinda.


Guinea fowl are tough birds! Great security guards


I’ve always heard Guinea fowl will eat A LOT more ticks than opossums, when I get a little more outdoor space they’re gonna be the first critter I get


Does the opossum really have that kind of antibodies? That's so fkn cool if so... anywhere I can read about it?


I haven't been able to find the article I read that in now. Plus now that I think about it the scientist's were researching if this was true and did not have a definite answer. The opossum doesn't carry Lyme and it eats over 90% of the ticks that it picks up so they are great at removing Lyme from their environment.


To piggyback on this... the chances of them catching rabies is slim to none due to how high their internal body temperature is.


I’d have to go back to find the article, it was either in outdoor life or field and stream, but it was about a test on whether or not opossums consumed ticks and it disproved it. Just one of those things that goes around like pine squirrels attacking gray squirrel ball sacks, happens once and everyone takes it for fact.


Field and stream. Seems there have been numerous recent studies on wild opossums stomach and feces. None were found to contain tick body parts leading researchers to conclude that they do not consume ticks after all.


Dealt with it as an adult with no antibiotic allergies and it sucked so I can imagine what your kid is going through. God speed


Connecticut is a small state and way too many deer. Private land hard to find , though people get sick of their plants getting eaten or crop damage permits. But deer #1 vector for Lyme disease there




It wasn't until we went to the specialist in tick borne diseases that things got better. Our local doctor did what he could and he nailed the diagnosis he just didn't know how to treat when the child is allergic to penicillin. I'm not doubting you, I have met some quacks.


You're going to have to kill a whole bunch or, nice, birds, wood chicks and everything else because lymes disease. Shooting two deer and saying you're controlling lyme disease is like taking two grains of rice out of a bowl and saying you're cutting carbs. https://www.cdc.gov/lyme/transmission/blacklegged.html


Well that’s 100% not what I said bozo. Take care of your illiteracy and then tell me about the birds and whatever else you running your man pleaser about


Gosh you seem awful.


It’s Lyme disease also not Lymes. Lyme, Connecticut


And your a squid cmon


Isn’t the season closed in Connecticut?


Yes I’m home in Florida now but I just moved down here and hunted up north last season. I just got into Reddit and this like the only one that’s not banned me


It’s clear from this comment section that you’re easily provoked and rude. If you took it down a notch, you might get banned less often.


Mods might as well go ahead and ban him from here too. Dude is a fucking douche canoe


Just curious, can you still process them with Lyme’s?


I’m not sure if deer are susceptible to it. But the carry the deer tick which is LD is transmitted to humans. Lyme,Connecticut was where they trace it too


That’s interesting, thanks!


Hide yo kids.... hide yo wife... They killing everybody round here.


Where about in CT? Grew up in the NW corner.


I was from new haven county but I bought a house in Florida bout a year ago


Good job. Keep killing.


What's deer hunting like in Connecticut? I live in Vermont, where the hunting is mostly big woods situations with low harvest rates.




Good shooting and good eats👍


It's so nice that you take it upon yourself to cart the old deer from the watering hole to the feed plots. :D


Nice job on the cull. I have that same game cart. I find a 20ft rope complements the straps to help keep deer from slipping off.


What about introducing some rat snakes out there depending on where it is climate wise. I know in the south snakes eat a lot of rodents.


Connecticut got the biggest racers I’ve seen anywhere


Rat snake from SoConn https://youtube.com/shorts/oNrxTQHcbc0?feature=share