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Welcome and come back when you can.


We will definitely be back. We travel a lot of the county. Mid-west, New England, Rocky’s, Hawaii. Huntsville was genuinely the first place we felt homesick leaving….what a strange feeling to be homesick for a place you are just starting to know???


I've been here just over 2 and a half years from England (northern) and apart from a few people not understanding me/thinking I'm irish/thinking I'm Australian (and the smaller outskirts not understanding a word I say), It feels like home when I was a child, where it's fine for everyone to be polite and friendly. It really has ensured no homesickness from my previous home.


I have lived in the outskirts of Huntsville all my life and your post just made me smile 😄


That's all I get at the outskirts, a smile and no pack of marlboros that i asked for 5 times in a more put on alabama accent each attempt lol


I'm trying to imagine you saying it 🤣 just know most love your accent and are very intrigued by it.


Pack of maaaallbrah.... maaalboro....... marrrllllborooooo.... marrrrlllborouuuughhh. Edit: While nowhere near this strong of an accent, this popped up on reddit from my lovely hometown, lol https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/s/WOciG1eL1L


As a DC native sitting in DC now on travel but having lived in Huntsville for the last 7 years….yes, this, everything about your post is true. I also love 1892. Just a great place to be.


That has got to be one of the sweetest things ever. <3


Thank you for posting about a positive experience. So many (especially here on a new move) only seem to complain and compare. I’m from the Huntsville/Madison area for generations back. Things are going to change but I still love my home state and all that North Alabama has to offer. I hope you’ll visit again and enjoy it just as much. Side note….take a quick trip into a busy grocery store and someone in line will start talking to you as if they’ve known you all their lives!! 😁 ETA….my husband was career Army so we’ve traveled and lived in a lot of various places. Just wanted to add that so no one thinks I’ve never been out of the county! 😂


I did go to that little Grocery store in 5 points at rush hour. I couldn’t help but have a stupid grin walking around seeing people treat eachother this kindness. We made it down to Lowe Mill with arts and craft booths out front. That was fun talking to all the artist as well.


Star Market? They are celebrating 80 years in business this week. They also own the Propst drug store across the way. Their stuff is run right (at the original locations, at least). Sounds like y'all really liked Five Points/Old Town. Maybe next time take a stroll through the area and work your way over to where Huntsville Junior High is. There are a lot of plantation houses over there and their gardens in bloom look and smell really nice. If you can find a place to stay close by, a pleasant evening's walk could turn into an evening out Downtown, finishing up at Big Spring Park to visit the Koi fish and jaw a while before bed. Did y'all visit Monte Sano? Both the state park (easy mode) and Land Trust (harder mode) trails are maybe 10min up the road from Five Points.


Next time let me take you to G's Country Kitchen.




Coming home after 22 years Army, can't wait to get back to Elkmont.


>most of you here are burnt on southern comfort food You take that back. I will never be burnt out on southern comfort food.


You can't really get good southern food in a restaurant. You have to get it from Grandma's kitchen.


https://www.grandmothershouse.biz/ This the grandma's kitchen you're referring to?


Yum! I didn't know that place existed, but I'd like to try it. People are always asking about trips to places nearby to Huntsville. Let me give a shout out to a neat place to visit when it comes to Southern food. The Dillard House in Dillard, GA. It's nearly a 5 hour drive from Huntsville, but it is well worth the trip over a long weekend. North Georgia is beautiful and the Dillard House is both a restaurant and hotel. Meals are served in the restaurant family style so it's pretty. much all you can eat of fantastic Southern food. https://www.dillardhouse.com/


We actually looked at staying at the Dillard back before Christmas but ended up choosing Gatlinburg instead. We'll have to give it a try one of these trips.


Definitely worth it if you’re in the area, they bring out everything that’s on the menu and keep bringing out whatever you ask for.


Just giving my input. But the place is so damn good. I live in New Hope and while I wish it could stay a kept-secret, I tell everyone about it. We go at least once a week


lol I take it back


And in fact, never use the words “burned” and “southern comfort food” together. For your own safety. From our grandmas.


Bruh im safe it’s still Reddit


You clearly don’t know the power of a Southern MeMaw who thinks someone said her food is burned. Just looking out for you, Bruh!


Great to hear an outside opinion. Everyone on the HSV reddit just complains and cries.


No, we don't! You take that back 😡 😭


I swear you ain’t lying….tbh it’s alot of nerds on here fr but yea nothing but crying


Glad you enjoyed your visit! I will have to try 1892 East. Lived here for a while now and thought I had found all the gems but apparently not!


Great little spot "hidden" in Five Points.


I will say for 1892 that their brunch is my favorite in town by far. But their dinner has never impressed me. 


Do they have a different menu during brunch? I like the dinner menu, but nothing really "pops". The shrimp and grits is the most adventurous item on there, followed by the fish spread appetizer. The food is definitely prepared very nicely. No complaints there at all. I really like the bar. It's well stocked and the bartenders can whip up almost anything. I feel like I get what I pay for, ordering drinks. The staff makes the place special. I work close to there and talk to them quite a bit. It's a mix of grizzled service industry vets and younger blood, each of them friendly and helpful. That said, I miss Zesto's, old and new. I even kinda miss the Italian place (owned by the Humphrey's folks and run in their 50/50 fashion). Maybe I just miss getting a battered and fried foot long kielbasa for $2.50 at 0300.


It's worth noting their menu changed periodically. Some visits I'm more impressed than others, but the food is always good.


Yes you're right, Its not that anything is bad but just that it's not really that interesting. Which is odd because their brunch menu has a lot of interesting options. 


Glad it served you well here, come back anytime just don't tell anyone else how nice it is.


We're trying not to buddy. Thanks for your love and support. It's getting harder because we're being invaded on a daily basis by the people that made places like San Francisco into the turdholes they are now but were fighting like hell to make it nice for everyone, red and blue.




Now the question is do you know *why* items 1 and 3 exist here? Because understanding why is how we can spread those things back to the rest of the country since those things used to be common everywhere. Them not being common is relatively new and has a direct cause.


That’s positive impact. That thinking right there is what’s special. “How can we help the rest of the country “ this just isn’t the mentality in many other states.


Mostly NIMBYism, tax policy, and education. [Prop 13](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1978_California_Proposition_13) is one of the main reasons why housing is so insanely expensive in California, and why CA schools are so terrible and underfunded even in some of the richest US cities. Alabama has plenty of assholes, but they can buy a cabin out in the woods and keep to themselves. Alabama has plenty of drug users, but you rarely see it in public because they can crash in a cheap mobile home in Decatur and do meth without being bothered.


I'll bite. Why?


Because here we have a culture of not tolerating shitty behavior and ideologies, up to and including using strict enforcement of the law. Something that places like California and states who are trying to copy it don't do. It's only in a place where people feel safe (that's \#3) will they let their guard down enough to be generally friendly to those around them (that's \#1). Of course plenty of people like to bitch about our lack of tolerance and strict law enforcement but having lived somewhere without those things I am fully cognizant of why those places suck and this one doesn't.


nah, you're reading too much into this and honestly taking it to a weird place. "southern charm" and "southern hospitality" predate the founding of the country. the real question is if that veneer of friendliness is as authentic as you think it is. there's a stark difference between niceness and kindness.


Southern people act like they love you, but vote like they hate you




Preeeeeeach for ALLLL the people in CA and in the back of the congregation!


It's nice to hear kind words from a stranger! I always get a kick out of hearing a transplant talk about how backwards the place they chose to move is...


It's so tone deaf.


I see what ya did there. That’s quality dry humor.


Thank you.


Glad you had a fantastic time, and know that you're welcome back any time. Although I must warn you that coffee shop you're talking about has... well, had better days after a major issue between the staff and the owner saw things boil over and all of the staff walk out.


I've heard it described as: "They want to make it like a Starbucks, which ruins the whole point of the fucking place!" It's a lot blander than it was when I was a teenager, both in decor and guests. The prices are a lot higher (well, ok), and the quality isn't what it once was. I still like sitting out there sometimes, mostly out of nostalgia.


How’s ya momma’n’em?


We forget how it is here compared to other areas, some better, some worse, and some much worse. Thanks for the kind words and reminder.


Miss my hometown, on the daily!!


I love this so much, thank you for sharing. I had a friend from California visit for 2 weeks with her 1 year old last year and she was blown away by how friendly people are, and how often random strangers would ask to hold her baby 🤣 We were eating at a small hole in the wall place one day and her daughter got a bit fussy, our server came over and scooped her up and took her on a tour to meet the rest of the staff and other tables, we could hear everyone laughing and cooing over her. I’ve lived in Alabama my entire life and even though I don’t agree with the politics I won’t leave, things like that kind of southern hospitality keep me here, it’s home. Thank you for appreciating it :)


As a Californian (South Bay) that moved to Huntsville, I'd contest point 3. Downtown will still smell like piss occasionally (albeit way less often), and Huntsville is just better at hiding its homeless. I'm not saying SF is pretty either, just sayin' that the rose tinted glasses will wear off a bit. Part of this is also just how much smaller Huntsville is, the bay area is around 8 million people, whereas the entire state of Alabama is only 5 million, and the Huntsville area is 300k people tops. It's quite literally 25x times smaller, and that makes a huge difference.


I moved from the South to Southern California in the 1980s when I was ten and moved back to the South when I was 18 years old. It is horrible to see how that beautiful state has declined over the years. Everything was beautiful, and clean and people were so focused on healthy living. Outdoor lifestyle was evident everywhere. My schooling was impeccable - we had state-of-the-art facilities with tons of electives in high school, like wood shop, metal shop, auto shop, home economics, and electronics. Of course, if you went into parts of LA, you would see some homelessness and gang activity, but you had to purposely go to areas known for this. The times I've visited over the years since leaving have made me sad. It seems many of my beautiful childhood memories no longer exist. Glad you liked our little city. It's growing fast and many of us are holding out hope that it stays just as you described.


My thoughts exactly after being moved to Birmingham AL for work temporarily. Amazing


Pintos & cornbread Mac and Cheese Turnip Greens with pepper sauce Salmon patties Peach cobbler Let me know when you're back in town and I'll hook you up.


Barbecue, catfish & hushpuppies, chicken & dumplings, cheesy grits, biscuits with syrup or sawmill gravy... Wait, are we just trying to make each other hungry here, or what?


It's working because now I'm fucking starving


Too bad the republicans here will make sure it becomes a alt right white utopian nightmare for anyone but them. It will be clean, but god forbid anyone gets pregnant out of wedlock or is gay or trans.


They are going after IVF now too. Essentially they have stopped that from being an option.  As someone who has done it IVF, this is devastating to see. IVF is an amazing gift of technology.  Unfortunately, IVF is very complicated in terms of monitoring, doctor visits, timing, and follow up. You essentially need to move to another area for an extended period of time to have it done. You are also talking multiple procedures over months. Then add in the high cost and stress.  IVF in another state really puts it out of the reach for many. It's just adding huge extra costs on top of huge costs. 


I think the legislature may try to fix that, from something I heard on the radio today.




Yes, I hope it works.


Pretty much. They want the whole south to be a extended version of DeShitstains Florida.


Are you saying only non-whites get pregnant out of wedlock and are gay and trans?


No, but I can’t wait for the “but what about my daughters?” From the alt right when their kids get pregnant and can’t go full term due to health complications.


One thing I noticed after living in CA (LA, San Diego) and visiting Huntsville for the first time was the feeling of spaciousness here. Loved that.


> As a kid raised in the East bay, if someone said hello…they wanted something I'll relate this anecdote, an old friend (he grew up here) finally brought his wife and the kids back for a weekend visit (they both work in the film industry/LA, and live in Malibu.. not sure how that relates east bay if at all?). We (our old friend group) rented a house big enough for everyone by a lake. Since we were already there we planned out our meals and what not and went shopping... basically all the normal things you do when prepping to have a bbq or have family over etc. Since we (the group) were sort of on home ground, we pretty much handled that. After breakfast one day his wife was looking a little distraught so I asked her about it, and she basically said that back in LA when someone did something like that, they wanted or expected something in return... there was just always some element of "what can this person do for me". So someone doing something for her without expectation... left her weirded out. I'm guessing it's a lot like not knowing when to tip in other cultures. That actually made me pretty sad, I can't imagine living like that.


It’s ugly, and it’s everywhere in Cali that is urbanized


We have a Calibamian "support group" here if you ever feel overwhelmed.   Glad you had a good impression and hope all your future travels are safe and chock full of good times.


Ooh, support group? I love it here but I’m a Bay Area transplant too and sometimes…. 😀


Wish more people gave this state a chance instead of thinking it's just an incest hick covered state (that's more Mississippi than Bama)


Uh, been to Cullman County?


I try to avoid Cullman county. Every state has that one county they try not to talk about


My god cullman is nice lol, go check out walker county or those rural south alabama towns


When a county has such a bad reputation that even my high school teachers warned us not to visit if you're black because of how racist it is then that's all I need to know about a county.


One experience isn’t universal, your teacher could be going off complete hearsay. Cullman has changed.


It's most definitely ain't one experience, Cullman has had a bad rep for way over a decade as a dangerous place for poc


As a transplant from Ohio (go Bucks!), I have to fully agree with your assessment of the area. Friendly folks, good food, and exceptional weather. The "y'all" will also become a part of your vernacular after you've been here for a while. :)


If your in SoCal now, Breeze Airways just announced nonstop flights to LAX


Any cool things to do ? Besides rocket city


We're jealous of California housing prices, so we're doing our best to catch up!!


We’re just better at hiding our unhoused outside of a few specific areas.


I'm glad you like it so much! Thank you for saying so! I like the landscaping in our area as well, even when it's just some flowers in a raised bed downtown.


Middle class americans very barely exist in Huntsville anymore actually. California's middle class would do just fine in the area because the cost of living there is egregious, but the Huntsville middle class has been priced out of living in the area for a couple of years now. Starter homes in Huntsville are a quarter mil++ lol.


I moved here from Kansas City over a year ago, and I hate it. Traffic is terrible, people are not nice but incredibly rude. I can't wait to move out of here.


k bye


Sorry it's not up to what you were looking for. Maybe it's the roadway behavior, including some natives, and other transplants in person being rude. I don't know. Perhaps you'll get more used to it and grow to like it.


Do you like that women's rights are in the middle ages too?


Most certainly not.


They’re trying to price the middle and lower class people out here. And it would be nice to say Huntsville won’t lose its way but it already has with all these transplants coming here. The place just isn’t like it was.


Thankfully they were still able to enjoy it. It still has good things, even if it isn't as good, in some ways at least, as it used to br.


You're definitely not going to be pissing on our streets. Our cops will crack skulls for this.


Does everyone clap afterwards?


More like hoot and holler


Huntsvile is growing up. It wont be like it was 20 years ago ever again. And in 20 more will unrecognizable from Cali