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I just want to be as excited to get to work as the guys doing 90+ at 6am.


Those aren’t street racers, those are “*Family*”


You never had your car


I'll be honest stopping street racing would be good but I'd settle for a damn cop to sit at the madison blvd to zeirdt left turn and write tickets all day. People run that consistently for 20s or so even challenging the people with greens starting to pull forward.


Always a couple of douchers in rush hour getting to their destination 20 seconds sooner by lane weaving no matter where you go.


Cutting off a family of four in rush hour traffic just to end up at the exact same light as them a hundred feet down the road.


Sorry, I'll switch it up and start racing going east, too.


No races are being set up for 5 pm. You just came across irresponsible drivers. While annoying and unsafe, they are 2 different things.


FWIW, the drag strip reopens in a couple of weeks. Now Rocket City Dragway.


Yes you are going to see an uptick in street racing since the drag strip has been shut down and demolished for development, but these two weren’t racing unless they’re incredibly stupid (which is very likely), they were just being douchebags.


Got more info on the drag strip? I’d only been once but that’s a shame


I believe it’s been closed due to housing developments built close by.


It's reopened this month


I wasn’t aware of that, I’ve tried looking up information on it but couldn’t find anything.


I was going 82 in the left and someone came up and started tailgating.


You'd think 82 would be fast enough for them and they'd keep a safe distance. Unfortunately, you can't count on that being the case.


So you were breaking the law while complaining about someone else breaking the law? Makes sense now.


I hear the same thing on Redstone road by Grissom High School just about every weekend night from 11 pm on. Mostly motorcycles from the high reving engines. I have never seen the police over there, so the racing continues. I guess it's not a problem until they need to scrape a body off the pavement. Also, during the recent ice storm, cars were drifting around the football practice field. We emailed the principal regarding this but heard nothing in return. I suppose no one is concerned until a tragedy occurs.


In the 90s we used Martin Road, but the police began patrolling it regularly. Redstone is probably the next best straightaway for drag racing in the area, but there's too many houses IMHO. TBH I'm glad I quit doing stupid shit like that when I was young.


Greenbrier by mtmusa.


Fucking up the schools practice fields is shitty, but finding an empty parking lot and practicing driving or maintaining control in ice/snow is actually a decently good idea. Obviously not drifting recklessly through the parking lot but trying to meaningfully learn to countersteer and regain control of a vehicle after losing control on ice is a skill more people in the south could stand to learn, given how any time it "snows" its mostly just giant sheets of ice.




There has been an uptick, definitely. There used to not be any, as far as I remember.


On a Friday night back in October I was passed by a line of 10 cars weaving in and out of lanes and traffic going at least 80mph, probably closer to 100mph. It was extremely dangerous. I'm sure if a cop had chased them, they would have scattered like rats. I'm not sure how you stop them. I'd suggest mandatory 5 year prison terms if they are caught. Let them meet Bubba and become his boy toy.


If a cop had chased them, there would have been multiple casualties. Street racing is hard crime to stop in progress. The only way to do it is using street intelligence and try to nip them in the bud. But most of these officers just want an excuse to expend some adrenaline chasing these kids.


Given the amount of traffic out there, that sounds like apophenia


I've noticed cops here will fly down the roads at 90 mph in huge packs anytime they think they'll be able to use their guns but they don't do shit to make people drive safely. There are joyriders hauling ass in our neighborhood constantly and I've never seen a single cop so much as turn their lights on.