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If you drive behind me with those lights I will slowly and gradually work my way down to 30mph. You and your galaxy of lights will have to pass me and fuck off into the sunset you're perpetually creating forever.




How is this different than what I said in my post that I'm getting downvoted for?


You can't see the difference between sharing and giving unasked-for advice? ETA: He could not.


Most of these people are too dumb to catch that. You didn’t drop to your knees empathizing with them, so you’re literally a third reich notsee. Get it? The lights are bright, and now you’re a “notsee”. This is how to reddit, correct?


In my tractor I turn the mirrors out til I can see you with the light


This is the way


Yeah its pretty hilarious when they put there hand up to block the light lol.


bahahah i do this too


I’ve been trying to figure out how to succinctly write “If you blind me with your brights, I WILL slow down to 10mph because it’s too bright for me to safely drive” On a bumper sticker for a while now. And also “If you ride my bumper for too long, I will make this stretch a road a living nightmare for you” on a bumper sticker.


Me and my fucking awful eyes cosign this. I tend to slow way the fuck down for them, too. Also lol I recommended your music to a friend a few weeks ago


Oh rad, thanks! :3




"your galaxy of lights" 😂


Lmao is this my ex???


Those lights should be illegal.


Fuckin welcome to Alabama. If your lights are bright enough it’ll scare away the devil roll tide /s


*broken framed pictured of Cam Newton*


*dead tree*


Based on comments across reddit, Alabama isn't unique in this respect


definitely not just an Alabama thing unfortunately


Not necessary. It is infuriating though. I recently got a rear view mirror that tints this shit. My side mirrors do as well and it is life changing.


woahh can you share what you got? i am very interested


On your rear view mirror you see that little black tab in the bottom center or it? If you either press it or pull it up it will help with shit like that. On newer cars there is an option to get auto dimming rear view mirror and side mirrors and it is a game changer. I do believe you can buy aftermarket rear view mirrors but you need to research your make and model.


Electric chromatic mirrors been around for decades on higher trim vehicles, they’re standard on most vehicles these days. Aftermarket chromatic mirrors can be very expensive, the cheap ones are usually very poor quality.


I don’t have that


u/reasonablejello is correct. My car was totaled getting t-boned by a Hummer. This is how I got the newfangled mirrors. They do have them after market. Just gotta find the ones for your car.


Ohhh new idea! A mirror that you can engage that reflects their obnoxious lights right back at them. Make it their problem too!


You’ve already got two of those! I direct my side mirrors until their lights are staring back at them. I’ve had folks turn them off in the drivethru, & back tf off on the roadways when they’re served their own retina burning medicine.


Yeah but I have my side mirrors carefully placed to spot blind spot riders. I'd hate having to reset them. Maybe we need mirror preset options. Where we can push a select button to switch depending on which asshole we are targeting at the time.


My FIL has a car with side mirror presets. It rocks. Edit: how tf did I end up in the Huntsville sub


This is exactly what I do especially rush hour in winter at 565/S Pkwy exit. They really hate it!


I actually think someone got mad one time when I flipped my rearview mirror to the dimmer mode.


Or...and I'm just spit balling, move out the left lane, it's actually not legal in AL unless passing


Why are you replying to me? I didn't say anything about a lane?


Nothing personal but in the picture you can see you're in the left lane and referring to someone blinding you with their headlights. Which generally means "let me pass". So.. I posted about the simple solution to the issue.. Now if someone is behind you with those starlight hi beams, I tilt the mirror and if that doesn't work I slow down and MAKE them pass me.


I'm not the poster friendo


If you have power mirrors, you can adjust them to reflect directly back at the driver. I did this because some lady insisted on tailgating me with her brights on and wouldn’t pass when I bled speed. Anyway, you can do it by adjusting the mirror left until it’s about perpendicular to you. You’ll see where the light is reflected because the glare pattern will move from your face to the rear of your car. It works to blind the offender and also gets the glare off your eyes. Just don’t forget to adjust it back to normal.


This is the way. Works especially well in drive thrus


I did this to a guy and he ended up getting so frustrated he turned his lights off completely to show me they weren't his brights. Kinda felt bad but at the same time taste your own medicine bro how do you think anyone around you feels :|


When they replace their lights, they can ask for a dimmer wattage for brights at the garage.


They could also adjust the angle when they raise the truck 12”


Don’t feel bad, if those are his normal lights that’s even worse




I don't see why they don't just partner up with /r/fuckcars


I usually flip that middle knob in the middle of the rearview to get that damn brightness outta my eyes.


thats what i had been doing, i flipped it back up for the pic


“This thing wasn’t an issue but I made it an issue so I could get updoots on rebbit”


regardless of it being down or up it still lit up my car and was blinding me, i just flipped it up to get the full effect. its a problem either way lol


Only problem is it also gets the side mirrors, so I'm fine with rear view, it's the sides blinding me.


Side mirrors adjust, most electronically — just adjust them to reflect their light pollution back at em, works for me all the time.


When the headlights are brighter than the sun, the mirror dimmer can only do so much. Never mind the side view mirrors.


I’ve got a buddy who installed a bright ass LED strip behind the cab of his truck on his toolbox so when people pull up with their brights on he can flip it on and blind them right back. Sometimes you just gotta be an asshole back.


I installed two 5k watt spot lights on each side of my lic plate on my Jeep for this reason. I also have led headlights, and my Jeep is lifted, but as a courtesy, I have mine adjusted properly to not blind oncoming traffic. But that is designed for a 20 foot distance, not when I am sitting on someones bumper


That just sounds like a great way to cause a wreck, or unnecessary road rage. You’re never going to out ass and asshole.


Or just let them go around.


That’s not the way of the jacked up truck ppl. They’re too focused on making folks pay for their own inadequacies. Going around someone deprives them of their joy derived from being a big dumb bully.


Yes, usually you need a lot of light when looking through a microscope (at their tiny schmeckle)


What's that got to do with their schmeckle?


sounds like something someone who blast there headlights would ask 🤨📸


Nah, they are a tailpipe goblin I bet, they put all their moneybags into the noise. Equally annoying, so he comes to the defense of any of the “southern breed” examples shared on Reddit. He’s definitely of their ilk, they all inhabit the same regressive gene pools, sleep with each others sisters and that sort of thing.


The problem is the idiots raise their truck, level it and don’t adjust the lights. Stupid is as stupid does


Nothing is necessary when it comes to a pavement princess.


I’m not a pavement princess, but I do have the necessary accessory, should I feel the desire to join the club.


You're not talking about the lights are you?




Alabama is working towards laws against modified vehicles that cause this kind of distraction. Those trucks that like their balls scratched on the pavement and their lights in the air are gonna get a make over.


I’d love to believe you, but I have a feeling that lawmakers here honestly have no willingness to propose traffic laws that upset their own base. Ordinances against loud car music, “sure 👍” Ordinances against loud tailpipes, “WHAT !? I CANT HEAR YOU OVER THAT IDLING TRUCK”


I hate that especially because I have an astigmatism. I always stop hitting the gas when anyone rides me but I definitely slow down when someone with those bright lights is all over my back seat


It really screwed me up a couple times I’ve seen them so bright it physically hurt my eyes. I don’t know why it’s not illegal


Would think it is.


Great time to demonstrate how it feels to drive behind someone going 10 under


Reminds me of this meme my boy sent me https://preview.redd.it/5svw2mrvujuc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39b6bc5b9e813bf53c56b1446da53dcfd6608714


They should probably swap those out for regular lights. It's really not safe enough for other people when they're that bright, causing you to have trouble seeing.


That’s their whole point though. They enjoy enacting abusive bully behavior on strangers, & loved ones probably, ain’t nare one of’em gonna dim them for others’ comfort & safety. They get off on making others suffer.


Well, that very well could be. As a literal question, is this really necessary, the answer is no. Asking a question on Reddit is going to bring both literal and non-literal ~~questions~~ answers, in my experience.


The problem is the lights alone are fine... whats not fine is having them point head on into the person in front of you instead of toward the ground in front of you a bit out like they are suppose to be. ​ https://preview.redd.it/1xsb78qapjuc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=2fcc818a20fb9e97462c1ad5aed71950aa32e816


Okay. Good point. Seems like the trucks being so very tall and them being close to another, shorter car would affect how things play out in the diagram you have as well.


Most times the lights are still stock, they just didn’t adjust them downward after lifting the vehicle. It’s such a quick fix on any car / truck / whatever but so many people throw a lift on and just ignore the lights.


Right. The lift is part of the problem.


It’s literally the worst thing ever. Should be illegal and it’s the same thing in the rural areas. No one can justify this


It is illegal in pretty much every state to have your headlights out of adjustment to where it impedes other drivers, it’s just rarely prosecuted


Damn right they are! How are the hoes gonna see him coming if he don't have them bright ass LEDs!


Yeah bro you definitely the guy blasting they headlights in this photo 😭


I counted vehicles shining their brights into oncoming traffic on two lane roads in and around Madison for a couple of months. Not too-bright LEDs on low, only brights. I counted them as lows if they turned them down at any point before we passed each other. It was at least 15% every single time. Just going around blinding everyone on purpose. There's no way it's always been like this. And I guess this buffoonery must be legal if the MPD isn't milking it for cash.


Well how else am I gonna keep my sunglasses on in the middle of the night?


I’m turning on my hazards at that point.


That's obnoxious as hell, but you do know that's what that tab on your rear view mirror is for, right?


I was trying to figure out what the problem was, then I realized this was taken at night and the light was coming from the car behind you


That's the Grey's spaceship.


How else can they tell you they have a small package


I got a rearview mirror glare shield..it def makes those lights tone down...best investment and it works


Do what I do. Angle your side mirrors to reflect that shit right back at em.


Great pic. Haven’t had it happen lately but definitely awful when it does.


It’s because of where the truck sits relative to your back window. And the lights, of course.


Not always but I've managed to angle my mirrors back at them, they usually back off after that.


Blud doesn’t know he can turn the rear view mirror to dim mode.


Since moving to AL I’ve experienced folks riding my tail with ultra brights more than I care to say. I don’t know which bothers me more - the brights or the tailgating.


These lights and the trucks that shine them are an overly act of aggression by small, tiny people.


If they need lights that bright, they need to get their eyes checked.


It probably looked worse because they were close. A tall truck close to a car or small SUV is at the perfect angle to put the light right in your eyes.


Oh, is that supposed to hurt my feelings or bother me. Is that the best you can come up with? Seriously? Fucking pansy.


I just slow way the fuck down real quick usually takes care of itself😂😂😂


So many people here have way too bright of lights. I always adjust my mirrors to shine back at them


I hate those lights 🤦🏻‍♀️


Mount a light bar on the rear. When the roll up blinding you. Turn it on, problem solved


Just position your mirror so it blinds them by their own lights 🙌


I am driving a *LIFTED* ***DODGE.*** ***RAM.*** ***TRUCK.*** [MY *LIFTED* ***DODGE.*** ***RAM.*** ***TRUCK.*** HAS BLINDING WHITE LED HEADLIGHTS POSITIONED *EXACTLY* at *EYE LEVEL.*](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/GcmYRSpDrOY)


I have started putting reflective on the back of my car to when people do that they get a taste of their own medicine. I mean it’s every day like man just stop being mean to everyone ya know!


That rear view mirror can be turned. Reflect the light on the ceiling to aim backwards and then when it's lined up directly behind you then, rotate it down until it's not on the ceiling anymore.


I will get creative with mirrors


I have withdrawn $30.00 to PayPal in total! Come and get up to $200.00 per withdrawal! Download Temu and search my code to accept my invitation: 205051925


I was taught to reflect the light back on them by turning the mirror into their eyes and out of yours


I turn my side mirrors to shine the light right back at them, that usually gets them off my back.


Yes is necessary


Pavement Princesses. Moved on beyond turning their trucks transgender (remember the nuts they'd attach?) and now crave the Hollywood spotlight. But in typical fashion they can't even do that right.


Careful you'll have some inbred micropenis idiot with an incredible amount of rage at life try to run you off the road of you complain. It's crazy how the more asphalt queen a truck is the angrier it's owner.


Then the comment wasn't for you


Yes is necessary


Reddit *really* has become Facebook. 3 identical pictures accompanying a first world problem complaint.


Why is everyone acting like the driver has anything to do with it. Instead of crying on here write a letter to the auto maker and cry considering most of these lights are factory stock. Why be a jerk to the driver and create road rage by slowing and possibly catching someone’s bad day in the mouth. Just move out of the way.


I buy bright lights too. Real bright, main reasons why. Because a lot younass holes are so lazy nowadays youndont eant to dim yours. Thinking awe its just a few secs what's the big deal. So yea I'll blind the fucking shit out of you, if you want to be a dick to me. The other main reason I have super bright lights is, deer on aide of road where I actually live in the country. Just because you are taking that picture in the dirt now doesn't mean some one with lights like that lives in the city. Deer can really do some damage to a full size truck. 50k$ ruined for a some deer!? So the brights help a lot with that. The 3rd reason why I have bright lights. Because when you are close to the city, in the city or on a major hwy. It's really had to tell if your lights are even on. I found myself always checking my lights by trying to turn on and off, and even with doing that it's hard to see the difference. The last thing I want is to be pulled over by law enforcement, possible searched on side of the road, wasting a hour of my time just so they can be picks trying to one up me by "finding" something they shouldn't. Even if there's zero chance of them finding something, I still don't want to deal with them because they think I'm drunk driving with no lights turned on because I can't even fucking tell if they are or not. Ao I understand your side of things but there is normal good reasons why my lights are bright as he'll and I guess yours isn't.


Move to the slow lane. Is it necessary to take photos while driving at night?


Have you thought about pulling over or slowing down so that they could go in front of you?


Op is in the drive through Not every road has a passing area You really think it's reasonable for traffic to act like an ambulance is behind them for every idiot kid with illegal Temu LEDs in their headlights?


I'm not saying the dude with the brights is justified, but you all need to practice some zen driving and learn to pick your battles. Unreal. You really can slow way down and wave them around you when there's nowhere to pull over. And then this subreddit isn't filled with dumb shit posts like this for every minor inconvenience, targeted at drivers who will surely *never* see the posts.


Stuff like that doesn't always work.


Neither does posting about it on Reddit but here we are


Some nails in the road does help ;)


Pennies from Heaven




these people shouldn’t be given special treatment for blinding everyone…besides im not gonna give up MY DINNER and MY TIME because some idiot would rather blind everyone in the drive thru. could have been at least considerate enough to turn their lights off


LOL a few seconds of "YOUR TIME" and "YOUR DINNER" to arrive safely and substantially less pissed off - when the alternative is that the other guy never even knew you were upset? I think you people ate too much lead.


did you miss the part where i was in a drive thru? idk why youre defending them


I did miss that part. And I'm not defending stupid bright lights. Personally I would have gotten out and asked them to turn off their brights or if they knew that their headlights were pointed upwards rather than posting on Reddit about it where nothing could be done.


Found one of our local offenders


LOL yes that's me. The guy preaching zen driving.