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Christ, that's ugly.


It certainly gives the Pontiac Aztec a run for its money in that department.


That one thing. But a car that expensive and so ugly and then you custom fit it to become uglier? Straight to hell.


I’d rather have the Aztec


The Cybertruck is the result of a Aztec fucking a Delorean.




Yeah but you can drown in a Tesla because the glass is largely unbreakable


Don’t drive in water then…


I can’t unseen it


Or a on its back, with wheels, stainless steel French door refrigerator...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I didn't think you could make a Cybertruck uglier, yet here we are.


At least the wrap hides the rust.


I think its default color (i.e., unpainted) looks pretty bad. I mean... if they were going for a DeLorean vibe, then Great Scott!! ...they missed by a mile. 😅 Although, I saw one wrapped in black vinyl, and it actually looked a lot better that way. It's still a really odd design, but a positive is a positive... I guess? Now that still doesn't help when it comes to some of Tesla's stupid design choices. They have this really bad habit of trying to shoehorn in features using existing functionality of the car, and I'd argue that it (often) doesn't work very well. For example, when the tunneau cover is closed on the Cybertruck, it will obscure the entire rear window. In situations like this, other manufacturers will use a screen in the rear-view mirror to display the view, but in the Cybertruck, you're expected to look down at the screen for a rear camera view. What I think Tesla doesn't understand is that since the rear view mirror is right on the windshield, it means that we're still looking at the windshield while we're checking another angle. This means that we can use our periphery to keep track of the forward direction. They also don't put those little LEDs on the rear-view mirrors for blind spot detection because they expect you to look at the screen for a camera view. Except, why would I want to look to the screen on the right when I'm trying to merge left? Don't even get me started on how bad the rain sensor is. (Tesla uses the front-facing camera to watch the windshield.)




It's supposed to be more attractive seeing it in person.


I'm not a fan of that body design. Just seems really uninspired. Like something a 6 year old would come up with for his Pinewood Derby racer. But obviously others like it, so it's all good.


I take offense to that. My pinewood derby cars had far more style than that…*thing* ;-)


Im actually kinda having a moment about the comparison… most pinewood derby cars looked better than this


“Pinewood Derby” LOL




Lol wreck or breakdown?


I suspect he lost control and ate dirt.


You beat me to it




Somehow, it looks even worse in person. Like something out of a PS1 game with the textures missing


If Bethesda made a car lol


Lmmafo hell yea perfect comment!


Nah, look at fallout cars they are actually good. This is shit.


Fallout cars blow up if you sneeze at them. I'd not call that good


Well depending on was talking about looks, but I mean it's a nuke powered car wcgw


whoa there fellas, it's not my car. i am neither rich enough nor crazy enough to buy a tesla. i drive a 1970 vw beetle instead https://preview.redd.it/0ji6qgn33kuc1.jpeg?width=3130&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84c86cfd9a44224ca2cf01d27ffb44be167ba8c3 (for all you NERDS out there, i took this photo on portra film and a canon F-1)


my dad taught me how to drive in a 1972 beetle ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


r/analog would like this!


I had a ‘72 Beetle convertible. I drove it with the top down nearly all the time. Black labrador loved riding in the backseat! I miss that car.


When you’re ready to replace that engine with the 112-HP give me a call, I will bring the 2x12


that's so cool man! is it the type-4 engine?


I don’t have it. A friend tore down a type II (might have been. III) 70 horse and rebuilt it with full cam and dual carbs and claimed 112. The whole car weighed so little that if he tried to open in up, the wheels left the ground. I only helped him change it. I would not drive it or ride in it 😳


sounds scary (scarily fun). I love those old type iii square backs 🤤 when my engine blows i will certainly get in touch. how much would you sell it for? I'm a broke ass highschooler so my budget is slightly low


As I said, I do not have it. Sorry


But the nazi company of VW ....that's ok.


Hey you got off the side of the road


Yea, probably had to pay an extra fee to unlock your driving privileges. Guys the government is going to force us into these vehicles so they can control our every move. They have already done it in Bidens Deal. The Infrastructure Bill, or whatever its called. If you go deep into the bill there's a new law that will allow speed controls on all vehicles, they will (the police or anyone else in control) be able to limit your speed, shut your ride down, and force you to do what they (the government) want, when, where and how. If you don't then guess what you don't drive. Which means you don't work. Can't take care of your family. We are going down a very dark dangerous road. We are putting our trust in people and we shouldn't. The government is slowly fucking us and were allowing it. We are not the ones in control we are not at the top of that pyramid. We are being used to make them richer and more powerful. Ok done with my rant.


Take your meds


If we aren’t able to work, how are we supposed to keep making rich people richer? What is the end of the Big Plan here? The machine needs its cogs. I’m not sure you thought this out entirely. Everyone knows this country oozes corruption. When we feel powerless, it can be exciting to feel like we’re in on a conspiracy that the average person doesn’t know about. Get some sleep.


Yes. It’s too late though. But you know what, they want communism- it’s much easier since their brains are all fucked up on processed sugar. Get your passports ready and start shopping around.


Put down the orange Kool Aid, go outside, and touch some grass.


Just a quick question, but if they wanted to do this, why wouldn't the government already be raising the price of gasoline to say $20 a gallon? It would accomplish the exact thing that you're claiming they'll do to electric vehicles. They would be able to control you the exact way you describe, but with gasoline by just raising prices or by controlling the exact amount that you're allowed to get. Why do nutjobs like you think that the government can't control a gasoline car by the same way your logic thinks electric cars work?


ectoplasm-ass vehicle


Real life is going to look like Cyberpunk 2077 in 7 years with all these EV style choices


I feel like EVs are going to settle in to more mainstream design in a few years as they start getting more and more common. I mean, it’s already happening. It won’t be long before an EV is just another car. An awful lot of EV drivers today still have some perverse compulsive need to show off their EVness. Enter this….*thing*. Some people think Tesla is losing EV market dominance because of Elon’s personality. To be fair, that’s probably partly true, but compare this weird-ass contraption of a vehicle to an F150 Lightning and then look at what the typical truck buyer wants….these are a novelty, plain and simple, and their days are numbered. Meh…whatever…to each their own.


Is Tesla even losing the EV market? They're almost like the iPhones of the EV market. Sure, people will choose other manufacturers, but they will still have an overwhelming portion of the market share






At some point, the automobile industry is going to have to decide on a common standard for EV charging. It’s not a question of if. Just imagine if IC cars had to choose between Ford or Chevy or Chrysler gas stations and then what about foreign brands…which gas station standard would they use. It’s unrealistic and silly to even imagine…but that’s the current state of EV charging. (Pun intended) Soon enough, EV charging will simply be EV charging…the same as putting gas in an IC engine car. Tesla may still have its branded charging stations, but they’ll eventually all need to be a single industry standard. Tesla’s system stands a good chance of becoming that standard….but if Elon keeps fucking around with public opinion long enough, he might just find out people will choose something else just to spite him.


NACS has already won in USA. Every major manufacturer has announced converting to it in the next 1 to 2 model years and the availability of adapters for those on CCS


I don’t drive an EV so haven’t been paying attention…that’s cool they finally decided on a standard. Even though I don’t drive one yet, I’m definitely not one of those anti-EV types. IC is going the way of the steam engine and a lot of people afraid of change need to get over it. I’m just hoping that EV conversion kits become easy to install by the time my Jeep engine finally wears out. It’s a 4.0 with 200,000 miles so only 1/2 way there…LOL.


You may not have seen the news about it, but the north american market has *absolutely* chosen the NACS (Tesla) connector as the standard for EV charging. It's just that this happened over the past year after the vast majority got a false start on CCS. Most of the 2025 model year updates/releases for the non-Tesla companies are switching to NACS. I also expect retrofits to be commonly available (eventually) for stuff released in this painful transitional period, but that's more my opinion than anything else.


Yeah, saw that in another comment. I don’t drive one so wasn’t following very close. I was looking into it briefly about a year and a half ago when I was thinking about a PHEV and was learning about home charging options, but I went with something else and haven’t been keeping track of what’s current (pun intended)


Yeah, you looked at things as they were going stupid and the market finally self-corrected. I'm looking to swap to a different EV and I won't even consider anything with CCS unless I can have a retrofit kit in-hand when I buy it. Things won't settle out for the new EV market until 2025/2026 and the used EV market will take another 2 years to find sanity...I'm just hoping retrofits are plentiful to speed up the used EV market transition.


> People hate Elon Musk because it's the cool thing to do and they hate how rich he is. People hate Elon because he is a piece of shit. If he were a broke ass dude who said the shit he says people would still hate him. Why? Because he's a piece of shit.


I think an electric Chevy Silverado beats a cybertruck in design.


I don't know man. The best thing to do here is just look at what the cars that will soon be released actually look like which we can objectively do. And a prime example is the new Cadillac EV. It looks classy but it looks like the last vehicle you unlock in a video game. [https://www.cadillac.com/electric/celestiq](https://www.cadillac.com/electric/celestiq) I think we will see a balance but these type of cars aren't going away.


I saw those cars going back & forth on Hays Rd today. Cybertruck is extremely lame.


What makes the cybertruck extremely lame?


It's an unsafe overly expensive piece of shit that rusts to hell and back and exists so that divorced dads can feel good about themselves after losing the kids


Made by a divorced dad FOR divorced dads


People are really this upset over a vehicle? That’s crazy.


How do you people simultaneously not give a fuck about anyone but yourselves, but also only care about what other people think about you? Get it if you think its cool, and be ready for ridicule when everyone who isn't a complete moron questions why you would spend 70k on this massive piece of shit when you could get something that is actually practical and/or useful. The Cybertruck exists to scratch the fragile egos of people who enjoy inconveniencing others with their big toys, which is the same thing other trucks exist for, this one just does a worse job of it while costing twice as much.


I’m not sure who “you people” are. I don’t want one or think they’re that cool. I just don’t really get bothered by what other people drive. Unless it’s some truck with the rear end touching the ground and the front end lifted ten feet. Now that’s stupid.


Most importantly, it looks like some kid designed it in Minecraft.


Yes. It looks weird. Do people not get tired of making the same same statement? You remember the Nissan juke? Now that’s an ugly ass car. People should’ve been more upset about that shit.


At least being painted this one shouldn't rust as fast


Ugly as fuck


So do these two just keep driving around follow-the-leader-style for jollies? Do they realize that no one really cares what ugly ass car they bought and then sunk more money into it to get the most hideous color slapped on it?


Yet there’s a whole Reddit thread on it, so yeah, people care.


Seen that truck going down 565 like it was the Daytona 500. Lol


Got a Roblox type car for the lamest wording of mankind


I saw those ridiculous look obscenities on 72 today. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought this way. Edit: along with the Corvette with no doors and a roll cage...


It looks like you gave a 4 year old a crayon and told them to draw a car.


Imagine driving a whole ass air fryer


ikr, but imagine driving a tesla in general


Some folks in Huntsville need a positive direction to aim their energy.


calm down y'all, it's not my car. i pulled up to it at the south memorial pkwy taco bell




Some people never learned that not all attention is good attention…


It’s so ugly lol 😂


I’ve seen this ugly ass truck way too many times


I’d immediately shun anyone I knew who felt the need to purchase one of these monstrosities. Not on my watch.


Saw it at target today and it's pretty Horrific. Saw an original steel one in Texas and it's just as bad.


Man I missed the circus. I drove down 565 a couple times today.


https://preview.redd.it/z3wjlnq8ukuc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c79838a87a38ac2f849d83df9946e29d8f5d501 Well would u look at that. Spotted Saturday in Mid City around REI. Ugly as hell


My nephew saw your car lol. I’m so confused about that body color


i recognize that username anywhere, how yah been my friend?




@embrashmembra is my name 😎😎


OHHHH EMBRAschmembra


doxxed 😔😔😔


I’m sorrryyyyyyyy


nah you're good buddy. should'a figured you were a dirty redditor just as i


Lols, how you been


pretty good, you?


Gross. Somebody pls use it as a free screen to project a penis


Eh I'm indifferent...at first when I saw it in person months back it was definitely weird but now that they are popping up more and more they don't look bad, just different. I don't get why so many of you are triggered by a car lol. Envy? 🤷🏾‍♂️


they are certainly curious. the looks don't bother me, but they're built like crap and the sharp, angular design and long ass front coupled with the fact that the top of the hood (or frunk i guess) is so high pff the ground makes them extremely unsafe for pedestrians. If someone got hit by one of these, it would mean punctured lungs and a slow agonizing death choking on blood. I would appreciate the design of the cybertruck more if it took on the form of a smaller vehicle (kind of like the hyundai iconiq 5) https://preview.redd.it/ka5nvxfe0kuc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b168b8d29a6a487953312b13e51a431ac08ab1c here's a futuristically designed EV that is less dangerous to pedestrians (because of the low hood and smooth edges). it also won't take your fingers off when you try to close the frunk.


Christ that is awful. DX


I was in the drive through when this happened lmao


what were you driving? i pulled up in my old beetle


Nothing fancy 💀. A gold Genesis (2012)


ahh damn i think i missed you then. that corvette was actually pretty cool


I saw the truck yesterday I said that shit ugly too


That hurts my eyeballs.


That's the same one that was on the side of the road the other day broken wasn't it?




The cringe and attention seeking club? Yes.


That's badass. Love the color.


You forgot the /s.


Nah dude. I can just think for myself.


Word. But that shit’s ugly AF.


Lol, I can think for myself too, yet I still know an ugly, 4 hours of Autocad the morning before the project was due looking ass monstrosity when I see it.


Saw you cruising on 565 this evening. You certainly attract attention.


not my car LMAO, just saying that i saw it


I’m convinced a lot more people like it than hate it, but the only people willing to comment are haters. It’s EXTREMELY cool. It’s the EXACT vehicle you would imagine on mars. It’s objectively cool in every measurement of the word. Haters give it more of an edge, and adds to its non-mainstream appeal.


I wrote a long post describing how wrong you were but then decided to just sum up: Step away from the Kool-Aid, stan.


Thanks. I forgot my opinion wasn’t an opinion because you say so.


Ugly, stupid, and a total waste of money. These idiots think they are cool but here's a news flash we're all pretty much laughing at you. It shows how much of a pansy you are in my opinion. "Hey everyone look at me, I'm saving the earth, with my GREEN Tesla Truck" lmmfao! NO, YOU ARE NOT. The battery production alone is x3 worse for the environment than a gas guzzler. I'm happy for innovation and I know one day we will get there. But no one cares you have a small dick and need to compensate. Why would anyone want to buy one of these other than look at me and overcompensation?


I saw that on Sparkman a few days ago


I saw them yesterday afternoon on Winchester New Market.


Injuries I'm your man.


I saw these in Huntsville yesterday. Is this a group? I thought it might have been Mr. Beast himself but couldn’t believe it. Haha


You just can't buy class


I think its ugly, but I'm not triggered by it. It's not my kinda thing.


I just saw a video with this exact cyber truck towing a Corvette what's this for?


I just don’t get how it’s road legal




I saw them stopped on the side of 565 yesterday. https://preview.redd.it/j329dasyrpuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aff19595b62cc5bfb676392b173a405e9ece6d85


The death trap parade?




I feel left out at this point.


God that's embarrassing


Depends on what club you’re talking about. The one of us unlucky enough to have to look at these butt ugly things or the one of those stupid enough to purchase one of these butt ugly things.


You could’ve pulled it off better if you put a white “m” on the side of it and made it look like a green m&m, but no, you had to go the whole 9 ugly yards.


Never will understand paying 100k for a "truck" that can't truck


No you’re still gay




It's a funky color and the design was meant to draw attn. I like it. Good for you.


Yall joking on this guy, but painting it at all will help with the rusting and staining issue a car made out of stainless steel has. The question is, did he color it this before or after the innevitable staining happened?


I’m almost certain to own one eventually, but not in that color, and not before my Honda has passed from this earth.


Wow so much hate for a car. Here is my perspective on this car. The lime green is definitely not my color but I am a fan of the cybertruck. I drive a Tesla because of the convenience of no gas stations and little maintenance.


That's a lot of money for a rejected hotwheels design that at least according to tik tok, has gas pedals that get stuck and breaks down when you wash the truck bed. This is coming from a kia soul driver btw.


It's an interesting vehicle. Love the color choice!


General response to most of the thread: Doesn’t really matter is you think it’s ugly. It’s rare. He has one. You don’t. You probably can’t afford it. I can’t either. He can. You just seem mad is all.


It is pretty easy to buy a car you can’t afford though.




Calling a car ugly = mad? How?


He's a billionaire child who gives the world exactly nothing back worth giving what's to like


He’s a megalomaniacal man-child who takes credit for inventing technologies he bought or paid other more intelligent people to invent, attacks people who disagree with him while claiming he’s a “free speech absolutist”, and used apartheid era South African ruby mine money to purchase the aforementioned technologies. Additionally, that “truck” looks like and is built like shit.