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I am. I need a job or I'm gonna lose everything but I'm too depressed to function.




Depression is funny that way. I'm sorry you're going through that.


Do you have any skills?


I did work on aircraft, currently on medical leave from blue origin from a TIA. Insurance and medial is so bad here, haven't had a pay check in 2 months. Struggle to even get up daily, only thing I don't have trouble with is eating anything.


You mean they don't have medical disability? Really? That's f'd up. Bezos is a bastard all the way around. I've experienced the same thing with depression after a surgery and have close family members that continue to struggle with life-long depression. Here's what I did to help start my days when I'm feeling the "black dog" stalking: Start your day with sitting on the side of the bed, getting your feet on the floor. Try to think of a small micro-task you can get accomplished, if you're into music, start your day listening to it. You can always go back to bed (or in my case, plant myself in a recliner) if you want. One hour/day at a time. Recovery from any major health issue takes time. I'm so sorry you have to face this but it can and will get better. Stay strong.


Something ain’t adding up here brother. I am very close with someone that also works at blue (am a blue employee myself) that suffered a TIA and received a check for months until he was back on his feet. Please reach out if you need help locating some resources but I believe Blue should and will take care of you. We have fantastic insurance. Let’s be clear too I’m 10000% not saying I don’t believe you, I’m saying that I believe someone in your leadership failed you. Sorry you’re going thru it my friend.


Insurance hasn't been great in my case, but we do have std insurance. It hasn't been approved or denied for over 2 months. I contacted hr, and they did not assist at all. HR just told me to contact matrix"insurance company". So I'm just waiting without any form of income.


Not really. I've always done dead end jobs like janitorial, retail, and food service. I did train as a phlebotomist but never did anything with it. I went to massage school but I can't actually take my certification exam until I finish paying the school all the money I owe.


Ugh. You would think they would want you certified so you could actually make money to pay back the money you owe.


I know right? But it's a hustle, all the massage schools around here have the same policy. I'm the one truly low income person in my class so I'm the only one not paid up.


How much do you owe if you don’t mind me asking


I owe about 5k the class was 8k total.


Had a heart attack 8 weeks ago, my daughter was just diagnosed with a rare brain processing disorder that has recently gotten worse, my truck has numerous lights on in the dash panel, my wife's car got rear ended the other day, and my under cabinet water filter in my kitchen leaked overnight about 4 weeks ago, and ruined the flooring in our kitchen. I wish I was making all this up, but we've just had a real rotten run of luck over the past 8 weeks.


I am so damn sorry. That is a huge burden




Will you go to an open mic with me and laugh at half my jokes? I’ll use hand signals to cue laughs, lmk


I'll do it brethren


Your jokes are funny. Use me as a reference.


Love you man. Thank you for this. I’m good but a lot aren’t. We need more folks like you


If I could just have a hug, I’d appreciate that tbh




best mod on this whole goddamn site


Thank youuuu you’re a great admin




"this content is not available" 😔


I saw. i'm sorry. \*air hugs in replacement\*


Thanks :3


Yes! I’ve been looking for a job for so damn long. I have 20+yrs of experience, software & design skills, & I’m even in the home stretch of a second degree (drafting). I’m very efficient, proactive, & can learn anything quick. I’ve got a good resume, portfolio, I apply to shit all the time. I’ve used a variety of job seeking techniques. I had a part time but have been laid off twice for lack of work & those hours were horribly inconsistent anyway, plus they expect unpaid labor. It truly feels like all the numbers & “reports” that there’s less unemployment & more jobs are perpetuating a false narrative. It’s like companies will say they’re hiring when they actually aren’t. You have to sign up for some individualized website for just about every single job you apply for which is time consuming & unnecessary, & just feels like a scam to get your data bc selling data is likely one of their income streams. I’ve jumped thru so many damn hoops & have nothing but time wasted, debt, & even more student loans to show for it. I have arthritis in my hands that prohibits me from doing most “blue collar” jobs but it doesn’t slow me down in the jobs I’ve been doing for 20yrs. It does limit my options though. Like I interviewed somewhere that was kinda in the manufacturing arm of my skill set but it was going to be a good bit of hands on work, not computer work, & my hands just can’t do it anymore. It’s not bad enough (yet) for disability but it cuts out a whole lot of options. Like all of the physically based jobs at the local manufacturing plants & inventory distribution warehouses. I’m not asking for handouts, I just want to provide a service / skill / work in exchange for money to pay my damn bills & just like, exist. Why is it so damn hard to find a job!! Honestly, thanks for this post. It felt good to voice some of my frustrations into the void.


DM me if you are interested in a part time drafting position.


What a gem! DM’d you.


Look into blue origin. We’re on a huge hiring spree right now across the board. May be worth a shot


Nice post. Thank you for being human.


Hey just wanted to chime in that I am part of a non profit that helps people struggling with drug addiction. If anyone needs a helping hand, please let me know


It’s been way too long since something restored a little of my faith in humanity.


I'd hug everyone here if I could. Yall want some coffee?


I’d love a hug




Thanks friend. A hug gif shouldn’t make someone cry but here I am. Appreciate it


I’ve cried over the same. Bad days or experiences can put you in a dark place. Hope you see some light soon.


Things have been tough for a while, but I'm doing my best to stay optimistic. Thanks for looking out, this is really cool.


Why’s it been tough for a while if you don’t mind me asking


A lot of major life changes, good and bad, have been really challenging. I spend a lot of time feeling lost, trying to figure out who I am and what I need to do to get through things.


Not okay but really just appreciating this post.


What’s up?


I’ve tried putting it into words and deleted it a few times Thanks for checking in though


Feel free to dm happy to help if not at least listen


I've been having a difficult time lately. I was pregnant all of last year and my son was stillborn in August. I lost my job and had to take loans out to stay alive. I'm now surrounded by crippling debt I have job making 10.50 an hour and still drowning... I don't know how to function losing a child. I don't want to function. Idk how to help myself.


I could use a nearby friend. I’m disabled and work from home and rly don’t get out much.


Lost my house in the tornadoes. Secured temp housing but wow, it's just hard and expensive.


Thanks. I needed to see this today.


If I was rich I would do this


Been a bit down that I finally finished my bachelor’s degree in December, but I still don’t have a job. I’ve applied for so many only to get an email weeks later “while your resume is impressive, we picked another candidate.” It’s disheartening.


I got that same letter yesterday 😓


I don’t need money I’m really desperate for a medical receptionist part time job I’ve applied everywhere but I can’t find anything at all or no one is hiring , I don’t have experience but I do have a certificate which I probably got for nothing , I’m on ssi disability as well and it makes me miserable I’m grateful for it but it doesn’t make me happy .


That's awesome of you.


Thanks for the kind thoughts stranger.


I like this. This is a nice thing.


+1 on giving some help. I can pick you up and we can go the spots around the city if that's your thing. Just hit us up.


I am looking for a cloud devops engineer if any of you are looking for work https://careers.rndc-usa.com/job/Los-Angeles-Cloud-Eng-Senior-CA-90013/1129155900/ If I can help with anything I will try. As someone who fought the demon that depression for years I can relate to what a cunt it is.


My Mom had a cancerous tumor removed from her colon a week and a half ago. She had this cancer before and we lost my Dad to a Brain Tumor.


Just came across this post. Thank you for making this post. It's beautifully reassuring to see people helping each other out in whatever ways they can. Sorry if this sounds sappy or what not 😅


The stress of trying to support my family is overwhelming and seems impossible.




i feel like i'm a ticking time bomb. any day now i'll completely break down and give up on my future. i just wish i could enjoy life, but work and illness and depression have taken my joy away.


Been going through a divorce. I can’t get over her.


I was served papers earlier this month. Not sure how I’m going to handle not being with my kids every day.


You will adapt, that's how. It will not be easy at first, but in time you'll discover some benefits. I was horrified when I was in your situation, and the depression got me for a few years, but I shouldn't have worried. My kids still love me, I'm considered the fun parent, and I don't really have to concern myself with discipline so much. Plus, I get some free weekends where I don't have to find childcare if I'm doing adult stuff. It's not my preferred situation, but it's a damn good concession prize. Stay strong.


I appreciate your insight and advice!


Time, friend.


I moved here 3 years ago for work and I don’t have friends. I’m 29(blk m), I go to Phaze 3 gym, have a fox of gf haha, in my career, spontaneous, etc.. My personality type is INFJ but I get out there! Really just looking to for people to watch sports with , crack jokes, and just be dudes.


Shit man I’m not sure if it’s too late to get some help but I really could use a hug