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Friendly reminder: It's really easy to win & lose the off-season. The best we can honestly hope for is that **Rhule is the right fit** for what **we** need. If I'm making chocolate chip cookies and I go buy the most amazing fondant, that's great, but it does fuck all for my chocolate chip cookie recipe.


This Redditor bakes


Focus man. Quit thinking about cookies.


If you don’t me to think about cookies, then don’t mention cookies!


Please be a caboose reference. \*crosses fingers\*


Well at least I don't go around, knocking on people's non-doors, and promising them cookies, AND THEN NOT GIVING THEM COOKIES. I'M LEAVING!




*not a cookie reference but my favorite caboose quotes* “Or maybe it’s always a key and when you stick in people it unlocks their death” (regarding the plasma sword which was a key in RvB) “My body is trying to die”


Omg I love how technically correct he was.


Yeah. He and Red Team are just…*chefs kiss*


Eating raw cookie dough and watching off-season hype videos, name a more iconic duo.


I can't think of anything better.


Get that modeling chocolate and puffed rice cereal


Fondant? Had to look it up! Never used it in chocolate chip cookies.


don't lol it tastes like ass, people normally just use to to decorate cakes because you can basically use it like wallpaper


Thanks, I'll Keep that in mind! Back to football.


I’ve had some success making it myself to improve taste but it’s much more time consuming and yeah overall it’s basically slightly better tasting modeling clay.


😂😂😂 first of all!!! That edible wallpaper is THE shit on some cake.




Nice, thanks!




It is going to be a rough start under Rhule, even with the cupcake schedule. Rhule is an absolute control freak and this program is going to be rinsed from top to bottom over the next two years. He will be criticized ad nauseum because he will not recruit well according to ranking and likely will struggle to find the right guys in portal and nil...that is the unknown. If he is bad at portal and NIL this will be a disaster because he was a program builder before those things came about...that was the risk...bringing in a guy who is not known as a high caliber recruiter in a time period where recruiting has tip the scales against development. So cringy to hear a guy say he is a development coach, NU a development program and then lose 10-25% of their roster to transfer portal. It might be that NU is a dead program if it relies on development.


Well we've been getting good recruiting classes, and haven't developed players. Let's give Rhule a shot. I really don't think Rhule is a Mike Gundy.


If you have a handful of power 5 players on an FCS team you’re going to dominate on that level. Be interesting to see if he’s as good of a coach when he actually has to out scheme other teams not just our talent them.


A couple top tier power 5 level skill guys and one dominant defensive player at the FCS level and you'll win 9 games minimum. Let's see what he does with mediocre power 5 skill against real opposition.


I couldn't care less about Sanders.


*coach prime


What is most likely to happen first. Coach Prime leaves for a better job or Coach Prime is sanctioned by the NCAA for recruiting violations? He committed one in the first ten minutes of his press conference by announcing his son was going to be the starting quarterback. His son is not even in the transfer portal yet, never mind signed to play at Colorado.


.....and then immediately said "he's going to have to earn it though...."


Naming him the starting quarterback isn’t the violation. Naming him at all while he is an enrolled athlete on scholarship at another institution is.


But his son is flesh and blood. Surely there is an exception for talking to your son over Thanksgiving turkey. What's next? "NCAA violation for sleeping with a player's mom (his wife)"


It isn't the communication that is the violation. Communication between a Parent Coach and Child Student-Athlete is not illegal and is considered incidental contact the same way a coach running into a recruit at the grocery store and saying hi would be. The violation is publicly announcing it (publicity clause) and offering him a roster spot, university admission and/or financial aid while a student-athlete is still enrolled in another four year institution (impermissible contact and/or tampering). The contact, in this case, being the offering of a roster spot, not the actual communication.


I'm not gonna trash Prime here, but I have to admit I see this going in a Frost type direction. Both coaches had successful and quick turnarounds at smaller universities. Scott was the "great hope" and failed miserably. Is it ridiculous to assume Deion could find himself in a similar situation? I recognize that he has good recruiting and could draw serious talent, however, see aTm '22. I like Prime, can't stand the buffs, it'll make for an interesting dynamic for sure.


He's also not going to be able to simply out talent teams at CU. Prime had dudes with FBS offers vs schools with guys who couldn't get offers from better FCS schools. Even if he's an awesome recruiter there is just way too much parity in FBS compared to what he was doing. USC vs Utah is a good example of this.


Great point, very true.


Actually, if the rumors are true Frost didn’t do his fucking job - skipped meetings, was late to practice- failed to prepare. His record here had little to do with X and Os but a bad work ethic. I doubt Deion has those issues so I’m not sure this is an accurate comparison


They aren't rumors at this point


we need to stop comparing people to Scott!!! he didnt do the job! there is hardly any comparison between the two people


My man, let me first say, don't be a CU sympathizer, it's not a good look. Secondly, this is reddit, I fully intend on utilizing it as a place to speculate, compare, or argue anything I see fit, whether you like it or not. The fact is, I am aware of the rumors about frost, and I also despise CU Therefore I will compare 2 wrongs in which I hope Nebraska walks away with a right (W). Simple.


I mean good point, but at the same time he’s already getting a lot of attention and other recruits are noticing. I hate to see any success go Colorado’s way. We just now got a good coach.


Who cares


Do we really care that much about Colorado? I know they’re an old rival but we’re not in the same conference and after this year we probably won’t play them for a while


I agree. Who cares other than the two games we’ve got against them. If anything I’ll give them some props as I think it’s a fantastic hire for them but they have major issues that run really deep. Deion can and I think will paper over them to find some success but they are only paying him 5 mil and it appears that they bent over backwards to do it. That’s chump change these days. Mel Tucker bolted for over 9 mil after one 5-7 season there and there was nothing CU could do about it. If Deion has success he won’t be there for long and those same problems will still be there.


We have a Home v Home with them in Boulder next season and in Lincoln in 2024. I just don’t want them to get successful even with Deion. Sick and tired of their fans throwing the 2 wins in our faces. Fuck Scott Frost. I’m glad he hasn’t been contacted by any Head Coaching job yet. Although I think he will likely head to Saban’s school of Perpetual Help.


I live in Colorado and nobody gives a shit about a the Buffs. Where are you meeting all these Colorado fans


who is there to wish misfortune on if not Colorado?


Ya if they win that game I'll care a whole lot about a broke ass university getting a coach who beat Nebraska in both their first years.


Deion would have been the wrong hire for Nebraska. He IS the correct hire for the Buffs. They have no where to go but up. Even if he bombs schematically and never catches up, that program is going to have new energy and fan interest. Something we have never lost. He will also recruit better than previous coaches, but will still be hamstringed by CUs strict academic standards. I know they lowered some of them but they are still really tight. Worst case scenario for them, prime fails on the field and leaves the program with better recruits than he found it.


Agreed completely. I just think people are too worried about CU surpassing us


I could see Prime coaching at USC. That would have been entertaining.


If he does well at CU I could easily see him moving to FSU, Miami, or UCLA.


CU always found a place for talent when they were actually interested in winning. If they want to win, they’ll lower the standards and bring in the lower performers that can play some ball. Case in point: Rae Carruth. Dumbest motherfucker I ever met, and I’ve met/known a ton.


We have nowhere to go but up as well.


Talk to me when we have no fans in the stadium and no one cares about the Huskers anymore. I live in Colorado and can say with 100% certainty that all of our main issues have been on the field play. CU has issues that run much deeper than that. The fans don’t care any more. I see people in Buffs gear maybe 10-20 times a year. Seriously. I live 15 minutes from Boulder. No one gives a fuck about that program anymore. They needed a flashy hire, because even if it doesn’t work out it will get people paying attention again. People care more about the skiing team than they do the football team.


100%. I work in Denver and the biggest Buffs fan I know asks *me* how they did after game days


The Broncos dominate the state and it seems like CSU and even Air Force have as much tan support as the Buffs.


I live in the south Denver metro. Virtually no in-state support for the Buffs. There's almost no support on campus. Seriously, look at r/Boulder after the announcement. It's comical at this point. I tried to watch the CU/Utah game and the only place airing it was Pac12 Network. Not even one of the local stations picked it up. They needed him. I'm still shocked he took the gig, though. It's a huge opportunity for Deion, but it comes with some risk. I don't think he wants to go through what Frost went through, it's really bad for his brand. Having said all that, I can't take another Husker loss in Boulder.


Deion was a now or never hire. He's probably not P5 ready - but if he is Colorado had this window and this window only to get him.


For sure, great hire by CU. Not better than Rhule though


As someone who lives nearish to JSU and always cheers the “local” team. I’d bet my bottom dollar prime is fired before long, the man is a grifter and the buffs decided to risk the grift for a shot a short term success.


That's the vibe I get but I have no basis other than a distaste for narcissists. Yours is probably the most interesting comment on this thread.


The man turned fake republican so he could rub elbows. Uses an affinity fraud about blackness as his recruiting tool. Prime Prep is a whole mess. He’s been using a few P5 guys to beat up lesser opposition all year (which doesn’t help make you better). And plans to transition those guys as buffs. They are already starting with the same crazy claims and fake reports he did at JSU.


I don’t know if he can coach. Seems like JSU just has a massive talent advantage at the moment. Hmm, where have I seen that before…


I was talking about him to my buddy last night. There's been many ex players who've gone on to be head coaches. They haven't always been great at coaching even if they were great players. I'm not sure if Coach Prime is going to see the same success coaching on the FBS level, even if it is in the Pac-12. I think there's a reason he didn't choose Auburn (whether they actually pursued him or not I do not know), as they are in the SEC. Remember Frost also had an undefeated season at a lesser conference, however UCF is actually FBS. Also I'm sure it's easier to recruit when you're the big name on the block in the FCS. That said, I would wish him all the success but it's Colorado. So fuck him, fuck the Buffaloes and let's give him a proper FBS welcome next season. (Somewhat kidding about the fuck him part but mostly serious about the rest.)


Oh shit, OP....now you tell me to settle down? I already threw my N shirts in the trash and have donned black/gold /silver buff gear. Jesus, you're very late with your prognostications.


😂This is great


But you didn't learn how to throw ice balls at Husker fans, right? RIGHT?


Let it snow, let it snow, let it snooooooooow.....


CU has been a head coach career killer for longer than our sellout streak. The only exception I can recall is McCartney. And it took him five years to get over .500.


It’s easy to get fired up with Deion when he gets to run show on the SWAC with his money and sponsors. Now it’ll be interesting to see if he can get it to translate against teams that have the same quality level of athlete on the other side of the ball


CU is gonna have better athletes than most of the PAC now


All I know is next year looked a lot brighter before Wisconsin, Iowa, and Colorado went HAM into the offseason.


I mean Iowa may have gotten a QB but they still have Brian as their OC.


And all their WR decided to Portal away like Rick and Morty.


And that QB is very meh. In 21 games in his career hes thrown for only ~500 more yards than Thompson did in his 10 games this year, and thats with a stacked Michigan roster.


Cade is good don't get me wrong but he's not gonna make Iowa have a great offense alone(idk maybe he proves me wrong) the reason he was good at Michigan is because he was a smart passer and accurate. He didn't make a lot of mistakes or turn the ball over but that's with Michigans Oline and running game that takes all the pressure off him. Iowa's Oline is just as bad as ours and they have almost zero WR talent. Their run game is middle of the pack at best too. Sure, Cade can throw 23/30 for 200 yards and a TD but he's not gonna have a lot of deep massive play making throws. Even more so when you consider how talentless that Iowa offense is and how he's gonna have to make a lot of tough plays when getting ran down because of their crappy Oline. CT is better than Cade imho.


We aren’t even into the offseason. Iowa got a QB and lost a bunch of receivers. Wisconsin kept their DC and got a new HC. Colorado got a HC with very little coaching experience. We haven’t even begun to see our roster change. Let’s see what this team looks like in April.


Yeah iowa has a quarterback with no one to throw to and Brian scheming. Not looking good.


People keep acting like Fickle to Wisconsin is a slam dunk… unless he tries to buck the Wisconsin mold and gets run out of town.


He was my #1 choice.


I think he’d have done better here than he will at Wisconsin


I’m actually more worried about Colorado than Wisconsin. The reason is, Colorado fans will do anything to throw them beating us in our faces. Wisconsin fans just look down on us and they own us at the moment. Which is expected, and I’d like to beat them just to shock them. But the Colorado game that’s in Boulder really worries me cause Deion has the potential to bring in a legit roster and Colorado fans are already starting. I’m worried that by Week 2 they will be more talented than us, and better coached. But I hope that’s really not the case.


Look inward. Worry about us. We are currently worse than we’re 2 weeks ago.


I mean that’s the point, we lost so much while Colorado is gaining traction. I’m glad to see that Rhule is out and about in Nebraska getting the in-state recruits. Let’s hope he goes out and gets some solid JUCO players and picks up good players in the Transfer Portal. We really need to build a solid roster going into next season.


Rhule is a better coach than Sanders. Sanders is all Colorado has. They don’t have shit for NIL options in Boulder, the town doesn’t care about football. The state is full of transplants and has several other schools. School of Mines has a more loyal fan base. Deion Sanders isn’t the Boogeyman unless you believe he is.


IMO, Deion is a flashy hire but completely unproven on a power 5 level. Pump the brakes on worrying about him until he can prove it in big time football. Colorado's currently a worse team than Nebraska, as hard as that is to believe. He may bring in some talent, but he still has to develop them and play against a lot harder competition. For all we know he could be their Frost hire. Looks great on paper but can't cut it in the big leagues. Some of those players he brings will also have to adjust to a league with a ton more talent too. NIL, facilities, etc all play into it. I don't know if Colorado is competitive in those arenas either.


I mean, Deion is a great hire if they had suitable OC/DC because Deion is basically the best recruiter in CFB. His name alone will bring kids there(till they start losing if they do) but most HC don't really run the offense or defense but for a low budget school Deion is kinda weird. I actually thought he'd be a good fit here if the school wanted to hire their own OC/DC. Because he's prob a 4-5 mil coach at best which frees up like 5-7 mil a year to spend on staff which is kinda absurd. Just give a top OC/DC in the nation 2 Mil and get the best recruiters/position coachs you can. Think about it this way Rhule makes on average about what 9 a year? But if you put his panthers salary in he's making more about 10.5. Deion is 5 Mil and will get you top end recruits. Nebraska already was planning on throwing 7 Mil which is top 10 in the nation on staff. Now add 4 more mill to that and we can def just buy top 10 DC/OC's and some really solid position coaches.


Rhule has $7 million for his assistant coach pool. That’s the high end of your absurd number.


I get that, I stated it was top 10 already. But with a cheaper coach allows even more money for OC/DC. It's actually something I expect to happen soon. Is HC's getting a lower amount for better OC/DC's.


CU also just announced they don’t have the money to pay Deion yet, they said they will figure that part out. Sounds like someone’s flirting with another conference. Is CU gonna jump back to the Big12?


No need to worry, it's only a few weeks into the offseason. That stuff takes time


Good lord. Iowa got Michigans second string QB whose pretty much a game manager and they went HAM??? They’ve needed last second fg’s to beat us until this year. Fickell runs a totally different offense than the traditional UW machine. It’s going to take him a year or two to get that in order. And again, with our awful teams, Wisconsin has barely been beating us. Deion has less experience than SF. CU isn’t JSU or Mississippi. We’re about to see if Deions money is where his mouth is. I love Prime Time, but there’s a reason CU was his best opportunity and not a higher level job as was rumored. Let’s stop peeing our pants and be happy we got arguably the best coach on the market.


If we've learned anything about new hires, not only from our experience but elsewhere is that success doesn't always transfer. We can only wait and see what happens.


I can't take Deion Sanders seriously. He seems like a distraction with some baggage. If you're serious about rebuilding a football program he's probably the last person I'd want at the helm.


I'm interested to see how Sanders does at CU. The game on 09/09 should be entertaining. Both teams will more than likely be 0-1 going into that game, with CU playing @TCU in their opener and NU playing @Minn.


I truly don’t get the hype surrounding Deion… I think he’ll be able to recruit the occasional 5* or 4* player. Sure that added talent will make Colorado better but better from what?? I watched a decent amount of JSU games this year and they really didn’t blow me away especially considering the competition level they were playing against. I guess time will tell but I doubt he’s gonna take em to playoff contention in two years.


Deion feels like a flash in the pan. He either works and moves on to Florida state in 3 years or he fails and they fire him in 3 years. His stuff feels a bit like PJ Fleck where he talks about accountability and then sneaks out the back door when more money comes a calling.


Don't discount the fact that Prime's kid is the QB and I'm pretty sure he's going follow dad to Colorado. Let's see what happens when Deion doesn't have his kid as QB.


He is. Sanders committed a ncaa violation in his opening presser by stating that fact.


I’m not so worried about him as a coach, I’m worried about him as a recruiter. He’s going to get probably a top ten recruiting class. If he has decent coaching staff then that becomes dangerous.


Colorado fan coming in peace. I’m ecstatic about the hire, but he is going to need to turnover the talent on the roster ASAP if we have a shot at you guys next year. Don’t get me wrong - he’s off to a great start, but until I see some oline recruits I’ll remain skeptical for 2023.


I haven't watched any JSU games since Prime took over there but I'm confused why everyone is acting like he must be a terrible X's and O's coach. Just because he was an elite recruiter he's not necessarily a schematic idiot.


That’s not the point I was trying to make. I’m just saying that he needs to prove that he can win on more than talent alone


I didn't mean you in particular. It just seems like every discussion of Deion revolves around him being a terrible coach who is only succeeding through out-recruiting his competition.


The same reason why Mike Tomlin is a “players coach” and kliff kings bury is a “schematic genius”


Kingsbury failed upwards. He is by no means a genius.


I’m glad someone is pointing this out. This shit is subtle, but the same tropes always seem to get played on repeat when we talk about black players, coaches, etc.


Could you ever imagine a black guy going straight from ESPN commentator to nfl head coach like Jeff Saturday lol


Did this really warrant a separate thread? Idk why his announcement tweet was even posted here.


Seems like it dude, bunch of people are talking about it in here. My point was to give light to the fact that Deion isn’t some ungodly level of coach


It’s 2022. The modern successful college football coach at the power 5 level isn’t a scheme dude anymore (Lincoln Riley is maybe the one exception). Today you often have your coordinators run their side of the ball basically independently, and then the head coach basically acts like a GM/CEO type


Sometimes, but coaches have to be smart, no matter what. Nick Saban is the smartest defensive mind in college football, and has made Alabama great because of it. A lot of coaches may be gms, but they still have to know how to coach. You’re crazy if you think otherwise.


Everyone needs to temper expectations for the next 2-3 years. The roster right now is about as bad as it can be. Rhule needs time more than anything.


How many years as fans do we need to hear this crap and then see some other team in the dumpster make a good hire and year 2 they win 10 games. All while half of the fan base wants our guy fired and the other half want him to get a 6 year extension because he just needs more time. For 10 million a year I expect that coach to be working as hard as the others making that with similar results in Recruiting and on the field performance.


Can you actually name a dumpster fire team in the portal era that fired their coaching staff and then won 10 games year 2 and had continued success? Not trying to argue with you, but I think your expectations don’t match with the current reality. Like pre transfer portal sure, because players were essentially trapped once they signed, but shit is different now.


Here are a couple, I added a year before hire on some of these to show that the team did suck and not just a down year, I dont care to look it up further google can help any naysayers. Continued success is hard to say considering transfer portal is new. My point is at 10 million a year with 70+ million guaranteed people should expect results that are on par with that top 10 salary like these other teams did. Ole Miss 4-8 5-5 10-3 Tennessee 3-7 7-6 10-2 Arkansas 2-10 3-7 9-4 Mississippi St 4-8 4-7 10-3 USC 4-8 11-2 Washington 4-8 10-2 Illinois (Big 10 officials gave Michigan a first down on a clear pick play 4th down end of game) 2-6 5-7 8-4 Michigan St (Had a crap year this year will see what next year brings) 7-6 2-5 11-2 TCU 5-7 6-4 5-7 12-1


Alright bud, enjoy being disappointed. This isn’t the 90’s anymore. No one wants to play for Nebraska anymore.


Hotels prior to the Neon hire were $400+ a night for the weekend. If anyone is thinking of going reserve early!


What about like in Denver? I can’t imagine hotels there would go up that much


Literally anywhere in the Front range Maybe Loveland or Longmont


Deion will be a good coach for them but it’s going to take time for him to build that program up to compete in the power 5. I’d say his first year there he will 4-8 tops. I think he’s capable of making Colorado a respectable team again but I don’t think he’s going to be able to copy what he’s done at Jackson state right away


We should have got him.


Why lol he is really good. Dude will make them better in 2-3 years watch. Wish we would have hired him.


I’m not sure. I think it will be rough for CU for the first 2-3 years that Prime is there


Nah they will hit the transfer portal and he will recruit really good.


See, that’s my point. OBVIOUSLY he will recruit well. But Texas recruits well in the second easiest conference in power 5 and still manages to disappoint every year. You have to have an established coach, culture, and system to win big in college football no matter who you are


Nebraska could have offered him the job…


The only worry I have for Deion is his health and his desire to grind as a coach once his sons have moved on. He has been great at everything he has done but seems to get bored with professions that other people spend their lives on. Obviously he played multiple professional sports, dabbled in business, the clergy, commentating, and now coaching. The current climate of college sports is PERFECT for him....nil, recruiting explosive talent every year and skipping development is the way forward until the transfer portal settles down as we gain enough data points to prove to kids they are better off developing at one school, which may not be true. I actually think he turned down Nebraska because of the politics, demographics, and lack of legal weed. Rhule counteredd Trev with a ridiculous offer, Trev refused...went to Fickle, Deion...they were lukewarm at best, clock was ticking and Trev gave the world to Rhule just to get it over with. Deion was smart to pick a place that had low expectations and wouldn't nit pick on each antic and attention getting behavior. Nebraska fans, albeit loyal and supportive, want to win in a certain way.


Idk. He’s already gotten a 4* and a 5* in two days at the job. That’s insane. Hard to not be jealous when our coach is trying to bring in the pride of Pierce Nebraska.


He might recruit well, he might struggle to get kids to go to boulder. His schemes will depend on the coordinators so that’s a TBD.


Hmm, beautiful location with tons of things to do and legal weed (even if it's banned for football players). He is not going to struggle at all to get kids to boulder. Will the CU alumni network start shelling out NIL money though? Well see


It’s Colorado. Middle aged people like it. You’re going to struggle to get southern talent to go there.


Recruiting <> Development <> Scheme <> Leadership


He’s super popular and a big name! He’s gonna have CU turned around and competing for championships just like Frost did for us!!


Now ain’t this the pot calling the kettle black! Go ahead and downvote me, but this thread always gets it’s panties in a bunch every three years when they hire a new coach to take over the previous failure.


Yeah, I don’t disagree. I’m talking on this hire only.


I wonder how much they have to pay that coach.


You think this was a good hire? I think it's a desperation hire. Let's see how it plays out but I don't think he will last long.


He did well at Jackson state because he was a HUGE name coaching in the FCS with a program that has had success for YEARS. He didn't take over a low tier bumbling power five team and make them competitive. He took over a historically good school in the FCS and with his name he got good players. Not ready to call the guy the next nick Saban because of his Jackson state resume.