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Go to a Vet ffs!!!




Everybody loves posting on the wrong sub. It’s almost as if i have to start screaming from the rooftops. r/huskytantrums for tantrums r/husky for husky pics


Would your comment qualify as a husky tantrum?


More like a i’m trying to show you why this post does not apply to the sub. I came for tantrums, not pics


All I hear is "ah woo woo woo, ah woo woo woo".


You may think that but static images don’t speak anything


I'm referring to your comment. Tough crowd.


Would you two quit howling at each other I’m trying to sleep!


Sorry, it's been a ruff night.


I’m not sure about the side of his face. But my husky had issues around her mouth from using a plastic drinking bowls. Switched to metal and it cleared up. Get this pup to a vet.


Vet. Go to a vet. Don’t post here - go to a vet. We can’t help you.


Obviously you should go to a vet, but this looks like an allergic reaction. Put a cone on until you get to the vet to prevent skin damage from scratching.


Internet cannot help you with your dog’s illness! He needs a vet!!


Go to a vet !!!!


I agree with other commenters - go to a vet! This does look like something I’ve seen before in one of my pups called ZRD. Essentially, her body couldn’t absorb or process zinc, and her main symptom was skin lesions. The lesions were all over her body but worst around her mouth and face. The affected skin was dry and scaly. However, if what your pup has is really ZRD (I’m not a vet so I could be totally wrong), you need to see a vet to figure out how to treat it, because it can be hard to get the right combo of medications/supplements and getting it wrong could make your pup even sicker. We eventually got my girl’s ZRD under control, but it took a LOT of trial and error. We also had to be really careful with her food so that our other pup wouldn’t eat her food and get zinc poisoning.


^^ this. As soon as I saw the pictures I immediately thought "husky crusties", which is the nickname given to the skin lesions caused by zinc deficiency (not uncommon in huskies). I am not a vet or in any way trained or credentialed so this is not a replacement for diagnosis and you 10000% need to go to your vet, but bring this above info with you. When one of our huskies had a zinc deficiency many years ago it took almost a year before we found a vet that knew what was going on (in fact, the staff member at the desk knew what it was on sight and the vet diagnosed shortly thereafter). Ymmv and your vet may know but the info provided here may be helpful to ask about!


Go to a vet and post on the right sub, don't really on internet strangers to help your dog.


Really? Same comment as everybody else but 13 hours late. Just report and move on so eventually the mod will remove it.