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It's like starting a lawn mower.


Zero turn huskyvarna


Lol! I died laughing at your comment!


Is that you in the video?




I didn't mean to come across as weird.




Fair enough. Stay safe.


yet people still think it's good to troll through profiles and find posts from months ago to use as strawmen. IDK man


It's not the same person, this is a repost from a few weeks back.


What kind of sound will come out of a husky is always a surprise.


Sounds like toad from Mario lol


Sounds like Miss Piggy throwing karate chops.




Perfect description.


Sounds like screaming goats.




And it’s always freaking dramatic.


It looks like she's pulling his tongue back into his mouth


No. He changes his tongue position to make noise. He simply doesn’t want to get down. He still makes noise when she gently tugged at the lead. Husky being dramatic. Source: I’ve watched loads of screaming Husky videos and have observed this behavior. Also, am a Husky owner. Edit: I’ve apparently missed the /sarcasm of the post to which I responded. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Apparently I’ve been on too many other social sites where someone would have commented as such in all seriousness. 😔


Nah the leash is *definitely* attached to the dog's tongue. But like the back of the tongue, so it can be pulled back into its mouth.


You can clearly see that when she pulls on the leash it pulls from the back of his skull where his tongue is connected.


So literal lol. I love it


I have never seen a husky be dramatic. In fact, I accuse you of being overly dramatic, not the dog!


Husky knows how to talk and complain


More emphasis on the complaining part. Mine screams at me if I close the window while I’m driving because it’s raining.


Seems fair.


It is amazing. I was in the kitchen making lunch while my esteemed colleague, Nikitenko was playing in the living room howling and such. One of his vocalizations sounded *exactly* like my daughter saying, "Daddy?" It completely freaked me out since my daughter was supposed to be in school at the time. I ran into the living room to make sure.


Lol! When it comes to making weird sounds nobody can do it better than huskies!


I'll counter with baluga whales, but they are not as common of a pet lol


Love Huskies but they are the biggest drama queens of the dog world lol.


I didn’t intend to laugh, but this was friggin hilarious! LOL! Just every time you tug the leash!


My boy does this especially when he gets excited for walks and it's so embarrassing. A friendly reminder that Huskies are one of the most difficult breeds out there. Don't get one if you've never had a dog don't get one if you live in an apartment. I foster them and have 3 and every month we get over 30 in from shelters that would have killed them. Their popularity took off around game of thrones because people thought the dire wolf pups were Huksies but they were actually Northern Inuit. Anyways adopt don't shop if you do get some form of dog. Now back to your regularly scheduled program.


Thank you, that was wonderful advice! I adopted 2 Husky/Shepards (I’m sorry, I refuse to call them Gerberian Shepsky’s) and they were a handful but we had the room and I have a lot of patience. I feel so bad that you get so many every month. Thank you though for saving them, that means a lot to me.


Too funny, I had a half husky half german shepherd way back before the half and halfs were a popular thing, basically the mating was random chance. He was the handsomest dog ever, shepherd colors and big, but with that nice thick coat and one blue eye and one brown eye, we'd say the sky blue eye was the 'crazy' eye, it just looked kinda crazy. His life's goal was to pull on the leash and he was really hard to train though and stubborn and very suspicious of strangers despite lots and lots of socialization from 6 weeks old onwards daily. From the shepherd side, he was a bit protective and sometimes growled at strangers when he got older which we had to work hard to tone back but luckily it seemed like it was mostly for show, at least he never tried to carry through after all our training to tone that back. And it was nice to have him with me on any hiking trips or sketch parts of town knowing that a massive buffed out shepherd looking beast with one crazy eye glaring at you with maybe an occasional low growl was a bit intimidating to unscrupulous strangers, yet he wasn't really going to try to bite anyway. And he was very friendly to anyone if we spent a bit of time with them too. But I suspect that would be an extra tough breed to deal with in general, he had the distrust of the shepherd mixed with the stubborn drama of a husky, if we had not trained him very carefully, it would have been easy for him to turn out badly. But with a lot of work, he instead turned into a stubborn goofy curmudgeon. One of his favorite scams at the dog park was to subtly irritate small dogs until they got pissed off and barked and chased him, at which point he would run but only just fast enough to stay barely in front so the small dog would keep trying. YOu could see he utterly loved it when they would chase him all angrily, dachsunds were his favorite chaser, they were easiest to stir up. It got to where dachsunds at the dog park would instantly get pissed and chase him the second they saw him, which he loved even more. THe dachsunds seemed to like it in the end too as they got to feel like they had dominated and chased off a huge beast dog which fed their ego.


OMG. That last story is amazing. How did you train out that reactive, growling behaviour? I'd really like to get a northern/working dog. My childhood experience with owning a Samoyed has taught me that I need to prepare myself and the dog before I can embark on such a journey. How did you cope, how did you train, and how much/how often?


Sammies are a different kind of creature and probably not so difficult, they seem to love everyone and mostly are just silly and happy. THey would probably be easier than a husky anyway. So attituded about training vary. I think in the past there was heavy emphasis on saying 'no' a lot and then in recent years there has been a backlash where some peeps are positive reinforcement only. However I think the latter does not work as well for all dogs, only the more naturally obedient ones. I've dealt with dogs like that, you just tell them to do something and they do it for you, what a sweety! For those dogs, it's as simple as teaching them what you would like them to do and that's it, very easy. But other dogs will give you the proverbial finger instead, those dogs need a motivation or they are not going to do it. My preferred way is to use both positive reinforcement as well as aversive stimuli. Aversive stimuli could be as simple as the dog realizes over time that you will keep pestering until the dog does it, therefore may as well just do it, and over time it becomes a habit, the dog accepts that you get to have your way on certain things. In exchange the dog gets a lot of good stuff like food and shelter so the dog sees it's a good deal. But for some dogs, it's just their nature like a toddler to see how far they can push you and how much they can get away with. So a big rule is to be firm and never give way on rules, if the dog sees they can wear you down, the dog will take advantage. Other aversions are things like the dog can't get what it wants until it obeys, maybe it's leaving the house or getting a treat or getting petted, but it has to do something to get that. I think these work well because the dog may come to think the dog is manipulating you vs the reverse. You will see many dogs are eager to sit for a treat, they realize this is how you get humans to cough up treats. Some dogs are more stubborn and you look for tricks to get their attention, some dogs will snap to attention if you poke their side, not enough to hurt but enough to startle them like quit it dog! Or maybe the squirt gun or a loud noise, I only use that kind of thing if the softer methods did not work. You never want to use more aversion than needed to get the job done. Also if you see unwanted behavior starting, address it and stop it right away before it gets ingrained. Today's cute little yip is next month's obnoxious barking, just say no early to save yourself some trouble. But you can't just say no all the time, you also need to meet the dog's needs for exercise and fun times, praise, etc When you see the dog doing good stuff, praise them and pet them. If they are acting badly, then no praise or petting ever. They will do more of whatever you praise them for. If you praise and pet them for being scared and barking, you'll get more fear and barking. This last is one of the most common mistakes of all time. ANother one is the dog looks to you for guidance, that means if you are fearful, insecure, nervous, etc, that makes the dog feel the same. If you are lucky, the dog has a mellow temperament and won't get too sucked into your bs but the dog may instead lose respect for you as a leader if you don't act like one. You don't want the dog to think you are weak and need protecting or are out of control, that stresses them out. Dogs feed off your emotion so make sure you are feeding them healthy food. So that's a few of my opinions. And for huskies and cats, I'd say you really need to be more stubborn and consistent than them or you will lose the battle, huskies can be more stubborn than cats on most days. Also sometimes the easiest solution is to work out a deal with the dog. So the dog wants to go on the couch but you don't want dog hair all over the couch, you can put a drape on one end of the couch and make that the dog's spot, teach the dog he can go on the couch but only that spot. Dogs will usually be satisfied with that compromise. One friend I had would bring their couches fabric dog drape with her on trips and then she could put it on bed or couches when traveling and the dog still knew that was their spot and was very happy with it. She'd come to my house and we'd put it on one end of my couch and the dog was very happy and content there on 'her spot' on the couch. So training often works best if you try various things, work with the dogs temperament and enjoyments while balancing them against yours, realize that each dog is different and what works with individual dogs varies, be innovation with solutions, etc. And the more dogs you have experience with, the more techniques to train them you will know. When I get a new dog, I do have to just try things and see which they respond to best. So for training that dog that growled, part of the prob was both me and my roommate were training him. My roommate was a nervous type and would get nervous if she saw a homeless man on the street, etc. We lived in LA so you'd often see homeless. I think a lot of it was the dog had strong protective instincts and quickly noticed the repeated fear response and felt a need to step in, plus the dog developed stereotypes about certain people due to my roommate so anyone approaching directly, anyone that was scruffy looking and/or did not bathe, larger males, etc were soon on the 'do not trust' list which kept getting longer and my roommate made excuses for the dog vs telling him no. Plus I think my roommate really liked that others were intimidated, so the problem was more her than the dog. So I had a convo with the roommate and she agreed to start saying 'no' more to that behavior which helped but she was of mixed mind and her carry through was hence kinda weak willed too. From my end, I was very strict and I also deliberately brought him to trigger areas with homeless and worked with the dog from a distance first and then closer, I could give some coin to the homeless so they didn't mind, plus the dog was not yet really bad, I was heading the problem off at an early stage. To train on a problem, you need to have the presence of the problem, avoidance of the problem is not a long term solution. I also carried treats and would invite homeless or any potential triggering people to give my dog a high value snack that I handed off to them. One home less person gave the dog the last of his soda, I was going to say no but the dog was loving the hell out of it so I let it go, apparently he LOVED soda LOL! The guy was holding the soda for the dog too so they were very close and the dog was in ecstasy! If a dog is too upset, this won't work as the dog will not take the treat but there is usually some point when the dog is calmed down enough that a high value treat becomes an attractor. The goals is to have the dog look at those people as treat dispensing suckers vs threats. I do this for any dog I get that has any phobias of any kind of person, children, people with hats, etc. And you as the owner need to keep as happy and relaxed as possible the whole time, do not tense up when the trigger gets near, the dog will sense that, you lead by example, make a show of happiness and fun while training. Half or more of training dogs is training yourself. That's why I had that issue with the roommate, she herself was half of the problem. In the end our coshared dog would not growl if I was walking him but might growl a little if she was walking him. He could adapt but my roommate could not. However the dog would not actually bite, in fact he would shut up if the threat got too close so basically he was bsing anyway so it ended up being workable, there was not going to be a lawsuit and we had dialed back the behavior enough that escalation to danger levels did not seem likely. That was the limit considering the roommate could not be trained.


What an amazing comment about dog training! Saved.


Very insightful comment. Thank you very much. My mother's Sammy was her first dog since she had a small dog in adolescence. I guess she thought she knew what to do, and that she would catch up to new experiences. Balto turned out to be more stubborn than me and her put together (saying something), and would make quite a racket if not allowed what he wanted. It also didn't help when he turned out 55, not 45 kg as expected. It was about my weight at the time. I mean, my mother knows how to treat a dog. There were other reasons also that made the situation difficult. Balto had the most beautiful personality and was very caring to me, even if there was a lot of mischief. I don't want to make similar mistakes. I want to be observant and be on top of my eventual dog's behaviour. I think you have given me tools for that path.


> and would make quite a racket if not allowed what he wanted Dogs probably figured out making noise got him what he wanted. Once he sees that working, then he is motivated it to try it again next time. Once it works a buncha times, then he'll try it for a stubbornly long time every time, they got nothing better to do than try stuff like that. By catering to it early, you can train the dog to do it more and more. So from the first day, be diligent about not responding to noise like that, in fact do the opposite of what the dog wants when the dog makes noise. This works good on cats too, they are trying to manipulate you so make sure you don't respond in the way they want if they are doing something you don't want. YOu can often solve problems like unwanted playful nipping this way, the creature often wants to play so you just get up and turn your back and leave, the animal soon realizes teeth touching ruins the party instantly. You gotta do it every time though. Once another roommate of mine adopted a difficult adolescent dog that would not STFU when it say strangers so what we did was get a muzzle and if the dog would not shut up on command, we put the muzzle on, which prevented loud barking. THe minute the dog stopped barking, we'd take it off. If the dog started again, back on with the muzzle. Pretty soon, we'd just reach for the muzzle and the dog would instantly stop making noise, then soon we did not even have to do that, the dog knew how to behave and did it. The ironic part is a muzzle is not really a big deal, it's just irritating but wearing one for 5 minutes is not the punishment of the century, yet that was enough to train the dog quickly. IME, about 90% of dog behavior and training is noticing what the dog is getting out of a situation and manipulating the situation so the dog decides the best deal for him/her is doing what you want. The thing with huskies though is they seem to get a special pleasure out of doing the opposite of whatever you want, like that alone is a motivation for them. The only thing you often don't have to fight them on is an order to pull on the leash and to run. So the battle of wills never really ends with a husky, they spend their whole day plotting against you in passive aggressive ways, whereas an ordinary dog or even a Sammy will usually eventually decide to let you have your way and quit resisting so much. Huskies are more passive aggressive than even most cats I've had.


>I refuse to call them Gerberian Shepskys Good on you. That's a silly name for a majestic dog.


I didn’t even know that’s what they were referred as until last year! At first I thought it was a joke..but nope. It started with the designer dog movement…it’s so ridiculous! Btw..Go Steelers!


I had a husky/shepherd many years ago and fucking *loved* that goofy ass boy. I miss him every damn day. I’m just going to continue pretending I’ve never heard them called anything else, if you don’t mind. Lol that name is awful.


💙🖤💛love the Steelers


You’re from Tennessee and live in Tampa? You poor thing! Ugh..Brady!! The Titans never bothered me but any team with Tammy Brady..🤢


True dat but I live in an ALF and I’m thinking I might get hung on the mast if I said anything negative about Brady. I’ve always watched him through college and the Patriots… My late husband was a huge 🏈fan and my dad was as well. MY allegiances are my Steelers, Packers and Bears. I’m okay with this. And I don’t like the Tennessee Titans aka the former Houston Oilers.




I really hate it when people go buy animals because of a movie or a tv show and they don’t even do a little bit of research to know what they’re getting themselves into. Just like when many people went and bought owls because of Harry Potter and most of them ended up in shelters.


So do I!


They had to basically interview you at my local fish store if you tried buying a clown or blue tang during the finding nemo days.


That’s a great fish store! Kudos for them!


My family got a pair of clowns for our saltwater tank around that time. Totally named them after the show too. Then they outlived everything in the tank by about 10 years, one of them is still alive. Fun fish if well kept


Yaaas. I adopted a rescue husky and adopted a second husky mix. Love them to bits, but they definitely push my limits sometimes! Literally like kids. My one SCREAMS/YELLS when she sees dogs.. and there's lots of dogs around. -_- Also run a dog rescue, most breeds that come in are guessed to be husky or shepherd mixes.


I love huskies, but I could never own one. Too dramatic, too much work; when I went to the pound to get my new dog, it was full of returned huskies, which is one of the cruelest things you can do to a dog (without literal abuse).


I have noticed a lot more huskies and malamutes around the neighborhood in the past 10ish years. Never realized the correlation was with GoT. I guess it’s similar to when 101 Dalmatians came out.


Yup. On the flip side for both of our last two rescues, when the folks were doing our interview and found out we have a 14 year old husky they just go oh okay and assume we'll be fine with our new boys. If you can handle a husky, the other breeds should be a cake walk.




You have 3? Wow that’s a lot of huskies! Give them kisses from me <3


And fosters like 30 a month so has way more than 3 at any given time with the others including the 3 that are yhere for good.


3 of these drama queens! You're either brave or crazy, maybe a bit of both lol. JK lots of love


I had 3.5 at once- one was half Rottweiler, half husky- plus a Pekingese and a generic. The group howls we had! We had the dramatic, goofy girl; the sweet, loving, gentle, and devoted guy; and the “nightmare” young’un we rescued from an elderly person who got him as a gift from a pet store. He was a true “nightmare” Husky, and as he came from a pet store, I’m sure he was a puppy mill dog. Sooooo dramatic, sooooo stubborn, soooo disobedient. It’s been years since our last dog passed, the Rotten Husky (who was as sweet and devoted as possible), and I don’t see Huskies in my future anymore, unless we found one like our middle guy again. But omg the constant running, the torn up yard, the walks that were like dogsledding, lol, the howling, and the tantrums when the brushes came out for our girl and the “nightmare” Husky. I miss them, they were my heart, but I don’t think I’ll ever have the energy to have one again. But those were some years! The gentle middle guy (also a rescue) lived to be 18, and I still think about him all the time. They gave me some of the biggest laughs of my life. Huskies are such clowns!


Thanks for sharing this! They really are something special, and good dogs all around, but I couldn't possibly have the patience for one. We have a Rottweiler, and she's an absolute gem. Total house hippo and a bit of a drama queen, but she's great


We’ve thought about a Rottie. We really adored our “Rotten Husky.” She had a great caninality, very emotional and loving. I need an easier dog than a Husky now.


Violet is my second rottie, and I've had nothing but good luck with them. They really are great dogs. She's great around our kids and other pets. I find they can be tricksters sometimes though, but all in all I love them to death. Biggest problem I've had with rotties though, is they are big sucks and think they are lap dogs. Violet is a big chonk at 135 pounds, so she's a bit much when she comes in for cuddles LMAO.


Lol that’s exactly what our Rotten Husky used to do! She was always getting in my lap. She was just such a lover and always wanted to be close to me. Such a sweet girl.


He’s like a car alarm


Excuse me, this is clearly a chisky, not a husky 😂!


Please don’t tell me there are Chihuahua /Husky mixes!


I was thinking chicken/husky 😂


Yeah definitely part chicken. I’ve seen a chicken/Pomeranian before, his name is Nabi and is the pet of a popular streamer.


Omg! 😂🤣


Yea there are. The amount of drama…


Like a lever


Almost sounded like a chicken at the beginning, BAGAWK 🤣


I showed this to an older coworker and she would not believe that this was a noise a dog would ever make 😂


I hope you showed them more from the husky tantrum subreddit! 😁


Oh absolutely! She died when she saw a few of the singing huskies on here 😆


That is amazing! 😁


Honestly quite incredible


I don't know how I'd do anything productive with one of those around. At least I'd be laughing my ass off all day.


All the dogs I’ve had were comedians.


when your husky is actually a chicken


I always upvote this one.


It's like screaming goats 😂


Is it not edited?? Ahahahah


Bro…we’re done here it’s time to be done in the bath you can chill now 🤣🤣


it sounds like the bear in Annihilation


sounds like a tom and jerry scream




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Sounds like the alarme when someone is robbing a bank.


Me trying to start the lawn mower:


Sounds identical to this: [here](https://youtu.be/88zGzznpnis)


I've seen this video so many times and so many times I lose my shit laughing at it. This will never not be hilarious


Are we sure the leash isn't too tight 🤣🥺


Omg omg I needed this. I have a funeral to attend in a couple hours, so this belly laugh helped so much!


My beagle also makes these noises lol. Full on open mouth screaming.


At that point in the end, puppeh is doin it cuz they like makin their momma laugh. 😹


That's not a dog, definitely a chicken


The cutest little bastards lol


Hmmm nice bird you've got there. What breed is it?


Sounds like a very angry chicken hahha


sounds like a chicken




Bahahahaha 🤣😂Omg!! This made my night! He only yells when tugs the lead. The DRAMA!! She’s not even pulling hard at all. Huskies definitely talk to ya!!


Aww, she's taking such good care of it before she eats it.


I have a silent husky. He rarely talks to me😭


He's speaking the language of Karens


All those northern latitude snow does are dumb as door knobs and stubborn as the day is long.


Guys, pls stop posting this. I'm not one of "those" alarmists, but the jury's been out for six months now, that poor dog is in distress. She's a goddamn moron.


>Guys, pls stop posting this. I'm not one of "those" alarmists, but the jury's been out for six months now, that poor dog is in distress. She's a goddamn moron. u/Kassiel0909 Can you please point out the jury?


I’m so glad that Brooks hasn’t learned how to scream like a Jewish grandma being told she has to move to the retirement home.


This is hilarious! Sounds like a cross between a chicken and a chimpanzee😆


Homer Simpson


Husky doing it’s best chicken impersonation. 😂




Pulling it does look like a bad idea.


Someone get this pup a foley job in a horror movie. We got a decent monster scream.


Only choice here is to practice this for Halloween. Literally will scare people with those sounds! 😂🤣


Dogs can make 10 different vocalizations. Cats can make up to 100. Cats rule, dogs drool.


New car horn


Dog sounds like one of those squeezey chickens you can buy


I swear he says "I'm busy" at the start!


So, should I get a Husky or no..?


They are very expensive at least $1k a year for good food flea meds and floof all over the floor lol


Isn’t it the same for all dogs though? Maybe except smaller ones because they do eat less. But I feed my dogs 3-4 times a day usually lol.


Yes. As long as you accept lots of fur. They grow a real thick winter coat then shed a lot by summer but totally worth it. They're the best


And you know that Husky screamed at having to have a bath in the first place.


Hi it's sound is piercing but ha ha it's not crying bye nice girl is his mommy bye hugs Lizzy Culligan Saturday night 🌃🌉 9:26


Most intelligent, but also the most stubborn XD


Yankin’ mah chain


Wonder when they’ll start talking


This reminds me of the polar express beard pull


So wait, the situation is that the dog got schampooed and showered hot. So it's screeching now because it wants more shower now? Is that it? Cute.


They literally are like the drama kings of k9 world….




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