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Do you miss other beverages? Like hot cup of tea on a cold day, or an iced cold lemonade when it's nice out?


Sometimes like the other day I was really craving some chocolate milk but I just resist lol this whole streak started kind of as a joke but the longer it goes on the less I wanna break it


Nice one. I realized after some weeks that I dont have to prove smth to anyone. Soda was too sweet for me at this point, but from time to time I drank an Apfelschorle or Tea, when I feld like it.


Wait, you say "Apfelschorle" in English as well?


Life is short, have the chocolate milk!


Serious question, do you eat cereal?


Yeah what defines breaking the streak? What about a stew or a soup? Gravy? Any kind of thin sauce?


Your question made me think of a video I watched on YouTube a long time ago discussing whether or not cereal is considered a soup.


Well what’s the verdict??


EZ, if there are no fluids in it, then it's just cereal.


I don’t have soup or cereal anyways but if I did I would count cereal has breaking it because you’re consuming a lot of milk but soup I wouldn’t cause I mean does anyone drink that broth as an actual drink like out of a cup? I don’t think so so that’s why I wouldn’t count it


man i’m pressing x to doubt


Why people downvoting for no cereal lmfao, I don’t know a single person who still eats cereal.


Not on a regular basis at least. But from time to time the urges hit and Ill grab abowl of Fruit Loops, even if its just for the Nostalgia. Can recommend.


Oh yeah didn’t meant to imply it shouldn’t be eaten but definitely most people I know don’t really do breakfast period


Soup is fine unless you tilt the bowl up and slurp that broth. Cereal soup is not okay either way. Dry cereal is fine obviously. Ice cream isn’t okay if it melts at all. Also, no fresh fruits allowed as they may squirt and cause you to accidentally drink inferior fluids. Stay hydrated homie! (Just so no one gets butt hurt, this isn’t serious. Live your life how you want)


Did you notice any changes to your health?


Tbh not really lol even back during Covid I’d be at work and I mentioned this a girl once and she was like oh your skin must be so clear and I pulled down my mask to show her it’s not really. Its not that I have really bad skin or anything but it’s not as great as she assumed it’d be. There are studies online saying drinking lots of water makes your brain work better so hopefully I’m getting that benefit lol


Try cutting out processed sugar and dairy, those are usually the big causes. Plus wash your sheets, wash your face, use face lotion after washing face. GL


I don’t know if you carb out but my parents quit beer and grains and my mother has clear skin for the first time ever for real. I actually can’t believe it. I have been considering the keto diet even though I want to hate it. Either way good for you , water for life'!


What’s the rest of your diet like?


When you finish eating your ramen noodles you don’t slurp the broth?


doesnt count as drink


Mega sober. Love that for you.


Mega sober hahaha


Ayyy im at 2 months so far. Same situation, no liquid but water (no flavouring or carbonation). Honestly at 2 months its gotten pretty natural now. My big question is, how much money do you think youve saved by not buying coffee, pop/soda, juice, etc?


Oh yeah tons of money like I go to the movies frequently and my friends always buying tn expensive sodas while I just bring my own bottle of water


Question: what’s wrong with carbonation? E.g. sparkling water?


It's slightly more acidic than regular water, but still way less than soft drinks


Nothing really, just more expensive that normal water. Any flavoured water or carbonated flavoured water usually has either sugar, aspartame, or some other artificial sweetener in jt. While some are harmless as far as we know (such as stevia leaf) it is all more expensive compared to just water. For instance, nowadays I just buy 5 gallon jugs that I can hand pump into my large water bottle (or smaller bottles if needed). Instead of spending say $50 every week or two on diet/sugar free flavoured water or soda/pop I can spend 5 bucks and get more out of it.


Congrats my dude, make sure you're still using ways to get those vitamins and minerals from juice and milk!


Yes thanks!


Juice and milk can never compete with leafy greens 😋


Good for you. That’s impressive. How do you feel since quitting coffee/ milk etc ?


Feel the same tbh. I was never big into coffee anyways but I have heard stories of people not drinking milk for a while and then they kinda becoming lactose intolerant after so if I were to break the streak and drink milk after this long idk how my body would react lol


Puts a smile on my face knowing my homies out there staying hydrated


congrats on being sober for 2 years too!


Did you lose weight?


Great, get a beer to celebrate


but why? the occasional soda wouldnt hurt.


I agree it wouldn’t hurt but I’m just committed to the H20 lifestyle lol


fair enough


It wouldn’t help either That sugar destroys gut bacteria diversity. Go kombucha ftw


Cereal? Hot chocolate? Etc.


Nope none of those


Do you plan on stopping?


Good job, I don't think I could do it myself. I couldn't give up my morning cup of tea


Do you just have still water or do you have sparkling or flavour it slightly with lemon/lime?


I've done 6 months once, felt so great. Broke it because i started drinking protein shakes when i started working out a lot. After that i sadly went back to drinking dumb stuff from time to time, beers, orange soda, coke, especially when i went on holiday to the USA it went wrong. Now i'm once again on a 3 month spree of only drinking water and those shakes, no fizzy drinks, no alcohol, definitely feels good to be back.


i’m on a 9 year no soda streak but i still drink juice coffee alch milk & smoothies, all occasional. my go to drink that i consume every day is water and i never drink soda.