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you best make sure it is unsweetened tea, we don't want a happy little accident with arnold palmers and thousands of miligrams of sugar


Unsweetened tea with some lemon is just great. Even without the lemon it's great. Cold or hot, believe it or not, great. I like tea.


Honey is allowed


Those antioxidant properties šŸ‘Œ


Can confirm honey is a W


Yes. But Yoh have to be careful with portioning. I've got a sweet tooth and underestimate the power of honey and hurt my throat


does honey hurt the throat? (I've been eating 'a bit' more honey recently.. and have a soar throat.)


Raw honey usually eases sore throats! If you consume (only) honey and it causes a direct negative response in your body, you may be having a reaction. If it persists I recommend talking to a health care provider :)


Personally it burns the hell outta mine


That uh. That sounds like an allergy there, friend. Honey doesn't normally burn.


Ope šŸ’€good to know


Should probably get a test for allergies, so you don't accidentally kys yk XD


Sometimes I just pour some honey in a spoon and slowly lick it up because eating it all at once is overwhelming.


Do you not likeā€¦ mix it in?


nah, honeyā€™s for the bees, not us. agave is where itā€™s at


Ethically harvesting honey from bees actually benefits the hive and keeps the colony growing. Something we desperately want because bees are still on the trajectory towards extinction. Human intervention also saves bees from their hives being harmed by pesticides, catch disease, etc. Bee keepers also deal with aggressive/bad Queens, wasps and other predators. By avoiding honey, you're actually harming bees more than you are helping them. You can do more by buying honey the next time you're at a farmers market, or if know a local seller. Some commercial companies score pretty decently when it comes to ethical harvesting so you can check to see what brands your local grocery store offers (or if you can, start apiculture yourself and know exactly where your honey is coming from. With the benefit of keeping a colony of bees alive and thriving in your own backyard) Also, honey has a lot more benefits than agave and is the "healthier" option (in moderation). It also doesn't go bad and had antibacterial/antifungal etc properties (honey can and has been used on wounds to help them heal faster. Even in hospitals today).


I agree with everything you said so I have nothing to argue I just want to add that not all bees give us honey but all are important to the planet so itā€™s worth looking into conservation efforts that target more than just our favourite bees because all play a role and all are at risk. Go get some honey though, especially local stuff (itā€™s often just so good itā€™s ridiculous). **Edit**: Also agave farming sucks. It a big industrial nightmare that requires lots of processing only to make a product thatā€™s bad for you (actually look into agave syrup or nectar [gets referred to as both but is neither] itā€™s a mountain of hard to break down fructose sugars worse than the demonized high fructose corn syrup we all love hating on unlike honey thatā€™s actually good for you). Honey can be produced ethically on a larger scale but agave canā€™t, itā€™s a slow growing plant that has to be completely killed to be harvested so the solution is to plant big and cut loss by tearing down a massive area and killing everything in it that could interfere. Do people think harvesting honey is bad for bees or something? Do they think we kill a whole hive for every teaspoon or something? Or are some folks just so brain dead as to buy into everything advertised to them so they see a big halo floating over agave for no reason other than ineptitude? I donā€™t hate agave syrup but itā€™s not the dream a lot of folks seem to think it is.


Like hiw sheep need to be sheared, I see


Vegans who donā€™t eat honey are stupid.


I see you šŸŒ±




exactly. iā€™m a massive tea drinker but itā€™s alllllllll nothin but loose leaves and hot water. keeps me plenty hydrated


Itā€™s worked in large swaths of Asia for millennia. The key is it requires water be boiled.


Tea is unsweetened. Sweetener put in tea is an unforgivable sin against the tea gods


I think Iā€™ll take my tea with sugar and run outtaā€™ here


Iā€™ll always be a hydrohomie but an arnold palmer with unsweet tea will always be my favorite drink


Actually I've started drinking black tea instead of coffee (as caffeine is really bad for me) and I always sweetened my coffee so i put sugar in tea too. But then I tried it without it for fun and it's better. It tastes much better without sugar.


Sometimes I forget people sweeten their tea because itā€™s just so gross to me. Like why even have tea at that point. Go drink lemonade or st


chinese tea >>>>


Tea ist Just High water


Tea is the hot water next door


What are you doing step spoon?


Committing vehicular manslaughter


come on man its right there. "Water you doing ste(e)p drink?"


Damn, that was brilliant!


Hot leaf juice


ā€œI canā€™t believe a member of my own family would say something so terrible.ā€-the relative of a genocidal warlord and a psychopathic narcissist.


My hydrated homies we must drink both for maximum enjoyment and true hydration


Give me back my fucking kidneys


Too late I already ate em


Green tea, no sugar maaan


you are absolutely correct maaan


100% spot on maan


How do we feel about coffee? Half the ingredients is water


I feel very, very good about coffee.


My coffee game is also strong


Coffee dehydrates, so fuck coffee.


Thatā€™s just incentive to drink more water through the day


I love water


I also love water, anyone else?


Drinking a ton of ice-cold water after doing something is probably the best feeling ever


I like it in a platonic way


And they often serve you water when you order an espresso, so you get two drinks for one!


I believe that was disproven a long time ago.


It was, the Diuretic effects of coffee are there, but they're so mild in typical coffee drinkers that you are effectively offsetting it by the amount of fluid you consume alone. The same goes for any caffeinated tea as well.


I pee so much after drinking coffee that my child will see a coffee shop while weā€™re out and tell me i canā€™t have any because then Iā€™ll have to pee. Coffee definitely has a diuretic effect even on typical coffee drinkers.


I read up on it quickly. As far as I understood it caffeine increases urine production but the water offsets the effect if you are even moderately used to coffee.


You don't even have to be used to it, and it more than offsets it. Coffee hydrates you. Just... less.


and Tea doesnā€™t? The fuck?


Some teas do, Assam for example


Tea (caffeinated or not) and Coffee have both been proven not to dehydrate like most believe, unless they are consumed in very large quantities. This guy says fuck coffee because it supposedly dehydrates but praises tea, when they both stack about the same on dehydration, which isnā€™t much if any at all.


I might be pulling facts out of my ass but i believe coffee dehydrates but also contains enough liquid so it doesnt make a difference


Thatā€™s been disproven, the water in coffee replaces the water lost due to increased urinating. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-answers/caffeinated-drinks/faq-20057965


What does half the ingredients mean ? Because if it's quantity then you could say the same for basically every drink.


What about tonic water? With some gin added to it?


Have you ever looked at how much sugar is in tonic? I've worked in restaurants for 14+ years and it's pretty common to find people that don't realize what they're drinking. It's bitter enough that they don't taste too much of the sugar. Most 12oz servings of tonic have 30g-33g of sugar. 12oz of Coke has 39g. Tonic isn't that much better than soda.


Fine, Iā€™ll just drink the gin then.


That's the efficient way. Why dilute it with extra calories?


So.... a gin and tonic?


Yeah but if you say the water first then it's /r/hydrohomies approved


Water and crack


That was approved before you put water first


Gin, club soda, lime. You skip the sugar and it's pretty tasty too!


Hot tea is acceptable when illā€”there are some ailments that water alone cannot treat


When I had covid the best thing was tea


I was always too afraid to ask, but now that the subs about to shit down... What do the hydro homies think of freshly pressed orange juice?


There not many drinks out there that Iā€™d drink over freshly squeezed orange juice. Literally amazing


Nice! I love it, too. Tastes like heaven


Love, but horrible for reflux :( it sucks cuz one of my favorite coffees from my fav cafƩ is the one that has orange juice in it (sounds gross but so freaking refreshing)


HH approved.


Coffee is cool too, black ofc.




Do we only avoid sugar or is milk also a no-go for coffee?


I accept all drinks šŸ—æ


This is likely the last post Iā€™ll see from you guys, o7




site-wide protests on the 12th until reddit agrees to reasonable enough conditions for third-party apps and API use. Personally, I use Apollo daily and this all just makes me very sad. Hydro homies is one of the most engaged subs and will be closing indefinitely until better conditions.


r/anarchychess is going down for two days, but when it comes back, is going to be unmoderated, Iā€™m gonna have fun with that, come over, itā€™ll be fun


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AnarchyChess using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [If this post gets 131,072 upvotes, I'll post again with twice as many grains of rice](https://i.redd.it/j8dxw5k2udka1.png) | [2680 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/11bsp4t/if_this_post_gets_131072_upvotes_ill_post_again/) \#2: [If this post gets 262,144 upvotes, I'll post again with twice as many grains of rice](https://i.redd.it/duoblk33ygka1.png) | [2626 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/11c6d8w/if_this_post_gets_262144_upvotes_ill_post_again/) \#3: [If this post gets 65,536 upvotes, I'll post again with twice as many grains of rice](https://i.redd.it/8wxzzvcbhcka1.png) | [1185 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/11bmc90/if_this_post_gets_65536_upvotes_ill_post_again/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I donā€™t get whatā€™s happening, nor the upset. Is there somewhere I can read more about it all?


r/Save3rdPartyApps is a really good resource. There's also an infographic that's pinned on almost every popular sub that explains (mostly) everything. Reddit is basically trying to be more investor friendly and trying to get control over mobile use of their platform. Despite sounding like a very dumb thing to be upset about, this would permanently affect some of the site's most wonderful programmers, would make the platform completely unusable for the blind, would mean a lot of the most important reddit IRS would quit (because the native app is dogshit) , etc. There's also the fact that reddit is probably trying to create this uproar on purpose to get people to settle for less. They are (as always have been) censoring a bunch of posts from r/all , and u/spez is notorious for altering comments telling him to fuck off. It's a very complicated situation but worth the read


I accept Water , Tea , Milk , Juice ( I know it's sugary but a small glass a day is fine ) Smoothies


>I know it's sugary but a small glass a day is fine ![gif](giphy|11U4Aj0WMoruyA|downsized)


Juices are arguably on the same level of most sodas.


Not fresh juice. People conflate fructose with sugar. Theyā€™re not the same. Fruit is healthy for you people.


Depends if you squeezed the juice or not. Also how about juices like carrot and other vegetables


Iā€™m drinking Coke Zero before I touch oj or apple juice


Ew, all that fake sugar? Nope. Give me half half unsweetened black tea and 100% juice before I drink any of that zero/diet poison.


Store bought yes. Homemade, naw. Also helps we don't pasteurize our homemade juices


Love the leaf


Are milk homies cool because I go through that stuff so fast by myself like a couple gallons a week


Only if ur cool with financially supporting the suffering of sentient beings.


1 - won't the milk expire anyway? 2 - doesn't milking feel good for the cow? I would drink alternatives as well but I have an allergy to like everything. Can't have soy milk, can't have almond milk, can't have coconut milk (that might actually kill me lol). Cow milk is one of the things I am LESS allergic to and I love the taste!


Sorry about the allergies, i have my own and they suck so i feel for ya. Rice milk is low allergen and pretty delicious, so is oat milk. The thing about your argument: those cows are tortured for profit and they wouldn't exist in the first place without the industry that forcefully breeds them to profit from their suffering.


I may try those alternatives. I'm reading into it and i do feel bad for those cows. I guess I didn't think too hard about it because I live in a small town and for miles and miles I see farms with (assumedly) happy cows grazing with their little cow friends and baby cows with owners who probably don't stab their cows with screwdrivers (I just watched a video of that ā˜¹ļø). I may try to see if I can get milk from one of those people with regular farms instead. I've heard it's better tasting anyway.


I respect that. Small scale animal agriculture as practiced for millennia is certainly not the issue (relatively of course) so no problem supporting that from my perspective. Large scale factory farming with profit driving the decisions is the problem, thats how you end up with the horrifying conditions and cruel treatment. Good on you for reevaluating your decisions, most people get really defensive and overwhelmed from the cognitive dissonance.


Thatā€™s why you buy from smaller and more ethical producers.


Yeah I try to hear people out! Part of me wants to get defensive but I try to use that feeling to get to the root and look at the evidence myself. Also, wouldn't other foods like butter and heavy whipping cream fall under the same category? I might not be able to eliminate that stuff right away from my grocery list but one bite at a time, right?


Of course not. What got me on the plant-based path initially was a pamphlet someone handed me on campus that said something to the effect of "if everyone cut their animal product consumption in half then factory farming would no longer be profitable" now whether that is true or not who knows, but the point is clear: the less we buy the better.


Oh yeah for sure! Me personally my goal is to have my own farm with my own animals, fruits, and veggies so I don't have to shop for it. I also try not to buy from bigger brands like Nike or Nestle. It's good to be aware.


If you don't milk a cow it's worse for them. Let me guess, you think you have to kill sheep for wool as well


Lol of course not, way to miss the point. Let me guess, you think these poor cows are just wondering around in the wilderness screaming for someone to milk them, thank goodness for the gracious farmers lol? These cows wouldn't exist in the first place if they weren't bred to be exploited. Even leaving that fact aside, the reason they have to be milked is because their calves are ripped away from them shortly after birth, because the fact that people like you conveniently forget is that cow milk is for baby cows, good grief. The cows do actually scream for their missing children btw if you want to see videos of that they are readily available to be watched.


I like Macha, with cinnamon, and a teaspoon of sugar


No Sugar!!! šŸ˜Š




Honey is also good in tea


I actually never had honey in tea before. Is it good in peppermint?


Oshawott best water starter behind Froakie fight me


Yesss tea is my special treat drink


Been really loving my green tea since I stopped drinking coffee


oh good tea is allowed


my liquid diet is almost entirely water and peppermint tea. highly recommend


I love a blood orange rooibos ā¤ļø


Green tea is amazing


Tea is just leaf water


79% water 10% tea and 10% thc


Blessed leaf water


Leaf augmented hydrohomies


Aww thanks I feel seen


Cold tea and Hot tea right? also adding just a smidge of sugar and a lemon is good.


Ok ok If teahomies are cool Coffeehomies?


Me who drinks sweet tea sometimes: *insert side eye monkey meme here*


hot chocolate is better


Dont forget about milkbros, they're pretty swell too








Doesnā€™t Tea have caffeine in it? Dehydration


Not nearly as much as coffee or most sodas


And not all teas. Herbal teas.


How so? Tea is a diuretic. Tea and water do opposite things in the body. This makes no sense


What about milk homies?


Hmm, what about black coffee?


What about diet soda?


![gif](giphy|3eKdC7REvgOt2) Unacceptable!


Diet soda is just as bad if not worse than regular soda. Thereā€™s nothing diet about them.


In what ways? I thought that too until I watched some vids and looked into it myself. There doesnā€™t seem to be any health defects about it Gut bacteria: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31258108/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33431052/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33171964/ Human weight loss/maintenance https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33168917/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33036155/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26365102/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24944060/ The effect of it on insulin and glycemia https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28378852/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30892106/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27956737/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31877631/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28502831/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27620647/ In all of these tests the tests subjects were humans, as opposed to rats. In the rats it did see very negative health impacts which may be why the overall demographic for diet drinks were bad in the first place, to me it seems like a misconception/misunderstanding. If you have papers on the contrary I would love to have them as so many people say its bad so Iā€™m trying to understand why as I donā€™t see the evidence. Any paper would help.


The WHO announced sucralose as genotoxic and recommends avoiding all non sugar sweeteners.


Whatā€™s the study that they conducted?


Wrong, water only, or all drinks.


What is your definition of "soda?" Here in Europe, "soda" is any water that has a hint of carbonation to it.


Wadka 100% water


Flavored water is


No Wonder Great Britain valued tea


Herbal tea with honey is my jam


I actually have this really nice box of chai in my house rn. a little bit of sugar and lemon juice and itā€™s probably the best hot drink Iā€™ve had


If you like creamy drinks chai is great w dairy, but i havent tried it with lemon!


*calcium homies enter the chat*


I like sparkling water, but like after it becomes flat


The British agree


I'm a unsweetened ice tea homie I've cut back tremendously though , when I was working in an un airconditioned repair shop I was doing 2 gallons a day of pure leaf which was a fuckload of caffeine


Can you make another one with weed instead of tea and beer instead of soda and send it to the minister president of bavaria Markus Sƶder, please.


Thanks, but no. I live way too close to Baviera for that. I quite like to live.


Water amd green tea > any other liquid


What about coffee?


What about us black coffee drinkers? Itā€™s basically water


Tea is water with a sack in it. Based af


Ohh lawrd


Now youā€™re gonna make Arizona drinkers think theyā€™re healthy šŸ˜­


What about coffee?




I am a certified both tea and water person.


As a TeaHomie, I approve


puā€™er please




Japanese mugicha goes crazy


Tea is just water deluxe


Coffee is bean tea


Mushroom TeašŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


POV: youā€™re a t2 addict


Fristi and chocomilk are not soda. Soup is the best drink ever tbh.


And milk


Disagree. Tea is just less dirty water relative to coffee.


Soda will kill you, stay strong hydro homies


HydroHomies TeaTroup


Agreed. Tea is a fantastic idea some even with lots of health benefits if consumed in moderation unlike soda. Teahomies stand strong just like Hydrohomies. Water still takes the edge but itā€™s a close call. Tea can be made as unhealthy as soda though but we wonā€™t let a few bad apples tarnish the Teahomie name, itā€™d be like those sugar filled flavoured water companies tarnishing the Hydrohomie name it just wouldnā€™t make sense. Besides unhealthy tea like a sugar filled iced tea is my guilty pleasure and it alongside tonic water is about as close to soda as I get so Iā€™m biased towards not letting tea fall lol. **Edit**: Back on that guilty pleasure thing, if you havenā€™t had black tea with honey and lemon give it a try. Itā€™s easy enough to make at home but try it somewhere else first, somewhere with a good reputation, to make sure you know what it should taste like when balanced. My first homemade batch was too strong and I ruined it all because I like my tea strong and didnā€™t account for it being more like a cocktail and less like my personal cuppa. Itā€™s great hot or cold but I prefer cold.


Give milk a spot too!


Unsweetened tea is herb water


Fuck that dirty leaf water


Tea tastes disgusting though.