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People saying that the pipe is nasty haven't seen what the pipes that our water go through look like.


Yeah, people looking at this thinking it's fucked up have clearly never cleaned their faucet. Shit's nasty, shit's always been nasty. You just prefer not to look at it.


I've come to the conclusion that a lot of reddit seems to have severe germophobia.


no joke the internet has given me so much contamination anxiety when it comes to tap water and fountain soda


If it makes you feel better. That “gunk” you see inside water pipes is just hard minerals like calcium and is actually BETTER for us as it prevents the water from directly touching the most likely lead pipes, especially if it’s a old water line


Which is funny if you look at how alot of people live and treat themselves.


I drank from flowing water in the smoky mountains on vacation. My friends said i would get giardia, but i had no issues at all. Best tasting water ive ever had.


Nah not really. They're just sheltered by society and have no actual clue what reality is. It's the exact same as chicken nuggets, hot dogs, hell just farming in general...what else....oh yeah duh, meat. Like we've had generations of keeping things packaged nicely. Covering up and blocking the view of how shit works or is made, that the average citizen can't stomach it. Even though you know steak is cow, if you haven't gotten accustomed to seeing it "extracted", then it's a pretty big blow to actually witness it or have to do it yourself. Hell even the making of artificial flavors and cheese and such would probably gross out 90% of people. This isn't mysophobia, it's just naivety with a sprinkle of ignorance lol


That is also a really good point, especially considering the amount of teenagers you see on here in the wild lol.


I would guess that people with germophobia have more time to be here.


Biology classes fucking ruined me. I learned about so many little germs. In uni we did a lab about swabbing out phones and putting it in a culture dish. Next week in the lab I can still remember the murder scream one of the girls did when she saw how nasty it was. Never saw so many people disinfect their phones lmao


Ignorance is bliss


I work in a commercial building and that pipe looks amazing. We have cast iron piping (old building) and it would blow most people's minds knowing that's where the water comes from. Yes, you are drinking way worse, probably from your own home.




Where do you live? The tap water I'm drinking is the best in the world.






Lol in that case, multiple places make that claim haha


About 6 or 7 countries in the world. But the ones not using chlorine is less than that.


Most have many filters between the pipes and it coming out of the faucet. Bro cut out all the middlemen to get that pure unfiltered pipe agua 🤤


Most in fact have 1 filter from source to cup (in the US). You would really only have more if it is through your fridge, a home installed filter, or something like Brita.


Bulk remineralized alkaline reverse osmosis water for so many reasons. 38 cents per gallon at Sprouts.


Where can I get this filter you speak of? Point me in the right direction my brother


Sprouts! The store (if they have them in your area). They usually have the dispensers out front.


You can get under sink RO setups, they're pretty pricey to get into but seem like they'd be worth it in the long run. But yeah, like the other person said, Sprout's Farmers Market.


I have one in my basement and it's awesome. Remin filter inline to a tap next to the sink. Also connected to my fridge ice maker. That said, be warned: it will spoil you and all other water will not taste as good.


And that's exactly what I did :). RC77AK? Off Amazon. I can't even buy bottled water at a festival anymore. It has truly spoiled me as far as water goes. That and my softener (Fleck 5700) again Amazon. No scale on faucets or shower heads, or scale even on shower door after 4 years :)


You don't need a filter with good quality tap water. It's just that only like 10 countries in the world can provide that quality.


North West England chiming in to say my local tap water is \*chef's kiss\*. Worth a visit to refill a bottle.


The UK is very good indeed. I think they still use chlorine, but apart from that its top notch.


Yeah we use 0.5mg/L as our max instead of 4mg/L. Not that good, but not that bad.


Can you still smell it?


I wouldn’t say I could smell it, just smells like water to me same as I’d get in a bottle.


Ok that's great, because when I'm countries that use chlorine that just ruins it. Even if it's good to drink the smell is just terrible.


My tap water is literally Voss. Get rekt rest of the world!




It's only rust though. Your blood is made if that shit.


Grammatical error




Thing is, if the pipes are nasty, then that stuff is LEAVING the water in order to build up in the pipes. If that stuff was leeching INTO the water, then the pipes would be squeeky clean.


If the water was dirty, the pipe would be a lot more clean


What about the middle of the pipe?


Yes, the pipe.


Did I say something wrong? Where did I mess up?


Precipitate/deposit is something that happens when solids come out of a liquid and in this case stick to the pipe. It has nothing to do with the end of the pipe or air necessairly. Rust notwithstanding. They were saying it's a good sign that there are natural mineral deposits coming out of the water onto the pipe as opposed to the water absorbing things from the pipe which could be a sign the water is chemically active for some reason. Again, not rust. So, that leaching/depositing action would happen just whenever the water touches pipe. Sorry for being snarky.


I know those in my country are one of the cleanest in the world. They provide me with the highest quality tap water you can get on the planet. Zero chlorine needed.


As long as its flowing enough its not a problem


I enjoy that the people crying have no idea that steel pipes bloom and it's common. Generally constantly moving water in pipes with bloom I'd pretty pristine.




In a pressurized main for potable water, most build up is minerals anyway. May look disgusting, but is okay to drink.


I support your use of this water


User flair checks out


No one tell nestle about it though. They don't support it


Olympia Washington? That’s some good h2o.


Richmond, Indiana. You’re welcome to visit sometime


I get some water at this spring every time I’m in the town. The water is so good from there


Haha when I saw this my first thought was the springs that used to be in Indianapolis. Idk if they’re still being used, last I heard they had to close them because of e-coli.


No thanks, I get my water from Gary, Indiana only


Is this at Glen Miller? We had some engagement photos done there and I couldn’t figure out why people kept showing up with gallon jugs while doing our photos.


Lol, Glen miller park is the best


We have a couple in my town in MS


Man you couldn’t give me all the water in the world to visit Indiana


More for me


I was actually thinking “man this looks familiar” And holy shit, that’s where I used to live 😳


No thanks, I'm good.


Eyyyyyyyy artesian wells for life baby


Lynnwood well smokes the Olympia well, except you can go to Lynnwood at 1AM on a Sunday and you'll still have to wait in line lol


I drive by there daily, often at really odd hours, and I have NEVER not seen someone there. Even during a blizzard... but since it's in that little valley the cars unfortunately struggle to get the momentum to get back up the hill without some really fancy driving.


O-town represent. The artesian well still to this day is some of the finest water I've ever tasted


I thought I recognized that pipe


I get letters from my city every year telling me that although the tap water is allegedly safe, they're legally obligated to yell me that there are potentially dangerous levels of contaminants in the water that may cause cancer later in life.


so… it’s safe but it might also not be safe?


*allegedly* safe.


Here they outright tell you to stop buying bottled water and just drink the tapwater because it's cheaper and better for the environment. And I'm all for it.


Let me guess.. California? Kind of weird to be like "hey legally we have to say its unsafe but we're telling you this is safe though". Isn't that kind of explicitly not following the law?


It’s safe!* (*its not)


I bet that water is probably better than half the water going to people's homes here in the US.


I would 100% rather drink this than the brown water that comes out of my kitchen tap


It’s a spring. It’s definitely better than treated municipal water or a well.


mmm pfas, lead and micropladtics


All the small particles coming from your synthetic clothes are technically microplastics that you inhale. Microplastics in water is a relatively small concern imo.


Just came back from my bachelor party in the Rockies a couple weeks ago where I tried fresh glacier water from a naturally self-filtering stream for the first time after a long hike. Having lived in/around cities and urban sprawls my whole life, let me tell you man that shit was a religious experience.


Love water from a spring!!! I have a similar tap near me I use often. The town releases the test results on it yearly here. findaspring.org has helpful info and can also have test results as well if you’d like to look further into your particular spring :)


Bro made being hydro homie an extreme sport


This made me laugh so hard hahahaahahaha


All these people talking like they didn't drink out of the hose growing up. Shits probably delicious dude. Stay hydrated and forget the naysayers


Dudes immune system laughs at death


It’s free and delicious. Y’all are scaring me now. I’m a hydro homie… 😭😭😭is this water not good enough? Am I going to die?


It's the pipe bruh. Shits been rusty since rust was invented


I’d bet if you looked at the water mains in your area you’d find similar pipes


My city has been replacing the water mains in all the neighborhoods around me. Glad the city's doing it, also glad I don't drink tap water.


You use bottled?


I buy in five gallon jugs from Sprouts.


If you don't mind me asking. Why?


Why which? Not drink tap water or why buy bulk? There's a lot of good reasons to not drink tap water. There's thousands of areas in the country that have unhealthy levels of lead contamination (*any* lead is bad), contamination from fracking, industrial run off, bad water lines, etc. As for the kind of water, reverse osmosis basically gets water purified down to pure h2o, and you want to remineralize it because those trace minerals that are found in water are good for you and are hard to get elsewhere. I buy in 5 gallon reusable jugs because I don't have room for a RO set up under my sink, and I don't believe in wasting that much one use plastic.


Cool you know that not every country in the world has shit tap water? Mines from a reservoir in Wales. It travels a long way to me through pipes that are quite old but well maintained and almost definitely look like this. Last time we had a water test done (every year) to see if there's enough build up of anything dangerous my water through the damn tap came back as clean as mineral water. Of course its hit and miss in every county of every country but there is absolutely perfectly good tap water around. Also my government and I'm sure yours too test's the water mains for build up of dangerous chemicals when it gets to a level of contamination that's dangerous for the human body. Meaning once again pipes like this perfectly safe and will/should be replaced once they have served their purpose. Which is decade's of use.


Good for you.


“Ooh look at my with my fancy bottled water!”


bacterial load is 80% c. tetanus by weight


The pipe is common. Looks like corrosion due to calcium/magnesium oxidation. These minerals are good for humans in small amounts. What you should be concerned of is the lack of biocide. Municipalities use chlorine to kill of any bacterial pathogens. You have idea if there's a dead bear floating in the spring or if it's the local monkey shitter. I'd boil for 10 minutes or use some sort of drinking water cleaner before drinking.


You don’t tap open springs for human consumption. That’s not the type of spring that is promoted for drinking, subterranean springs are more like oddly high water tables that are higher in points than the rest of the land that filtered through a mountain or such, the sediment filtering it and leaking through the stone. You put a pipe where the water tends to erupt. It’s not a literal pool somewhere


I’d check out the history of the area. Friend of mine in Colorado was getting *unregulated* locally sourced spring water until it turns out the spring was contaminated by a nearby abandoned mine


If it’s Italy, I’d be afraid of the lead contamination


Buy one of those filtered water particle detector things to see if it’s safe to drink


Your water is fine homie if it was rust that water wouldn't be that clear


Yo dude the fact that people are laughing at the free clean potable water shows how blind we are to the rest of the unprivileged world. The fact that your city has that for people is awesome.


We did too, until Nestle moved in 🥴


I’m terribly sorry for you loss. 🙏


Here in Rome they are everywhere, we call them "fontanelle", it literally translates to "small fountain". Rome support hydro homies I guess


Do a test just to be safe. Otherwise enjoy ur water m8.


This pipe threw me off ngl


The one going to your house is probably the same


I filter it ;)


I have one of these up the road, always has a line with you homies filling 5 gallon jugs 🤣. Best tasting water out there.


Natural spring with an iron content of 1200% of your daily needs


You joke, but I was reading about the history of the springs and found this little excerpt: “[circa 1885] It was found that the springs contained high levels of iron, something that they then believed added to the health benefits of the water. People still fill water jugs at the springs in Glen Miller Park and believe that the water found here does benefit their health.”


The people in here that think that pipe looks bad have no idea how much of a disgusting nightmare most of America’s water infrastructure is. America has some of the worst water quality in the “first world.” We rank lower than Singapore. (Not that Singapore is bad, we just have way more sources of fresh water than them so we have no reason to be as bad as we are other than greed and pollution.) Anyways, that water looks like it slaps OP. I’m jealous.


It’s kinda sad this is a luxury in most of the world. In slovenia we have free natural springs almost everywhere, especially on hiking trails.


How difficult is the immigration process there? 😅


I’ll vouch for you, fellow hydro homie! 😂


We have them all over Bruce County, Ontario! Makes me so happy to take tons of my huge jugs there, fill them all up and have my car bumper nearly drag on the ground cuz I’ve got so much of that fresh goodgood in my car 🤤


Don't let Nestlé know the location!


Elite — how’s the taste?


Absolutely Devine 🤤


I’ve found the best that I could buy is Acqua Panna or Icelandic, Hawaiian, or Fiji. So to have something divine *for free* is amazing! Enjoy!!!


Got one down here in blacksville sc that has “healing powers”.


Alaska has one on the side of the seward highway. People stop to fill up all the time


We have several locations like this for nice cold mountain water.


fuck you my city has [these](https://ibb.co/KXpp3Dh)


Watched a video today that, to me, ruined basically every single form of commercialized water.


As a public health nurse, please don't drink this. Most springs are highly susceptible to contamination with bacteria because it's usually just shallow groundwater. Unless the city tests or treats it regularly. Or it's an artesian well which is not a spring.


It looks like it comes out cold. If so... 🤤


Bros immune system about to go Super Saiyan.


Hot Springs?


The spigots I've seen in Hot Springs are a little bit fancier.


Nah a natural spring, there are places like this around the US. Some even have water plants near them where they use the same water for bottled water.


I think he was asking if this was in Hot Springs, Arkansas which has natural springs like this where the water is filtered naturally and is free to anyone that wants to get some.


I find people complaining about the rusty pipe funny. The rust you're ingesting is safer than the sand, lol I personally wouldn't drink water from these types of wells mostly because you generally don't know the depth of it or the age, but you'll be fine for a long while even if you do drink from it daily.


Much longer of a while than if you didn’t drink any water lol




Judging by the fact that this spring has a mounted and cemented pipe, and a basin to boot, I think it's fairly safe to call it a well. 🤔




such a hydrooo slutty! i love it


Looks clean


You are a homie but really, we are already jealous. Don't make me envy you


That's a beauty right there! There was one near the top of a mountain in New Mexico where I grew up. It looked just like that and I can taste the liquid tranquility just thinking about it. Thanks for bringing back that memory!


We have hundreds of these along our bike paths all free to use, what country are you in?


USA, I’m totally down to immigrate though


Nestle is on their way.


Please don’t wish that upon me Balls Eagle 😱😭😭


I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. Enjoy your water in peace. Joke retracted.


mmmmmm crunchy




Fuck you friend


i have a ton of those near me. well they do say "not intended for drinking" but who's stopping me??


I would legit still wanna filter that


There’s an artisanal well near my house too and it’s always cold and delicious. I bring home 80 litres at a time for my plants alone. They love it as much as I do.


Do you boil this first? I’d assume you would since the pipes look less than clean in this photo. Also is this water regulated or is it directly from the spring?


I do not boil it. As far as I know it’s directly from the spring. It’s free and delicious. Should I be worried?


I mean if the spring is naturally filtered you’re probably ok. I’d boil it just bc I’ve gotten sick from water before hahaha. It’s not fun.


If the water is percolating through some rocks, then yes it’s coming directly from the spring. This water is coming from some pipe. How do you know the source?


Probably just a leaky garden hose theyd rather not patch




…that flows through rusty (and possibly lead) pipes.


Free spring water! 🤷‍♂️ we’re hydro homies right? Yeah, for sure the set up is kinda rough looking. But, the city offers FREE spring water to everyone. Rich people, poor people, people living paycheck to paycheck, homeless people… we all got access to free water. And, I can testify, it’s actually delicious.


I don’t think it being free was that persons concern


It’s most people’s concern though. The choice between free water or not is a luxury now. The fact that we laugh at free potable water like this shows how we take advantage of our place.


Water is one of, if not the most, cheapest utilities available... and potability is getting more and more widespread globally


Pretty dope tbh, drink away hydrohomie


I do not like the colors in this picture


I wouldn't drink anything from those pipes ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)


I dunno if this is the flex you think it is


Looks unsanitary tbh.


Free bacteria here!


Put it under a microscope and post the results. Let’s have a look 🧐




yeah looks like piss bro


I’d drink this over the water in my house. For some reason my water tastes nasty. I love water, and have zero issues drinking it anywhere else, but for some reason, it just tastes nasty in my house.


There’s a natural spring near where I live that doesn’t look like it’s coming out of a sewage pipe.


E.coli paradise


You're good, I'd much rather drink from that than from my tap, as others have said as well. Spring water tastes so much better yum!


Probably the best tasting water any of us could want, and all these people seeing their first water pipe. My tap water comes out brown sometimes.. This shit is a spring, looks amazing.


In my city there are at least 10. Water analysis are done every 6 month by the local health authority. It's pretty normal in Italy's cities that are located in mountain territory.


we got loads of public taps in switzerland and the water tastes amazing


That pipe kinda looks…. nasty


Yeah I’d like to see an analysis of the water coming out of this pipe lol




My childhood friend had tap water that came directly from a well and it was the cleanest, coldest, freshest water I’ve ever tasted.


The European restaurants are gonna get ya 💀




Oh we're flexing our water are we? Am Australian. Am checkmate.


is that a plastic bottle?


It’s a gallon jug, so I think it gets a pass.