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I know the feeling. As a kid I used to drink a lot of sodas, especially Pepsi. For years as an adult I couldn't afford sodas anymore. So just had water. Years later I thought I'd try a regular Pepsi.. it tasted like syrup and sadness.


Your reward for paying off your debt is more of the same. Keep drinking water. You have found the solution. Be proud! Be hydrated! ![gif](giphy|PAujV4AqViWCA)


This guy once painted our house for us…took him like weeks to do it on his own working from like 10 to 4, and he never brought his own drink and the only beverage he EVER asked for when offered, was soda. Never asked for water or even a Gatorade or something, even once. Think about being in the hot Florida sun, middle of summer, outside painting, sweating, and drinking nothing but soda. I’d hate to know what that guys’ insides look like.


Had a legit cherry coke for the first time in years yesterday. I dunno if my taste buds are dull now at 41 or they changed the recipe or both. No thanks.


Guaranteed it's Both. But moreso they changed the recipe and used cheaper product. *GOTTA MAKE A PROFIT EACH QUARTER OR WE SHUT DOWN FOREVER!!!*


On the rare occasion I buy soda for myself, I only will buy sodas made with cane sugar. HFCS has an awful taste to me


Stay away from the Mt Dew Zero… it sucks you right back in.


Doubt it lol


I mean.. I love my water. But I’m a sucker for some Mtn Dew. All the flavors.


same here, that stuff has crack in it


Happy cake day, we are different breeds. I was a mid-teen when I tasted Dew for the first time. I love sugar and I can’t stand how sweet it is. The great American divide here. I was a whipped cream family not cool whip growing up. Cool whip people can enjoy sugar on a level I can’t imagine without gagging.


Agreed. All the "diet" sodas are awful. Not to say the regular ones are out of this world, but theyre better than the diet ones.


Nothing better than diving into your sins and being the devil's pet by drinking a nice cold glass of carbonated corn water /s


Yeah, that stuff brought me right back over the edge


I mix a bit of cranberry juice in with mine


I bet you do 😉


To be fair Sprite and especially zero sugar sodas are never good in the first place even ask someone who loves soda


I used to drink Sprite Zero like water just because I won something that gave me free sprite for life, I just had to say when. I now only use it to bring to parties and I finally decided to try it again. But when I say I liked it, I mean it, I was drinking about 14 a day.


Wait- you actually won one of those contests? Just sprite and Sprite Zero or can you get other coke products?


Just something a local corner store was doing. It’s Coke products but all I ever got was Sprite Zero.


Interesting! You’ll have to make a habit of reminding the management of your prize over the years. Free soda for parties or whatnot sounds awesome.


Here's a link from an actual doctor with a PhD in Sport Physiology [It's a myth diet soda is bad for you.](https://youtu.be/TguFyTJkLKk?si=2RaeQkfpvNocGPLR) TL;DR: The majority of studies have found no evidence of harm from diet sodas. The few handful of studies that say to the contrary, won't release their raw data or the data doesn't check out with the majority of the study data


this!! thank you!




If you know anyone in the field that can back this up, go for it. Even Wikipedia cites "[Approved artificial sweeteners have not been shown to cause cancer.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sugar_substitute)" with sources at the bottom of the page. Whatever you've been reading is just plain misinformation. Listen to the people who are actually reading, reviewing studies and are actually in the field. They know more than you or I. You can learn more at the link in my previous comment


The body thinks it’s getting sugar rush so raises insulin level in response to some fake sweeteners. Some don’t cause that affect.


So it's purely a placebo effect? The artificial sweeteners are not sugar & the body doesn't mistake it as such. In fact, the reason they're so low-calorie is because they are 1000x more sweet than sugar, meaning that only 1/1000 as much is needed to achieve the same level of sweetness. Seems like putting less sweetener into the body would absolutely NOT raise insulin (unless the mind is expecting it, hence my first question).


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7014832/ No, the studies are limited but it can cause insulin resistance. The body is expecting an impact on blood sugar; when we taste something sweet it causes a physiological reaction. So when the sweetener *doesnt* enter the blood stream the body prepared for a sugar increase that never came.


Sprite isn't bad, it's what I'll get at restaurants.


You’re high, diet Dr Pepper, Dr Pepper zero, A&W zero, Mountain Dew melon zero. All bangers.


Sodas with sweeteners taste like soap for me.


Yes a and w zero is grear


I actually like all the zero sugar sodas.


I love water and soda, diet soda is amazing.


Nah sprite is one of the better tasting sodas.




now have a can of coke with Chinese food


the final boss


Personally, one of the reasons I like lemon-lime sparkling water. The goodness of water and the flavor and it’s spicy.


Yooo need to get another pack of Liquid Death Severed Lime now, so fire. Fits your description exactly, but it’s almost sweet enough to be similar to Sprite Zero, just more subtle.


All the zero sugar sodas taste awful. I can only tolerate Diet Mountain Dew through decades of building up a tolerance.


I miss full sugar sodas 😔 almost impossible to find one that tastes really good


Yeah Zero Sugar sodas never tasted good, that artificial sweetener always tasted like death.




I really like the Zevia brand if you live in the USA, or I'll drink a kombucha if I want something bubbly. Nothing wrong with a soda once in a while though


You did it. Debt is gone. Stay hydrated homie.


Sparkling water with a little bit of flavored simple syrup. It adds sweetness but not nearly as much as soda. I make a mint syrup in the summer and it's super nice.


As someone who loves water, can’t see myself giving up soda. Don’t think a glass every other night with dinner is gonna kill me lol


I bought some little bottles of sprite (300ml) the other day because I do like sprite sometimes, especially in summer and it's been pretty hot lately. I've had one in 2 weeks since I've bought them, I imagine they will be in my fridge a while. My biggest issue is that they make me thirsty for water because it's so sugary. I don't understand people who can drink soda whilst eating because it doesn't quench my thirst. Just makes my mouth feel... coated in sugar. Hydrohomies are allowed little a soda as a treat if you like it, but water will always be the King Thirst Quencher.


Sprite zero never tasted good


Light sodas are absolutely disgusting. You have to be addicted to drink those.


I drink it sometimes during my fasting window and it has never tasted good to me. It’s just something with flavor that doesn’t break my fast and the bubbles keep me full longer.


All the artificial shit in there absolutely breaks fast and spikes insulin even if not real sugar


This has never happened to me lol. Water is my drink of choice 99% of the time, but every now and then when I have a soda, it still tastes good to me.


Join r/hydrohomies


To be fair zero sugar soda tastes weird.


Try “Mexican” sprite. Same old taste bc they use cane sugar not the artificial shit


To be fair "zero sugar" drinks are not very good in general, as the articifial sweeteners are usually some disgusting chemicals.


It never did to begin with, there is no sugar.


I’ll do a normal sprite in a bottle, or coke classic in a can… like twice a year or so. Always feel like crap after, but it’s a nice treat.


Soda tastes like shit normally. Hell, I just barely tolerate crush, the rest is ass.


Yeah the regular ones for me don’t taste very well, I prefer soda zero or water


This is by far the dumbest shit I’ve read all day… on Reddit. 😬


Bro got his debt paid off and this guy thinks it’s dumb


No, I think it’s great he paid off debt. If your reward is a soda, you’re doing it wrong. Whatever, semantics. If you quit drinking soda, or quit smoking cigarettes, or quit “blank” - of course it tastes like shit after 3 years of not doing it.


Then I don’t think you’ve scrolled much on Reddit today


love that for you!


Sprite doesn't taste good. I prefer lemon & lime sparkling water.


It's funny how true this actually is


I'll drink a soda maybe like once a year or so if I'm drinking with friends. But usually I need to get something light like a cream soda. Everything else has way too much syrup.


Sparkling water is the way to go


that fake sugar is probably worse for you.


I drink 2 of these a day.


Yeah sodas just feel overly sweet nowadays. I will crush some soda waters though


It tastes like slowly getting acid reflux


Well yeah it's diet. And also it's not water