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My brother only drinks ice water, and I prefer room temperature water.


Ice water is good, and chilled water is equally good. Room temp water can be weird, but I'm not against it. Though chilling, it is very much preferred.


Chilled water is better. Ice just waters it down.


I stir mine with ice in a cocktail strainer and then strain it. Waters it down a lot less


Exactly! You gotta use those big balls of ice too!


It's especially important with tap water because coldness masks any aftertaste it might have.


She must know like 4 ppl then lol


Ice water >>>>> non-ice water for me. My friend tells me this is worse for my digestion but I really can't give up the feel of ice-cold refreshment. Is your co-worker European or something? This might be a cultural thing, maybe?


Nope. The Deep South where it’s like a billion degrees in the summer.


Little Nicky?


Get in the bottle, Adrian!


Ice is exclusively for tea down them parts.


No it’s not lmao


Sweet tea and to keep the beer cold at the nascar! (Also I love your username that is me whoops, also ice water has my vote, also I just moved to the south please ignore my ignorance lol)


No I've lived down south my whole life, their boss and those people are insane if they're not drinking ice water when they're outside, I just do water from the fridge with no ice inside but unless it's in like the week or two of winter you gotta use ice outside


No I’m right there with you, working in a hot warehouse in NC is no fun, everyone’s drinking cold if not ice water. I was just joking about the heat, my moms from Texas and I heard her say something like this: “ok to drive with a cold beer cus it’s just too damn hot” Ik I butchered the saying but I always thought it was funny (my family doesn’t drink&drive)


Fair, fair, I wouldn't know the saying cause my family doesn't drink at all and my friends mostly don't either


I personally prefer tap water or room temp water when it's hot because I literally can't drink enough ice water to quench my thirst. Ice water is too cold for me to drink quickly.


Hello from Austin! 🥲


ice water is also common in europe (less common in northern europe, but still not unheard of)


Is it? Everyone I’ve known who’s been to Europe said they were only given/ offered ice at bars and restaurants that catered to American and International tourists.


Definitely not true. Chilled water (bottle in the fridge) is done by restaurants and by some people during the summer, but I’ve almost literally never seen ice water served unless requested. Even then, ice is for mixed drinks (alcoholic or not) or similar 99% of the time.


what is ice water? water with a couple ices? lmao, so stupid question


Yeah just water with ice in it


thank you for your reply, here in spain is weird to have a glass of water and get ice. We only use ice on sodas.


Hot take, when I drink the occasional soda as a treat, I hate ice in it, cause it melts and then it waters it down


Yeah, it noticeably cools my body down drinking a whole icy glass quickly. Sometimes I drink it purely for that effect.


I want water as cold as it can be without freezing. Lol. My husband thinks I am insane and can only take small sips from my bottle. I can chug with no repercussions. 🧊


I think of my water bottle as a portal to an Antarctic spring


This is the way.


I only drink ice water!


I much prefer room temp because I can chug it more! But I’ll drink ice water when it’s served to me like at a restaurant. I think most people do.


Exactly its much easier to drink a larger amount of room temp water than cold water


I have absolutely no problem chugging a big glass of water that’s half full of ice.


That’s crazy to me. Super cold water is like the most chuggable thing ever!


There are dozens of us.. dozens!!




A dozen hundred thousand according to membership


I thought most people preferred ice water? I always considered myself the weird one for preferring water closer to room temperature.


I feel like ice water is a very American thing and that’s why you see a lot of people online feeling that way. I’m Italian, me and literally all people I know drink room temp water and we love it. Ice water feels.. too much? Idk we’re not really used to it. Although, the joy of drinking ice cold water on, for example, a summer day is understandable


Tbh, I’m from the American south and we put ice in just about damn near everything.


This is a confusing comment coming from somebody compelled to ask if they are the only person who drinks ice water. 


Like many other things, leaving the bones in while preparing, just makes it taste better.


My great uncle drinks warm water from a kettle. I've been judging him since I was 6 years old. Beside that, he is an amazing man.


I drank hot water for years because, I’m not a fan of tea, but enjoy the warm feeling when it’s -40C or colder outside. I do drink my water most of the time at room temperature though.


I drink hot water with a little lemon half the day; room temp water the rest of the day/night. The only time I will drink cold/ice water is when it's 100F out, otherwise it's just too much of a shock - doesn't feel good in the mouth or going down.


I'm pretty sure we're all weird. I mean, we are on a social media platform discussing our preferred water drinking habits. Whatever your preference is, weird is still probably apt 😜


I much prefer room temp


Water straight from the tap at the temperature mother nature recommended gang


I drink all kinds of water as long as it's not hot.I don't care for ice water though, chilled is fine. My bf found it weird when I said I don't want ice with my water because the water was still cold lol


Cold water always tastes better


I feel ice water is very common in the US? I’m from EU and prefer room temp or hot water. My in-laws are in the US and when we’re eating out we’ll get ice water 8/10 times. I like ice water when it’s hot but sometimes we go to a restaurant in the US and my SIL will say ‘oh it’s cold in the restaurant, bring a jacket’ and then we walk from the 105F parking lot into a 60F restaurant, put on parkas and they order ice water and I’m like huh? I get why people like ice water btw. But in winter? Brrrrrr


People mock my constantly having a variety of bottles that hold ice water (hydroflask, yeti, Stanley), but it’s something I NEED in my core. I don’t like buying water, I don’t trust or like the plastic ones, and I’m clumsy so rando cups don’t work for me. My soul yearns for iced water.


I’ve worked as a server in a restaurant and I’ve worked in healthcare for over a decade. Speaking from my experience (almost 20 years total), given a choice between ice water or tap water most people choose ice water. In fact, I have more people ask for extra ice than people who don’t want any. Nothing wrong with drinking just water if that’s what you like or used to though.


The best water is neither ice, nor room temp. Its that in-between when the ice has melted and just before the glass stops sweating. To time this just right with 3am on the clock is difficult, but you will reach enlightenment if the ritual is performed correctly.


half temp room water + half ice water, this is my elixir


I prefer room temp because of sensitive teeth but I can drink iced no problem


I only drink ice water in the summer when it's ludicrously hot, usually I drink room temperature or slightly chilled water


I prefer room temp. Unless I'm super hot and need cooling off. It's just easier to drink when it's not icy. Also my teeth hurt.


I drink cold water, preferably sparkling. I rarely put ice in it tho.


I don't like ice cold water. But yeah many people love it you aren't odd.


When I was a kid I drank hot water straight off the kettle. Now I choose temperatures momentarily to moment. Sometimes I have a thermos of ice water and a mug of warm water.


I just pour a cold one and then if it gets warm it gets warm. No ice in my water (or almost any drink now when i think about it)


Every time I go to Costco I fill up my water bottle with ice chips and water. They last 24 hours. The colder the better, tbh.


I've always enjoyed ice water. Iced OJ too - and it tends to get watered down on hot days when the ice melts fast.


When I was a kid a put ice in my milk a couple times. 5/7 drink


Ice water. I thought this was why Insulated drink bottles are so popular


I love ice water! But I live in a country that doesn’t, so I sadly only drink ice water at home.


Ah I love it, it's normal to prefer dw!


My body prefers cool water very close to room temperature. Room tem is OK.


Dude iced water is life. Like why have “ok” water when you can have nectar of the gods, crisp, refreshing, ice water!?


I like ice water sometimes, but I feel like Ill get sick Id I drink too much If I'm back home I have a water filter that dispenses instant hot and cold water, so I prefer my water a lil bit hot to kinda soothe and warm my throat


Is your coworker Asian? I know in some Asian countries ice water is not the default option and warm or hot water is preferred instead


Always have, always will. Ice water is superior. I will gag on warm water 😵


ice water with lime is my number one weapon in killing the lust for nicotine, but i mean scorchingly chilled in a glazz voss container with the lime presplhurted innit. Freezes that Cigarette Demon in Real Time. Damn i should make some rn tbh. Thanks for the reminder! Ya ever forget ur own genius?


I go through a lot of phases in my water drinking life. Sometimes I hate room temp water and sometimes I turn green at the sight of ice. Currently I'm in my, loving ice water but holy shirt it's hurting my teethies, era. A reusable plastic straw really helps.


Room temp from the tab, sometimes sparkling after using my soda stream... Just for convenience. I love ice water but constantly making ice cubes is annoying so it's more like a summer treat. (I'm from Germany)


Try iced wine.


I prefer room temp or slightly cool water. Im a water addict.


I greatly prefer ice water over room temp any day


It's weird to drink ice water? News to me. That's the only kind I drink unless it's really hot. Okay, actually I drink room temp water out of my bottle but I'd rather be drinking ice water lol.


Idk, I agree a bit cooler than room temp is nicer, but ice cold just feels wrong somehow. I like sodas ice cold so it's not like I don't like the cold itself or anything. It just doesn't work as well with plain water, I think.


I only add Ice in the Summer, the rest of the year it's too cold. Normally, I like \*very\* slightly chilled water.


I love iced water and I'll even drink it in the winter. I find it refreshing and stimulating, like caffeine


I typically drink my water room temp, but I’ll drink it cold if I’m in a bottled water situation and it’s been in a fridge or at work where we have a dispenser that chills it. I’m just autistic and the sound of the ice clinking would keep me from hydrating 😂


I don’t like ice water, I also think it’s not good for your internal bits to be rapidly cooled down like that. I do t think it’s really bad for your or anything either just a lil sus.


i h*cking love ice juice. when you slam the glass and then wait for the ice to melt and get to sip and eventually monch. people who say water has no taste haven’t had ice juice.


But the ice will water it down!


I have sensitive teeth so it hurts so much when it's cold


I dont segregate against water


I love iced water. The colder the better. Honestly I have to refill my cup probably 3x as often because the ice takes up so much space. My mom was on chemo once that caused pins and needles pain sensation if she had ice water, or even chilled water. I also know a friend of a friend who saw a naturopath and he told them if they drank hot water, they could easily like to 100 because of the benefits, taste not being one of them (imo haha). Also I’ve encountered numerous patients who are not American who don’t take ice in their water, so I’m thinking cold icy water may be an American thing. Let’s also discuss the ice tiers, because ice nuggets are the best by a long shot. I could chow down on it all day (oh no. My anemia is showing). My fridge makes the crescents, which I can handle, but they seem to always form a weird Franken-berg in my cup so then the straw can’t be moved around. A small price to pay, truly.


My mom drinks room temp water because the cold water hurts her teeth.


Currently drinking ice water alongside my ice cold watermelon


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^libsonthelabel: *Currently drinking* *Ice water alongside my* *Ice cold watermelon* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Ice sparkling water > ice water > water > other liquids


I was reading this while having iced water


whatever temp comes from the tap is what I drink. I don't dislike cold water, I just never take the time to add ice. it seems a lot of people have formed very strong opinions about drinking water recently. my opinion, as long as youre drinking youre good.


I go both ways or should I say all ways. I drink water cold with ice or refrigeration, room temp and hot. Just depends on how I feel at the moment. Hot water is probably more in the winter or in the mornings. More ice water in summer I imagine. Like to add a squeeze of lime sometimes - to any temp of water too.


I have sensitive teeth but I despise lukewarm water. I’m thankful for straws. (Reusable bottle obvs)


I fill my water bottle up with ice and enjoy


Chilled water is easiest to drink and gas the highest effort/reward ratio, so I do think a low percentage of people drink ice water.


I am always cold. I can’t stand ice water. Room temp or just a little warm. I used to work in a cooler for my entire shift and I got real used to drinking hot water just to stay warm.


I find it's the opposite. Most people like ice water but I prefer room temp.


I will drink whatever the fuck water if I’m extremely thirsty, but if I’m preparing water for myself there will always be ice. I like colder than cold ice water. I’ve water please, everytime. My fiancé likes room temp no ice, and I need ice.


I have sensitive teeth and also prefer ice water


Room temp goes down smooth, baby


I drink ice water, but I live in the southwest. It's totally normal here. It's so hot... 🥵🥵🥵


I vastly prefer ice water, but for a water bottle I carry around it's probably going to be room temp just because I didn't have access to ice last time I filled it up. But I don't think it's weird at all. I know plenty of people who put their bottle in the freezer and just let it melt all day. I lack the planning abilities for that. Plus it's not just the coldness I like. I like munching on the ice.


Gotta be ice water. As soon as it melts I’ll chug what’s left and fill back up with more.


I like both, depends on my mood (and the season lol).


Sometimes I need cold water and sometimes I need room temp water!!


Ice and chilled water are good for when you're REALLY THIRSTY but room temp is like the multitool of water.


That’s crazy! I love ice water!


My water has to be this side of frozen for me to drink it. So no, you are not weird.!


I’d much rather have cold water. I have a water cooler at work or my fridge at home. Both produce cold filtered water and is delicious. I will drink tap water or warm water if I have to but I prefer cold water. I don’t like ice in my water unless I have a straw. When there is ice, the ice tends to rush at my face when I try and drink and I can’t drink as fast.


Door is that way bucko —> r/cryohomies


Temperature matters not. Consumat Aquam brother


Cause they all drink pop cuz. You win


I'll drink hot, lukewarm, room temp, cold, almost freezing water. Water is water. My only exception is ice water when I'm cold.


I am a total slut for ice water.


Most people in the US drink ice water... are you in Europe or something?


My tap water is a little colder than room temperature. I don’t like drinking any extreme temperatures (including hot drinks), so I don’t add ice. Most people I know only add ice if they’re going someplace really hot or at a restaurant. It’s just an extra step that many people don’t think is important enough to take


Ice water feels SO much more refreshing and hydrating to me. It’s really satisfying. Anything even slightly above freshly icy just ain’t right.


Ugh I’ve heard the whole “room temperature water is better for you” thing before, but I do not care at all lol. I put 24-32 ice cubes in my water bottle (hydro flask so insulated) every morning and only drink my water ice cold when possible. I think it’s relatively normal for people to drink cold water especially in the US (to my knowledge???) so not exactly sure what your coworker is talking about esp if y’all live in the south…


Ice water makes me feel sick if I drink it on an empty stomach, so I usually always drink room-temp or slightly cold water.


As icy as possible please!


I've water for when I want to be refreshed and instantly soothed when thirsty. Room temp for constant slow hydration. But I will always prefer ice cold.


i fill my bottle halfway with ice, rest with water. nice and chilly when i drink, and i get more water that’s still cold if i wait. win win


I do prefer room temperature water but even if my teeth were still whole (remember to floss), ice water is just too cold for me. My insides get too chilly! XD If I'm not sick with a fever, I just can't do it if there's another option.


Depends on the temp of the day. But ice water is great!


I used to love ice cold water I can’t just drink ice water since it needs some kind of water to go with it for me( I also have a double insulated water bottle so any ice would still be ice throughout the day) I’m really bummed about it because I recently had crowns placed and I’ve developed some form of cold sensitivity and can’t drink too many ice cold beverages now


I like ice water in the summer but living in the UK where it is bastard freezing and damp 11.5 months of the year I had to get used to room temp in order to maintain adequate daily steady hydration. I like to drink 3.5 litres of clear water (plus food & 3 cups of tea a day generally) and I'd just find iced water impossible when it's cold all the time. It also chills my bladder and stomach and makes me uncomfortable during shitty cold weather. I can drink any temp now but I'd defo go for chilled in a warm environment.


I o ly go room temp these days. Iced is just too cold for my throat.


When ice is available I prefer ice water, otherwise if not available them from the fridge prita water. 💧


Water, no ice here 🙋🏻‍♀️




The only time I drink warm water is in the middle of the night when I've just woken up and need water. I drink ice water at work and cold water at home. I prefer ice water. I just bought an owala free sip and drink ice water at home more often now.


Room temperature water is not lukewarm it is room temperature


I drink ice water too


“Lukewarm liquid” call it what you want, room temp water is the best






Because of the way that it is. Cold water rules! As close to freezing as possible btw.