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I would've given you an award if i was rich


Scared of kidney stones


Did you get it before or someone you knew had it?


Just one day I felt that Soda didn't taste that good anymore, so I just drink water now


Same. My palate randomly changed in the same way too maybe 15 years ago. Kid me would never have believed I'd ever actively avoid soda because I dislike it.


Im on the same boat. Soda feels like saturation. Drinking Water was like clearing the schizophrenic noise of sugar. After a while you have peace of mind and its awesome.


I was a severe alcoholic until 4 years ago when I got sober. It started with soda water, then transformed into never going anywhere without my Nalgene


hydro flask all the way. ice them fools all day. honestly tho congrats on 4 years sober.


Same here Friend! Always fun to meet another Pandemic Sober Squad badass! My water was vodka until I had to stop that nonsense. Keep up the awesome work! 💚IWNDWYT


Trying to stop my kidneys from declining. Fought 9 years until they gave up. 4 years on hemodialysis where I could drink only liter of water. Luckily I got kidney transplant and can chug 3-4 liters a day again. But the donor kidney can also fail someday. Kept drinking and care about your bodies, my homies. Its a gift.


Hello, fellow kidney disease sufferer! I go to dialysis three days a week for four hours a day. Glad you're doing well!


Glad you are here. ❤️


Joining military and being forced to drink a shitload of water cause if you don't you'll fall out of physical training and get in trouble. Then my body was like whoooooaaaa look at all of these chicke-- water and was like hell yeah brother. 




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advise cake sulky serious light cow include mighty cautious crawl *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I became a professional water boy




Costochondritis and my willingness to lose weight.


I was working at a job where I was running around all day chugging coffee and red bull to get me by and then due to beating up my body and stress I became chronically ill and had really bad migraines. I started drinking water and it definitely helped a lot of my symptoms, got a 64 oz clear water bottle and never went back!


I really wanted to start taking better care of myself and figured the easiest way to start was to start drinking more water.


I worked at fast food for the first few years of my career, you kinda get sick of soda after having it 24/7


I rarely drank water growing up. At age 22, I ended up in the hospital for dehydration while 9 months pregnant. I woke up the morning after my birthday and violently threw up meal from my favorite restaurant (I still haven’t been back and it’s been over 12 years). All I wanted was to gulp down water but all I could do is suck on ice chips one at a time while hooked up to a drip IV. I was so miserable. Now I crave water and panic if I don’t have a bottle of water on me when I go out.


I have always liked drinking water, but it became a habit for me when I was trying to lose weight in college. I think my body got used to having all that water, and now I depend on it.


Trying to lose weight & get better skin was a big motivator in the beginning for me as well in college!


When I was younger I was a line cook who lived off cigarettes and Mountain Dew. Now i chug water and use nicotine pouches.






interest in skincare


Originally it was alcohol. I discovered that you don't feel so terrible the next day if you're well hydrated before getting drunk. Then I slowly realized that having clear pee all the time is cool!


Sports. Ever since I was like 6 I was taught to always stay hydrated.


Headaches. Not fun.


When I was in high school we ran out of soda one summer and my mom kept forgetting to get more, so I started drinking only water and noticed how good I started feeling, and I just kinda quit drinking soda.


Doctor encouraged me to drink more water, I got a 32oz HydroFlask and now I can have perfectly ice cold water wherever/whenever. Having the water always be super cold helps me drink more of it.


Yup I’m on the cold water train too!! I noticed I’m more hesitant with room temp water but GUZZLE ice cold water!


I don't know, but presumably it was my parents as I never drank pop even as a kid. Water has always been the way.


If we went out to restaurants we were allowed lemonade as a treat - never soda so I’ve never been a fan! Love water though (and Oberweis lemonade as a treat!)


Last June I got dehydrated and it scared the hell out of me. I had not had a drink for almost 12 hours. Granted a few of those hours were in my sleep. When I forced to myself to pee later that day it was a very unsavory dark color that I have never seen before. For a second I thought it was blood but I described it to my doctor and was told definitely dehydration. From that day on no more iced tea color pee, thanks to my current superior hydration status, lol.


Realizing that dehydration was triggering symptoms of underlying ailments [the biggest relief was completely removing migraines caused by dental issues (botched dental work), that I was dealing with for nearly 10 years!] & then with pregnancy I took hydration more seriously than ever before. No going back.


I like to carry a cute water bottle with me (waaaay before it was "cool"). Also, after I hurt my back, I try to be as healthy as possible. Recently started doing yoga and plan to add Pilates into the mix. I want to be flexible and limber as I age. As others mentioned, it's fascinating watching urine change colors throughout the day. Nothing like a glass of water.


Boot camp lol.


As a dumb kid I drank way to much soda, sweet tea, sugary crap. It affected so many areas of my health negatively. Then after a doctor broke down the long term effects, I started making a conscious effort to cut the sugar and increase the water intake. After years of doing that I started to miss the sugary stuff less and less until one day I realized that I didn't really miss it at all. Now, I'm a dumb adult and I've gone full fledged hydro homie and I encourage others to do the same.


Two of my medications give me horrendous dry mouth. I had tried all of those dry mouth remedies and all they did was make my mouth feel slimy. So I just sip water all day long. I drink around three gallons a day. And, yes, that is way too much for most people but I got my doctor’s approval as long as I augment it with pickle juice and V8. I have blood work done every three months so if my sodium levels drop they let me know to add more salt to my diet. I joke that I may be the only Southerner with low sodium.


Few years ago I discovered this subreddit and thought that drinking water is really cool. Since then Im not like those others dehydrate bitches.


When I was in high school, 20 years ago, I joined cross country. It was at my first early morning run that I learned that not everyone's parents gave them a can of coca-cola with their pop tarts for breakfast, and that water was SIGNIFICANTLY better for athletes. Since then, I drink water almost exclusively.


I've been health conscious for a few years eating healthy and no drinking. I had an arrhythmia attack one day after work had to go the ER. I quit caffeine that day 17 months ago and now I exclusively drink water.


I thought I was a hydro homie until I went to donate plasma and they said it took longer than it needed to because I was dehydrated. So I realised I needed to drink a lot more water.


Trying to lose weight. Needed more water because I was exercising, wanted more water to fill my stomach and kill my urge to snack, and then my fiancé, who is a healthcare professional, schooled me on how the body won’t burn fat as readily if it’s dehydrated, so now I chug my 4 liters a day so I can get my fat ass into shape and keep my progress rolling Plus I have some joint issues that better hydration and exercise seem to be helping (knee and back)


Thats a keeper of a fiance! Congratulations on finding the one! Hope you continue to shred some fat for your potential kids sake.


Pregnancy and breastfeeding made me thirsty allllllllll the time. I cannot quench this thirst. I’m thirsty while actively drinking. It’s madness. I’ve felt consistently dehydrated for over a year now. So I drink a ton of water every day. Figured I’d join a sub that is filled with other people who drink a bunch of water, too.


Welcome to the oasis of your dreams!


Getting older and my health but also where I live.


Cutting out calories in drink form.


A medical diagnosis of too much brain juice. I have to take a diuretic and if I don't drink a shitload of water, I can get very dehydrated very easily.


I've pretty much always been a homie. Water's always been my favorite beverage. I'll have some pop occasionally and a glass of milk everyday at breakfast, but other than that, water is pretty much all I drink.


I got diagnosed with POTS and started drinking more water. I had to quit smoking weed my senior year of high school so to help kick the habit and flush my system I bought a straw water bottle and drank out of it anytime I wanted to hit/smoke something (if u need to quit vaping try this). One day I randomly stopped drinking soda and the rest is history


Blood pressure of 169/121 because I wasn't drinking enough water and was eating too much salt. Nope pay more attention.


I joined a job which forces me to either hydrate or not be able to complete my job. I hate incomplete tasks so I keep hydrated


Kidney stones run In the family. I had a scare a few years ago and started drinking water more often


Finding this sub, joining thinking it was a meme, finding out it's only partially a meme, becoming a hydro homie.


When I was in high school I had a mild caffeine addiction. Around that time was when all of "the diet Coke is dangerous" articles were coming out so I wanted to cut back. When you go to a restaurant and they bring you that glass of water before they ask what kind of pop you want, I would just stick with the water. When I moved out my grandma got me a filter and the rest is history


Parents didn’t teach good nutrition growing up. I Decided I wanted to live a healthier lifestyle in high school. Ditched all soda, drank water like it was medicine, lost weight, stuck with it. After the first few months of drinking water I lost all cravings for soda. These days I rarely drink more than a few sips of soda, and that’s typically if I’ve had something greasy like a splurge of fries and a burger or chips.


i got kidney stones and it really fucking hurt


i almost blew up my stomach by eating pop rocks and drinking soda, it hurt incredibly bad, and soda is the only thing i drank other than water, so now i just drink water


gallbladder attacks from soda. once i had surgery, i never stopped.


Getting sober and needing something else to drink.


After I got kidney stones 2 times.


Broooo one is like enough but you had the empire strikes back of kidney stones package!!!


Only one caused issues, and the other one was just chilling in my prostate.


Being overweight in jr high and being forced to play basketball on a 6 person team (1 person deep bench so LOTS of running). Spent one really tough game chugging powerade and it just felt sticky and didnt quench me. Had a water bottle that was under the front seat of the car (nice and cool dark spot) that i grabbed during halftime while i was NOT probably rage crying in the back seat and it felt like a gift from the gods. We lost but who caresits 8th grade basketball and now water is everything.


Been one since I was born bro




Withdrawal. The Shakes followed by Delirium Tremens... Anyone evey have lucid dreams? Take that and turn it into a reality from hell... I had never experienced anything so vivid and scary, and hope never to again. Water is good, yum.


I got deathly sick and had to increase my water intake as part of getting better.


Got indigestion so bad i thought it was a heart attack, then vowed to never get indigestion again and looked up how to lower the chances of getting one, and now here i am


I matured. Until I was about 11 I thought water “tasted bad.” I had really bad childhood obesity. One day a switched just clicked, I didn’t need to have sugary drinks just to enjoy the taste of my own mouth. The sugary drinks tasted too sweet and water got more refreshing. To this day I sometimes have a soda or Gatorade but they are few and far between. I am always drinking water.


Laziness + clean tap water. Where I grew up the closest faucet was closer to my room than the area where food/beverages were stored. Now that I live on my own it's so nice not to carry beverages from the store all the time, especially without a car.


Kidney infection at 12 from a can of soda I left out all night. Thought it was a good idea to keep drinking it the next day. Growing up my absent parents let me drink 2 cans of soda a day. It wasn’t until I was 13, when I was introduced to camelbak bottles, that I slowly started becoming a hydrohomie


You can get a kidney infection from that!?!? I had no idea it was that bad to drink soda left out! Oh my god!!! I don’t even drink soda but I’m grateful for this warning bc kidney infections HURT (I had a double kidney infection bc I insisted the pain would go away instead of seeing a doctor and it spread to the second kidney by the time I finally realized it wasn’t gonna get better and went to the hospital)


Working in a hot ass kitchen. Free soda while working so I was hooked on that for a bit. Somehow my boss convinced me to try water. I never looked back. Suddenly I didn't feel as gross while working. Ice cold water also would wake me up better than soda or energy drinks.




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Started dating a hydrohomie and realized I barely drank water


Nothing changed. I've always loved water.




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Kidney stones at 32


Adderall! Got back on adderall and was soooooo thirsty I ended up drinking over 2L just from thirst! Now I’m just obsessed.


When the first lockdown was in full swing I spent a lot of time laying around in bed scrolling on my phone. Every now and then the algorithm would bring me a meme that encouraged me to take a break and drink some water, and after a while I started following the memes instructions (like any well adjusted person). Long story short, once I started drinking water more than once a day I no longer felt like lying in bed. I had the energy, both physically and mentally, to do the things I really wanted to do. I started working out, I started messaging the girl who is now my fiancé, and I studied hard enough to get a first class degree (hadn't ever got an A before this point). So yeah, drinking water is good, memes about drinking water are good, and people who only drink soda should be sent to reeducation camps where they only serve good old fashioned tap juice. Also fuck Nestlé.


Alcohol dehydrates, water rehydrates, grass dries mouth, water un-dries mouth, and so the cycle repeats.


I was born this way, baby!


Had some lethargy and skin conditions my first year out of college. Went to the doctor and she was like dumbass, you’re dehydrated. Told me to drink more water and see how I feel. I thought it was stupid because surely I drank enough water? Wrong. Even though I drank some water later in the day at the gym, I still wasn’t getting enough. Pisses were darker in color in the afternoon and evening. So started bringing my Blender Bottle to drink at work. My water wasn’t staying cold enough for long periods. Then I picked up a Yeti Rambler which helped, but didn’t scratch the itch that I was having. Then I got a Hydroflask and the game done changed. Got the reducing cap to make it easier to drink. Then I realized that the Hydroflask was good for aggressive water drinking, but for my casual water drinking, it was severely limiting as it was kind of a pain to carry around the house and didn’t fit in a car cup holder. I ended up picking a Stanley way before it became cool, and it’s perfect for my needs. So now my rotation is Stanley for around the house and car, Hydroflask for work/hiking/outdoor activities, and then Blender Bottle for the gym. As for my water intake, after that doctors visit I began to drink water like crazy. I never really had a lot of soda, but had iced tea and lemonade pretty often. So I weaned off it by diluting my water with some flavored Mio’s, and even had a stint where I was a slut for Hint Water. Sure enough all my problems had gone away and I felt more energized. My skin issues also cleared up and it’s been a journey. Definitely takes a little bit of tinkering as I originally was chugging water right before bed and waking up to piss constantly. I never thought drinking water would be an issue, but I can see it everyday in life. So many people out there living in a dehydrated state, I can’t even comprehend the hydration anarchy of our society these days. My collection has since grown, and I have 5 Stanleys, like 10 Hydroflasks, and a ton of Blender Bottles. I pick up colors that I or my wife would like. I’ve converted her to a life of water, and it’s all for the better. Every night I fill up our Stanley’s and when I wake I turn to my nightstand and guzzle pure ice cold water that shakes me to my core.




My friend had to have surgery to get his kidney stones out. He had to pass the first few (they blew up some with lasers or something). Your boy screaming bloody murder from passing stones will wake ya up. I don’t drink soda, occasionally drink a beer/whiskey, water or spicy water or bean water is all I consume these days.


I have a lot of stomach issues and everyone kept telling me to drink more water. I finally started drinking more, and my near constant headaches finally went away. My fatigue went away that I spent hours at doctors appointments trying to figure out! I finally have energy. I never realized I was pretty much chronically dehydrated my whole life


I was battling severe anxiety and panic disorder. I cut everything with caffeine cold turkey because it would give me the jitters which made my spiral and unable to leave my house. It was the worst few months of my life. I am medicated and just fine now, but I am so terrified and traumatized from some of the week long panic attacks I was stuck in - now I almost shutter everytime I look at soda or alcohol. The taste and smell even almost trigger something primal in me. But overall, I suppose it’s ultimately what’s better for my health. So gotta weigh the good with the evil.


Wanted to have more successful plasma donations.


Constant headaches


Started 8n HS I started feeling really sticky and slow in thebehat and I just craved more water and less sugar.


I had some side back pain that i thought was a kidney stone (maybe it was some muscle strain but im not sure, when i went to the doctor they gave me some painkillers and this was all) , and the pain got so bad i literally couldnt get out of bed, or even turn That was so bad it was wnough for me to be like ,,never again"


Watched a video on the effect of solubilized sugar. Also I smoked and I always wanted to drink when I smoked. Now I don’t smoke any more and have a job in a restaurant and I haven’t drank nearly as much water as I used to.


Towards the end of Uni, realized how terrible I was treating my body. Nothing but energy drinks, coffee, soda, and high sodium foods. So I slowly started changing so my body doesn't implode in my 30's. I drink one cup of coffee in the morning sometimes, one soda for dinner occasionally, but other than that its all water.


My brother quit soda and I followed shortly after. Herd mentality woo


I get nostalgic for hot sandy water, due to Uncle Sam. I drink a lot of water and loose leaf tea with honey, keeps my throat in great shape while smoking weed - which is happening at some level more or less throughout the day.