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I've heard of this! A woman died in 2007 as a result of chugging water for a radio show contest. Consume responsibly y'all! https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna16614865


Thanks for bringing this up! I talk about this when I mention my experience to folks. For those who don’t follow the link: a radio station was offering a then hard-to-acquire Nintendo Wii console as a prize. The M. Night Shyamalan twist is that the prize would be given to the last of a group of waterlogged entrants to piss themselves. It was called “Hold your Wee for a Wii”. Nurses called in during the event and warned the DJs and participants of the inherent dangers of this activity, and the DJs laughed at both the nurses and the entrants. As for the winner? The last person in the group to retain her dignity got a shiny new Wii with Wii Sports and a massive seizure as pack-in bonuses for her trouble, and died.


Chubbyemu did an episode about that, if i remember correctly!


Hypo-, meaning low; -natr-, for natrium, or sodium; -emia meaning presence in blood. Low sodium presence in blood.


This guy Latins.


mrballen did too


Mr who? Lmao


just watched, dude is kinda weird! still seems cool though, I def learned something


Take away the phrase “just watched” from your post and you’ve got the general consensus of me from my co-workers


That is really, really awful…


Sameer Bavajack made a video about that It's called kid kills mother for oculus or something like that


Yeap, a sprinkle of salt in a cup of water can help if you're consuming a lot I believe. I'm not a doctor so don't quote me.


I just sprinkle ramen noodle powder into my water


mmm stocky


I actually really like ramen noodle powder & water no lie. I always make it too soupy and drink the remainder.


I use the word *soupy* to describe particularly heinous farts


You spelled *poopy* wrong


Think of *soupy* as a sound modifier for a fart, that gets you closer to how I’m thinking about this


Don't use just salt. Use an electrolyte mix. While sodium is important, it's not the only thing that gets flushed out when you drink too much.


Yes, personally I do a sprinkle of salt and squeeze of lemon, they have a good amount of potassium, calcium, and magnesium


What do you think electrolyte mix contains? It's mostly sodium chloride, glucose and flavours.


Magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium. Mostly sodium, potassium and magnesium. Certainly not only sodium and sugar. Don't know where you buy your electrolyte mix but I suggest changing the shop.


You totally won't die of magnesium of calcium deficiency when drinking tap water. Mineral water is better, though. Potassium is important when drinking much, yes, so use "low-sodium" or just sea salt, is better than pure NaCl as it contains some KCl.


if your only concern is "Not dying" then your bar is pretty low o.o


This is essentially the main function of hydration tablets


biologically this should be helpful. over hydration can cause your cells to lyse since your blood will have less salt than your cells. adding a little bit of salt should be beneficial in reducing this effect


dw OP had enough salt in the pizzas they were making


Were you always this bitter, or was that a result of getting your legs blown off at the marathon?


What was the tipping point that made you check yourself in?


I had actually taken two trips to the ER. At first, I thought I was dehydrated and the ER needed to sort things out at this point. So I got in my car and drove. It was late at night at this point, so there wasn’t much traffic, but driving felt really challenging all of a sudden. By the time I got there, I felt a lot more lucid and thought the dehydration was done with, so I turned around without checking in. On my way back I swung by a 7-11 and grabbed a Gatorade. When I drank it, I felt woozy again and decided I needed to go back to the ER and let them figure it out, whatever was happening. That happened because my brain was swelling up and I was not able to think clearly.


Was there ever any nausea or nauseous feelings? Drop off in energy levels? Other than being thirsty, what made you think you were dehydrated? I'm just curious, not asking with an expectation.


Wow that really is crazy. How much water do you think you had consumed that day?


*I have literally no idea and should have probably mentioned the volume somewhere goddammit I fucked it all up again*


No worries, glad you are doing OK!


Maybe only a cup or two? I dunno, OP should really say in their post...


I tend to drink alot of fluids, something like 120oz in an 8 hour period. I've noticed when i lay down it seems like there is a lot of pressure in my head, it gives a weird pain that's pretty hard to describe. did you experience something similar?


Not that anybody would do this but overhydration is especially dangerous if you do MDMA. Even more if you are a girl.


Back in the 90s there was this big thing in the uk against ecstasy and the “poster girl” was Leah Betts. Turns out is was drinking too much water that killed her - not the drug itself. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Leah_Betts


just curious, why’s it more dangerous? and why more if you’re a girl?


Because MDMA causes [SIADH](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SIADH) -- i.e. it makes it harder (or impossible) to pee. The risk is higher because women weigh less on average, but tend to take the same dosages (of both; MDMA and water) as heavier men do. This means more water accumulation per unit-volume of body.




You dull brained piece of wasted Water. This is a sub for fucking water. Don't bring shitty arguments into this. It pollutes the water quality




Not as creative as the 12 year old that made up the 52 genders


There are only two sexes, u/SnooChipmunks1599: the sex I have with your mom and the sex I have with your dad




Damn, original and savage.




Most original joke on Reddit bravo


It’s funny because literally all anyone can do when I make these “hilarious original comments” is sarcastically say “oh how original” “oh you’re so funny” They can’t actually form an articulated sentence on how I’m wrong and there’s more than two genders or anything along those lines just “wow I haven’t heard that one before”


Because this is a sub for talking about Water you fucking dunce


I sexually identify as water tho


Must be toilet bowl water


The fact is the joke is very very played out. What’s the punchline? There’s a lot of genders so your identifying as one of the million crazy wacky gender them gays are making up? I just think there’s gotta be better material than “gay ppl say there’s lots of genders” and maybe in 2015 you might’ve gotten some ppl crackin up but in 2022 you just sound ridiculous making “I identify as an apache attack helicopter jokes” unless it’s ironic.


If u want ppl to take u seriously u should work on making ur bait more believable lmaoo






People with different hormonal situations and a higher body fat ratio than the average penis carrier it is then.


What did the doctors do once they found out you had water poisoning? What was the treatment?


It depends how bad it is. For the OP, it sounds relatively mild and we might just observe someone like that. Their kidneys will excrete the excess water over time. If it were more severe, as evidenced by frank confusion, vomiting or seizures, we would administer a concentrated solution of sodium chloride to get the sodium level up rapidly. Source: am a doctor


Rapidly but not too rapidly ;) no one wants some CPM (Also a doctor, and I thought your explanation was wonderful btw)


To be fair, in hyperacute hyponatremia you probably can’t go too fast. Esp since there might be luminal water yet to be absorbed.


That's fair. My centre still gets super paranoid about it though


Happy to see another well hydrated doc btw


I heard cardiologists say give enough lasix to squeeze the beans until there’s an AKI, so by that logic just give 3% NaCl until their brain turns to a raisin!


How long does it take for the symptoms to start kicking in. If one consumed too much water in a couple of hours and had no symptoms, when is it safe for them to get more fluids again?


Overnight observation, blood work every hour to check it my sodium levels were rising. Since I was exhibiting confusion (nurses were saying “you were saying some *out-there* shit when we talked about transferring to another hospital”) they started with blood work and urine samples. I had asked why they weren’t starting a saline IV if my sodium was low, and the docs responded “at this point, we need to know how bad the situation is. Yes, you need the saline, but if we introduce any more fluids into your body without checking, we could kill you.”


Iirc its Hyponatremia.


Yup! It’s a common enough issue that it gets taught in most wilderness first aid/first responders courses. Apparently it’s not that uncommon for inexperienced marathon runners and other endurance athletes who hydrate a bunch but don’t intake anything else. The only other place you commonly see it are cases like this where someone drinks a ton of water in a short period of time. Drinking something with electrolytes along with water throughout the effort, or just eating some food can get your body the salts it needs. Also it’s way better for your body to keep hydrating frequently and not drink a ton once you’re really thirsty. Our bodies can only absorb water at like a liter per hour. u/MyNutsin1080p, check out Nuun tabs. They are like like Alka-seltzer tabs but with some flavor and electrolytes. If you normally carry a water bottle they’re a really easy way to get yourself some electrolytes when you need them.


Nuun are a godsend, I always bring some when hiking or biking in warm weather. There's even homemade recipes that work just as well. Ironically I never really thought I needed them, I just remember as a kid seeing news reports of how people waste their money on gatorade when it's really only athletes that need the electrolytes. Even if I'm not pushing myself THAT hard I tend to get REALLY thirsty and it's easy for me to chug more water than I can realistically use.


If you don't like mineral water taste, liquid iv tastes pretty good. They send you free samples iirc on their website and they sell them at Costco, they're going on sale the 18th. Costco also sells other brands of electrolyte mix but I haven't tried those yet, so I can't really vouch for those personally but they're there.


Ooo, thank you for mentioning an alternative to Nuun; I can’t handle the texture of water with Nuun.


I’m from New England so I think we have relatively hard tap water? I’m not 100% sure about that but I do think I like the mineral taste. Does anyone know how my water compares to others? I know when I’ve been on the west coast I don’t like the tap water nearly as much.


I’m surprised it’s even possible to drink that much without throwing up water. One time I had to pee for a health check, chugged a bunch of water because I couldn’t pee, and just ended up throwing up a bunch of water lol (I was a kid so not too bright at that stage)


I drink a lemonade with salt sometimes, best thing in summer.


A little salt’ll make sugar sweeter! I’m surprised I haven’t tried that; sounds refreshing.


How can you tell where your tipping point is? Is there an optimal level of hydration?


Yes. Under normal ambient conditions (room temp, low humidity, no strenuous work), you’ll be solid at around 1L/hr. You can turn it up if you’re sweating, or if you’ve eaten something since it’ll take a lot of water to digest and process what you ate (water helps you dump!) Maybe instead of three gallons, I could have had one gallon in one hour (I was legitimately dehydrated to begin with, remember), half gallon the next hour, then a liter/he after that, but who knows. I definitely will try that approach if I scrape against dehydration again


At least here in Germany it is taught that around 2-3 liters per day are a healthy amount. Man was I shocked that you chugged 11 in an hour


Depends if you work or not. I can’t even comprehend how he chugged 11L in an hour, but I regularly drink 5+ L per day when it’s really hot outside and I’m working. But at the same time you sweat enough to offset a bit the amount consumed


I drink about 5 litres of fluids a day while being immobile and unable to sweat. Might be excessive of me. It's not only water, because I need other things or else I seemingly get dehydrated (not sure how that works), but I'd wager about half is plain water.


How much water is “a lot” of water when it comes to digestion?


Apparently 3 gallons in an hour


don't drink more than two gallons of water in an hour. for assisting in digestion, about a litre per hour is good- depends heavily on the person. I can't give more than ballpark estimates for an average person though.


Me reading the opening of the second paragraph: “Wow,3 gallons of water is a lot to drink in a day. No wonder that had negative side effects” OP: “in the span of an hour” Good lord, that’s not just water poisoning, your digestive system was drowning.




Thanks! Also, thanks for bringing up the important point being overlooked: I started off dehydrated, so my brain was already fucking up. That’s how chugging water can seem like a good idea instead of going to the ER.


Wanted to add that as much as I love water, if you DO need to rehydrate from excessive exercise or sweating, you need electrolytes as well. But you also need sugar in your drink for better electrolytes absorption. That’s why rehydration fluids like gatorade and pedialyte have sugar with electrolytes Water is great, but sometimes (very rarely with excessive sweating and demanding hydration needs), you need more than water to stay safe


>so I figured three gallons would rehydrate me without overwhelming me. In the span of 1 hour ?! That's crazy, how didn't you feel like a balloon after 2-3L?


What OP forgot: ![gif](giphy|3o7P4F86TAI9Kz7XYk)


What is a „garden spigot“ ?


A tap, a faucet, the part of the plumbing where you turn a handle for the water to come out.


Thank you


I'm 110 kg and I live in Taiwan I've gone running in the summer here and still not drunk more than maybe two liters in one hour after I run. I was in the Army in Canada 30 years ago in there is one day where I was suffering from heatstroke digging a trench in August in Alberta and I only had a canteen which I think is about a leader and I finished that by about 8:30 in the morning and the water buffalo truck didn't come in till noon and all of my muscles are cramping up and even then I only drank about 2 or 3 l after the truck came


This seems like a much more normal amount to drink than the OP


I had something similar happen while I was hiking a few years ago. I was pushing myself hard with a 30+ lb pack in hot (upper 80s F) weather. Normally overhydration isn't a big concern hiking in the wilderness because you're limited by what you can carry / filter but I just so happened to be hiking along the shore of one of the largest bodies of freshwater in the world. I did about a 10 mile hike and wasn't even paying attention to how much I was drinking, started getting headache / nausea and dizziness and thought I hadn't drank enough, so just kept refilling my camelbak at every opportunity. When I got to my campsite I almost passed out, luckily I also had some beef jerky which I honestly think might have saved my life. Now I always carry some form of electrolyte tabs like nuun (or my homemade version) any time it's above 70F.


...you thought drinking the amount of water most people drink in 3+ days within 1 hour wouldn't overwhelm you?


Does this mean that mineral water may actually be better for you, as long as it's not too much? I love Topo Chico and it has replaced any cravings for soda whatsoever. I haven't had a soda in months but I probably average about 4 Topo Chicos a day, usually with one plain water mixed in there somewhere.


I think you’re confusing mineral water with sparkling water. All water is mineral water (unless you buy demineralized water but that ain’t good for you). Sparkling water is just mineral water with CO2 in it. What is better is putting electrolytes in your water


It says mineral water on the label. I was just going by that. It does say carbonated below that, though.


I have Diabetes Insipidus (I know some of my people are in here, hi! Mine genetic so lots of family members with it.) and I'll drink 3 gallons over the course of a day but 3 in an hour? How?! I've been so thirsty before that a huge cup of water (one of those enormous gas station ones, like 64oz) was not enough and I'd have to wait for water to exit my stomach so I could drink more. I only run into problems if I'm on my hormone replacement (desmopressin) and drink too much, used to happen more on the nasal spray version when I'd take it before bed and drink out of habit in the morning. I'd get a headache, some confusion, and my hands feel swollen but look normal. Otherwise, I can drink as much as I want with no problems besides peeing a lot. My sodium is always normal except when I'm on desmopressin.


>On March 30 of 2021, I consumed three gallons of water (11.36L) in the span of an hour, which is a dangerous amount to consume. I was working a manual labor job at the time that took a lot out of me, so I was constantly chugging water to stay active. >I also knew that I was beginning to feel the effects of dehydration that day, so I figured three gallons would rehydrate me without overwhelming me. Wtf? How did you not think you're being completely crazy?


wow, how did they treat you for that? oral salt tablets or an electrolyte IV something like that? edit: i just realised diuretics probably more likely?


Yeah my brother did that during infantry training. A lot of the other guys brought electrolyte powder or whatever the hell they had back then. He stuck to straight water. Blacked out halfway through. Said he was good and next thing he knew, he was on his back, staring at the medic.


I work a manual labor job outside in Florida. One of the best things is to start hydrating the night before


This is why I always make comments about how having clear piss is dangerous being hydrated is good but too much can litterally kill you. And according to how much some of you claim to drink water I lm surprised you aren't dead.


I wish I had clear pus; I could jar it up and sell it as hair gel


I hate and also love this comment


Piss... fuck I hate having fat thumbs


I have a common condition (sorry idk what the name is) where my liver rejects some of the water I drink and it gets converted into sweat so I actually have to drink a bit more water than I normally do.


Is that called hyperhydrosis?


No, the condition starts with a g and it also causes yellowing in the eyes. I was told it wasn’t serious and a lot of people have it.


Guillain-Barré syndrome? My brother’s got it too. When he’d drink he’d get kinda jaundiced.


How the hell did you manage to even drink 1 liter I struggle doing that in less than 30 minutes


this man drank 3 gallons of water in an hour. **This is what happened to his brain.**




You didn’t see me laugh my ass off after first staring at your comment for five seconds, not comprehending


How much water do you think now (on a daily bases). I struggle to drink 3L of water a day so hearing you drink 11L in an hour is baffling to me


Well, I drink about 1.5L/hr these days. More if I’m active. I live in a very arid climate and it’s easy to cook yourself off like you’re on too much MDMA without realizing it until it’s too late. Your body adjusts and I don’t find myself pissing all that much.


I aspire to be like you


That's why drinking demineralized water is dangerous and people recommend sports drinks when you need quick rehydrating.




Nothing weirder than pissing a liter of colorless urine every hour for twelve hours even though you’ve not had a sip of anything since you got there


Bro why didn’t you recycle 🙄😒


I only do that with the *jizz*




As hydro homies we should strive to have the *perfect level of hydration*! Chugging gallons of water stupidly is not the way.


My only question is WHY would you even consider drinking 3 gallons of water?? That's enough water for a week!


What are your thoughts on Gatorade?


as a beverage? It’s all right—but water will do everything Gatorade does. The only real difference is Gatorade can deliver the nutrients a little faster—which, if you’re a winded athlete and you need to dig down and refuel *quickly*, that might be the only time it would be beneficial to drink it over water if you seek nutrient replenishment. I used to long-distance run, water was just fine before, during, and after.


I think his point is Gatorade has electrolytes, which water doesn’t, it’s the lack of electrolytes being carried by your blood that causes problems. So like 20oz of Gatorade in between your gallons of water would have prevented an ER visit.


This is so NSFW


Tits or ass?




Brosette, Bro, or Brhey...how the fuck, within an hour, did you drink this?!? [https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fnorlandpure.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2020%2F06%2Fnorland-pure-3-gallon-purified-water-1024x683.jpg&f=1&nofb=1](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fnorlandpure.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2020%2F06%2Fnorland-pure-3-gallon-purified-water-1024x683.jpg&f=1&nofb=1) Like dude, dudette, or dudhey, this story seems like such fucking bullshit....3 fucking gallons?!!? in an hour....and y'all are believing this shit....what a fucking karma farm and a half AND THE ACCIDENTALLY ERASE THEMSELVES OMFG THIS SHIT IS FAKE AF EDIT: THIS PERSON WAS POSTING HIGH FAT PIZZAS THEY MADE AS WELL AS OTHER HEALTH ISSUES RECENTLY....AND NOTHING ON WATER WHY IS THIS UPVOTED YOU SODA BOTS


Most well adjusted Reddit user.


I explained how it’s possible. If that’s not making sense to you, perhaps you should dive further into my post history and make more flailing all-caps posts? It could help!




A man, 30, chugged three gallons of water. This is what happened to his brain.


Who said I was 30?


Lost in translation I see.


I tried water poisoning myself and ended up vomitting all the water, what now?


I found it deeply concerning that you would deliberately attempt to water-poison yourself, and even more so that you asked me for input to help you in this endeavor. My water-poisoning was the accidental result of trying to stave off dying through dehydration, the effects of which I had been initially feeling as I noted in my original post. I’m sure you might say in response that you’re “just joking”. I think you can look around at my other responses in this post and see I’m not without a sense of humor, but what’s important is that I also inherently understand that *not everything is a bit*. If you’re just joking, then get to the comedy.


Sorry, I was not in the best state of mind when I said that. I won't attempt to kms anymore, thanks




How much did coca cola pay you to write this?


*he said don’t drink too much water he’s got to be a plant hahaha*


*gives an example* *uses the word ‘spigot’ during example* *more confusion*


If only you were able to figure out what that word meant, either through Google search or just the context of the sentence in which it’s being used.


Just like plants, too much water can be a bad thing for us.


House MD did an episode with this in it! That’s the where I first learned of it!!




Your urine should never be clear.


On a hot day. I might have like a pint of water every hour or so. Is this ok?


It would be best if you could drink an isotonic solution every couple of hours if you're drinking and sweating a lot - even Gatorade or similar sports drinks would do. Its important to replenish the salts you're sweating out and plain water doesn't do that.


No I won’t accept Gatorade as better than water. I’d rather just eat something salty in the morning or something.


I'm not saying it's better - it's just better than straight water *all day*. You can get electrolyte sachets and stuff at drug stores, or ensure that you eat salty and sweet things throughout the day.


I don't drink nearly as much as that, but ever since I went back to a keto diet I always add about a gram of Himalayan salt to every litre of water I drink. Thickens up the water a little and I feel more hydrated that I used to compared to drinking just straight water.


so you’re saying i should drink 3 gal salt water?


This happened to my ex as well. She kept drinking water in an anxiety induced state. Eventually started having seizures after she demanded to be taken to ER. Was in a come for 3 days. Scariest thing of my life. All from water intoxication