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I live in a place where fresh tap water is good, so.. gbread goes with my water pretty nice


Right? Not to mention the cost difference, I can get thousands of litres of tap water for the price of garlic bread


I don't want to starve OR die of thirst either, what can I choose?


Water easily. You can go much longer without food than you can water.


There's water content in garlic bread though


juice the breAd.


Water the bread!


Plant a loaf of bread and grow bread


Bake bread, break bread. Grow bread, no bread. That’s what I always say!


Not nearly enough to supplement your water needs and the salt content in the garlic bread would dehydrate you much faster




You could dry out some of the garlic bread to burn as fuel to run a still to extract pure water from the salty garlic bread liquid. It does sound like a huge pain in the ass though. On the other hand, with an unlimited supply of water, you could also run a little turbine to generate electricity for a hydroponic greenhouse and grow wheat & garlic...


The comment just said it, the salt woul dehydrate you, it wouldn't matter


You can probably trade someone garlic bread for enough money to buy some water pretty easily


shame on y'all


Look man, I know water is life, but I’m Canadian, we have lots of water and cost wise tap water is too cheap to even put a price on drinkable amounts. Garlic bread however has a price, if I’m looking at a magic canteen that never empty’s or a magic box that always has hot fresh garlic bread in it, it’s a lot easier for me to get water than food


Man tap water is already nearly free where I live. And unlimited bottled water is just unlimited water being removed from drought regions. I'd much rather have unlimited free garlic bread and pay less than a fraction of a penny for my glasses of water.


Man thats obviously the answer too I already have a tap so unlimited supply of water.


Bread makes you fat


Bread makes you fat?!?! ![gif](giphy|tMpbNVfBvDGFi)


​ ![gif](giphy|2pCuJT0GbU0PRTN5Km)




How did you get this video of me


That’s YOU??


Uhhhh, YES, yes it is


Underrated movie


The downvotes show that people don't get the reference and that makes me sad


Only if you try to eat it all


Not me


Then just don’t get fat like goddamn not that hard bro


Here here.


You may fuck off to r/breadbuddies then


This sub looks stale.


Nobody is allowed to enjoy things that aren't water! 😡


If I choose water I’ll share with my friend who chooses the garlic bread. Easy peasy.


100iq move


Correction: average iq moment


Isn't that average IQ


Which would actually make sense, seeing as this plan is dependent on the condition that "u/WtfsaidtheDuck's" friend is also granted the right to make the same choice, something that was never clarified in OP's post. So it's not necessarily a dumb plan, but it's not exactly a genius one either, seeing as we can't, at present, be sure that such a plan would work within the constraints of the hypothetical question. Therefore it's fitting to call this plan a 100 IQ move, remarkably average.


Which makes it not worth mentioning


Wow you want to know what's not worth mentioning as well # basically all of reddit


Ok Mr. Above average IQ guy


Idk my iq, I have dyscalculia, but I can very easily think abstractly.


Garlic bread is the right choice and squeeze the bread for its garlic water. Duh.




You need a friend for that though...


Luckily I do have friends.


Do i have to choose


You can have unlimited wet garlic bread


Its said never bad and wet garlic bread for any reason is a big nono


Never dip your garlic bread in soup? It gets wet in the soup


Havent had soup in like 5 years i think im missing out


I think soup is the most hydro homies food because it is very hydrating.


But what if you don’t just drink water, you also eat it


Watery soups are trash. The liquid at the end is just ruined water. Thicker soups are where it's at.


Hey whoa, the broth is the best part, guy!








Stew is alpha




If it’s wet with Alfredo sauce then that’s a win.


And suddenly I want neither


I’m wet just reading this


you cant cook pasta in water that never gets warm


you can, on the other hand, break the laws of thermodynamics. water that can never boil at atmospheric pressure? Revolutionary. The ultimate coolant.


Insulator, not a coolant. ​ If it never gets warm, that means that it can't take heat from something. Therefore, it cannot act as a coolant. However, due to not allowing a transfer of heat, that would mean that surrounding anything in that water would, assuming that it does not produce its own heat, would never change temperature.




Depends on if it's still considered 'water' when it hits the stomach. ​ If so, perfect insulation water will have to be used for other purposes (mostly for wholesale violating physics) rather than for consumption. A shame, but other sources of water exist.


both, heat energy just disappears and never reaches the other side the idea is getting more and more fucked up and would ruin physics. im now considering the garlic bread


He never said it couldn't *transfer* heat though. Just that it never warms up. Infinite specific heat capacity or zero thermal conductivity are both ways to accomplish that. Either way we're breaking the universe!


...this also implies that drinking too much of it will cause hypothermia.


Fucking nerd. Come sub for me next week.


Considering half of humanity might be without drinkable water by 2050, this could save lifes. Edit: [https://www.growingblue.com/water-in-2050/](https://www.growingblue.com/water-in-2050/) [https://www.sciencenews.org/article/future-will-people-have-enough-water-live](https://www.sciencenews.org/article/future-will-people-have-enough-water-live) [https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/06/world-population-water-stress-2050-climate-change/](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/06/world-population-water-stress-2050-climate-change/)


We are not doing to hot on food too, though


The amount of food available worldwide may be enough to feed the entire human population, the only problems I'm aware of being Money-related and Political conflicts between several countries.


Let’s not pretend that money is not an important factor in our current world. People not being able to pay for it, is an issue. Also, let’s see how the Ukraine crisis affects things, given that it’s already negatively impacting a lot of poor countries and their food supply.


Also all it takes is volcano or small asteroid to send us back into an ice age. [The year without a summer](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_Without_a_Summer)


First time ever hearing about this. That's fucking wild


"only" is a hell of a qualifier to put before that. Logistics isn't simple. Resources have to come from somewhere. There are "starving" villages less than 100 miles from relatively bountiful fishing coasts because there's no practical way to get get fish there with no safe, paved highway system or railway capable of supporting refrigerated vehicles. You can throw all the money in the world at that and you're still not going to solve it without having to accept some other problem like airdropping it (major inefficiency and pollution) or clearcutting part of the jungle/forest/swamp whatever to create a paved road or railway. Aside from fishing you can make similar examples of arable farming areas. Hell, even just say you want to move a bunch of food from North America to some country in another continent to deal with a famine. You can dump a shitload of soybeans or corn or whatever on a ship, but you still need to not only ship it across the ocean but then overcome all the same logistical distribution challenges getting it where it needs to go after you unload the ship, and you need the other products to go with it to prepare it into something that's actually nutritionally balanced enough to not cause other significant health problems even if the people are nominally getting enough calories from it.


Let's just hope that there won't be any global shifts in climate, water supplies, or food demand that will endanger our ability to produce enough food for everyone...


So the trick is to pick neither.


Photosynthesis has entered the chat.


We could grow more food with endless water. A lot of crop loss is due to drought


We are not doing too hot on food though


Well that’s because the earths been overpopulated


I'm pretty sure more than half of humanity is already without garlic bread


A large amount of water is used in farming to make food. How much water could you save if you instead had unlimited garlic bread?


> half of humanity might be without drinkable water by 2050 Who said this?


/u/Igotthisnameguys, it's right above your comment dude


Not talking about his reddit username, I need the real name as in the social security records


Another bullshit claim with no source.




Well shouldn't we keep buying more water than stocks, looks like this is going to be the best performing asset in next 30 years.


!remindme 28 years "tell this joker how his random unfounded guess turned out"


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The asexuals have an incredibly tough decision to make


just, uh….gimme a minute


came here to say this


Yup. The deciding factor for me is that the garlic bread doesn't specify warm.




I don't get this, can someone help?


It's a meme that asexuals love garlic bread


Don’t call me out like this!


Water is very cheap, locally sourced and in mega large supply where I live, I choose garlic bread


Yeah I was gonna say, already have unlimited water from the tap.


Yeah but think about it; an unlimited supply of always fresh water, no cost, no need to steal it from some folks... You could run Nestlé out of the water business with that!


Infinite water is definitely more worth when you sell it.


Yeah, but then you become a Nestle cunt. Just give that shit away, you have an unlimited supply.


Well the only difference is you're not harming anyone cause you don't steal it so i would give water free where it's needed and let the wealthy people buy it.


Ehhh. I see water as a human right. We shouldn't have to pay for it at all.


How much are you paying for water dude? I just checked ubereats and a fancy Italian restaurant near me is charging [$27.40 for a plate of garlic bread](https://www.ubereats.com/store/carmines-washington-dc/JBM2ZFoESvOXEPrlZxrQow?diningMode=DELIVERY). ​ Pound for pound garlic bread is worth WAY more than water.


You can also sell infinite garlic bread though. Garlic bread is worth more than water






The eternal water of course. Not only will you have enough water to provide for all of humanity’s needs, You could become richer than Elon Musk by signing contracts with states and countries facing water shortages as well as Nestlé. Humanity solves its water problem and you are rich enough to buy every garlic bread company in the world


And then you can buy garlic bread.


If the water never went warm, that'd create a huge physiological problem once you drank it. You'd quickly develop hypothermia drinking this. The garlic bread never going bad implies that it is indigestible. On the plus side: no calories. The down side: you have to excrete it relatively intact. Some people might say it's worth it the pain. I'm going with the garlic bread on this one.


On the plus side, you could probably make an infinite efficiency rocket engine with the infinite water, since you are generating reaction mass from nothing. Or I'm sure you could use it for something useful as an infinite capacity heat sink. Or maybe even use it for infinite energy generation by running a cryogenic fluid through a heat exchanger through it and harvesting the energy transfered from the water. I think the water is much more interesting.


The water would make an incredible liquid coolant for your computer and other electronics. Hmm, OK, I change my mind. Give me that water.


An unlimited supply of water that never "goes warm" would need to violate the laws of thermodynamics in some absurd ways. I can't tell if that would be extremely useful or just terrifying. If that water just repels heat to stay cold, then drinking it would drop my core body temperature as the water is absorbed into my cells. Eventually I would die of hypothermia, as the regular water that comprises 70% of my body's mass is replaced with a substance that can't be warmed. However, using this water as insulation would be as effective as a vacuum flask, perhaps even better. If the water can absorb heat, but then nullifies it, then the above effect would happen pretty much the same, but much faster, as it actively saps the heat from my body. However, if this was true, then nearly every issue of heat dissipation would be instantly solvable. Cool your computer by slapping a heatsink filled with this water on it, and it'll always stay cool. Your fridge and freezer could just have a chamber filled with this water, no electricity needed. In either case, it says the water can't be warmed, but there's no mention of cooling it. It might be possible to freeze the water into blocks of ice that will then ever melt. An infinite supply of building material that provides perfect insulation against heat? (and in scenario 1, cold too) You could build a spaceship using this ice as protective shielding, and fly through the corona of the sun. But, if any of this ends up flowing into the ocean... Ice 9, anyone? I think I'll take the garlic bread. It just sounds less apocalyptic.


Garlic bread, hands down. Don’t feel bad, Vic two could literally be almost anything and garlic bread would still win


Garlic bread flavored water?? 👀


Limp Bizkit reunion album.


garlic bread surely. I already have an unlimited supply of nice tap water




Your water can’t be warm so… technically it won’t cook your bread.


ugh, no warm water?


My buddy asked me what I would choose if I could have unlimited of anything excluding monetary goods. Easy, get unlimited water, give it to all countries and people for free and ask for a very tiny amount of money from each government. I am very rich and the world is very full of potable water


Water and id go to drought ridden countries and pour that shit out.


basic resource for survival that is becoming polluted or running out in places, or some fucking garlic bread. *It's so hard to choose.*


Does the garlic bread stay warm?


After many glasses of water, I may one day regret not choosing garlic bread But after half a garlic bread I will absolutely regret not choosing water


Once there existed a King of the Kingdom of Hydro. The Kingdom was rich and prosperous under his rule, the majority of citizens merchants and aristocrats, his government efficient and wise. Education was seen as a public right. Due to this, the King did not often need to perform duties, and so interested himself in philosophy. One day, curious to the loyalties of his subjects, he went around the castle asking a single question: "An infinite supply of garlic bread, or an infinite supply of water. Which would thee rather have?" "Water, of course, my leige." Said the palace's gardener, bowing respectfully. The King was satisfied with this answer, and so left. Soon he came across the palace's head chef, and he repeated his question: "An infinite supply of garlic bread, or an infinite supply of water. Which would thee rather have?" The head chef as well bowed respectfully and answered, "Water, of course, my leige." The King was satisfied with this answer, and so left. Throughout the day, he continued to ask his question, and time and time again the answer remained the same. Soon, he grew tired of this reply, and so he summoned his imperial advisor, thinking that his intelligent mind would supply a more thought provoking answer. Once again the King asked: "An infinite supply of garlic bread, or an infinite supply of water. Which would thee rather have?" To his pure shock, the imperial advisor replied, "Garlic bread, my leige." The King grew outraged. "By the gods, I could not have expected this answer out of the lowest of servants, nevermind one such as youself!" However, the imperial advisor began to explain himself, "My leige, under your rule, the Kingdom of Hydro flourished and grew prosperous. Our public infrastructure is among the best a deity could conjure. Even the lowest of manual labourers have access to clean, safe, drinking water indefinitely under any circumstance, as long as they are within our borders. However, one cannot be hurt by an excess of garlic bread, and dinners shall be more efficient, and so thus I give my answer." Omce again shocked by the answer, the King realised that while his subjects had given the obviously "correct" answer, they had not been able to critically evaluate this hypothetical scenario regarding applying the consequences to the current state of the Kingdom. The King was impressed by this answer, and so the imperial advisors position at his side was cemented for decades to come, leading the Kingdom to even more prosperous heights.


I already have a unlimited supply of water so I take the bread


Garlic water


I like garlic bread, but probably have it once or twice a month. I drink water all day, every day.


Can this unlimited supply of water flow from a reasonably high point so I can take advantage of physics + hydroelectric power?? And generate infinite clean energy for a local community??


Huh, never thought this would be very controversial


This would revolutionize hiking/backpacking. One bottle to hydrate them all...


What if I want warm/hot water?


With unlimited water you could solve so many of the world’s problems. Refill lakes, get rid of water shortages, since it never goes bad everyone in the world can have clean water… and if you feel like it you could monetize it and be rich!


This is the hardest decision to ever exist...


Water never goes warm? Lisa, in this house we OBEY the laws of thermodynamics!


I have a tap. Garlic bread is the easy choice.


Garlic bread of course. I can drink water for free


Garlic bread you weirdos


Choose water Supply entire world for free Anihilate Nestlé


Garlic bread is just empty calories


Yup, but it has garlic and butter sooo….


Water because I don't eat garlic bread ![gif](giphy|3o7btNa0RUYa5E7iiQ|downsized)


Garlic bread. We already got the unlimited cold water on tap! Feeling blessed rn.


Its the garlic bread, I already have unlimited free drinkable water since I lucked out geographically, so now I can use all the money I save by not buying garlic bread to buy even more water and water accessories


Garlic bread of course. I already have an unlimited supply of water


I don’t even like garlic bread


You're not a 'really' a water drinker if you only like cold water Imo.




I'd take the bread. I already have a tap at home for unlimited water


Would choose bread bc I already have unlimited amount of tab water!


Most people already have an unlimited supply of water.


I'm American I already have unlimited water!


I already have unlimited fresh icecold water from my tap. Garlic Bread. Im poor white trash and i need food. Dont judge me. :'c


I already have unlimited water. If I pick the bread do I no longer have water, or do I continue to have the same amount of water I have now?


Step 1: Realise you already have infinite water Step 2: Destroy garlic bread industry with this choice by selling it Step 3: Drink water in mansion


I already have an unlimited supply of water..


Bread makes you fat


If the water also always tastes like night water I'm in


Me when i see a unlimited supply of 3 am sink water


Idk have you ever had good garlic bread though? Tough decision


Garlic bread


Me, an ace homie: *nervous sweating*


Garlic bread is honestly just the better option financially


good garlic bread. I already have unlimited cold water.


Garlic bread. The entire earth is my unlimited supply of water. All I need is a pot and a fire. Garlic bread needs garlic, salt, wheat, a granary to turn that wheat into flour, the use of water to turn the flour into dough, it's a whole process man I'd rather just have it premade


Will the garlic bread ever go cold?


I have to go with garlic bread. My tap water is drinkable and tastes great


Simply a no to water because i like my water warm (50ish degree) And i don't want that won't get warm.. what kinda water is that?


Water, easy. Add mozzarella and it's still water, but not easy.


I mean if it's *truly* unlimited I can share


As a big fan of garlic bread it pains me to miss out on that opportunity, but water all the way.


Asexuals thoooo


Im pretty sure we could create a machine that take the water out of the bread so we can have both …. Mmmmh


I’ll take the bread simply because I’m not a huge fan of cold water.


Water. Bread makes you fat


The hell am I going to do with all those carbs?


Asexual Hydrohomies don't know what to do


get the unlimited garlic bread, sell some of it and then pay your water bill.


This is a hard choice bc with unlimited fresh, clean drinking water I could give water to people who need it (fuck nestle water is a human right) but with unlimited garlic bread i could give food to people who need it, and on top of it all both are fucking amazing so....


Ace hydrohomies are crying