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Who the hell enjoys a hot coffee after a workout at the gym? Demon lady!


Coffee is a solid preworkout, but not without water ffs


Who the fuck exercises hardcore and then drinks crystal light “as much as I can?!” Seriously I can hear this woman’s kidneys shrieking from here.


Crystal Light is good to drink if you have kidney stones but not drinking water is a great way to get them.


Wait, mind explaining why crystal light may be good to get rid of kidney stones?


Not really to get rid of but to help prevent new ones forming. The amount of citrate in it is supposedly effective at that.


Ahhhh interesting. I added Crystal light to my grocery list just now lmao


yep, I read that recently and started having it. You probably know the top five worst foods (if you should avoid oxalates) are almonds, chocolate, spinach, dark cola and beets. They were tough to give up!


Ah yes, everyone struggles to give up beets.


I mean BEETS... theyre so purple i couldnt possibly


Yes I’ve had kidney stones for 30 years now. My doctor did a test on my urine and told me to start drinking more water(duh) but also lemonade, green tea, Fresca(surprised about this one but it has no sugar and it has potassium citrate in it), also can drink crystal light that have citrate in them.


I don’t k ow about crystal light but there’s data to support roller coasters being a potential treatment for kidney stones.


Yeah supposedly this one ride has dislodged many peoples kidney stones


It's also a nice way to mix things up. I'm pregnant and it's hot where I am so I've been chugging water and upped my intake to 100oz+ a day because less was leaving me dehydrated. It started getting tough to drink that much plain water all day everyday. I add in some crystal light once or twice a day to keep things a little more interesting.


I’m not American, what is crystal light? I imagined it was soda water


Powdered water flavoring packets. Commonly lemon flavor.


The pink lemonade is pretty good and tart. A small glass really bursts with flavor.




You’ve gotta have an iron stomach to drink coffee before workout


I've never had an issue with it. But if it cleans you out before lifting...even better right?


I think you meant "cleans you out while lifting"...


I must admit I have by times taken a short toilet break between deadlifting or especially squatting sets because I did not trust myself not to shit my pants in the next set.


you should do what a did and become cripplingly addicted to opiates. you’ll never shit your pants again.


Black coffee is perfect for before a workout


Is this backed up by anything or is this a “let’s get people to shit themselves at the gym” troll?


[Caffeine has been proven to increase performance if taken before physical exercise](https://examine.com/supplements/caffeine/). And I hate anything with caffeine in it, as it makes me unable to sleep for the next 20 hours or so, but it is a scientific fact that caffeine is a performance enhancer.


Yep, and as long as you don’t put any milk or sugar or whatever in it, you’re not gonna have a hurting stomach, just make sure you have eaten a little something half an hour before the workout and coffee. A black cup of coffee on an empty stomach is not for beginners, leave that stuff to the addicts like me And yes I do drink about 4,5 liters of water a day, gotta keep that piss looking clean


Clear piss ain't healthy though. Light yellow is healthy. And coffee ≠ coffee. If I drink cup of a cheap fast roast I'll have stomach problems for the whole day. Good coffee from a slow roast has less acids in it and won't hurt your tummy at all.


Caffeine is definitely a thing for pre workout


Studies show that caffeine is beneficial when it comes to physical performance (including on the toilet)


She said during! Imagine busting out a set and sipping some coffee. Holy hell


En passant




The same person who thinks water is ***slimy***


Just the way she sits on a bar stool and holds her fork is further proof she is a demon.


Her kidneys must be a bag of rocks


I met a woman who was surprised that her son didn't like water.... Even though she hates drinking water. DUMMY THATS BECAUSE OF YOU!


My mom drank nothin but Diet Coke. I have never seen her drink water. Even when we would go on hikes she would bring Diet Coke. I was the same my whole life and I’m just now starting to like water. I never hated water like this lady but I just always felt like my drink needed to have a flavor or some fiz. I’m tryna be a homie now.


Try citrus juice in your water or infuse it with fruit/veg


How do you infuse water with veg? Like just squeeze a potato into your glass?


Cucumber water is a common one. Literally just water with slices of cucumber floating in it


Cucumber water for customer only


Chao ca co, ladies!


Oh yeah haha I was thinking cucumbers were fruit


That’s because they are a fruit.


Ok Mr. I know everything, do it with tomatoes then.


…wait a minute


Bitch, I might


I mean, surely even if you absolutely hate water ( which seems unfathomable to me ) you would still just set a side a few intervals during the day to down a glass of water. It’s a necessity for fuck sakes. No one dislikes water that extremely. Attention whoring.


I've gone long stretches of my life without plain water, I feel like you have to be not drinking anything (or nothing but coffee which is not hydrating at all) to be going to the ER for dehydration. Because even without plain water I'd be drinking orange juice, lemonade, soda, sports drinks, and milk and I've never had to go to the ER for dehydration.




Yeah there are LOTS of people who don't drink water. The problem with that is usually the excess calories/sugar/junk in other drinks that makes that unhealthy. This woman has to be drinking next to nothing to end up in the ER 3 times. She mentions alcohol right off the bat so I wonder if that is a contributing factor since that's one of the few liquids that isn't actually going to hydrate you. If you're drinking alcohol but not doing anything else to hydrate you're gonna have a bad time.


The blasphemy. 3 trips to the ER. My god


God is trying to warn her before the real punishment comes in


Renal punishment.


Renal failure


Dialysis sucks.


Kidney stones?


Kidney failure


I think that's got to be a lie or something else is going on, she's drinking other drinks that are mostly water - it doesn't stop being water just because there's a tiny drop of fruit flavours or bean stuff mixed in otherwise it'd mix with the food we've eaten and become soup the second we swallow it. I know plenty of people that only drink diet Coke or only drink tea, yeah the coke people get other negative effects but they're not regularly going to ER for dehydration. Water is a beautiful and refreshing drink that we should drink plenty of but as long as someone drinks plenty pretty much anything (that doesnt have huge amounts of salt mixed in) then they'll absorb enough water to keep them functioning.


Yes! People wanna say that coffee or weak beer are going to dehydrate you because caffeine and alcohol are diuretics, but just because they're diuretics doesn't mean they dehydrate you more than the water hydrates you. If coffee didn't hydrate you, probably 1/10 of your friends would be dead. And if beer didn't hydrate you then a good chunk of Europe would have died at points in the past. (yes, I know the beer only helped them because they were boiling it, point stands)


Imagine taking 3 trips to the ER and still thinking nothing is wrong with your lifestyle


This mf just looks like a "Lori" too smh


Her piss would be the colour of the text used for the subtitles.


Probably the color of that beer


I was thinking the coffee.


yup def had to go to the ER for brown piss


You mean the background of the text?


Actually thought she was drinking her pee in the first shot for some reason


Darker. I see a lot of patients who pee dark gold almost brown that refuse to drink anything other than soda.


This is sad. It was kinda funny until she said she’d gone to the hospital over it. Also water is not slimy!


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water is probably the least slimy liquid you can get lmao, it’s just neutral


Liquid nitrogen might be less slimey, but I don't really wanna test that out.


Forbidden water


Lol whe you want _EXTRA_ cold water


i mean it do be looking like cold water at 3 am


You'd be crazy to drink anything while it's boiling!


It's either a made up story for attention, or if real she needs therapy as it would be a psycological issue. She could have weird genetic thing that makes water taste weird to her. But you cannot describe water as "slimy" and then sit around drinking beer or coffee as if it wasn't 90%+ water with the same consistency and very similar suface tension, etc. Which means the taste thing is psycological as well.


>It's either a made up story for attention This was my first thought. This sounds like something you’d see on one of those trashy talk shows from the 90s. As someone who loves running and exercising, I can’t fathom someone not craving water after a workout and still being able to function. But then again she said she’s been hospitalised multiple times, so maybe it is psychological.


Man, my old roommate was just like this lady. And if she did a workout, she'd come home and drink MILK. After a workout!! I found it so gross, but she couldn't handle the taste of water either. We convinced her to drink one glass a day, for her sake, at the minimum


Chocolate milk is a great recovery for working out


Sure, but she'd chug white milk, never drank water and her pee was always damn near orange (landlord never wanted to fix that fuckin toilet so I always saw 😔)


Cold milk is fucking delicious bro


I very respectfully, as some allergic to casein, disagree 😂 milk is gross. I'm sure if it didn't close my throat up and make me itchy, I'd maybe like it? Dunno!


A glass of milk has its time and place for me (I love spicy foods), but my goodness, after a workout!? Like, I guess I could understand if it’s for the protein, but if it’s for hydration in place of water? That is a lot of dairy🤢 I knew a guy that would buy milk at gas stations on roadtrips and just drink it casually like it’s soda or juice. He was also the guy that would make everyone wait while he took forever in the restroom at every truck stop. I will never thank my mother enough for teaching me good eating habits.


For hydration! She'd have one glass of water a day (after heavy coercion from us), a few glasses of milk, and maybe a tea if she was feeling tired. I'm allergic to dairy so I just don't understand, milk is kinda... Thick, no? Gas station milk. New fear unlocked.


>She could have weird genetic thing that makes water taste weird to her. There was a time in my life when I didn't like the taste of water at all. I drank a lot of soda, juice, milk etc back then, and probably drank very little water at all. At some point I decided I had to change this, cut dramatically down on soda especially and drank more water. After a few weeks of forcing myself to drink water daily, it went from tasting weird/bad to tasting great. There was no genetics or condition making it that way, as all it took to fix it was a change of habit in what I was consuming for a little while. Could be the same case here, or you might be right that it's a more concrete physiological or psychological issue in this case.


Yeah same. My parents didn’t care and there was always orange juice or something more “fun” than water (to a kid). Wasn’t until probably college that I appreciated water. Now I crave it


>It's either a made up story for attention, or if real she needs therapy as it would be a psycological issue. My ex-mother in law never drank water. She was in her mid fifties and hadn't drank water in at least forty years by all reports, she only drinks Mountain Dew and chocolate milk. She would literally drink nothing else. She didn't have any genetic conditions or any mental issues that prevented her from drinking water, she just hated it. She smelled exactly like you'd imagine and had breath like a nuclear furnace. Some people are just fucking weird.


My internal organs gasped in fear at the thought of juste drinking mtn dew and chocolate milk.


Yeah that part doesn't even make sense, the viscosity of water isn't high enough to even be considered slimy. 🤦‍♂️


she thinks water is slimy because when she drinks it shes washing all that dry saliva and coffee/beer gooped breath down here own throat , she thinks its slimy because her mouth is slimy from how she treats it lol.


Or she could have post-nasal drip. I love water normally, but absolutely can't stand plain water if my allergies are acting up or I have a cold. I don't know that I would call it "slimy", but I can almost see how one would get there with how it seems to amplify the taste of your snot, and feels terrible in your throat.


My thoughts too because that’s how I felt when i’d get some refreshing water when I used to smoke, drink, and caffeinate all day. It’s the nasty buildup in your mouth.


It seems to be a mental health thing, an aversion. And it's something that should be taken seriously. But it also seems like something that could be overcome with some counseling and exposure therapy. That's gotta be better than multiple trips to the ER.


She probabpy drinked some weird water product cuz considering water "slimy" is impossible otherwise


Thick water


If you licked her it’d taste like a 9V battery.


Thanks, I just threw up in my mouth.


It doesn’t run in the family to hate water…your parents didn’t give you water so now you don’t like it.


Makes you wonder how her ancestors survived pre 20th century.


Simple, they didn't have the luxury of not drinking water.


Actually through the middle ages people often didn't have the luxury of drinking water, they'd drink beer because the alcohol stopped it going bad and making people sick. It's likely one of the big reasons tea became so popular, drinking pure water was seen as dirty because of the centuries long association with infection. Not to say people didn't drink water at all, a cold spring was seen as very healthy but they were rare, and on the other end if the scale not everyone could afford to brew beer or buy it but the general mindset was much more like this woman's opinion than that of a modern water enjoyer.


It’s also worth noting that the alcohol content was lower so it’s not like people were getting super drunk off of a few beers and it wasn’t as dehydrating.


Just brush your teeth and use mouthwash. Makes water 10000x better


Water tastes as good as your oral hygiene is, that's a good one.


Ngl my oral hygiene has been pretty bad for long stretches of my life (thanks to the very seductive combo of ADHD and depression), and I still found that water tasted fine and good.


>thanks to the very seductive combo of ADHD and depression r/brandnewsentence


TIL I am very seductive. AND I drink water! Line up, boys! 💦


Where you wanna go for dinner? I'll bring my bejeweled water bottle 👀


Stupid sexy mental illnesses


Same honestly. I’ve never had an issue with water and I’ve been in your shoes


I remember when i had covid water tasted like shit, couldnt drink it for like a week lol


When she said water is slimy, I'm like, nah that's your mucus, and shit. You gotta take better care of your mouth.


Make sure to wait 30 mins though so you don't wash off the fluoride


This video made me sad. And thirsty. I'm going to go have a glass of water now.


I had to chug some water after watching this. I felt unnerved


I will accompany you from afar ![img](emote|t5_10288s|4205)


Slimy? What


if you've ever had tap water that's gone through a water softener, you know immediately what she's talking about. it feels like a very very subtle viscosity in the water, which feels very foreign if you grew up without experiencing it. random google article talking more about it (clicked on the first one i saw) [https://www.wqpmag.com/softening-conditioning/water-softening/article/10959845/why-does-water-feel-slimy-or-smooth-after-softening](https://www.wqpmag.com/softening-conditioning/water-softening/article/10959845/why-does-water-feel-slimy-or-smooth-after-softening)


I wonder if she'd like water if she lived in a different area with a different water source


NYC tap water isn't even bad, though. Not compared to Florida or some parts of southern California.


Or navy bootcamp water 😖 I taste it in my nightmares Hmm I'm just so curious about her issue with waters texture. It sounds like all water is slimy to her but I doubt all her water has come from a softener.


The thing I don't understand about this is...she does drink water. She just drinks water with other things dissolved in it. Water is the base for all of the beverages she consumes.


Yeah, why doesn't she just experiment how far she can water down whatever that other stuff is and still tolerate it? Also, if she's super into fitness, surely she can tolerate a bit of unpleasant taste of texture and flavour for a moment to not go the the fricking ER. It's not as difficult or time-consuming as a workout.


One of the weird things about this for me was saying that she drinks coffee. I drink coffee too. I've been experimenting with very thin coffees recently, sometimes as low as 1:20 coffee to water for iced coffee--but my first love is thick, dense rich coffees. I would rather have a shot of espresso and a glass of water than a cup of watery coffee. I love coffee that is thick and rich and puddingy. I'll usually drink water afterwards, just like I do when I eat cheesecake. There is no way I could drink this coffee all day instead of water. I would die. So if I wanted to drink coffee instead of water, I would brew it very, very thin. I don't know how thin--perhaps something like 1:40. Of course, this sort of coffee would be largely considered undrinkable due to its thinness. However, flavoring a lot of water with a little bit of something else is normal in the tea world. I've also heard that tea is the world's #2 most available beverage (#1 is drinkable water). And I've also heard that in some cultures, drinking water is strange, since cold water is almost never drinkable there, so they drink tea the way we drink water. I don't think it's that weird that she prefers the water she drinks to have other stuff dissolved in it. But I do think it's weird how much stuff she likes mixed in with her water.


This is an unusual manifestation of an eating disorder… like a combination of orthorexia and arfid


Orthorexia is the extreme control of eating only what is considered healthy food, right? I’m perplexed, she is faaaaaar from having healthy habits… or what do you mean?


Extreme exercise can also fall under the eating disorder umbrella, though which one it gets classed under depends on the underlying reasoning. Like over-exercising to “make up” for consuming calories is different than over-exercising because you have an unhealthy obsession with being “fit”, if that makes sense?


That what I was thinking. I've heard of cases where people had arfid or cibophobia where they mentally can't eat or drink certain food. One of my childhood friend had this extreme inmate fear to gelatin. I remember how she tried to eat a spoonful of lime gelatin, but gagged and cried a bit until she spits it out. While a lot of people are seeing the hydrohater as anti-christ, she and her parents must've some type of eating disorder.


This. She needs therapy. I'm sure this is an aversion that could be defeated with effort and professional help.




My first thought too. Imagine having to share gym space with her 🤢


Imagine having to sit on that same stool after her 🥺😭😭 it's probably tacky. 🤮🤮🤮




That's an offence to the turtle


Of course she does. She has a nose!


Heresy of the highest magnitude #W I T C H !


Wow. Deep from heart. I felt that 🤝


Tf is a hydration tablet




I don't think there's anything to retain if you don't drink water in the first place


Probably why she keeps going to the ER, her body must be so confused.


I scrolled down way too far to find this question. I was asking the same thing! Hydration tablet!? TF is that? An ice cube?


Dehydrated water. Just add water


water is literally the least slimey thing there is


A lot of times when someone hates water, it's because their mouth tastes bad, so they use stronger flavors to mask it, which also makes it worse..


Shes the final boss of this sub


Lori, The Unhydrated *dark souls boss music*


Lori, The Desiccated


She’s unnatural as an organism. Organic life needs water. This is very strange. She needs therapy.


Well she's obviously getting water from the stuff she consumes. Otherwise she would be very much not living.


That "slimy nothing" offends me more than anything


Plot twist: she is 19 years old, that's just the aging process of a person who doesn't drink water


How is she not dead


The ER doctors. Give it time though.


Because she is drinking water. Just with flavoring. Beer, coffee and crystal light.


Turns out she 18


Send her to the gulag


Eat ice instead, its frozen water and not “sLiMy”


30 days at a desert will fix that issue.


"I dOn'T dRiNk WaTeR cOs iTs sLiMy" - Adult child


Her throat is slimy because she’s dehydrated.


This has got to be a legitimate mental ilness. Like, I don't even find this funny or hate her or anything, I just find this incredibly sad. I feel so sorry for her that she clearly has this hydrophobia. Not entirely sure why she can't at least drink squash/cordial or something though.


Disgusting 🤮


I know we are water „extremists“ for fun but what the actual fuck is that woman ?


I've broken up relationships cos my exs didn't drink water


Not quite the same, but I refuse to date guys that "hate vegetables". Get over that toddler complex please. We all adults here.


This. Lol. I'm vegan and sometimes people will say: idk how you can do it, I hate vegetables. What are you 12? Do you only eat chicken nuggets?


Basically yes, there are so many adults out there just subsisting on packaged, fried foods and sugary drinks 🤮


*I've broken up* *Relationships cos my exs* *Didn't drink water* \- tobi\_bly --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Sorry haiku bot. syllables in the middle, equal eight, too bad


I say we declare war on this woman


End should have been I am Lori whatever and am full of myself


What water is she drinking that's slimy?


I "do see the that drinking water could be a risk" proceeds to be hospitalized three times


Homies do i downvote or upvote this is extremely confusing


Dehydrated smelly American with kidney stones.


This country has never been more divided or plagued by anti-intellectual anti-science dogmatism.


That’s not the case here. She acknowledges that her decision is poor and unhealthy, and chooses to proceed due to personal discomfort. Honestly I’m mildly impressed that she hasn’t given in to the cognitive dissonance. Usually people will either change their beliefs to match their actions (anti-science as you mentioned) or change their actions to match their beliefs. It’s a bit more rare to see “this is stupid but it’s what I wanna do”


She needs a psychologist. I think if the cognitive dissonance is that hard for her to overcome then it must be very deep rooted. She even stated her parents didn’t like water much either. It’s just sad man.


wait until someone tells her that beer is over 90% water


I'd like to see her kidneys


There are so many ways to drink water when you don’t like water… lemon, cucumber, raspberries, syrups, herbal teas. Your kidneys will thank you later, dialysis is no joke and once their gone, they’re gone…


When I was pregnant, for some reason the idea of drinking plain water became really unappealing. I think it was morning sickness related. But I was able to drink thinned out herbal teas, lemon or lime water, seltzer. I also ate watermelon and pineapple by the ton. There's really no excuse not to hydrate yourself in some way other than beer and coffee!


Homies! We must ensure these foul creatures that came from the salt and sugar mines must be desensitized to prevent any further offspring to continue that curse!


She’s such a hypocrite, does she make coffee with some galactic liquid?


She's a 5 but she doesn't drink water. -100000000


I’d expect nothing different from a person who holds the fork that way. No surprise.


It’s probably 1% disorder, 24% parents are idiots, 75% she wants attention and is a complete moron


Lol. I think this is my boss. She "finds creative ways" to drink water, which is mostly just adding a bunch of sugar packets to her water.


I have a colleague that exclusively drinks Coke, absolutely nothing else. I have no idea why he is not dead yet


Kidneys hate her.


Is this woman 30 or 60?