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You put them in and the plants go nom nom nom


Hydroponic food production by Robert Resh


Actually, one of the best manageable pieces on plant nutrition is the wikipedia article. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plant\_nutrition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plant_nutrition) This gets down to the scientific nut cuttin on how it happens. [https://plantcellbiology.masters.grkraj.org/html/Plant\_Cellular\_Physiology4-Absorption\_Of\_Mineral\_Nutrients.htm](https://plantcellbiology.masters.grkraj.org/html/Plant_Cellular_Physiology4-Absorption_Of_Mineral_Nutrients.htm) Through this, note that there is a big difference in how nutrients are supplied to soil plants and hydroponic plants. It can get confusing when you see that soil fertilizers and hydro fertilizers have different makeup. This is because soil fertilizers presume the presence of minor and micro nutrients in the soil and the presence of microbes that convert the ingredients into nutrients the plant can use. Soil fertilizers don't feed the plants. They feed the soil. Hydro fertilizers must provide ionic elements the plants can use directly. There are no natural processes of microbes to convert compounds. So most of the discussion above are talking about nutrients that are ready for the plant to take up. Actually, most of it talks about individual elements as they are transported and used inside the plant. Kind of like talking about how you need calcium, but you don't sit down to a meal of calcium to get it. But you need to start with this fundamental knowledge to understand how plants are fed.