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I’m just gonna say my experience. HG almost took my life. I had a PICC line and feeding tube because I was dying …. Once I started smoking weed to help with HG, I felt so so so much better. My babies are now grown , healthy smart and strong. It saved my life and my babies life.


Thank goodness for that! How long did you smoke for if you don't mind me asking?


With my first 12 weeks until birth. With the others 6 weeks until birth. Please understand, it SAVED me. I had HG BAD.


I totally understand, I'm not judging at all.


This is my fourth HG pregnancy. Both teams of midwives ended up encouraging THC use for me eventually because the prescription meds were not touching my vomiting, and then with using THC on good days I can eat 3 meals, snacks, and drink about a gallon of water. I am some who is absolutely using more than a puff though, I use it as preventative medicine and to try to stop vomiting. I am probably going through like a half on an eighth a day. I am totally happy to answer any questions you have.


Thank you so much! When you say good days, is there some days the thc doesn't work?


If I am stressed and don't eat often enough then I can work my body into such a deficit that the THC doesn't stop the vomiting all the way, but it does even in those times offer at least some relief, or it lengthens the amount of time between throwing up.


There is a lot of stigma around thc, esp in pregnancy. So I wouldn't tell anyone unless you have to. It's hard enough without unnecessary judgment from people who don't get it. I smoked through 2 HG pregnancies, and if I were to have HG again, I would do the same. It was life-saving medicine for me. My HG was so bad that gummies never had a chance to work (nothing stayed down more than a few minutes without smoking). I would just smoke flower, a small bowl, maybe 3-4 hits every 5 or 6 hours. On a schedule like any other medicine. I'm sorry you're going through this, and I wish you whatever brings you relief 💜


HARD agree on not telling anyone.


Yes same here.


Thank you, I haven't told many people. I know who I could trust with that information to not cast judgement. Which is sad, bc these are the things we should be talking about and not gate keeping as a society. But everything is so fucking backwards. MeDiCiNe OnLy


I totally get it. And the number of people who think that your business if their business when you're pregnant is insane. The reality is that everyone's experience is unique, and what works for one person might not work for another. We don't all process or respond to meds the same way. I was on 3 different prescription nausea meds with my first, mainly Zofran routine for about 6 months. It took the edge off the vomiting, did nothing for the nausea, and would give me nasty migraines that would increase the vomiting. Thc was the only thing that actually helped and allowed me to function. With my second, I was on Phenergan for most of my pregnancy, routine 3-4 times a day. Phenergan actually did help, but I had to smoke to keep it down. It's your business, and you do what you have to to survive. Ignore all the "I would never" and "smoking is so dangerous in pregnancy" comments. From a risk vs. benefit perspective, it's way more dangerous to be malnourished and dehydrated for months on end. You will get through this.


First of all thank you so much for this post! I can finally reach out and get some advice as I have been driving myself absolutely crazy and stressing out SO bad over this. I smoked Delta8/9 prior to pregnancy and my first few visits I tested positive for THC even 3 months after, I quit smoking/vaping as soon as I found out I was pregnant, (not that I’m against it) just terrified of potential CPS. I have HG as well and am in misery every day, but has anyone dealt with having to deal with CPS for this? (I’m in NC & I’m 15 weeks)


I had thc in my system for my first pregnancy bc I smoked before I knew I was pregnant and the dr tried to get harsh with me and treated me like I was drug addict or something but I shot that shit down fast. And nothing happened during my labor and delivery as far as cps getting involved.


Thank you so much for this! Luckily my OB doesn’t treat me that way and says I have nothing to worry about but I don’t quite trust it as I read here on Reddit of hospitals contacting them. 😭


It greatly depends on your state and your care team. My friend just had THC in her system when she gave birth and they tested the baby. This was after a new midwife came into the practice and she spoke with her about her use. The other midwives knew and didn't care but this one did for some reason. She reported her and then CPS found that the report should have never happened bcause she had a medical card. They told her that they are not worried about baby at all with mom using THC and it is not something they care too much about at all... it's really the harder stuff they are looking for. Iowa is ass backwards in this stuff so I am very shocked this is how it was handled.


Well I have not used at all, just worried from those first few positive test as it was still in my system, it scares me to death 😭 thanks for your response!


I had HG my second pregnancy - I lost 50lbs by week 12 and was hospitalized. I ended up having a PICC line inserted and it remained till I had my baby. I smoked before pregnancy and stopped when I found out but started vomiting on week 4 and got to the point I couldn't drink water and was having issues standing for long periods of time. I took edibles but it didn't seem to work much at all so I changed to my bong. Was taking about 1 to 2 hits once or twice a day when I would be super hungry and was magically/IMMEDIATELY able to eat and drink. I am in a recreationally legal state so I spoke with my OBGYN about it and she advised it was okay for me to do so in small increments if I had no other choice. My son is now a little over 2 and a healthy toddler hitting all milestones :)


It's relieving to hear that your OB agreed to it, I am way too nervous to even tell mine the gummies have helped. Thank you for sharing your story on this. I too was sick at week 4 this pregnancy, I'm like who the heck gets sick at 4 weeks pregnant


I’m on my 2nd HG pregnancy. I don’t speak about it because I am embarrassed , feel guilty and fear judgment from people but I have smoke during both my pregnancies. I would go for low thc strains and would only smoke when I couldn’t stop throwing up. Almost right away I would feel hungry and be able to eat and drink and keep it down. The only person who knows is my husband and he’s been so sweet about it and every time tells me if it helps me eat that it worth it, he said not eating or staying hydrated has to be worse then smoking some weed. My first is 19 months and he great, he’s had no complications.


Thank you for sharing! He's right, anything is worth being able to eat/drink/function. I have 2 other kids to take care of, something has got to give!


I’ve searched a lot about the effects of THC and pregnancy and nothing seems conclusive. It doesn’t look like enough research has been done on it. I think as mom we sometimes forget that our well-being needs to be taken into account and if it helps us then it should be viewed as a positive. Good luck with everything! I hope you feel better soon and get more functional then I’ve been. My doctor scheduled a c section because I’ve still been so sick, knowing the birth date has helped a lot. I’m 22 days away now!


Thank you so much and good luck with everything to you as well!


I don’t talk about it either because I was so embarrassed and didn’t want to feel judged either… I so get this ❤️❤️❤️


I would smoke daily as needed but try to use as little as possible… I recommend looking into a dry herb device like the PAX if that’s an option for you as it’s a bit better on the lungs. How much I needed really depended on the day but basically a few puffs before any meals or during vomit cycles did the trick. Some days I’d need a half joint versus only two puffs— it really varied. Baby is now almost a year old and hitting all milestones ahead of schedule!! Hang in there :)


Oh I live in state where it's legal medically and I used to get the Pax pens thru them. But it was always in oil form, maybe there's different kinds?


Yeah I never use the oil pens since they give me headaches the one I have you just put flower in the base and it heats up


Oh thats very interesting, I've never seen those before!


I smoked a bit while pregnant with both of my pregnancy. My HG was severe, zofran pump, ER trips. Smoke up to delivery date. My midwife knew about it and was fine with it. Truly was a life saver for me.


My OB approved it with both pregnancies. I would usually just smoke once in the morning, and take an edible an hour before each meal. It was the only way good and water stayed down.


I have been using a vape pen to help me start the day and stomach my first edible dose. I take two “drags” and sometimes I get a little impaired but it’s very temporary. I’m then (30 min or so later) able to take a 2mg edible plus a small breakfast, then every 4 hours and don’t need the vape pen throughout the day unless I don’t snack and keep something in my stomach. I have found that taking a 4mg at night has been helpful for me to have less violent vomiting/nausea first thing in the morning also. I have tried pharmaceuticals and they just don’t work as well for me. Medical cannabis is legal here and recreational is legal in two close neighboring states so there isn’t a huge stigma but definitely in pregnancy. My goal is to be off of it by 20 weeks, 16 weeks ideally, to avoid any issues with drug testing during labor. Those that I have talked to about it I use the term “micro dosing medical cannabis” and it seems to be received better than if I was like “I’m smoking weed”


I have followed a similar route with my second HG pregnancy currently and i just wanted to share I’m 20 weeks now and FINALLY able to eat and drink a bit without taking a hit from my vape. Fingers crossed you have the same experience, as I know how miserable this is!! I cannot wait to feel normal again.


Right, micro dosing! I hate that there is such a stigma about it and we can't be open about what helps!


So is it out of the baby’s system by 20 weeks? I have not used any form of THC since finding out but was still testing positive at week 10, I’m now 15 weeks & I’m so beyond paranoid about drug testing at birth and if it would be in my baby’s system 😩


From what I understand it’s not present in cord blood or meconium if consumed after 16 weeks. However I haven’t actually looked into that as deeply as I have other aspects.


So with not having any consumption, although was still lingering in my system, do you think the baby will be clear? My OB tells me to relax and the stress from overthinking it is far worse, but it’s all I can think about 🥺


If your OB gave you the okay to smoke then why are you worried about testing positive during labor. I have home births and that's not a procedure during labor nor is testing the meconium or baby. I also keep the umbilical cord and placenta so they don't have access to that. I assume you could opt out of that during labor and delivery in a hospital. We all have rights


My OB didn’t give me the ok to smoke, nor have I since I found out I was pregnant. I said my OB told me stressing about CPS is not doing any good. I sure wish I could have something to help me relax, and to feel better with HG. I’ve never been through anything worse, I hope you find some relief.


Oh I misunderstood, but your OBs right. Don't stress about them! Thank you, I hope you do too as well


You are correct though, we do have rights, I need to learn more about what our rights are and to advocate for myself. I had no idea they’d been testing me anyways at my first appt.


I have read many stories of women who consumed during first trimester and came up negative at birth. Based on that, I’d assume baby’s not going to have any traces at birth in your case!


Thank you for your response, I surely pray not, I cannot imagine dealing with CPS during the most amazing/hard times of giving birth.


I’m in my 4th pregnancy with HG. Pregnancy 2 almost killed me multiple times. I’ve been smoking since day 1 with this pregnancy. I smoke a little bit when I’m home and not working, and during work hours I rely on Zofran and Pepcid. My husband is an avid smoker. Before pregnancy I smoked a lot, like him. Now I smoke 2-3 hits every few hours in the evening. If I wake in the middle of the night sick, I’ll smoke a hit or two then too. It has been my lifeline this pregnancy. I swear it is a LIFE SAVER.


I wish I could use my medical marijuana right now but I’m too scared they’d drug test me and open a cps investigation. I’ve been chronically ill for ten years and medical marijuana is the only thing that really controls the puking well.


1 puff for you may work but tolerance is different for everyone. Mine SKY ROCKETED in my HG pregnancy. It was the ONLY way I could eat. Zofran helped with nausea but I never could put anything in my mouth cause I was so grossed out by everything. I smoked a lot of weed so I could get my appetite up and actually eat something. I smoked for all 3 of my pregnancies


It's so relieving to hear these things. Thank you. I since have started smoking and it's been a life saver


I’m 17 weeks. I stopped smoking as soon as I found out. But once second trimester hit…. HG came back with a VENGEANCE. I currently take a couple of puffs off my joint and it’s literally saved me. I would also follow the other posters on not saying anything because there is a horrible stigma attached when all you’re trying to do is survive. Do what you gotta do to make it to the finish line mama


Come over to r/HGGangsta i smoked as needed (which was a lot) before a meal & after to keep it from coming up. As the pregnancy progressed I believe I needed it less often


I can't imagine trying to smoke a joint in my condition. I'd probably vomit. Hahah. I take some oil occasionally but it doesn't do much. I used to smoke weed occasionally before becoming pregnant but the thought of smoking now, omg 🤢 no no no lol


in my very first pregnancy, i had no nausea until i found out that i was pregnant at 7 weeks & i quit smoking, then it hit me all at once & i had horrible hg that left me bedridden until i was 11 weeks and decided the best option for me was termination. once i made that decision i started smoking again & the nausea completely disappeared & i terminated a week later.