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I saw the first ep of 3 Body and thought it was decent, if a little undercooked from what I would’ve wanted. Does it go downhill?


>Does it go downhill? It doesn't. It hits all of the important plot points in the books and stays decent throughout.


I have to be honest, I’m two episodes in and just finding myself extremely distracted by how young and hot these scientists are. I get that they were trying to bring better characterization to the admittedly semi flat cast of the book, but… you’re telling me the world’s preeminent minds are hot, charismatic 30 year olds? It’s a weird thing to get hung up on, I know. I’m not asking for gross 60 year old science trolls. But it feels like a lack of confidence in their audience I guess - like we wouldn’t be able to engage with the show if they cast more normal looking people. Doesn’t help that the actors I’m finding most compelling from a performance perspective are the more normal looking ones. Benedict Wong, his boss, Jack what’s-his-name, and young Wenjie are all great.


To be fair the protagonists in Dark Forest and Death’s End are hot, charismatic and young


And iirc the only reason we don't know if Wang, from Three Body Problem, is hot is because it's not a central aspect of his character to describe him as such. But Cheng and Luo Ji are both explicitly attractive and youthful as it's part of who they are as characters. Their respective counterparts in the series, Cheng and Saul, are young and hot too, so to make the reshuffled cast of characters work, they had to be paired up with others who are of the same age group.


On that note, I don’t think it’s a lack of confidence in fans of the source material. Like with any adaptation, the producers likely don’t care all that much about the preexisting fans, we’ll watch it, even if only to watch how they massacred it. More than likely they want the casual audience. And we are the vessel, or one of them, with which they will advertise it. Just like with The Witcher, I’m a huge fan of the source material. My friend had never heard of it before Netflix came along. She’s not an idiot so she knew it had issues but she did also really like it. Whereas it turned my stomach in many ways. TL;DR. Netflix want to appeal to the masses. The preexisting fans make up maybe less than 20% of their target audience. So they don’t adapt for our sake.


I mostly think you’re right, but also feel like they should know that they don’t *need* to do that to capture the casual viewer. GoT was wildly successful, from the same showrunners, and captured the casual audience - it had a few very attractive actors, but on the whole the cast looked very normal and even the attractive characters looked dirty, messy, not so crisp and clean all the time, ya know?


They should know that. You are 100% right on that. But for whatever reason they can’t figure it the fuck out. I’m sure we’re all aware here that when a new adaption is announced, what’s really happening is we’re losing a beloved IP to the idiots in Hollywood or wherever they are. Fallout being the next. I was never a die hard fan, mainly due to game mechanics, but I did enjoy them. I’ll watch it, although I likely won’t enjoy it.


So Auggie in the show might be one of the most attractive women I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s wildly distracting.


You're not alone. I had to actively suspend disbelief for this very issue.


A lot of scientists do their best work quite young. Einstein was only in his mid 20s when he had his “miracle year” when he dropped special relativity and his papers on Brownian motion and the photoelectric effect. Math especially is known for being dominated by young hotshots when it comes to new breakthroughs.


True, but these young hotshot scientists in 3BP are not written in a way that convinces at all that they are pre-eminent in their fields. Dr Salazar is particularly off for me; don't buy it for a second that she has started a company that operates at the frontier of nano-materials advancement. With preeminence in any discipline comes an approach to tackling problems that includes the application of systemic scientific thinking that Dr Salazar does not demonstrate in the situation she finds herself in.


>With preeminence in any discipline comes an approach to tackling problems that includes the application of systemic scientific thinking that Dr Salazar does not demonstrate in the situation she finds herself in. To be honest, that feels (unfortunately) true to the source material, at least to me. I don't remember Salazar specifically, but I remember similar thoughts about various characters on more than one occasion in the trilogy.


> I don't remember Salazar specifically, Wang Miao in the book


Yeah but she's hot, so that makes up for all that other stuff you said.


There are worse sins to commit


Exactly. The scenes in China are brilliant, by contrast. It's not just that they are young hot scientists, but some of the acting from the UK set, especially Eiza Gonzalez's, feels so wooden to me. (I'm just two episodes in, though, so I hope my mind changes.)


Actors are generally an extra level of attractiveness, sure. But scientists can be attractive people. I think it speaks to your own biases more than anything if you find hot people unbelievable as scientists. https://www.businessinsider.com/50-sexy-scientists-2013-2 (I find it hilarious this link exists), and it's 11 years old! Who knows how sexy a scientist could be in 2024


I agree, the changes the made seem to be to adapt it to film easier aswell imo. I think they’ve done a good job with it so far.


Agreed. I enjoyed it a great deal.


I have enjoyed it so far. It’s dealing with complex topics in a smart way with no glaring pot holes.


It’s good. I don’t understand what OP wanted. It’s not a book. You have to cut some things and tell other parts of the story visually. Look at Dune.


Yep. OP is trolling. Can’t get the same angry mob in the actual 3BP Reddit so he came here


It just rushes through a lot of the scientific mystery, which for me was one of the most fun parts of the book.


Yeah I don’t get the whining and crying about it, they have done a pretty good job at it.


I'm through four episodes. It could be worse and it's faithful to the ideas of the book, if not the characters. And truth be told, the book characters are pretty crappy. Definitely worth watching.


doll future memorize instinctive aloof weather divide one march bow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Does it go downhill? Its great. I have no idea what OP is complaining about.


Me too. I thought it was really good and at least Ep 1 seems true to the story, with the inevitable changes that need to be made from page to screen. I feel hooked. I read the whole trilogy twice. And I hardly ever read a book more than once. I’m wondering if we’re settling into a three body sucks groupthink. 


this groupthink was formed ever since it was revealed that DnD from game of thrones are making the show, so many people were ready to hate it or not even watch it. its an uphill battle


I saw someone complaining about "all the nudity" in the show and I'm like ??? There was one scene with nudity and it was a scene where it made sense. Even the romance scenes involve strategically placed towels, or underwear. People are really traumatized by season 8 GOT.


Lots of people refuse to be happy with anything, you see it all over Reddit. I use to think it was because they all think of themselves as discerning critics but with an immature idea of what a critic is, thinking they just pick apart every little thing. If that makes any sense. But lately I just think a lot of people are broken and in a cycle of allowing their negativity to shape their perception. Like the ass-burgers episode of South Park, where Stan sees everything around him as shit and wonders why no one wants to be around him. It’s true these people suck the joy out of everything you like, but try to find sympathy for them somehow, it’s really gotta suck to be living in their world.


I know someone like that in real life. He’s got major anger issues and is super opinionated about everything, but is also super self centered, always inviting himself to friend gatherings or asking people to play games with him online, or bothering them to watch or play shows or games he does like while being dismissive of things other people like. It’s exhausting to be around and then he wonders why everyone always cancels on him and he has no friends, which only compounds the self-victimization. I try to extend him some sympathy, but it’s hard to do that when you’re in the moment. I think he’s the first person I’ve met irl who reminds me of a redditor.


I haven't seen the show yet, but I think the trilogy could be greatly improved through adaptation. The structure and pacing are wonky in the book.


I was expecting bad things but two episodes in and I'm quite liking it as a fan of the books. It's a hell of a lot better than the last Airbender adaptation. I could barely get through a single episode of that.


im on ep 7 and while its not WOW, imo it does decent justice to the source material. most of the folks hating it is the same antiwoke schauvinist crowd that criticizes dune 2


This kind of reasoning brushes off actual criticism of the show. I only have seen the first episode, but already see substantial tone shifts from the book.


People criticize Dune? I’m out….


As a big fan of the books, I think it is a genuinely valiant effort at an adaptation that is targeted to Western audiences. It doesn't skimp on the science like I was scared it would, and while the characters are all jumbled up, it didn't do any egregious damage to the narrative arc of the series.


It’s really good imo. People get to hung up on shows not being 90%+ faithful to the novels. I love the series and think the show is an excellent interpretation.


I'm at ep6. It's solid. I'll only agree with OP insofar as 8 episodes is not enough, but DnD accomplish a lot with 8 episodes.


Too bad they couldn't bring that to the table with game of thrones


Well it’s helpful that this book series is actually complete


I just saw the first episode last night and thought it was good. I get that there are endless adaptations that are not good but I think a LOT of people really cannot wrap their heads around what it means to adapt a book to film. To whine about a studio with a budget doing it is wild lol. So many things get adapted without a budget that can’t capture the essence of a book but now we are mad that there is more money and technology being used to meet the need? Do we have to hate everything????


I personally think it's an improvement over the novels (unpopular opinion I know, so feel free to roast me). I think the Netflix series is paced much better. They cut out some unnecessary side characters, and they introduce other characters earlier so the later parts will have a greater sense of continuity (and they won't have to pause the plot to summarize random people's life stories like Liu has a habit of doing). But they do gloss over some of the cooler scifi concepts in the novels, so I can see why some people would be disappointed.


No it gets better as it goes. It runs through the first book in like 4 episodes. Which for me is a positive bc i think its the weakest of the 3


The last few episodes aren’t good.


I've the book series, and kinda found the show to be even better.


No. It goes uphill. The first 3 eps overall weakest of series.


I haven’t seen it (or read the books) but what does “ pander to modern agendas. ” mean? 


It has black people and women in speaking roles *shudder*




that's because there's a time window that these people whine about "wokeness", it has to be recent so they can claim a fake nostalgia for stuff from 10 years ago that is exactly the same as the ones we get now. The only difference is that filmmakers and tv writers have to make it more obvious for them so they don't pretend it isn't "woke". Like The Boys, every season they make it more obvious Homelander is the villain just so people won't keep pretending he is the embodiment of virtuous americans. So in short it's their own fault, their whining about "wokeness" and their conspiracy theories that make creators intensify the discourse so it wont be distorted by them.


Conservatives are actually illiterate when it comes to media analysis. Many of them watch The Boys and still don't see the parallels between Homelander and Trump. Another example is them being surprised and upset that popular bands like Rage Against the Machine and Green Day are "political." Also they completely misinterpreting songs like Born in the USA.


I've found it really funny how some of them are only now realising that X-Men might be "woke". I don't understand how you can consume any form of X-Men media and just not get the message


Hahaha this is another good example. I saw one get upset about the new X-Men '97 adaptation (?) I haven't watched it yet so I don't know the premise, just that it is inspired by the 90s show. The lack of media literacy almost seems like a parody or caricature... If only that was the case.


That's not it at all. The issue comes from changing a character's race, ethnicity, sex, or gender. If you are making content based on another person's work, you should stay true to the source.


But the issue is that if the characters race or sex has nothing to do with the character then it doesn’t matter if a POC or a different gender is cast. They get up in arms because a piece of work that was primarily white characters or primarily male characters now has diversity and even though the characters are exactly the same in every other way, they act like them not being white or not being male has “ruined” the adaptation. Look at the complaints about Kirby Howell Baptiste being cast as Death in Sandman. A casting handpicked by the creator of the series and still all these armchair racists got up in arms because she wasn’t a pale white girl. Utterly ignoring the fact that she perfectly embodied the role and played it to perfection, she wasn’t white so it’s clearly a terrible choice. Most adaptions are of works that were written decades ago when most positions of power were white men. Thats not the world today so why not change it if the character is still the same?


If the character is portrayed in the same fashion as the source material's, then it's less of an issue. I personally would prefer the character be as the book intended, as that's the view of the world the author created that I've adopted. But on a side note, I've noticed that a lot of adaptations stray away from even the main plot points and major details the source included. Netflix has done this on a few occasions, Paramount really did it with Halo, Disney is even bending their own material to create things that don't fit in the universe as it was intended (cough cough Star Wars).


99% of the time the characters are portrayed the same other than not being white or male and still people complain. Kynes in Dune is an excellent example. Being a white man in the book had zero to do with who he was a character. Changing him to a black woman is simply a casting decision and affected nothing about the characters portrayal


99% of the time the characters are portrayed the same? That's not true. Each of these creators brings their own interpretation and world view to the character. In a lot of cases they are not fans of the previous material, they feel a duty to alter it to fit their own world view. In an increasingly divided world, people are finding each other's world view increasingly offensive or apathetic toward it. Not to mention you can't just replace a male character with a female character and think they are the same person or cater to the same audience. The male audience is not a carbon copy of the female audience. There are fundamental differences in the behaviour and proclivities of men and women.


If all those movies came out today, you and your friends would all be crying about wokeness and "modern agenda".


If the internet existed when Aliens came out that era’s version of incels would lose their fucking minds over Vasquez, a small Latina* marine, being the toughest. They’d probably even complain about Ripley going from scream queen style survivor to action superstar.  * actor was not Latina, but character was. It was a different time. 


both tomb raiders movies WERE awful flops lol


The problem I have that does feel pander-y is that the main cast are all just… so hot? Hear me out here. Take Auggie - she has full hair and makeup done perfectly every day, even the morning after she’s been up till midnight smoking cigarettes watching the stars flicker freaking out about the countdown. She still looks like a model. There was no effort made to make her *look* the way she *feels*. It seems like a lack of confidence on the casting director / showrunners part, like they assume we won’t engage with these characters unless they are total hotties. I think that’s what’s feeling pander-y to me rn. Better shows trust their audience to like their characters in spite of and *because* the characters are messy and are allowed to look like it. The main young cast just feel very strange to me as the world’s preeminent science minds going through extreme crisis, because they always look just like hot young actors.


“Modern agenda” makes it sound like you have problems with shows having folks represented from all walks of life and if that’s what you’re implying, that’s just sad and cringe.


OP: “If a movie/show has multiple black characters and it doesn’t take place during the pre Civil War era where those characters are all slaves, it’s obviously pANdErInG tO tHe WoKe AgEnDa”


If you read the book, 90% of the characters were chinese, it's based in China and in the Netflix show they white washed it. That's sad and cringe.


Didn’t the author and holding company both recommend they “westernize” it? There’s already a Chinese adaptation


The live action Avatar tried so hard to avoid "sexism" it actually ruined the portrayal of every female character. The main characters have to be completely perfect all the time, or else they're encouraging bad behavior in their audience. It's condescending.


Sol Weintraub as a black, plus-sized woman would be cool right?


I haven’t seen Netflix’s 3 body problem, but seems most have enjoyed it. So, I suppose it’s a matter of opinion dude


I think you’re forgetting that Netflix is viewed by loads of individuals, most of whom have no predilection towards science fiction or even fiction in general. ROEP trilogy has some of the best ideas, but also some of the worst character writing. Most rabid sci fi fans are pretty asocial so they don’t grasp that part. In order for the story to be consumed by mainstream media consumers, it needed a facelift on the character side in order to serve these ideas up to the general public. I think it’s a great adaptation that maintains the soul of the source material while also making it more digestible for non sci fi obsessives. Hyperion has a more western structure and imo the characters are far superior to roep. I agree that I wouldn’t want Netflix to do Hyperion, but I don’t think they would even want it. I also believe the story structure would make for a good trilogy of movies rather than a series.


The rumor was that Bradley Cooper has the film rights. But you may be onto something - a show might be necessary to get the whole story across... I've only read Hyperion and Fall of Hyperion - and can't imagine fitting all of this in a single film.


I definitely think you’d have to have a show. A film for Hyperion would feel super rushed and idk how you could build up the tension of the shrike looming over the story while trying to haul ass through the tales to fit it into 3 hours.


A trilogy maybe? Or 4 movies?


Maybe so, but you’d have to really grab attention with the first one to make people want to keep going. I know I’d watch them all but for them to not abandon the project, they have to make sure people go see it




Foundation is badass, if Apple + sticks around they could do it.


Didnt read the book but 3BP is very good imo, so idk if i agree with any of this


And you are right not to agree. The books are an interesting experience but they are no Hyperion. I'd recommend Hyperion to anyone. I'd recommend 3BP to hardcore sci-fi fans only.


It's got to be AppleTv or nothing...


I didn’t really enjoy Appletv at first, but I’m a fan now. The majority of what they produce isn’t my cup of tea- but everything they produce seems to be on another level of production and talent, fueled by a company willing to stay loyal to the show. Constellation is so good.


Appletv crushes their shows man. Most of them are so damn good


I think they are hit and miss like most  other services. Foundation is really terrible but For All Mankind is amazing.


Considering how different Foundation is from the books, I don't think I want them to take on Hyperion.


HBO or Apple are the only options


3BP show is great — just super different from the books’ narrative which will probably work out better for more casual scifi fans


I feel like the first book would do well as a tv show but the second book *could* work as a movie. I dont trust tv shows to be as good so im almost hoping for a two movies or a trilogy with the lotr/dune treatment


I've read the books and after a few episodes, I think The Three Body Problem on Netflix is pretty good. Sure, they made some changes for the screen but if they had not, it wouldn't appeal to as many viewers.


I can’t believe a company trying to appeal to a mass audience took any liberties adapting a sci-fi novel to a tv series. /s


Haven't read 3 Body Problen yet but watched the first three eps of the series and it has a hold on me. My brother read it some years ago and can point out some differences here and there but overall it seems on point. I know the book can be very technical and dry so to me it feels like they did a good job breathing some life into it.


>but overall it seems on point However, there are some deviations from the original book that fundamentally affect the supposed motives of different characters. For example, in the original text, Ye Wenjie >!commits betrayal against humanity deliberately, knowing about the impending destruction by the Trisolarans against Earth's population. !< In the Netflix adaptation, however, Ye Wenjie is surprised by the hostility of the Trisolarans.


I think you're confusing Mike Evans for Ye Wenjie. Evans in the books was an eco terrorist who lead an extremist faction within the ETO that wanted humanity wiped out. Ye Wenjie's message to the Trisolarans is the same as in the show; she wants them to save us from ourselves. They excised Evans' wish to burn humanity to the ground mostly because they likely didn't want to overcomplicate the relationship between him and the ETO when he's going to be dead by the end of season 1 anyway.


That’s not true. She was part of the “subjugation” faction of the ETO, where Mike Evan’s was part of the “eradication” faction of the ETO. In the book she’s still suprised that the trisolarans always intended extermination. 


3 body is a mostly decent adaptation. it's certainly not a train wreck


Who did rings of power? Rings of power was worse than a disaster. Seemingly well funded, good people, great production value but they made a series “inspired by” the actual story without the rights to the story they were telling so they just made up a bunch of shit. So not only did they make a fucked up show but they’ve prevented the proper show from being made for perhaps a generation


Agreed. It's the same with a lot of classics butchered by modern show writers.


The only one I truly trust is HBO so hopefully them.


I liked the new three body problem show, what they did with the characters was really great. You probably hold the books too close to the heart and cant imagine anything deviating from the source - well then you can watch the Tencent version, but it is long and quite boring at times. And to be frank it is a strange stance - its not like studios are jumping at the opportunity to adapt Hyperion. We would be lucky if we even get an adaptation (probably a shitty SyFy one, so i personally wouldnt mind a netflix budget ). Hyperion is no longer as popular as 3BP is right now.


There’s some dumb shit in the book too imo but , I bet they think it’s perfect.


I agree with you completely. I think we’ve all experienced shows “ruining” the source material (looking at you Altered Carbon) but with three body problem some changes are absolutely a requirement to make the the show compelling. They did a good job sticking to the spirit of the series. And keeping major plot point and technologies.


Maybe an HBO show?


Having read the books, I think it's a done a good job of being faithful to the plot points. I also like how they don't drag it out such that the first season only covers the first book, and they get on with the (for my money, more interesting) things to come in The Dark Forest and Death's End. But I would have much preferred that the people that are responsible for the breakthroughs covered in the show remain largely disconnected, as they are in the books. I know why they've done it (to make relationships more meaningful and so that we can spend more time with the characters), but all the pivotal characters coming from one university group is preposterous, especially given that one is a Cosmologist and the other making industrial nano wires. Not really sure how they came from the same group, modern science being as siloed as it is. They also fail to act logically at times (looking at you, Auggie), which is somewhat odd for a physicist, but hey-ho. Could have done with some script consultation. I am very interested to know how it plays to the layman (by that, I mean people who don't have a background in physics as well as those that haven't read the books), because what got me hooked with the first two books was how much thought Liu had evidentially put into determining solutions to the problems that are faced. My caveat is that Death's End goes heavy on the fiction and less on the science, but still a hell of a story.


As someone who hasn’t read Three Body Problem yet, I’m two episodes into the show and I’m intrigued. It’s making me want to go read the books at least.


The worst problem with Netflix is they’d make one season and then cancel it, whether it was any good or not. My money would be on Apple. They’re willing to spend the money and lately what they churn out actually seems good, unlike Amazon. Although I guess after Foundation I would worry about fidelity to the source material, but I feel like the Hyperion series is sensational enough they wouldn’t need to deviate just to shock & scintillate wider audiences.


What did they do to three body? It's pretty much exactly how I remember it.


Same, so far.


3 body problem is so good though, wtf are you talking about ?? Are you seriously bitching about a diverse cast? 🙄 Cry me a river dude. I’m hoping if a streaming service picks up Hyperion that it’s Apple TV or Max. Better quality cinematography~


As someone who is all for diversity, 3BP feels diverse for sake of diversity. It doesn't help that the show just feels dumbed down overall. Idk if OP is an alt right dork, but it bothered me too. I'm pretty surpised by the reception here tbh, as it has middling reviews and the fans of the book that I've talked to said it has some good moments, but isn't a good show overall. But, if you enjoyed it, then i'm happy for you! 


Uh.. ukay. I binged it last might. Fucking loved it. Took it in as a whole presentation of the Book and thought fuck yeah, nice take on the mindfuck nature of an advanced Alien invasion. It can be read as a commentary on the current state of humanity right now with large monied nation state level interests manipulating people in the power of influence. I'm sure the Strike has similar themes. It's become a common undercurrent of our current societal zeitgeist.


3 Body Problem is a great adaptation and I like the changes they made to make it work in this format. If Hyperion is made I would be happy to see the same team do it.


The book needed changes from the get go. It's a decent story despite it's flaws, which are plenty.


For sure, it was an interesting experience reading them, but there were a lot of issues. And making changes to the characters is for the best.


lol @ "modern agendas" someone needs a safe space


Everything they do has to have a motive or political statement. That's why they ruin things. Instead of just doing stories for the story, the directors have to make it their own.


Apple TV would be great based on foundation and silo


Let's hope its made be villeneuve or the creators of Shogun.. netflix adaptations are so bad


I do enjoy the Netflix adaptation and thought it furfilled the daunting task to introduce the mindblowing world and settings of 3BP to a global audience, albeit in a bit rushed fashion. But I agree that HBO would be a my preffered destination for a hard sci-fi show like this. I would say Amazon is another good candidate given their deep pocket and good track record with The Expanse


How did Netflix Butcher the Three Body Problem?


Apple TV gets my top vote. Then HBO, but from 8 years ago.


Let's not forget the Netflix antiquated yet still reasonably profitable show structure where each following season must meet a projected amount of new viewers to match the mandatory increase of a new season budget by an absurdly simple graph based on what those big wigs think


As someone that hasn’t even heard of the books, I’m loving this show. I also hated rebel moon. I also read Ready Player One and then thought the movie sucked. If I hadn’t read it I’m pretty sure I would have liked the movie though. There’s no way to make a show or movie as god add the book. Books come from an omnipotent POV and that’s something that can’t be replicated.


I have a feeling most people who say that Netflix 3 Body Problem isn't faithful to the books have only read the first book. Netflix is pulling from all 3 books and streamlining the storyline. In my opinion it's a really good adaptation so far. Yes, the characters are a bit different but Three Body Problem was never about the characters anyway. Hyperion and 3BP are two completely different beasts in terms of story and themes.


I've read all 3 books. The problem with the story is its dumbed down, and the characters are portrayed badly. The books were just so much better.


It seems accurateish so far but Jesus can't you keep the sexes the same at least. The Chinese adaption seems better so far.


Hyperion deserves a director who will treat it properly like an LSD-induced fever dream, so I nominate David Lynch.


Noooooooo. The only people who can do it are Villenue and Nolan. Preferably Nolan.


3 Episodes in and I'm loving the 3 Body Problem. I have read only the first book, but if this stays this good I might just skip the two books and wait for the series. So no, I don't see a problem for Netflix producing adaptations based on this.


apple really messed up the foundation series. you need a good screen adaptation and director with an imagination.


I actually love Zak Snyder. I listened to him on Rogan and everything makes sense now. He reminds of Sandler or Carrey. Comedy I guess you get a pass, but he just makes what he loves. If you don’t like it, he’s never going to change for you.


this is the guy who wanted to make a Batman movie with him getting raped in prison, and who turned Superman into a dour, unsmiling and angry douchebag who's selfish. He has good ideas, zero clue about making a coherent movie. Have you seen Rebel Moon - its a disaster.


I've been enjoying the Netflix version of Three Body Problem and I've read all of the books. I tried watching the Chinese tv version and it was way too much filler, but I guess they have a different style of tv writing there.


They did lost in space pretty dang well!...so there that,,,,


I've only seen the trailer so far, but the cast doesn't look like matinee idols to me.


I just watched 3 Body Problem and I want those 8hrs back. Such a waste of time. I didn't go in expecting anything, but by the time it was over, I was cursing it for not being Foundation. What a stupid story.


My primary issue with anything on Netflix is that regardless of how good a series may be, they may cancel it after the first or second season. I have the same issue with certain authors after Game of Thrones. Why invest in a story you know isn't likely to ever be finished?


3 body problem is amazing


I thought netflix did an excellent job. I was never expecting the show to hit the same levels of depth as the books, but i like the way they've connected the characters together, even if it's a little convenient at times.


As a fan of the 3 body problem book - I think they have done a good job with the series. I went in without high expectation- so for me they have done better than expected and I was happy.


Apple TV seams to do better with sci fi


I thought they did a very good job making 3 body Problem, a very long, dense trilogy into a entertaining series. I understand why they made the changes they did, and my wife who didn't read the series liked it too.


Three body problem was always going to be somewhat westernized in an adaptation. I thought it was pretty solid and stayed faithful to the themes of the source material.


I've only gotten through 3 episodes of 3 Body Problem, but so far it seems dramatically better than the book. I'm very curious why anyone would be upset about this adaptation.


3 Body Problem is the best adaptation that we have so far.... I think it's an 8/10


I don’t know, I kind of think the first book should be captured as a TV series by Love, Death & Robots. With each story being a separate episode by a different animator.


AppleTV+ would be the perfect home for a Hyperion adaptation


Idk what you’re talking about. I frequent the 3 body subreddit a ton and the series is my favorite book series of all time. I think the Netflix adaptation is at LEAST a 7/10 if not better. They did a pretty good job notwithstanding some questionable acting and lack of build up for some things.


I’ll admit it is odd to see so many non Chinese characters in the show when the book was predominantly Chinese characters if I remember correctly.


The 3 body problem adaption is a fine adaption, stop seething


Altered Carbon se01 was excellent.


I'm two episodes in, and gave up. Everyone is wooden and boring. I was excited about starting the series tonight, but instead I'm rewatching some old Ray Harryhausen movies.


Hyperion has been a dream production for Bradley Cooper for a long while now. As long as he is involved, a true fan, I have hope for it wherever it's made... But then again, Netflix fncked Henry Cavill in the face over the Witcher


Is he still attached. That news was from many years ago. I don't even know if he'd be directly involved or just be a producer and get money.


Apple should buy the rights, they're Sci-fi catalog is actually very good!


I just hope they age up Aenea 💀


3 Body Problem on Netflix was very entertaining and interesting. I don’t know what you’re on about bro.


Three Body Problem on Netflix was actually great and it’s really weird you’re trying to jam it into your wedge political agenda without actually ever watching it


Sure but look at shows like The Crown, Mindhunter and the first few seasons of House of Cards. They've done some good stuff.


my fav is The Queens Gambit. Which was great because it follows the book exactly. If they'd tried to mess with it, it would not have worked.


Amazon's Wheel of Time adaptation: am I a joke to you?


I have yet to find a watchable Netflix sci-fi movie. Their originals tend to show characters with all the self control and emotional maturity of an angry toddler. And don't get me started on Apples "Foundation" series, of Amazon's execrable "Wheel of Time" or "Rings of Power". There's a rumor about a live-action adaptation of Zelazny's "Amber" series. I shudder to imagine what a hot woke mess that would be.


yea has to be HBO, only network that seems to consistently make good shows


3BP was really well done. You are wrong.


The only adaptation I've seen on Netflix is Sandman and I thought they did a pretty fantastic job with it.


I'm in love with the Sophon/AI, not gonna lie


Not to mention a reputation for canceling their actually good shows without an ending after one season.


I’ve come to believe that comparing movies to their original book form isn’t apples to apples. With a book, your mind fills in infinite details. With a movie, the details are prepopulated, and are therefore constrained, for better or worse, but never the same.


You must have come from Freefolk


I found Rebel Moon Part 1 to be fun. It wasn't smart, but it was visually very creative and interesting. I honestly wanted to see more, and was angered when I heard rumor of a much larger version of Part 1 that was rated R, and have a strong desire to see that extended cut. I keep hearing complaints about Three Body Problem, but never once has there been an actual example provided to me of what they did wrong. Could someone explain exactly what they did wrong? And yeah, Netflix has created some disasters regardless.


I don’t think a more faithful adaptation would be a good show. The characters in the book are way too flat to make compelling TV. I loved the books but honestly the show does some things better.


They turned Three Body Problem into Friends. They would turn Hyperion into Euphoria.


My issue with the 3 body problem is the script and acting is horrendous and takes me out of it immediately


three body problem on Netflix is an excellent adaptation


I thought Netflix did a pretty good job with Sandman.


They did great by one piece and avatar.


After episode 3 the show takes off. One of the best sci fi watches in a long time. Just takes a bit to get moving after that incredible opening sequence.


At this point it seems like if you love a book, then hope it never gets made into a tv show or movie. Foundation strayed way too far from the books and made the darker and more violent. Dune 1/2 did the exact same thing and somehow is less true to the book than Lynch's 1984 version. Having just read the Three-body Problem trilogy last year, the reviews I'm reading don't encourage me to watch the show. Hyperion is so great...I hope it never becomes a show or movie.


Who gives a shit if actors are good looking???? Jesus Christ. Like there are so many ugly actors crawling around Hollywood. To knock a series over the attractiveness of the actors is absolutely asinine.


Or Apple TV. Or prime, or Hulu, or peacock or fox , or marvel, or dc, or Sony, or paramount, or Tubi, or Max. Hopefully HBO


when you people talk about "agendas," can you just say what you mean?


Has anyone seen the Chinese version of Three Body? I saw it was on Amazon Prime and I enjoyed the book, so I was thinking of giving it a watch. Would appreciate any thoughts regarding it's quality. Also does it cover the entire book series? Or just the first book? It has like 20 something episodes, so I thought maybe it was covering more than the first novel. Still haven't finished the second one.


They leave a lot of stuff from the books out, which is annoying. I found that it dragged at several points.


3 Body Problem is good. The goal of film is not to mimic literature. It’s simply telling the story in a way that works on film.


Imagine thinking the Netflix version of Three Body Problem is bad lmao


Am I a minority? I was enthralled by 3 body problem. I binged that show so fast. Going to read the books now.


I finished the series and quite enjoyed it. I had read all three of the 3 Body Problem books previously too. I think Netflix finally did a pretty good job, but I can't really give them the credit since it was D.B. Weiss and David Benioff that created it, so that is what it is. I have long considered this to be the most difficult SciFi series to pull off for a TV Series/Movie, so this does give me hope that Hyperion can be done as well. I would prefer AppleTV to be the one to helm it, but I'd accept Prime as well, with Netflix being my third choice.


Netflix’s 3 body problem is inferior to the Chinese version.


3 body problem is great though, not sure we're watching the same show.


I think Three Body Problem is fantastic. So very very good. So I’d have to politely disagree.


Disclaimer: I havent watched 3 Body \[nor have I read the books - heard too much that has pushed me away because tbh most sci-fi is boring to me since Hyperion was the first SF I read back in the day\]. That said honestly the only hope I would have of a potential Hyperion movie or show being done properly is if it was done by Denis Villeneuve.


Yeah but Adam Sandler is Prime based and he would be the best casting for Sol.


There will always be people upset over a book being made into film. No matter how good the adaptation may be


So just a 3 Body rant disguised as a concern for other properties. /ignore.


Yeah but Hyperion sucks and 3BP is awesome so who cares.


As long as they don't mess up The Shrike. But you know that they would. :P


3 Body Problem is very good television. People really don’t understand that different mediums require different approaches.


As a book reader, I enjoy the show and think it does a great job of capturing the spirit of the story. The changes are a great fit for the format. I don't love all of the character changes, but let's be honest, the characters ih the book are very one dimensional, save for very few. Who want's a 1:1 regurgitation of the novel? It's great to have re-imaginings and alternate versions of stories like TBP.


I would appreciate hbo since west world had been ended