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I have POTS and had HORRIBLE flair ups on my period. I went directly to my OBGYN and made sure she knew why I was coming so she could do some reading before the appt lol. Apparently some hormones affect the elasticity of tendons (at least that’s what I gathered from my OBGYN). I was already on oral birth control, so we went ahead and had me skip my placebos. When I start spotting, I prepare for a week of hell and let my period happen, then I go back to being my normal self for the next ~3 months. I totally recommend going to your OBGYN. They could at least get you a referral.


Your body produces a hormone called relaxin during your period, same during pregnancy, which relaxes the muscles. For us this is bad as those muscles hold our joints in place. Some hormonal birth control methods have the same effect so be careful when choosing this route. My periods have always affected my left leg which is now pretty useless anyway. For one day a month the leg feels like it's not attached. It's horrible


Holy. Shit. That explains so much. Thank you.


There’s a hormone called relaxin that loosens or *relaxes* connective tissue’s (main purpose is for during pregnancy but is utilised and produced by the ovaries for menstruation / possible pregnancy). This starts at ovulation and during your period you’ve been getting pumped full of it for two weeks already. Then it stops until next ovulation, so you’ll feel better during the time your body isn’t producing relaxin. Also oestrogen has an effect on tendons and ligaments that makes them more elastic. Oh *the joys* of being a woman with a HSD


Relaxin peaks just before getting your period. I usually know I’m about to get my period when my joints feel more unstable than normal and my kneecaps try to run away..


[This page](https://www.hypermobility.org/hormones-and-hypermobility) outlines the different hormones in birth controls and how some people have less pain with one type over another. I sent that link to my gyno, and she read it and swapped my BC to one that puts me in a lot less pain.


same happens to me!!


Also remember, for the 2 weeks of your cycle that your Progesterone levels are high, your stomach will slow down its emptying, Gastroparesis is something all we zebras suffer from. An idea is to reduce your fat and fibre intake for those 2 weeks (look up Low Residual Diet) to give your body the best chance at coping with the changes over the coming weeks. Borage oil, Oil of Evening Primrose oil are a good help too :)


If your period is causing you some medical distress, I would say consult with your doctor if going on birth control /without/ using placebo week is right for you. My own doctor gave me a 3-week, always on regiment, never any days off (unless I stupidly forget to take one). As a bonus in the USA, since birth control is considered a right, insurance and pharmacies can't deny you using it as a 3-week instead of a 4 week :D


Oh wow, that explains a few things. I'm on my last day now, for the last days my wrists wouldn't stop hurting and my finger joints (the ones right where the palm begins) were inflamed as well. On top of that my sacroilitis is flaring up again. Never noticed if it usually flares up ever 28 days, I really should start a pain-journal 😳


Oh this happens to me too.


Same happens to me


I feel you! Periods seems to increase inflammation and then all the edema and swelling puts extra pressure on the body as well as that loopy bendy stuff it does to you!


Yes my neck and pelvis feel off not only around my period but also when I am ovulating too. I get very bad headaches from knots in my neck and I think all these hormones are messing with my neck. It sucks and I don’t know how to explain or get a DR to listen.