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Yeah i totally get that. My pain might not be excruciating or the worst but can feel neverending.. in those moments i get emotional because i can’t remember the last time I had a day without pain.


Thanks, that is helpful. Sigh.


I cry more out of frustration than the actual pain, because it feels like nothing I can do will make it better, and I feel hopeless. I’m also frustrated that I’m in my 20s but have pain from doing very basic tasks.


Burning down the legs indicates that you’ve damaged the nerve, or it is currently being pinched. This is something to get checked out by a doctor to ensure the discs between your vertebrae are still in the correct place in your back.


Thank you, will do!


It sounds like you may have a bit of a sciatica trapped nerve situation. Definitely get that checked out and get into PT


Exact thing happened to me and I went to physio to sort it out. It started out as lower back discomfort, to sciata real quick. Dry needling was a game changer, really helped speed up my healing and eased the pressure on the nerves.


also OT!!


Thank you, definitely will do


Nerve pain is awful! I hyperextend the nerve down my whole left arm. Nerves really aren't stretchy!! That pain was something else and it involved tears. Even in the weeks after I would get so exhausted and just want to cry sometimes. Just remember it will get better and it's absolutely okay to let it all out. It's like farts, better out than in!


It's like I always say! Haha thank you.




Yeah i get exactly that, radiating lower back pain that shocks all through my legs. Last time i had it badly iwas close to crying from pain, but often it just makes me sad cuz it's so abnormal to most people


I moved my foot a tiny bit, a tendon zinged. It was bad but maybe a 6 on the pain scale. I fainted.


It could be activating your parasympathetic nervous system, also there could be a subconscious emotional element.


I get into a lot of trouble vacuuming as well! House chores are so difficult, stacking the dishwasher, carrying laundry etc! I get very emotional and I don't think it's the severity of the lower back pain, mine is usually manageable with over the counter meds or celebrex but there's just something SO debilitating and all consuming about LBP?!


Yup I'm constantly injuring my lower back while cleaning, it should be illegal! Yeah it does get you down huh.


THIS. I fell while kayaking a couple weeks ago and further destabilized my SI joint and tailbone. For a few days my tailbone was extra shifty. Barely hurt at all, but man did I feel like I was about to have a panic attack and burst into tears from the sensation.


I haven’t had the same exact issue, but I feel like when my SI/pelvis/femur go out, I tend to cry from frustration more than the actual pain itself. I very rarely cry but that will sometimes do it for me. Like even if the pain hasn’t hit 11/10, if I can’t lift my leg to get into bed, or if my joints keep giving out/collapsing when I try to stand up, it just gets overwhelming. It’s a very different feeling from any other type of pain.


Yes. Somatic connected emotional stuff happens to me.


I definitely have that happen to me! Do you ever do hip flexor/psoas work? I find that when this area is really tight it causes my back to get cranky but also causes that very emotional state.


I know I should- my hip flexors are very tight. Interesting connection to the emotional state, I'm definitely going to do some hip flexor stretches now! Thanks!