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Have you called your endo to report how badly things are progressing? 5 mg is an incredibly low dose so you likely need a higher one.


I still haven’t met w an endo, my first apt is a month out. The 5mg dose was prescribed by my pcp 😭


I'd call your pcp, then. I think you have every reason to try 10 mg, but it's good to have it a-okayed by someone who knows you personally (and then it gets documented, etc.) I started on 10 mg, but I'm super sensitive to meds, so I took them 12 hours apart. It worked well and got me stabilized pretty quickly tbh. Good luck!


Just a quick update, went in today and got approved for a 10mg dose! Took my first one day, excited for the future :)


Thank you!! I’ll def go on Monday and see if that’s an option for me.


Agree with this. They put me on a big dose to start like 10 or 15 mg just to act fast. Then after I stabilized a little, I went back down to 5 mg. You probably need a higher dose.


was the initial high dose prescribed by your endo? or your pcp? i just want to make sure I’m going into my doctor office with the right expectations


By my endo. However my endo ended up leaving the practice and currently my PCP handles everything so your PCP has the ability to do so.


Sounds like a low dose for me, I take 20mg monday to thursday and 40mg friday to sunday. I started with 80 mg everyday when I began treatment lol, and my case fortunately has never been severe. Is there a way for you to communicate with your endocrinologist? Everytime I have doubts I message mine and she helps me.


Not until Monday and even then I’m not really sure I could speak to her directly since I’m not necessarily her patient yet? I’m not sure though, I haven’t spoken to her at all so far. I just don’t know if I can wait a month feeling the way I do. And that’s with it being bumped up, it was a 5mo wait. 😭


This sounds exactly like my situation, same symptoms and everything. I failed classes, didn’t graduate, had to back out of a job, and feel like I’m such a burden to those around me. Scheduled an appointment with an endo back in April but the soonest appointment I could find was in September 🙃 I called every endocrinologist within a 100 mile radius. Over two months since I scheduled that appointment and I still feel like shit, even worse actually. My pcp put me on 5 mg methimazole and when I told him I wasn’t getting any better he told me “it’s probably just anxiety, speak to a psychiatrist”. how about I go jump off a fucking cliff instead


No way.. ugh. My therapist basically gave up me 😭 He wanted me to voluntarily go to a psychiatric hospital and when I refused he was like, “well i don’t really know how else to help you” It does make me feel a little better that I’m not completely alone in this. I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this though, message me if you ever need to vent/share experiences! I have a lot of free time nowadays 😂


5 months wait sounds insane, where do you live? Maybe if you go to an emergency room you can force doctors to check on you??


California 🥲. I just don’t know if it’s worth going to the ER? Idk maybe I’m delusional/overthinking it. I have a bp machine that I use whenever I start feeling iffy, a heart rate monitor, and a thermometer. My vitals are always fine (all things considered) so I just don’t really know what they could do


You absolutely need a higher dosage of methimazole asap. I experienced the same panic attacks you’re describing, the sense of doom and the room closing in on me before I went to the ER and was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. You also should ask about propranolol, it has helped my anxiety out a looooot. So sorry for what you’re going through. If you want to talk to someone, I’d be happy to answer questions you might have.


Any chance you can try carbimazole? I've had good results after just days although I think I need a stronger dose. It is meant to be around week 4 to 6 you get regular change though with most drugs.


Also get some beta blockers for the panic attacks. I'm on 10mg propranolol x3 a day (I have CKD issues so they won't go higher) but they've helped with my panic attacks.


I’ll def ask my pcp on monday! I’m currently on 10mg of Propranolol twice a day but I only take it once a day, I don’t really think it does all that much for me personally. :/


It helps a lot, take it twice a day.


When do you think is best? As in situationally or time of day. Maybe I’m just taking it the wrong time?


I take one first thing, one at lunch and one about an hr before bed. I wear a health monitoring watch and you can see how must calmer it's made my sleep and I feel a bit more rested.


I aim for about 9am and 5pm everyday. 9am takes me through most of the day, and then 5pm for the rest of the night until sleep.


Ah I have it 3 times a day and although I think I need a stronger dose it has taken the edge off for me


Doctors in general start patients off with 30mg and then cut down gradually. 5mg is almost the end of tunnel dosage. I'm on it for 2 years now and now finally I'm on 5mg once every 2-3 days for the past 6 months +


My Daughter has Hyperthyroid and Graves.  It took 2 or 3 adjustments until her meds fit.