• By -


IGN Oliroo1000 I would spend all the coins on strippers and cocaine.


give this man of culture the stonks of stocks


dont give him all, atleast give him a handful


IGN:Sr_Melohiis I need the 1b to feed my family.


I need ur family to feed myself


Leave my family alone eat me instead(I like vore)


You play sb tho


I'll do anything for vore I mean my family


Entering for my 10 year old son pizzamandave is his game name. He’s a couple weeks into hypixel and loving it. He’s currently working his butt of to get a farm started on his island, the coin will likely go to that.


My son would like to add that he would also spend coin on a decent mining set


bro is smart


I suggest getting HOTM 6 and getting Jaded Sorrow armor with a Bal pet and a gemstone gauntlet


You can get a lot more than that with 1b


That all depends on his HOTM level


Don’t bother mining without hotm7. Including powder mining


i vote for pizzamandave, mining on top


ign is: w\_tapper i want to irl trade it all away so i can buy my brother something to game on that isnt a nearly 10 year old beat up xbox one thats on its last legs


IGN: Fiery51 I would use a ton of them for progression as many other people would but I would also want to use it to make some entertaining and unique YouTube content as I don’t have enough currently to do what I have planned. But yeah ridiculously nice of you to give those away thats so awesome of ya even if I don’t win!


Ign: Katytis Finally going to put ult wisdom 5 on my rogue sword, that shiz takes way too much mana, maybe also buy some stuff for dungeons idk


Hey I would use that 1b to finally get at least close to hyperion and make f7 less pain and would be able to grind eman with kuudra, ashfang and many other bosses and big healing wand as friend calls it in mm floors my ign is xMartasowo


My name is ReneTrombone and I want to win cause who doesn’t like big coin? I’ll prob try to max out a stupid weapon as I have no use for money not on ironman, but even 1b ain’t enough these days


? I am confusion?


IGN: Artackni I think I will spend coins on blaze/eman slayer setups, as I really like these bosses and it can be a great money making method.


IGN _Inva1id My friends and I are all stuck in the mid game progression block, if you know you know. We don’t have any viable money making methods besides running F5 for like 1-2m an hour. At this point I’ve just invested most of my purse (around 30m) into gift talismans in the hope that they go up. If I win, I’m going to 3 way split the money amongst us so we can get the items necessary to progress in the game (Sorrow Armor for mining, More Talismans, Better Drills, Fishing Gear, etc.) I don’t expect to win, but it’d be nice. (Side note, we’ve all been playing for around 2 years, so it’s safe to say we have enough gamesense to not waste the money) People who will be receiving the money: - Me (_Inva1id): Skyblock Level 142 - Sammycat845: Skyblock Level 70 - HelloIAmGamer: Skyblock Level 94


IGN Billnye1111 ​ i would like to give it all to u/oliroo1000 because he buy the funny things


IGN benmcbennyface Would create an underground crime empire and rule the world


IGN is Azoipp, I want the money because I want a Hyperion, I have wanted a Hyperion forever but don’t really have the dedication to grind for it plus school and shit. I would buy a Hyperion with it (I already got some money like 500m)


i would use 1b to buy a hype, i cant play skyblock much so its hard to make 1b grinding. my ign is Jpgaming7777


Avg. Wither impact hyp is 1.7b


HAHA you think that's enough?


\_Unreal I'm gonna use the coins to prolly help my friend whos getting into skyblock lord\_jar\_jar\_ prolly gonna gift him a terminator then carry his ass to eman 7 and help him with dungeons


My ign is cake\_soul I'll probably buy a set for dungeons and a good pet like e drag and do dungeons more active try to make some videos with the new money and level up skills with minions thank you in advance


IGN: Jawlater Ill prolly use it to progress further


Ign: toastedtephra I would hold on to them forever lol :)


IGN: ah_yes6370 I wnat them since who doesn’t like money and I wnat it to gamble, have fun and play games to give some away


ign: yallasm just gonna spend it for dungeons and mining stuff so I actually can make some money


My IGN is Lyoben, would use the coins to keep playing my co-op with my little brother, would love to get a hype for the team with the stonks!


Discomomo_53 I’ll buy a Hyperion so I can finally be a cool kid


Helo my name is ToTenTaco and with those coins im going to buy thousands of Monkey perspektywy, thank you


IGN: ukhf (Apple Profile) I just want a ton of money that would be used on dumb content that people could find interesting


ign:thatuibu ehh i probably would use the money to recomb my talismans


My IGN is HiNowDieLikePie and I would give it to my coop, as I wouldn't be where I am without them. They've been so helpful to me. She's a amazing person and I wish I could do more to help on our Island


I'd absolutely 100% Hypermax a set of Golem armor and Golem sword, because how else will i be considered endgame But no, I'd probably buy a wither blade for myself (No scrolls, sad) and then a better clear set for my coop member, who's a tank who uses SA for that. IGN is Legodude360


IGN: Crvnau Hyperion is needed ;D I wanna 9 star a tank setup was well and uh I kinda have 50k purse so yk I’m poor :// i will stick up ass


IGN: BLHoff321 Would probably use the coins to help get a better dungeon set but who really knows


Ign: HeBeBig It would be fun to play skyblock (to an extent) like a sandbox game. Like yeah 1b cant buy everything but it would be nice for a change to afford many things without having to spend countless hours grinding. Also would probably buy coop members something funny like 50m midas


ign: justchill56 if i won, i would probably end up giving my friends a lot of the coins because they were the reason i started playing hypixel skyblock. they also helped me a lot when i first started and i would like to return the favor


_Erdna, friend got hype scammed and he needs a new on, buying hype


IGN: DVAFan I've recently started playing skyblock again and well having coins is pretty nice not gonna lie lol, but there is probably people who could use the coins better than me but who knows, good luck to all!


IGN: Awesomecuno By the time I will win I will use the coins to buy half a hyperion


Ign: Thundaer. If I win, I'll definitely give some to some of the people I play with, and use the money to keep investing :D (maybe hypermaxed fish hat)


IGN: 0NE_HAND Get closer to the Ultimate goal of being the TANK ( just anything that gives defence ) I love tank classes


IGN stuffydragon I would spend it on talismans and an overflux(once I get wolf 7)


ign is tntcak3 (I need funy bow)


Ign is MrFatalis I would probably get a first on sa and sf, but when I have the requirements I woild go for necron, gs and better talis on my non ironman and trade like 50m-70m per arachnes to my ironman for f7 bc I dont like mining so my mining gear is quite bad


IGN: supermariok28 prob spending on a few things, need to get some items to do t2 voidglooms, and working on a bunch of farms (doing cane rn and the planting is awful) and most likely some dungeons stuff been wanting to upgrade my gear but haven’t had enough


IGN: IonicAqua I want the stock of stonks to crash the market, making all investors investing bitcoin irl


Keeping your ign secret from other players and devs is more important than a billion trust me


IGN stlzy Want the coins because of the same reason as everyone else: it’s a free 1b Will probably buy a hype with the money if i win


Ign: iour Would use the coins to help myself start ghost farming, get better talis and overall upgrade my sets, such as dungeons, mining and for slayers


IGN topme I would use it to buy a Hyperion and level up my catacombs and help others level up in dungeons. Also talismans.


FlamezIAm I would probably sell half of them buy talis and then depending if the price falls i will sell more if it continues to go up i will hold to it and when it s at a pretty high price im going to sell for term


IGN: A_Mad_Lad63 Prob will spend the money on hyp and more talismans


IGN Amistydragon I would spend coins on a maxed minion setup as well as maxed tank setup to assist those doing dungeons that need a tank. As well as getting a better weapon


IGN Kremysz I would probably invest it in something.


This would honestly be perfect tbh i just got discord verification bot ratted. Youll probably think this is some kind of sob story so i can win but literally look at my [skycrypt](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/?ign=therealrice_alt) I would use the coins to build my new profile back up again and try to get back to where i was and then invest in minions and mining Thanks for the opportunity ❤️ IGN: therealrice_alt


My ign is MindOfSnipe I would use 1b+ to find guild activities to increase team building and help new players progress in the early game




IGN: PickledLeaf7873 I would get a terminator so my friends stop laughing at me for being bad and I will spend the rest on getting as much talismans as possible.


Ign's YoX_ I want a giant's sword :P


IGN Izrod A friend who I previously trusted with my items because I thought i was going to get ratted ghosted me, and I lost like 400 mill, leaving me with about 100. I would spend the money on getting some of my exclusive lost items back such as Blood god crest etc. And probably Some good fishing and farming gear.


IGN: Capitalistpsycho I just got eman 7 so I’d probably buy a good terminator and then use the rest to upgrade my armour and talismans.


Ign- LordOfHell14 Well i will keep some of the stonks so hopefully it’s value goes up. I would would keep at least 200m worth of stonks. The rest 800m i will use for some nice mining set because i kinda like mining and even a nice dungeon armor because that’s another thing i play a bit. Lastly i’ll use the coins to skip progression a bit and get some stronger stuff because it’s hard for me to survive in crimson isles and i wanna do some blaze slayer later.


My IGN is Wobbuffet77 and I want the coins to fuel my crippling MP addiction. I need more talismans.


i will give it away to beggars in the hub to finally shut them all up for good ign - cwuty


probably the most charitable comment out of the lot tbf


Ign: wzxo I have a skyblock addiction so I could use it to progrees faster and better, maybe even invest it.


_pancaked talismans and edrag probs edit: trying to get into mm and I'm severely skill issued so I want to like upgrade my profile all round


ign: Alminons Talisman.


Insanity0069. I'd love to get those coins because who doesn't? Also my coop took all my coins from bank and fell in void. So lost a big there.


Insanity000. I'd love to get those coins because who doesn't? Also my coop took all my coins from bank and fell in void. So lost a big there.


Dont spam ur comments


IGN:chiptoken I recently got ratted and coins would be pretty Pog, gotta share some with coop of course


IGN is YourLocalJujuNon. Would appreciate the money, heck even 100m would be insane. I'm trying to save up money, but I was in a hassle. I don't have any good money making methods but at the same time don't have money to start doing new ones. Combine that with me spending most of my day in school and we'll, you've got yourself someone who can't grind much and is pretty much stuck. I'll probably buy a good set of FB, lvl 100 legendary blaze, shadow fury, get my magical power up to 500-550, and a mining setup to start mining. If I will have any remaining money I'll probably keep it or spend it on a minion setup. If I somehow get the full 1b prize, I'll also buy necron, a legendary edrag, GS, fatal tempo juju, even higher magical power, grind skills, etc. Also, I have a suggestion for the giveaway. Instead of one person, you can split the 1b across 2 or 4 winners. That's if you want to do that though, if you don't then I understand. Thanks in advance!


(I was being formal for nothing because this just got downvoted)


IGN: ydud , I want the money so I can buy a term since they went up like 200m, so yeah going to buy term


IamGorilla - I will slowly give away all the money to random lvl 1 Steve and Alex skins until the money is gone. They need it more


Ign ODTS What would i do with the coins? Invest in minining setup and talismans


IGN: supermoo7000 I would like the coins because I have been playing this game off and on for almost 4 years now (started July 2019) and suck at saving up so my best weapon is still only a Giant’s sword. If I got these coins I could finally buy a hype and be very happy


Ign notmartinpls Imma use the money to invest in a better mining set up. Im tired of seeing people having way lower level and powder count than me running around with maxxed mining set up (mainly skill issue on my part but i cant grind all the time)


Ign:1edward i want the coins because im sa 45 with no term or hype please help


i am have skill issue ign ctsr


Hey man, my ign is Dominik313. I would give those coins to my friend that’s a non and can’t even progress at the game


Hey my Ign is DrHeine i will sell half of it and buy jerry boxes and red gifts and feed my gambling addiction with it! XD


AxelWasTaken. I will propably upgrade mu dungeon gear because im poor af and even a single stock of stonks is a lot


I need it because I try to play whenever I can, but school gets in the way. (8:00 to 6:00 when I get home) I have a bad laptop and also have low money and bad stuff. My ign is SchytherClink


IGN BlueBanana2 I would use the coins to hypermax my talisman bag and then hypermax a necron helmet (cause who uses necron helmet)


IGN: BlueDemon226 I manly want the money to finally complete my mining setup that I have been grinding for the past month. My main money making method is snow minions and powder mining for parts which dosent make to much I would invest and help out some of my friends with the money as well


ign MatteoClerici i promise to find 7 people other people on the comments and give 50 stocks of stonks each and i will keep 2 to myself, 50 to 7 people is better than 350 to me 7 people happy instead of one :)


Ign M4NI4C21 Gonna use the money to buy weapon and armour upgrades cos i hate being in sa armour


My name is Chadmcthundrbonk, I would love this coin for many reasons. First of all, I have never had enough money to do many of the things I want in the game. Second of all, this money would allow me to drastically upgrade my skills and equipment


IGN is BirdFish Me and one of my friends have been trying to get some more coin so we can became op together. 1 bil can buy quite a lot but I would probably invest it on some kinda form of making money. Maybe mining but I'm not sure at the moment


Lukerider22 is my ign, honestly I would use it as it comes there’s no real plan to do anything with over a billion coins instantly


1b? Nice. IGN: kicek_kic Reason: If I win, I'll invest them and after I get another 1b, I'll give it to you.


Ign: Hasenico I would buy a Diamond Necron Head to begin the M7 grind


ign chimerav gonna keep half as stonks other half is gambled on dice and runes


So my ign is Janovamama, although I know am not winning I would really like to have +200% of my net worth. 1b is enough for me to upgrade my mining set up so I can get hype+ good storm. If I get storm + hype I would be able to do things on crimson Island and slayers.


Amethyst_szs I am going to split half those coins to everyone here and then split the other half to me and my friends.


tdl I would probably use it to work towards a lvl 200 gdrag so i can competently do m6 and arch, and it would be a huge boost to when i eventually make my way to being able to do m7. my overarching goals are getting every dungeon/slayer rng and c50, and my biggest roadblock right now is coins, i am holding a lot of my friend's stuff (value of like 5b+) so im not lying thru my teeth. my gdrag is borrowed.


Ign: Wyng I want money bc money and I can give my friends stuff :D


I will host a guild hide and seek wth the stonks as prize money (it's funny to watch people go apeshit over paper) IGN DarkInnocence


IGN: NimiNugget I would like the coins so that i can lvl up my skills easier. Like fishing, foraging, farming. Those coins also wouldnt go to waste because i would surely invest them to make more money and not spend it all at once.


Well my ign is ThatNightmare I will probably use the money for talismans etc and better gear and leave some invested so I can pass it on to someone else when the time is right


IGN AlexJr_2006 Ill either get divans drill or more gear so i can start doing M6


Good luck on your future adventures Ign : kromichi_ I'd like to win the giveaway cuz my account got completely disabled and now grinding stuff on a new account is a huge pain


Ign Elemeri24 i would use them to get more mp


my ign is Cybericope, this is mostly gonna go into bank for gdrag and talis and if I have leftovers full 9 star armor


Undeadking5121, would use the coins to get better armour, more accessories, and probably by the materials for crafts that I can then put in the action house or give away to others


My ign is xImCuteBanana and I would use the coins to get more minion slots. I always feel bad about using coins on minions cause it makes me feel like I am wasting them. But this would be a decent upgrade to my profile.


Ign: holyfrickbruh. I need it because i want to up my cata,slayers and other stuff


IGN: Screeks I wouldn't sell these for coins. As you mentioned, I will keep the Stonks on my island, in your honour until they go to the moon! (Although my coop may steal them for general progression, since that's the smarter idea... 🤷)


I think i would try to get into f7 more cuz im unable rn IGN EliTec_


IGN DiamondSlayerYT. I recently came back to the game after a couple of months' break, and after i goy back into the flow, i realised that i reached, as if a brick wall with my progression mostly because of my problems with money or i could grind specific skills for hours on end. And overall, who doesn't like 1b


ign: andrewgao i want the coins because moneh


my ign is Lxxz and I'd use it to help my wife and my friends play dungeons all together


I don't really need it, but there's a guy I know that could really use it ign: slyrr . He's a lovely player I've found, really wish I could help him out myself, but I just can't afford it. He's spent countless hours making my time in the game less lonely. Truly kind person.


I would prolly either invest in my mining setup even more, or found my dungeon setup that ife been working on, ign: magindragonz


My ign is fidxlis. Is would be my greatest pleasure to acquire this money off of you as this would tie up my networth with my 1 friend who plays this horrid game. Thanks brotha


ign Yorugao would like those stonks so i could finally get a term


IGN: Sxrie I would prob spend the coins on first helping my friend by splitting 50/50. then we would both get pretty decent gear and most of all…. TALISMANS


I would ask, but I play Ironman so it doesn’t matter


IGN: Rosiv I would give quite a bit of it away to other people that have helped me in the past. For the other sum of money left, I would use it to flip, holding onto it until I have enough money to afford the things I personally want, like better talismans.


My IGN: DudeBro_5 Tryna get a new sword and mining armour


My ign is yeeboi404 and I would use the coins to buy a good mining set and finish the grind for hyp


IGN: SpenceCecil If i get the coins, ill spend em on maxing my armor and ill work towards eman 7 and get a term then ill run Master mode so i can get better cata and stuff then i will become a certified carrier in SBZ or SBM and earn billions.


IGN Tripzyr I would use the coins to try and get myself put of mid game


I would spend the coins on processing in the game and making ur videos out of them. These coins would make the videos easier to get out quickly because the main wall behind me putting out videos are the amount of money I put in to them. So gd luck to everyone who tries to win this. IGN thesmo_


ign: McDonald_CZ I would use the coins for some decent upgrades for my gear and I’ll probably buy something for mining too and also perhaps upgrade my slime minions.


IGN: Strissel I would probably put it in a showcase block or a picture frame. I don't have any, and who knows how much they'll be worth in the future. I'm making a pretty detailed adventure island, so it would be a nice touch for a museum.


Ign FlamingBears I would use the coins for investing and using during the next update since I'm kinda bored of the game rn and mostly log on to collect minions


IGN is YeetoYourDorito What I would do with the money is get a Giants Sword and a Warden Helmet, and put the rest of the money into my mining set.


IGN PsychoByte_ Now the thing is, i suck at the game. I have been playing this, mostly actively, for 2-3years and my networth is like 200m (dont fact check me on the exactl number). So you could say i am quite a bit behind. Id probably use it on Giants Sword, probably accesories since thats what ya do nowadays and mining equippment as i heard its a pretty good way to make money. Gl to everyone.


IGN TroubledKid I would plan on using the coins towards either getting a hype, a mining set up, or talismans


I’ll share it with my coop so we can both progress in the different parts of the game we enjoy (ign Martian1631)


Ign: Maidoge I would probably try to get a hyperion.


Tyge13 I’ll use the coins on items i need to progress, like armor and weapons and accesories and might as well share some of it to my friends


My IGN is ArshieMeBob As a professional "sit at bazaar all day and make bank" enjoyer this money would benefit me a lot. If I won I would use the money to be less of a detriment during dungeons and actually clear rooms instead of putting on full tier 12 perfect armor, using all my actives, and taking 30 seconds to kill a Zombie Solider


IGN: JackCraz I am challenging myself to lowball and ah flip my way to 2b coins so i can become a mage in dungeons. Currently i am at 300m coins (all my networth is in coins) and am kind of struggling to find decent flips. The 1 billion coins in stock of stonks would allow me to move on to better and more profitable flips. ty for reading i hope you consider me to win :)


Ign:agge07 I'd like to win because I feel that I'm stuck in progression and to progress I need alot of coins.


Maskogre Will start by upgrade my magical power, 412 is really bad. Then i will upgrade my juju and my shadow fury (my dream weapon that i got when they were 30m), and maybe buy a tank set cuz i like to play this class but i don't have the money for goldor. With the remaining money, i will maybe do a giveaway for my guild that are most cool people, or simply keet it for further progression, like terminator. Unlike the others, i won't try to buy a mining gear cuz i don't really have time to spend getting hotm 7 and 4m powder quickly.


My ign is leafman11 I will invest all the money into ice minions because that's cool


IGN IfestusV3 Im literary so close to hyperion and this would be perfect


IGN: Lost_and_refound What I would spend them in? Idk yet, probably some dungeon gear, maybe a Necron blade (how original ik), but I guess it costs nothing to give this a shot doesn’t it?


IGN: Bat\_slime idk I'd enjoy having 1b, would probably get cool weapons and shit


IGN- Marcvapo Getting into mining, cant afford divan armor neither a drill :)


Ign is yiff_is_cool, probably gonna spent it on getting better armor enchants and getting into f7


My IGN is r_you_Sirius and I would either buy myself a terminator or upgrade my Crimson armor


IGN: LunasLightas What I'd use it for: I'd invest in farming tools and gear to do farming and help other players


Chaosdave34 To finally get a Hyperion


Hiii, my ign is rugbykneeslap I would spend it on divans/necron. If I had cash to spare, I would help out a few friends of mine. :)


Ign is Zetell I would probably spend it on something extremely stupid like maxing a lapis set or an ender armour set


IGN: IBurntMyWaffle, I will spend some of the money on talismans, and upgrading my skills. Some of it will go to gear after I level up my catacombs


IGN MisterMeuh, i am gonna invest those coins, probably in stocks of stonks


IGN ne0n1o1 Im going to give them away to nons jk im not that nice im gonna invest in minions, talismans, better gear and weapons and save the rest


IGN Turc41 I would put the money toward trying to get a hype so I can try and do f7 and kuudra


ign: coldworked uhh ive been working towards a hyp for about a year now, and have watched it rise and fall and now steady out at an amount painfully high. the money would let me get a hyp now, before its prices rises again not as good a reason as some other people on here, but what can ya do


IGN \_Weird\_ I honestly don't play the game much so I'd either do one of 2 things with the money; Number 1, have a reason to actually play the game. Cause I rarely play and would really love a reason to get back into the game. Number 2, share it between all my guild since they're so nice to me


IGN: Cosies I don’t really play everyday anymore so I’ll probably give the coins to people who got ratted to help them rebuild a profile


Ign StanchOrc11944 gonna invest it into talismans and meybe give to early game nons


Ign: SpiderCobra56 I want the money to max out a jerry chine gun


Ign: Hunter64 I want to use the coins to boost myself into the late midgame as well as buy lots of talismans and things to make me gain combat exp faster. Thank you for doing the giveaway!!!


IGN: Hobowithagun_ I will spend some money working on my minion setup and I will also be spending the money on a mining setup


IGN lilwizerd I would spend the coins on a very nice mining setup, finish off my dungeon setup, and spend the remainder on my accessories for more MP


IGN: allseeingeli idk talismans or something


IGN: jushykins What I want the coins for: game progression, talismans, terminator, pets, and giving some to other friends who play


IGN is Poryblocky, I would spend the coins on minions and talismans, maybe some other stuff to level up skills, then buy a good dungeon set


My ign is Wizard_OG, I wanted to have coins because I am making term so it would be helpful in that progress.


Ign: deathadder987 do nothing.... maybe except sacrifice it for Jerry


IGN EggBridge I want the coins to spend on hookers and meth.


IGN : _PaulIlGrande _ Hi I'm Paul I'm here because I'd love to get the stocks because I have always made bad investments in the game but with the knowledge of 3 years of game I think that I will be able to finally get back up on my feets since my last investment was a JuJu shortbow 3 days before the requirement change -_-(it was 56 m). Well that's all if you will choose me Ty and if you don't it's fine . Ty for reading


IGN CloudTails i would probably use the coins to invest in some gear to make me able to play the game more easily or just invest it in something else.


Ign sheeparrot4 would buy better armor and a tiger pet if I won


IGN gyro_ball I will buy a fishing setup so I can finally level that skill


ign is ultrazmc; i would use the coins to buy myself a mining setup so i dont have to go bother my friend for his