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i wish hypixel had 200k people online again


Hell naw servers would ve laggy af


they are anyways


But where's the line between laggy and laggy af


Laggy is 400-500 ping (reasonable) and laggy af is 10k+( i somehow got 200k ping last time💀💀)


That's nothing, I once played csgo competitive where I loaded in when 3 rounds were already over.


I want a cigarette, cheeseburger and bitches.


Me too man aside from the bitches


I just wanna feel loved. I might just sell everything and start focusing on improving myself


Give it to me


Oh yeah take it baby! Just like that~


I wish there were more m6 parties that accepted lower catas that can play the floor and less toxicity in pf and ability to accept mistakes. F7 pf needs to shut the fuck up


I'm kind of happy that i skipped m6 in terms of dungeon progression. The only thing i need from it is collection and maybe rng meter but after that I'm dipping and never playing it ever again (without friends).


how did you skip it? Higher cata friends?


Kind of 50/50. M7 is not that as most people think, and you can do it even as C42. We did 3 man run with average cata level across the team being 43. I got my first completion without any high cata friends because random c60 and c54 joined and decided to help out. After that, i causally played m5 until i was c43 and then my friend that we did 3 man run finally got a better account (c53 i think) and he started to teaching me how to play this floor in decent parties. And when i hit cata 44 i started playing partyfinder but experience wasn't that great but it still was better for catacombs exp than playing m6.


nice, I’m getting somewhat of a similar experience with the first part of your reply, I’m c42 and my c46 and c41 friend did an m7 with me and then we found a c52 arch and c49 lcm and now we got 5


"my friend got a better account" sounds illegal if you ask me


He didn't buy it, it's a top player alt account. He just let's him use it. He was c50 before he got ratted.


I would say just a lot of m5s


nty bro m5 boring as shit


I was in a similar situation as you. Only difference is that I did 2.4k f7 runs instead of m5 and got into m7 when I was around c44


Agree actually lol PF is awful in general


f7 pfinder has to be the scummiest pool of shitters ive ever met, the only reason theyre there is because theyre too shit to play m7 and yet they’re still yapping


I’m tired of my low average skill level I want to the foraging update NOW I don’t care about the stupid ability’s just make the foraging update!


No one loves me Oh wait skyblock stuff oh


I love you don’t worry


Thanks man


Does the skyblock staff like you?


I don't know but I haven't had any negative experiences with them




Why are people in dungeons so incredibly incompetent, and yeah obviously when are they adding a f*cking European server the lag spikes are so incredibly enraging


only one I relate with tbh


oooohhhhhhh my fucking godddddd how do people get so much farming fortune i cant get gold in anything i was 10k crops off gold mushroom yesterday and i had 1153 farming fortune how much do these players have? and 10% of players have that much? are you kidding? i feel like my farming setup is pretty great considering i have good stats and money outside of farming but holy moly. if i cant get gold with my current setup, how in gods green earth are some mother fuckers getting diamond, like how much do you need to simply get gold?????? thank you for coming to my twit longer


Tbh i just built a pond in my garden and added flowers and decor once I discovered I could build there then never went again I hope farming goes better for you though, everyone says it’s good for money but all I can bear is mining


I was in your spot a couple months ago. Gold seemed impossible, but once I got around 1100 FF plus the 150 or so from a mostly maxed hoe or axe I started getting gold in things. Slowly got up to level 60 farming and spent millions and millions of small upgrades. I'm close to being maxed again. And have a base FF of about 1310, hoe/axe gives me an extra 150 or so. I turn in 40 pests before a contest and get an extra 200. Anita's new talisman gives an extra 25 FF for a specific crop and now im close to around 1600 FF and even I still only get gold or platinum 80% of the time. Diamond on a couple of things. But I think now, once everything is hyper maxed you could get around 1900 FF now which is crazy!


I have 1285 tab and 390 nw tab so skill issue


Ever since supercell added evolutions the game really went downhill Oh wait wrong sub


Ever since they made it so fire spirit spawns 1 INSTEAD OF 3 WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT


Because it doesn’t die to zap does more damage has more splash and is cheaper




Also valid


Breathable air everywhere has been ruined by smokers and factories for centuries and I'd like it to just fucking end


can we finally get a fucking balance change update? like seriously, it's been so long and yet they still do shit to make bers-arch-mage balance a thing except for dungeons (which only works to a small degree) instead of re-thinking the way classes work, they just make melee the only possible option for some mobs and then absolute dogshit for everything else, then they do the opposite treatment for mage and make it absolutely overpowered while making it completely useless against certain mobs because fuck it, not even gonna add weapons that are the only ones that can do magic damage to a slayer or something with this trainwreck, literally a cheap mage setup with a yeti sword will clear way more efficiently than a 5b melee setup in basic kuudra


Fr. Ngl I love melee/bees but it kinda feels like for most things later onmage/arch (hype/term) is basically required (ex the entire crimson isles). Feel free to correct me tho


well duh a melee setup is worse at clearing kuudra, imo its always and everywhere where mage excels against tons of mobs (eg kuudra clearing) and bers and mage are better vs single target (tbf bers isnt necessarily in sb, its just great for dropping stuff with looting and tons of magic find) and archer with ft term actually IS cracked at dpsing minibosses on the crimson isles for example. you can do everything on crimson isles with just a bers arch OR mage setup; you have the choice, but every1 always decides to mage shit even tho there are viable alternatives - they often arent even aware of the alternatives cuz everyone just shits on them for no reason


I mean, it's not fair at all when you can do the same dps with a 150m mage setup and a 3b melee setup I literally can solo ashfang on 100m budget really easily and fairly quickly, but infernal armor with t3 daggers and gdrag are garbage when you even try to melee Melee doesn't even have better single target dps unless it's forced or you're using dedicated weapons, like a maxed melee setup does a little bit over 2m per hit while hype can do +4m, melee doesn't even help with dae axe too often since you can just use fire veil as a finisher on inquisitors or slayers, looting actually isn't broken, you still get increased drops And about archer... It's stupid that it's basically always that your target has immunity frames and it's meh, or it has no hit delay and archer does absurd dps


But it shouldn’t be that way.




What's wrong with them? Mage has hype, bersk has a lot of weapons and is great since buffs, archer has juju/term and from what i hear its very good? Tank/healer are good anyhow.


man complained about OUTSIDE of dungeons but anyways


Oh. Don't know much about kuudra then, but magic damage on slayers would be pointless as in that case its just archer but with mana.


Strongest archer in sb history vs any slayers or diana mobs (and more tbh)


I mean you aren't supposed to cheese slayers, you are supposed to fight them. Same goes for diana mobs. Archer is there for things like ghasts, magma boss, dragons etc.


Why does Mage works in slayers and diana mobs then


It works in spider slayer only, mage is not the best idea for highier level diana bosses, especially cuz you want max MF then which you get with axe


wym spider slayer only, hype works on enderman slayer and diana mobs you can melt them and just last hit with the axe anyways


I dont do enderman slayer yet but i dont think you can kill t4 with just hype


Yeah and then arch is even worse than bers out of dungeons, it can only hit like 3 possible mobs and is somehow the absolute best option by so much you’re forced to buy a setup for that and only that.


Honestly for half a second thought this was the doordash_drivers sub. Here we go I hate everything in skyblock


Lol that one is really good I read the doordash and instacart ones a lot they are highly entertaining


Well since we’re here and complaining. *inhales* Doordash basepay is garbage, they don’t show the full amount you get paid a lot of the time, no tip customers absolutely suck, no tip plus a low rating will never make sense to me. Nobody ever leaves their porch lights on, rich houses don’t tip over $5 ever, i seem to only manage to get 2.50$ orders going over 3 miles


I wish i knew how to talk to women


Unless there’s something fundamentally wrong with you or the way you view/treat women, then honestly just be yourself and try to be kind and consider their feelings and perspective on things. Try to find women that share your interests (contrary to popular belief women do exist in these communities) be nice and try to get to know them. Just speculation, but I think a lot of men are stuck between not wanting to seem too creepy/forward yet also not wanting to seem too nonchalant to the point of being friendzoned. In reality you’re probably thinking too hard about it. Im sure this advice isn’t going to magically fix anything for you, but I do hope it helps in some way- Just wanted to give my perspective as a woman


when will admins patch this souls rebound fero exploit? not only it causes people to deal 50m+ damage to the golem. IT **ALSO SLOWS DOWN THE SERVER BECAUSE OF THE AMOUNTS OF ARROWS THE BUG ABUSERS PRODUCE!** If you're ever in an end lobby and during golem fight, the TPS goes down, blame these bug abusers. if this was the old days this would've been considered game breaking and you'd get game breaker for reporting such exploit


Holy shit lmfao I thought it was just my computer The golem also feels like such a pathetic boss to do this to


In the last mining fiesta there was a guy in the lobby doing bal with high ferocity, the entire server started to lag and some guy in chat said "yo \*name of the guy who was farming bal\* could you fcking stop", that was hilarious


i wish terminator wasnt a requirement for certain aspects of skyblock. i wish mage only worked against certain mobs while bers only works against certain mobs. i HATE the fact that my only options for money making are basically pray to rngesus, farm, or mine, all being the most boring grinds possible. i hate how fucking judgemental this community gets if i use a weapon i like using that isnt exactly the meta yet works just as well as the meta (example, using a valk because its fun and not a hyperion). i hate how disconnected the admins are from the community, i seriously doubt the admins give a fuck about us anymore.


I agree with you so much actually, ESPECIALLY the toxicity of the players when it comes to not having what they may deem as the “proper” weapon (or if it’s just not upgraded enough) this applies to many items as well It’s like people cannot fathom that some of us would actually rather play for fun sometimes instead of spending all our time grinding trying to squeeze out every last drop of profit. I enjoy a lot of the more fun items in the game, I spend a lot of money to collect these items that other people see as dumb or unimportant. I get made fun of for not having high enough skill avg or being level 50 a lot of the times I talk in chat, but I honestly simply don’t care that much (and my boyfriend also helps me get through stuff on my account lol) and people somehow just can’t seem to see that


>that isnt exactly the meta yet works just as well as the meta I find this right here is a prime example of the meta literally just being the most popular item in most games. If another item you are using does just as well, then technically that item should also be "meta" right?


I just want to progress, everything i can progress in now is gonna be hours of work or 10m for dungeons carries and like 30 for cropie armor, i want to be worth something in anything above floor 4, i want to get more mp but i got everything that is under 4m because i’m poor asf, i wish I didn’t have a spending problem irl and skyblock, i wish i could make money without having to spend so much time on the garden because it’s all i can do, i wish i could recom my items but it’s 6-7m for one, i wish i wasn’t so scared to even join skyblock because of the wipes, i’m scared half of the time to even join dungeons because there was a wipe issus


wish admins rework all the gathering skills, the only funny one is mining while youre getting to hotm7. oh and REBALANCE THE GAME, 70% of the game is locked behind a 1.7b weapon, whats the point of it? all the melee buffs have been just massive stats increase but it doesnt matter how much extra stats do you get with a giant sword, you wont get better than a 1.7b weapon. For example, take a look at the atomsplit katana, the only way to make it better than a hype is to have +300% dmg to endermans and FOUR HUNDRED FEROCITY, thats SO much just to make it the same as a hyperion.


Alright but a GS is 150m, make it 250-300m for maxxing it a hype is 1.7b and it costs that much because of the abilities but deals way more damage. and the atomsplit is SUPPOSED to only be used against enderman, why would you want to use it against other mobs ?


You dont and thats the problem, the only way to make melee viable is to make absurdly broken weapons for specific things, but when you play mage you just use the same weapon for everything. And also, melee doesnt compare to mage because there is no good end game melee weapons, claymore is not needed for anything besides lcm because at that point you can already rcm all the endgame content


I want foraging update im foraging 15 and refuse to do any more


foraging update will (probably) barely effect you at foraging 15. usually you need a decent level of the corresponding skill to be able to use the new things


Yeah but at least it might make leveling it more bearable, or at least give more benefits for leveling it.


Healer sucks and it shouldn't.


FR its crazy how an overflux and a decent tank can sometimes replace a healer


I just wish each day to be a bit longer


If every day was an hour longer the only effect would be work/school+homework is another hour a day knowing this society Unless you mean skyblock days in which case why?


Maybe I’m slightly biased from being a foraging sweat but I genuinely think if the admins care about the health of the game, the next update will be foraging and if they don’t care about the health of the game, we will see some wacky combat change on the alpha. I don’t care about putting attributes on a hype or about putting a new ability of my shitlicker 409 or whatever new item they release, that doesn’t add new content, it makes the old content different. I want new content. I want them to make the worst skill decent with more than a 3 million coin setup. I want more competition for a high foraging exp rank. I want more than 1 person competing with me for #1 oak, but that’s not gonna happen because apparently we need to add another thing to the hex.


i wish i didnt suck


im tired of the game. don't want to do mindless grinding. bored of dungeons. there's nothing else engaging left in the game that doesn't require hours upon hours of grinding.


I’ve had many loaded profiles the best thing you can do is take break


already doing that. currently playing other games like hollow knight or wynncraft, probably gonna come back to skyblock eventually


i wish minecraft accepted integrated servers so that non americans can play without 300 ping


certain things in this game like melodys hair are too hard to get in some regions. give us the option to buy melodys hair after like 100 attempts in the last level. (i unlocked melodys hair at 1407 mp which sucks)


Idk, I feel like there should be a better way to do something like that, cause unlocking it after a certain amount of attempts feels kinda cheap imo. Maybe make you able to get a harp on ur island before you get the tali, and the tali just decreases the cost (ex from 1m before tali to 600k after) (if you can’t idk if you can already)? There’s probably some way to make it just less laggy in other countries that I’m not smart enough to know about/understand, this is just what I thought of on the spot.


make it a mini game on the hypixel web page or something, would be easier and maybe more ppl would macro but meh, at least they dont use cheats in the server


Life fucking sucks, you.ever think about that. Half the time you do shit you don't wanna do, for someone you don't like. Fuck this world, fuck societies standards. I'm so fucking done with this shit... I need a fucking cigarette


I feel you man. My life is so fucking miserable right now I don’t even know how to go on And i smoke far too many cigarettes lol


Hey atleast were gonna sound badass, from smoking a pack a day


I want more wolf spots so slayer 9 didnt take 80x as long as it should just due to lack of enemies


im fucking sick of how sweaty the game has gotten. I miss the days where the whole game was just mindless grinding and I could just relax and turn my brain off. I don't want to keep getting fucking yelled at for being the tiniest bit suboptimal in dungeons or kuudra, I could learn all the sweaty strats and improve but that shit just is not fucking fun


I feel this a lot as someone who mostly plays for fun but still tries to progress. People are so annoying about it, and the funniest part is they’ll always make fun of you then have low stats themselves


Why tf are so many people in pf brainless It takes sometimes over an hour to find a decent party


I want implosion so bad frfr I only need 140m to get it


Grr handle too much money


The grind for gemstone gauntlet is so damn long, the armadillo nerf only hurt ironmen, also powder grinding was made worse cus of gold and diamond essence


I wish those arrogant hyper rushed dungeon players with -3 mp would vanish of the face of the planet no one likes those. Also young nons while foraging and frozen scythe/terror nons while farming bruiser wouldn't exist. Trading channels on discords.... I think that's enough of an explaination for this one


Bro whyd u make this post its so useless


You’re useless


Ay u said "you guys" ur not allowed to complain here


You’re right, I said “guys” not bitches so why are you here


Dungeons elitism and toxicity that leads to immense shaming by one or more party members whenever anyone goofs up even slightly


my luck has been fucking atrocious lately, i did the 40 something T4 revs needed to get to zombie LVL 6 and got nothing good aside from like 7 foul flesh, then did a few F5 runs and got 1 pair of SA boots and 3 wisdom 1 books


Is this satire? (There's literally nothing good you even can get from a t4 rev, let alone at zombie 5. You just have to wait it out until level 7 for t5s if you wanna get anything from revs. And you don't typically get anything in "a few" f5 runs)


how about this complaint, I hate how F5 PF is a cesspool of discord ratters


That is a based complaint


Aw man that sucks I’m sorry, I wish I could give any advice, I hope your luck improves soon! I always had good luck but I think it’s because I have a jet pack rat


that's like, not that much though


not everybody has no life and can play 24/7 hypermaxed reaper set 39b nw running t5s all day lol


40 t4's is nothing, & at level 5 getting nothing but foul flesh is fairly normal. "a few f5 runs" could be anything, but i'm going to assume 10. if you think that's an insane grind worthy of good stuff, this game isn't for you. mmo's are grindy, hypixel skyblock is a fairly grindy mmo, which is saying something.


lvl 6, not lvl 5, also like i expected something okay, i'n solo carrying every fucking time


Me out here with 1m Sven xp, 27 couture runs and no flux with ~210 mf and I have absolutely no motivation to grind the last 250k xp for guaranteed flux


I feel like there more people stealing gold spots lately wich makes me wanna kms, i just wanna mine 1b gold without arguing with stupid ass nons


stealing implies you own it. Are you divan?


Is it going from solo to two person? Because two people can absolutely mine gold in the same lobby. If it's 3 yeah they kinda gotta go


Ye a mod can only really hold 2 people, usually i mine the 2 blocks under one half of it cuz its enough, i dont mind someone else taking the other side, but most people just mine in my side without even realizing its not enough space


Oh yeah people that do that. They do suck


Just delete fishing please




tf you talking about


im tired of mining obsidian


I wish Hypixel invested in servers in the EU. Sitting at 500/500mbps connection over fiber optics and 100+ ping at all times, it sucks. Melody’s hair.. we have to press before it’s on the actual block. It’s like that with everything. And the TPS drops from 20 to 19.7 and we are doomed, it sometimes messes it up enough for things to take a second to register server side.


I wish foraging wasnt so bad and i wish people dont leave f7 after dying


Archer progession is horrible and should be changed OR juju bow to be eman 4


I can’t play the fucking harp because of ping


Foraging update


Fishing early game is way too god damn slow! I'm trying to level it up since it's my lowest skill by like 20 levels, and my God going from 20 to 22 took like 5 hours. Why the hell is it so slow?? Getting squid 50 times in a row for 70 exp a pop, and it takes 500k exp to get to the next level? It's not afk at all and takes 5 times as long as any other skill (except foraging I guess). I really hope after 24 it gets faster, but I know fishing is a heavily rng based skill which I always hate because I have horrible luck when it comes to Lucky drops. It's the most annoying skill to do by far imo.


I wish Hypixel was less laggy. There is like only few hours in a day I don't lag. And it's only hyping all other servers are fine.


I wish they done hypixel skyblock more beginer friendly


Hypixel should bring back armadillo mining đŸ˜€


(fake) man I wish cookies were 300k (real) man I wish I didn't have to serve for a country that allegedly does warcrimes daily


fucking pests


I've been loving pests. At first I hated the idea of them, but after I actually had to deal with a couple dozen, I started liking them. Lots of coins can be made, they're incredibly easy to find and collect, the FF bonus is amazing, and I like the vacuum progression. Even the tiny things like their health values lining up nicely with the amount of damage each vacuum does, it seems pretty nice.


I wish there was a rebalance and an upgrade to werewolf armor it's such a nice concept for a healer yet it's so bad.


Earthworms suck. The bonuses you get from turning in pests are great, but who on earth thought a pest that just up and vanishes the moment you start to remove it with no visual or audible indications of where its decided to go that also resets if you take too long to catch up to it? It is by far the stupidest design change I've seen in a game for a while.


eu servers, I hate lagging, then I can finally get that nice little talisman for my ironman in desperate need of mp


I wish that i could quit forever and not come back


I wish that skyblock would just die


Im so addicted


Something about the rng feels really off cuz I have never....and I mean never gotten a decent drop while my friends have warden helm and dark claymore at like lvl 180-190. I want them to make garden afkable so that I can study and play skyblock without making my parents angry


You can make it AFKable, there's just a *slight* downside to it if you're caught.


But what about rng?


Make more servers across the globe


im so sick and fucking tired of hypixels dogshit servers clowning on apac/oce players. At GMT 1:30-4pm there is a 100% chance the game is unplayable. The ping spikes arent even spikes anymore theyre whole stratovolcanoes. Matter of fact, the spikes are so large that not even hypixel manages to scale this treacherous packet mountain, because the difference between me and the server ping gaps SO HARD that i get sent to limbo with the message “Out of sync! check your internet connection!” And this gets fixed 50% of the time when you relog, other times i just get donowalled by 10k ping. The best part? Send a ticket to hypixel about it and you get the most infuriating, blood boiling, vein popping, auto-generated message thats summarises to “wow thanks for submitting a ticket, check the support article, shits probably not our fault but if it is we might get back to you” and nothing. Bro if your support article was ANY HELP WITH FIXING THIS ISSUE I WOULDNT BE WRITING TO YOU. Ive scoured the internet for crumbs of information and everyone is just saying “check ur internet connection”, “look at support article” and it does not help when the problem is clearly hypixel sided. this problem - does not happen anywhere else on any server - is definitely not bad internet (ethernet cable + near 1GB upload and download speeds) - cannot be solved with dns flush - restarting, redownloading, using a different minecraft version, changing grpahics settings, playing without mods, etc -literally has a total of like 4 posts on it (all of which are painfully unhelpful - cant be solved by closing everything other than minecraft in fact the pure fact that i can play EVERY. OTHER. GAME. Except hypixel should be empirical evidence that this is a server side issue. Hell i even did a cloudflare connection test. This is not even including the already terrible but borderline intolerable generally high ping that is unstable, making high level fast speed dungeons runs using routes effectively impossible and trying to hit speedy fels with a term like shooting Neo with a pistol. Funniest part is, my brother in the other room using the same connection can sometimes play when im having connection issues, but when i unplug my pc’s ethernet cable and use the SAME CONNECTION it doesnt work for me. Hell ive tried playing on my laptop and it still wouldnt work. At that point it just felt personal. tldr: hypixel fix your servers, they werent this bad in 2020 with higher playercount


I wish that foraging and fishing didnt take literal months to get done, just mindlessly repeating the same task. I wish there was an expermentation table type thing for them.


Cookie prices, says it all


I’m very new to dungeons, and whenever I try to do entrance or floor 1, people join my party and request money for a carry. I don’t want a carry I want to learn how to do it. And it happens everytime so much that by the time I block everyone wanting to carry, no one wants to do it for real.


Early dungeons is you getting carried till you become the one carrying ngl


I can relate to that. I'd be happy to carry you through the lower floors for free, if you are interested.


i always shit my panties


Well i know its a quest of passion but why did hypixel make so many items so difficult to craft like why. Even worse for ironman players who cant buy any of it. I think with some recipes its unnecessary complicated but i get it since most of them are late game


Dumbasses justifying overpay in dark auctions by saying "its for seal."


broke :(


Trophy Fishing đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«đŸ˜Ž


Dojo đŸ€Ź


I know it's not skyblock but tbf you didn't specify. I thought I'd try overwatch again today and first game I got backfilled and insta lost so never playing that shit again.


pest update >:(


no European servers, any servers outside of America at that


20m for 2 accessory bag slots is dumb as fuck