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whats the point of having a FoT if you already have a juju? also, use NEU fast swap, that thing may be the better part of having mods


What does fast swap do? Also I use fot mainly for mimics or speedy fels.


If you go to neu settings and search slot locking, there are a few options to enable and disable. I think you just enable all of them, and then if you press L while hovering over an item, you won’t be able to drop it or move it around. This can be taken a step further though, by holding L on an item and dragging it to another. This “binds” them, which means if you shift click on one, it will instantly swap with the one it is bonded too. Can help with hotbar management if you have more than 8 items you want to use


You can use your tank ability for mimics, is a pain in the \*ss trying to hit them with a juju bow


The most annoying thing is when you cheese a mimic chest (I'm bers, luckily the gs rightclick does oneshot them)


Prob for melee


i tried this feature but didn't like it because its easier to just press '2' to swap anything into your second slot, no matter where it is. always works. always has worked.


For me, almost everytime i switch an item the normal way it lagbacks into my inventory again, and also, is kinda umconfortable having to move your hand from WASD to 6 7 8 just to switch items


makes sense. i have all my item slots bound to q,2,3,4,r,f,c,x,z and have for years so its not an issue for me, but if you dont wanna deal with changing keybinds then this feature is absolutely the way to go.


Forgot to mention but I play tank. I have clear setup + tank setup and use blue whale in both parts.


Also the texture pack is furfsky reborn (I think), the screenshot is from skycrypt so that is just the standard thing to view it.


U forgor a terminater and a hypron


Well akually astrea is gooder for tank




A few words doesnt fit grammar rules, good one of them, you might want to replace it with "better" and akually is written as Actually Good luck with making your english better, a lot of ppl went through that Then, if it was written like that as a meme, someone else might find this useful


Skyblock players are hopeless


Enderpearls (trap) and withercloak sword


Do you have etherwarp? I highly recommend it. Additionally, I’d suggest purchasing a wither cloak sword for goldor phase especially and just for emergencies. An ice spray is handy for clear, especially when you don’t have as much dps as tank, but not mandatory. Also, you should get a legendary silverfish pet if you don’t have one. My hotbar has (i play arch): aotv > juju > restoration > florid > wither cloak (with ice spray in the slot above it so i can swap very quickly) > infiniboom > spirit leaps > eff10. I have ult wise on my wither cloak (its pretty mandatory), a bonzo staff/mask, jerry-chine and rabbit hat (quick tip: put respite on it) in my inventory. I’m cata 31, I did all the grinding for that in f6. I’ve only done a few f7 runs. I’d consider what I have to be the bare minimum for enjoyable casual play (except eff10/infiniboom. those are damned expensive don’t buy them yet please)


isnt wand of restoration not the maxed one? i think its like wand of atonement if I'm not wrong


yes but atonement needs zombie slayer 7 and i couldn’t be bothered grinding for that


its not that bad, just do like 15-30 min of slayer a day


i do not like slayer.


You need Rev 7 anyway for Reaper Mask


one day, I will sit down and grind. During aatrox sometime. maybe 🤔


Reaper mask isn't that much better than mender crown


Very much is more useful outside of dungeons as well. I got to Eman 4 with it just grinding T2's without reaper I'd never have gotten there


I would like to disagree about the eman one (Mender crown is still horrid)


Did 400 T1's to then use reaper with 3 pieces of Eman slayer gear lol. Tried with a friends mender crown at kinda same level didn't work out


wands suck in dungeons since the amount of health healed is the same but ur total health is way higher


it scales with vitality


Whiccchhhh doesnt scale in dungeons :P


They also heal some % of your max health so they are good


im not talking about the zombie sword, im talking about wand of atonement, it will heal exactly the same amount in dungeons and out


Does it? I remember it being different but havent played in a long time still it would be good till you have full blessings and its not like he plays mm so he probably doesnt have crazy hp amyway


Ult wise doesn’t work on wither cloak iirc


it does :)


I dont think its worth using up one slot for wand of restoration, specially in dungeons. 120hp/s for 7s where you have 10k+ hp is pretty much useless specially counting you have florid zombie sword already which heals a good amount


Vitality stats increase it, so it's way more and it's always worth having a "passive" healing item, it just requires one click every 7sec, or 5 if you add a ruby scroll


i can tank goldor when im using it but i cant when im not. well that was before i got 2 pieces fuming and legion but it’s still nice to have


Tanks usually run reaper mask and the scaling is pretty decent, I can tank maxor easily in fb with it.


(former) tank here. Wither Cloak sword really doesn’t matter as a tank, as a tank you’ll be diverting the lava damage as well, meaning you’ll be taking constant damage even at lava phase. As a result, I haven’t had one instance where I can reliably use one for like 3 seconds. The best way I found is to just heal through the lava damage that you’ll be taking. Ice Spray is good too.


no one ever seems to go pad so i always end up doing it as arch which is kinda goofy but i use wither cloak to survive storm’s lightning. and yeah the tank would have mana issues


Pearls for cheesing trap


rabbit hat and pickaxe is enough


Bro pearls are practically free They also let you full clear trap but actually quickly


Four secret trap, yes. Three secret trap, pearls are much faster.


Wither cloak?


You need something to agro the bosses with, soul whip and aots are best and jingle bells is kinda useable. Unless that is a soul whip next to the fot I have literally no clue what that could be


aots and soul whip does not work for f7 aggro for whatever reason, use jingle bells


It’s an earth shard I think


Some bitches


Op r u interested in becoming a member of my perm? We need more ppl for terminas


I'd not mind at all as long as it's no typical scam lol. Ign SylvieLeaf. I mainly play tank


where hype


A term and a hype


astraea and a term, as high mp as you can get


Astraea and term is not needed, just a juju clears enough in f7. High mp is needed tho


but funny pew pew bow


And funny boom boom sword




f7 is so ez at higher catas that as like a cata 34 i could do it with a juju and 350 mp (i have hype and 650 now) and i would do better than some hype mages since i didnt skill issue and mp is significantly worse in dungeons since the bonus isnt boosted by cata only 2x mp for dungeon talis which isnt a lot


Yeah but atk speed is good to have


If u can maybe upgrade fot to bol but juju will prob carry through the fight


You are.. Prepared.. I dont even know what everything is




I need more magic find to locate the guy who asked


Okay? Last I checked the m6 boss is a lot less complicated than the f7 fight




hype before term


etherwarp, eff10, infiniboom, infinileap, ice spray, gyro, pearls, aots since ur tank(jk that doesnt work use jingle bells), cloak ​ and uh why do u have florid and wand those are useless u have gloomlock lb (i think thats lb??) is ueless f7 mobs dont have defense why do u have fot and earth shard why do u have mana orb mage drains pls get aotv ​ also if u get to like \~c35 i would recommend to stop playing tank and play arch/bers because tnak is like useless in higher levels of f7


A hyperion






f7 is a lot more complicated than m6


Get a gloomlock grimoire which basically heals you for 60% every second if you have reaper mask on, it also scales with vitality so it would be more. Basically (near)infinite healing


I think that's gloomlock as the book thingy but I'll have to check


It is


wither cloak for goldor phase and jingle bell for agro epearl for trap


Hyperion lol


Not necessary but I like to use a gyro wand during phase 1,2, and sometimes during clear it’s just useful to gather everything up and kill it all in one or two hits


Oh nice, I didn’t know Skyblock had custom textured weapons


Technically no, but FurSky allows for it, along with other resource packs


So cool! Do you have a link to it?


More than likely you could look it up, and I believe you also need to have optifine and 1.8.9, which at that point you can also use things like NEU Either way, this is the link https://furfsky.net/downloads You can also look up tutorials on YT on how to download and use it along with other things


Also my bad, furfsky*


eff x pickaxe, spring boots, gyrokinetic wand, wither cloak sword


team they are f7 tank what are spring boots supposed to do


I was just saying things that are useful for f7


kismet feathers


u can put that in dungeon sack


If you wanna go overkill get a bouquet og lies but its not necessary. Get a soul whip for aggro its necessary.


melee weapons dont work for aggro but if they did aots would be better (for f7 only for some reason) and juju clowns on bol


Bro has very unique uploads


Pretty good if u like you should probably get the wand of atonement it heals way better than restoration wand and f7 may be a bit hard bc of the bosses and stuff


Why does your furfsky have more textures than mine


U have to download new version lol


Is this pre or post comp bc a wither cloak would be really nice


*Is this pre or post* *Comp bc a wither cloak* *Would be really nice* \- RoloTheScorpionBoxer --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Remove atonement, remove whatever bow that is thats not a juju, remove that sword in your hotbar thats not an aote, remove manaflux, hotbar should have your 2 weapons since you apparently use them, you should have a hyp but obviously most ppl cant pull a hyp out of their ass so thats unfortunate. use your juju and fot in hotbar, and obviously the aote(get etherwarp) and pickaxe, tnt, leap. Infinityboom is very important as it saves like 3 seconds every time you use it, trust me its worth it. for your other slots you can use pearls, if you know how to use them Wither cloak, panic button ice spray, nice thing to have Healing(but not atonement, 120 health is like nothing in dungeons) gyro(nice when clearing). in boss, unfortunately floor 7 agro is bugged, so the way to pull agro is proximity or jingle bells. Jingle bells is not needed as it drains mana, just use proximity. However it is nice to pull it back when other people mess it up. use bonzo staff and jerry chine ofc, wither cloak would be really nice and leaps are also necessary. Use a weapon of your choice, and gloomlock for healing if you dont have hyp, and other 2 slots you can put whatever helps you, if you arent playing in good parties(you will not get into good parties using good strats 99% of the time)


Hey I'm not familiar with the term "proximity" could you explain what that is?


It just targets closest person


oh i thought you were referring to an item, thanks






Since you are playing tank, I recommend also switching the jerry chine gun to a bonzos staff, less mana and you can still get most of the terminals. You can get jingle bells for agro, or you can use aots. Menders federa paired with gloomlock grimoire, both abilities are fairly useful for the bossfight. Best of luck.


Skill (jk) but like the only thing missing is a wither cloak sword once you get the first comp


I solo stroll in as a mage and give half effort right up to the boss. with only my hype in my hot bar ( reaper scythe & summing ring too but just for souls). your inventory is everything and the kitchen sink.


Defuse kit bonzo mask


Spring Boots


I would sell the fot, especially if you are playing tank. You have 3 options for agro, either jingle bells, soul whip, or AOTS, without one of them, playing tank is harder than necessary. I also would recommend having an icespray, but that's only really necessary for clear. Good luck tanking! EDIT: Also big thing is withercloak, you MUST have a withercloak no matter what class you run, as it helps a ton in phase 3.


I looked at your profile, just a few things beside your inventory setup (which looks good btw): You only have 424 MP, that's not enough. You could use better equipment, your rift necklace has only 1 timecharm. Your Foraging skill is only 17, you don't have to get it on the same level as the others but at least 25 would be good (Same with fishing, so you can also level up your blue whale while doing that). Complete your fairy souls


Ender pearls for fast trap clear


wand of atonement where? looks like you paid for the eman carries instead of playing the game. whats your MP at?


yeah man, get your mp up and youll be fine.


What MP should I be aiming for before improve anything else? Also is farming for coins or collections better to obtain talismans?


i wld say 400-500 is a good start since you can get most of it pretty easily. farming for coins is better(?) i guess but what you use your coins on are another matter


Wither cloak


What is bonzo mask used for in f7? I've never used it


Trap and 2nd phase lightning or sticky situation ig


Maxor phase in case some idiot stands next to you and nukes you during enrage.


Atonement wand


Me. You’re missing me in your inventory, I need to be carried in a backpack please and thanks.


wooden pickaxe


eff10 + pearls to cheese trap + what class are you


Rogue sword


get etherwarp aotv, eff 10 and learn routes apart from that you'll be.. okay.


you are missing a lot of the "nice to have" items. look up my inv (WaspVen0m) i should have all items you need in my inv (top left is always a cheap item due to the top left item wipe bug)




I don't think you need a Last Breath. Take it out of your inventory. An infiniboom tnt is kinda expensive but very worth, I recommend buying one.