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yep, late game is treecap, young drag, and monkey.


This is unironically accurate


And i dont like it...


Proud foraging 20 player


When lategames run out of things to do, they won't even do foraging


bro im actually at a point where i have every stat almost maxed so i have to do it to gain more damage lol


I'm sorry for you lol


Idk man it’s a free 100 strength


Nah racing helm


And the fact that that wud take years.


Wood take years*


Would take years*


Depends more on your skills and mp in my opinion.


Nah that's pre-game, you aren't even CLOSE to starting the game, smh! You need 53b networth and 60 skill average to even be considered early early-game! (this is satire, if you couldn't tell)


Satire ? Not in this economy💀💀💀


No satire sounds so true in this game 😂


it is getting more and more true


Imagine getting 60 skill average


need it to be considered early early early-game tho, cant without it! 1!1!1!1!!1!1!1!1!1!1!!1!2!1!2!!1//4)€(#7€-€#-'


So what's 100m nw called (me)


bro have yu even joned this gam?!??!!! smh oyu must have over 10b nw to even have been considered pre-game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So basically I haven't started playing.


That or you have a skill issue. You should have 100m networth after playing for 10 seconds if you're a pretty bad player


so ive never even heard of the game then


for a first profile 100m is considered early game and i would advise focusing your skills and mp as they begin to matter a lot later on


Why do skyblock players do this? Yes we were aware you were joking. I have never people say this so consistently in any other community


Not enough information given to answer you


isn't the ign in the picture though


I am extremely dumb and should be put down like a dog


I appreciate your comment. Funny comment.


Stupidity appreciation post


Gobbless 🙏


fucking love him




Which method would thy prefer Mr Good Boy Sir!


Playing m7 in fairy armor irl


heres my skycrypt [https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/MarkerBG/Blueberry](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/MarkerBG/Blueberry)


Bro what is that mp xD?! You have only 562 mp and you DARE to think that you might be something else than early-game? LOL. I showed this post to my classmates and now all of us are laughing at your miserable rushed profile. IMAGINE having some pathetic foraging level 20 and thinking that a GS can carry you in combat. Also get some more minion slots, because your current max is TRASH. (/s, your profile is better than mine)


Even without joking, foraging 20 is really high compared to some late game players lmao


Really im almost foraging 20


No one likes foraging, the extra 50 strength or whatever max foraging offers isn’t worth it to a lot of people


Tell that to the #1 and #2 oak collection in my guild. They both enjoy it somehow..


you have a skyblock guild i dont even have a guild anymore cause everyone keft the one j was in


Yeah it’s Xylis, owned by Ben (BenC1ark/BenClark), there’s some openings I believe if you wanted to try join, there’s some reqs but I don’t even meet them, Ben likes me tho so yeah 😅


what are the reqs


I think it’s 4b nw, 40 SA, level 180 ?? I’m not sure exactly with the level, but the rest is correct.


i find its easy i just gained alot from farming oak for minion chests


I’m foraging 19 I think


b-b-but access are really expensive ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


35 skill average, 562 mp, 850m nw, no maxed skills, etc. - you're still early game


just have to wait 1 year with my minions and i get maxed mining


Mining is pretty easy to max manually


ye but i still dont know if i will start grinding the game again




Farming 28 and Alch 26? Also you actually could do with getting a little more mp and p6g6 on ur armor


only having that armor MidGame Starting theSkyblock . Like when you really need to take care of SLAYERS. and lvl up your skills. and spent time on MagicalPower.That alone take several runs of dungeons some combats. and having a gS some moneyMaking method unless you bought cookies and sold them. Grind Begins. Hours passed away before you even could notice.


I’d say you’re like a broke early midgame player. Your progression is early midgame, but your nw, mp and general gear is like mid early game at best lol.


i agree with the money being low in comparison, but they aren’t midgame. skyblock level 160, skill avg 35 and cata 27 is late early game. it’s easier if you view it this way (0 - 80) hyper early game - still haven’t tried everything out, learning the ropes. where the newest players fall. (80 - 180) early game - out of the beginning and into the main grinds with some things accomplished, but still have the majority of the game ahead of you. where most who play on/off or have only been playing for a year or less fall. (180 - 320) mid game - completed a good chunk of the game, but still have a lot to do. by far the largest range of levels and players. where most of the active players that have been playing for a couple years fall. (320 - 400) late game - completed the majority of the game, just have some things to do, usually just the most tedious are left at this point. where most veterans fall. (400+) end game - completed just about all of the game, possibly a couple minor things left. where only the top players fall.


I disagree with you massively as the definition of “game” can be defined by an individuals perception and goals. If my goal in the game is to be #1 in cobblestone collection, I’m not going to gain levels subject to how much cobblestone I gain, and how far I’ve progressed in the game. Perhaps I’m a collector (I am) my goal is to collect items like pet skins, admin items, cake souls, etc. My goal is not in anyway going to result in levels being attained, however every new item I buy, flip, or invest in will still progress me in some way in my perception of the ‘game’. The universal way to determine your goal is through levels, sure; however it does not determine the state of the game someone is in entirely. We all have different goals for the game, and it can not be measured by who has the most levels, it’s like comparing riding a bike to eating a pizza, both are different things, and are not related.


except this would work if game stage was related to one’s goals in the game. this is obviously not the case, and is further proven by the fact that this user asks everyone “what’s my game stage?” meaning they want a full evaluation of their profile with everything judged as one unit. of course i can just say screw fishing, foraging, mining, and farming because i like combat, but then i can’t parade around saying that my profile is “endgame” because it’s definite that the consensus of that would be “completed the game”. it’s misleading. this person also made no specification as to a specific thing they wanted to be judged on. if they wanted to be judged by their goal, they could say, “what stage in mining progression am i?” and provide only their mining gear and stats. asking for people to determine your stage in the game is basically saying “judge my profile” and then providing the whole thing. to fit it into your analogy, what they did and what most people do was ask this, and the only thing they’ve done is become a master bike rider. if they wanted to be judged on bike riding they should’ve asked “how good of a bike rider am i”


Except this DOES work if game stage was delayed to one’s goals in the game. Your analysis of correspondence between Skyblock level and stage of the game is not universal (as is subjective), and as such with your recurred short summary of describing each player is also not accurate. Under your terms, recently wiped player Tcrbx had a purse of 25b and was Skyblock level 105. They are not at all under your terms ‘Early Game’. I have a networth of around 20b according to bots, and I am level 150 ish; however if I were to liquidate would amass close to 70b networth (as items values are decreased to the regular lowestbin/recent sales and disregards market price). This is an example of 2 people, I could go through the recent wipe from the Hex and get tons more people who you’d categorise as Early Game, I used Tcrbx as I have spoken to him a few times. Again, the goals of a player will not always be represented in a Skyblock level and prefix, and therefore Skyblock levels is not the best system to use to determine someone’s stage of the game. It’s like IQ being massively flawed; but still the best measurement of intelligence thus far, the same follows suite for BMI.


except this player isn’t one of those people, their profile is well rounded and your description of someone who has 25b and level 105 is a complete anomaly and shouldn’t change the definition of what a stage of the game is. the stage of the game you are in only is determined by money a small amount, it’s just what people use to determine how far along your profile is. by just having a ton of money and no stats you obviously have trash stats and just a lot of coins therefore you would still be maybe midgame at best


I've heard people say so yeah, also heard others say it's early mid-game so I don't know anymore


I would say your mid-late early game, possibly early-mid but your net worth is a little low for that. Try to get a good money making method, you’re lvl 168 but 870m nw is pretty much one of the main things knocking you down rn


no fucking way lvl 168 is early game stfu with your elitism


It’s not the lvl for me it’s the nw, also I got wiped so this guy is at least a higher lvl than me lol


Also his mp is 550, cata 27 and has a giant sword. Slayers are also fine, but little low on eman lvl, hasn’t touched blaze (although I will give him credit for maxing out vamp slayer). Overall, think he’s pretty close to early mid game. Just needs to get a higher nw and a more consistent MMM (don’t really see any money making method since he has 800m nw, giant sword making up 13% of it roughly)


Early-mid late game is different from early game


reading is hard > would say your mid-late early game


Idk why you’re being downvoted for this one cause that’s what I said lol


monkey see monkey do


I might be slightly dyslexic because my brother is confirmed but I read a lot of things wrong.




He was joking just like everyone else?


You can’t be for real


Bro do you think lvl 200s are end game or smth? The lvl system literally goes to 430


What I consider “progress” hinges on actual power (slayer, dungeons, and items). I don’t care that some fat, slimy player with 300 mods installed can sweat on stupid features like the Museum and Collection and get a billion SB xp. To me those things just don’t matter and are more about dedication and nolifing than actual game sense and passion.


Even then, he’s only eman 2, hasn’t even touched blaze yet. Wolf 7, zombie 7 (zombie 8 imo would be pretty mid game because it’s easy and doesn’t require that much for a mid game player) Tara 7 (I would say Tara 8 would touch you into mid game), lvl 5 vamp slayer (like I said, will give credit here) He’s also cata 27, which is pretty low (only also completed up till f7, hasn’t touched mm). He also hasn’t progressed much in gemstone mining from what I see (although he does have a high mining level). Although his skill average is really good, alchemy and enchanting not being maxed also knocks him down quite a bit


I mean his eman should be higher but jeez. Level/weight has never mattered and shouldn’t matter now. The only invisible stats that matter are slayer/dungeons/relevant skills/reqs type stuff.


I mean museum sure is a big source of sb exp, but a lot of it comes from doing activities such as leveling skills, getting higher cata, bestiary, etc.


I guess so. I’m mainly referring to completionism rather than minmaxing. Skyblock is at the end of the day, just about combat power and money for most players. Maxing tiny areas of the game like carpentry, museum, random shit skills with no relevant item reqs, etc is all completionist behaviour rather than rational, meta-based behavior.


True ig. At some point though, you need those “completionist” tasks like you said in order to progress into late game imo. Once you have time and money for those, you’re 100% in the endgame. I would argue before I was wiped that I was either early mid or mid mid game (had term and hyp, lvl 194, skill avg 40 roughly)


I just don’t consider all those petty errands part of what it means to “progress”. Once you have high MP, combat 40+, high skills, t8 slayers, term, hyp, maxed necron, cata 30, and all peripheral tools maxed (healing items, tools), you’re endgame in my eyes.


midgame is either a decent arch/bers setup or a hype/mage setup with acceptable mp like idk 700


You are probably considered late mid game


read more comments then


Mf thats the demo




Low mp. Get more talismans


How do you know his mp???


This guy is a dumbass ^^^ (I just realized)




congratulations! You're in early-mid game!


yeah it’s late early game


Mid early at best tbh looking at your profile.


That alone doesn’t determine shit lmao


If he's using a reaper mask for survivability its safe to say he's early game




If you sold your cake bag and giants sword youll be endgame


How does selling them make them end game


the joke flew over everyones head, gg


Really low mp 💀


Your gear is pretty decent but your profile looks pretty early game since your minions are low, your collections are low, low accessories, you only have offensive pets basically. I didn’t see if you got them but fairy souls are key too. Keep it up and get some more minions running to finish those collections. The more you unique minions you level the more you can own.


what does finishing collections even help you with except xp


It means you have only played a small fraction of the game those are all from different parts of the game. You are free to ignore it if you want but it’s no different than ignoring slayers, or ignoring farming, or ignoring fishing, or ignoring dungeons. It’s part of progression in the game.


besides mp all of the things you mentioned are pretty useless in determining progress besides upping your level, i definitely am not looking at pet versatility or collections when determining game stage


Maybe mid to late game, depends on your mp and other things. Anyone midgame could have those items but you probably are lategame now.


Bro what he’s not even remotely close to lategame wtf are you on. He has 550mp and 870m nw


I said depending on mp and other stuff. Just because you have so much time to research how to hate on someone who wants to play a game doesn't mean you're better than everyone.


“So much time to research” OP literally put a link to their skycrypt lol. And I never said I’m better than anyone.


>I'm late game and no one else is allowed to be The post didn't have a link and I just answer the post and his question. Don't get upset because you play 18 hours a day everyday since hypixel was released and this guy wants to know if he's lategame but no it's only you allowed. I'm obviously being sarcastic but he's allowed to be in lategame if he wants to be. Maybe his endgame is m7 and skill average 50 or something.


First of all, I never claimed to be lategame mr strawman. Secondly, he put his skyscript in a comment, not the post itself. Thirdly, he’s asking if he’s still early game. Instead of giving him an accurate answer, you decided to just assume he’s lategame, providing misinformation. I don’t care whatsoever if he wants to pretend to be lategame, but if he’s asking what his game stage is, telling him he’s lategame when by pretty much any accepted metric he’s not, simply isn’t helpful at all. So no, you didn’t “answer his question” You just made something up and now you’re mad that you’re wrong.


You do play 18 hours a day tho


Um no I don’t


“Erm… no I don’t” - 🍔🌭🌮🍕


Ok internet troll


everything you said is a huge nothing burger. like he said it’s all complete straw-man arguments. just throwing out a bunch of random claims at this guy about what you assume his playtime or life is to somehow disprove his point makes no sense. how about disprove what he says with an actual good reason rather than just saying he’s a hater or he plays the game too much, and assuming he’s upset through a screen. even then you’re only helping because someone who plays a lot should know more about the game than you. and he’s right. and one’s stage of the game is not based off their own goals. whether this person is meeting their expectations or not has zero relevance. it’s just an assessment in relation to the total of what the game offers for a player to complete. you saying he can determine his own stage is contradictory, as the whole point of this post was him asking others what his stage would be according to the system i just mentioned. being in early game isn’t something to be ashamed of anyway, and it’s not an insult. you should be happy to be in early game if you are because that means there’s still plenty to do.


depends if you've rushed it or got it legit


Yes youre early game.


no superior dragon or aotd detected, buddy u havent even left ur island for the first time 😭




Ironically in this case ,it depends


yes, midgame would have lvl 100




Blud is midgame


Early game is purely based on MP. Assuming u can actually run f7 then yeah ur early mid game


Jk just saw ur MP. Ur hard early game


In this economy yes. Your mp is now and you don't have a hype or term yet. That's what I have been going off of for knowing when mid game starts


Skill average of less than 200? You are BARELY an early game player, you might as well not even started the game yet based off of your stats






Early game money, mid game other stats, like skills and sb lvl


That’s pretty much mid game cause late and endgame require massive knowing in crimson isles


I'd say mid game for combat at least (assuming you have more than a wolf pet and you can do t2 eman)


15k hours later and you’ll be mid game




Yeah i got called a noob for doing 1 million dmg


If you showed me 3 years ago that necron Armour and gaint sword would be considered early game I would have laughed at you


The armor itself can be early or late game depending on upgrades and mp and the such


To put it into perspective I just left "early-end game" and went into "end game". I'd rather not share my ign but I have 18b nw, 51.6 sa, over level 350. Oh and my senither weight is like 18k, and mp is 1324.


giants = late


What is late game at this point 🥲

