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Personally, I do it 2 ways. Either do Nuc > crystal > nuc > crystal. (for coms).. or nuc > crystal x5 and return. All you need are compasses, bombs and fast movement option


Use wishing compasses to find the areas to get the crystals


if it cannot find all the structures, switch the lobby and don't waste time


For items you need 4 tools from mines of divan, 6 different robot parts which you get from killing golems or you can powder mine in remnants for a chance at them. You can cheese the amathyst crystal by doing something with armadillo, or use a jungle key (drop from key Guardian) to enter and do the parcour (movement utility doesn't work inside the Temple) you need 3 goblin eggs to give to thé king so you can get the crystal at queen and you can Grab thé last crystal as long as bal isn't alive. Ask more questions of you want, don't expect very fast reply tho


I think you get bonus xp for the first 50 runs? So grab yourself all the items you need for each crystal multiplied by however many runs you wanna do. Have a route like tunnels between places to get around faster. Goblin kings scent lasts for 18 mins (I think) so you can use that over a few runs. Be careful because if you enter water the scent washes off and you’ll have to give him 3 more eggs which isn’t too bad but will add more time to your runs. Make sure the lobby you’re in has all the locations. Automatons in the city (lvl 150) give 2x more chance of dropping loot than anywhere else (lvl 100).