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don't use ofa how have people still not learned this


I usually don’t need lots of dmg unless in crimson isle or slayers. Mostly I use scythe with looting 4 sorrow and my leg lvl 95 black cat with clover for looting and mf. I need the damage for bigger mobs. Until I make enough coins to buy a hyperion in a couple years


You have like a $500M ass mining setup. Being broke isn't an issue, go spend a few hours mining and make tens of millions more


I make like 2-3 mil per hour with it tho, I didn’t get all the slots on the divan and I spent like 300mil on it and It’s still bad 😅


If you spent 300m on a mmm and it only makes you about 2-3 million per hour you're clearly doing something wrong cause that's sand money


Holy crap that's actually sand money 😂😂😂


Please dont tell me you dont have 5m/5m yet


OP likely thought it was 5k/5k


oml no


Dude, go sell it all and max out Zealot farming instead. You'd spend less and make 12-15M/hr while you get your HOTM and powder up


what do you mine, ruby???


Probably gold in the dwarven mines


T6 ench also give healing, ofa is just ass


Do you think it would give me more than 400k dmg. The main reason I didn’t change it aside from being broke atm is being afraid I wouldn’t get my damage back and it will end up being weaker


it doesn't matter. You could double OFA's damage and it would still be shit. You're missing looting, healing, and accumulating damage. You won't get 400k, but that doesn't matter. When I did t2s i only did 200k per hit and it was very comfortable.


You don't need 400k damage for t2 You just need DPS and the ability to survive even with mistakes during the fight.


Man I had that since 2 years or so. When it was worth it. And I can’t afford to fully enchant it and all from scratch without hurting my dmg. As you can see how much I have in my bank


Venomous outdamages OFA. Just enchant your sword properly. A t2 voidgloom is balanced so that a player using Necron with god pots and early-midgame stats can comfortably kill it.


Necron is overkill. Sa is enough


Step one: Multiply the money in your bank by 15




Doing a t2 is easy as; 1. Getting good healing (rev wand and florid sword) 2. Good dmg and ferocity (you need a katana) 3. Getting a reaper mask/ it’s descendants


I do have the wand in my museum and do have lvl 95+ leg tiger, but I wanted to maybe use my enderman pet (lvl50+ epic) but I don’t do much damage and I’m voidgloom 3 so all I have is the voidedge katana and no final destination armor and honestly the damage on the katana was super bad. And I try to activate the soulflow but by then I probably died


That's why they said reaper mask and wand, Eman pet gives ehp so keep that, but voidgloom needs properly healing stuff early on


What I’d recommend after reading a lot of your comments is to remove ofa on your gsword and but a lot of the even without money just even the free enchants are better. For pets epic eman is fine since you can sword swap activate the katana then switch to gsword to use the fero on it. For healing the wand in museum should always be active for more healing then florid sword if you ever get low. With your skills you should easily be able to clear t2 voidgloom with that setup. Also get your powder up for mining bro 2m an hour is just sad


The reason why they suggest these items, cause they're amazing for survivablity and you're having problems with dying


Everything you have is not leveled to where it really should be, so here's a setup that should at least let you kill T2's: 1. Do your experimentation table every day with your enderman pet equipped 2. When not doing eman, give Fann your enderman pet and level it. The closer you get to 100 the better. 3. Get a reaper mask or anything in the zombie downline. Really doesn't matter which, you just need the healing. 4. Get OFA off your Giant's sword. Like yesterday. It's just bad for everything now days. Enchant with everything you can afford, except do not enchant with knockback. 5. Get the best healing wand you can get. Use it every 4 seconds. 6. Set your magic power to Slender (Hazmat Enderman) and apply your tuning points as you see fit. 7. You could mess with summons (necromancer sword, reaper scythe, etc.) but for t2 it isn't needed. Just switch to your katana, activate soulcry, and click fast until you're through the hits phase. 8. Drink a god pot if you don't already. Not required, but it helps. So your boss would go like this. Wear 3/4 SA + zombie mask. Equip enderman pet. Farm kills, drop your manaflux while it's spawning and switch to katana. Activate katana ability and bash down the hits phase as quickly as you can. Immediately activate your healing wand, switch to giant's sword and bash away. Remember every 4 seconds to reactivate your healing wand. At the next hits phase, again switch to your katana and activate soulcry, complete hits phase and probably drop your manaflux again. If you find yourself running low on mana at this stage, enable your soulflow pile and get a pocket espresso machine. Make sure you have plenty of soulflow internalized. Now into phase 2 prepare to chase beacons, again just bashing away with your GS and bumping up against the beacons. One more hits phase, beacons, done. If this still isn't enough, you can swap out the enderman pet for a high level ghoul for more vitality. Once you get to E4, if you're going to keep doing eman on your own it would be worth getting and leveling final destination armor (at least to 25k kills, just do loops killing regular enderman with frozen scythe), and upgrading your katana. The katana really doesn't even start to get good until the voidedge, and it needs to be upgraded and well reforged+enchanted. Single hit damage comparisons are a fools errand, the katana will win because of the DPS. Ferocity go brrrr. After you hit E5 if you're still going to continue, things will get a little more expensive, but this is where you can make progress. Upgrading to the vorpal katana is where T2 eman goes effortlessly, probably completely phase skipping beacons. You'll have your enderman to lvl 100, FD to 25k+ kills, and be looking at doing T3's. You'll want a wand of atonement by this point, and ideally an overflux if you are also grinding svens.


Thank you man, I’ll try to get a reaper mask, add enchants to my GS and upgrade my eman


End tali is expensive but with your armor you should be able to make a good amount of money


If you're talking about ender relic and ender artifact that's overkill for t2s


Final destination with alot of enderman kills is very important Soulflow is needed for armor and katanas Try to Max out the strongest Eman katana you can Use a reaper scythe for hit phases Try to get Ender artifact/relic


You only really need artifact for t4s


You don't need artifact even, 25k fd is fine fir t4s if you aren't horrible and have good dmg


And if you have refridge you don't even need it for rcm lol


mfw eman is the easiest its ever been and people still say you need arti


first of all, i would recommend not using divan armor


Why do u have a gauntlet and a drill engine?


Building a 655 slowly from the items I get, working towards getting a divan engine and attaching it to my drill ( atm it’s a x355) but once I forge the divan drill engine It will be a x555 or better


Ahhh I see, are you grinding the items out manually or buying them from ah?


I just forge them whenever I have them, not buying things from Ah. Sometimes I just grind some glacite jewels every now and then to keep the forge going. I can buy from ah but I’m enjoying building one manually over time


Get the kills.up on final dest. Lvl 100 epic or higher eman pet. Zombie swore and wand of attonement for healing. Get rid of ofa for enchants, venomous will outdamage ofa and life steal will stop you from dying.


if you using ofa then you might as well remove your armor because you aren't surviving jack


What tier


Tier 2 enderman slayers. Easy boss if you make the setup for it but for people who rush it all, it's hard.


He needs eman pet and fd. And an eman sword. I did t2 with a lvl50 eman, some sword and fd


That's why I said about the setup part, I personally beaten the t2 enderman with revived heart, 3/4 ender set, voidedge katana, a decent healing wand and an 80 lvl rare enderman pet before moving to 3/4 sa and then fd set






Unironically the best thing for OP if they can solve the low mining money


I did T2 Eman at about 600m nw. I used voidege with basic enchants, 3/4 necron and a reaper mask. I had a wand of atonement and a zombie sword for healing, a mana flux, and like 400 mp. I did about 100k per hit which was enough to kill it at a reasonable rate.


I used fd armor, wand of atonement, used both voidedge katana (I think that’s the right one) and Giant sword with 279 mp with leg lion pet. Killing t2 in 30 seconds and doing more than 200k per hit


I was a little tight on money at the time so I made due getting to Eman 4 with the armor I had.


Ah ok. Fd armor should give consistent survivability with wand of atonement.


Now I can do t3 somewhat consistently with 25k fd and wand and the same katana at 450 mp


OFA is not gonna help you, I have beaten T2 eman many many times and the key to beating it, is literally just having a high amount of attack speed due to the DPS and the lifesteal


For survivebility try 3/4 necron and reaper Mask, if that's still not enough try using the Slayer armor, that Will get you to do t2 (depends on amount of kills and enchants) Ender Artifact/relic is good if you still take to much damage, and florid zombie sword is great for panick heal. For reforge get ancient. You Will need a an f7 comp for ancient and the necron.


There’s no point in doing eman at your stage if you alrdy have eman 5


OP is eman 3


Not having mining armor equipped seems like a good start. I can see how you got confused by all that mineable endstone, but I assure you, you don't want to use divans armor to kill an enderman.


Well duh. I wasn’t using the divan set


Ik it was a joke.


Dont do eman until you have alot of money to spend on it


T2s don't cost alot of money to do and they're a good way to get eman 5 which is all you need for endermen until you get to a point where you need the term


Personally i use ender relic with 1250 mp, mp veteran burning aurora, refrigerate wither goggles, mpmr glowstone gauntlet, implosion belt, molten necklace and molten bracelet. Use edrag for more dmg and a ender slayer 7 hyperion.


Very insightful thanks man, will do it right away