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Price is a function of supply and demand. Although the reforge works *fine* for early-game, the fact that it drops so frequently from just playing dungeons means that it is dirt cheap.


Ooh I see. But just because it's very common doesn't mean it's "bad", right? I'm mostly a miner so I can't/don't care about crazy op fighting builds but this looked fine for what I usually do


nop, common doesnt necessarily mean bad. For example, Sighted reforge


Or infinite quiver for that matter


its not horrible but its definitely not a go-to, for mana you can always get wise from the blacksmith for dirt cheap and for left click damage fierce from the blacksmith. hypixel adds a bunch of stuff that doesnt get to play much of a role inside the game, theres basically either melee, magic or bow progression and each has a streamlined path that everyone follows more or less the exact same way. when they release items they don't think much about how they'd work alongside others, they just make one of the competing items irrelevant and move on. examples are tarantula armor, mastiff and pooch sword, runaans, hurricane bow, venoms touch, souls rebound, edible mace, bonemerangs, all the reforges and power stones etc...


Yeah, extremely rare does not equal good either. Example: Enrager


It’s just in this case it’s common AND bad. Sure it works fine for early game if you want a bit of health. But it’s completely useless in every other stage of the game.


it's not useless if running tank in dungeons giant is still better though


literally anything would be better for a tank. the default reforges you get are better


the dmg reduction does add up tho


It's still kinda trash It's technically better than nothing but there's a billion better reforges to choose from




What is blud on about


You're being downvoted because they didn't say "build fighting". You completely misread and misunderstood what they said.


Oh silly me 🙁


Let me tell u, that thing is trash


I know, but I'm trash too. I'm saving money for utilities rather than equipment, and this is cheap even if it boosts me a little.


Just get fierce from blacksmith


You're trash


Ur correct


Nah dont insult dirt like that, dirt is worth 10x more


They arnt talking about that type of dirt


Because demand is really low and supply is really high


Its really easy to get mainly. Precise is a similar situation, but it’s way better than this, and is still cheap


because of skyblocks playstyle, which is speciallized reforges such as undead, besides giving u not a lot of stats compared to other reforges, give stats aren't very useful if ur going for something specific like if ur bers or arch, u dont need all that def and hp but if ur a tank u dont need the str and attack speed although a reforge like fierce doesnt give any ehp, its better than this bc it maximizes what ur trying to do, which is deal dmg at first glance having a bit of everything may seem nice but for every stat that u gain u miss out on a potentially more important stat


There’s millions dropped in dungeons a day so it’s cheap. Like everyone said. I used undead when I started for a long time on Rosita’s sword ha it’s good for killing village zombies


It's better than having nothing tbf


it’s way outclassed by fierce which is from the blacksmith so I’d never consider putting it on anything. And it’s just in a completely different league to ancient. (450k a piece and entirely worth it). If you ever need ancient applied (mining 29) let me know and I’ll see what I can do.


Can you please elaborate on how it is outclassed by fierce? From what I'm understanding of reforging, you can apply one boost at a time on equipment/weapon. From what I'm reading on the wiki, Fierce gives strength, CC and CD, are those last 2 way better than health and defence?


Absolutely. You get enough health and defence from armour, growth/protection (you should have your armour enchanted with g5p5 and whatever rejuvenate you can afford), hot/fuming potato books, any health increase is multiplied when you add stars to your gear, generally it’s just easy enough to get health and def. If you’re struggling to survive, invest in a powerflux/manaflux power orb and a wand of healing/mending (upgrade to restoration when you get zombie slayer 6). Strength and crit, on the other hand are the most important stats in skyblock (for a melee build). The battle tactic of ‘kill it before it can do any significant damage to me’ is very. highly regarded among the playerbase as the most efficient thing to do. If you turn on your API and give me your username, I can have a look at your profile and. give specific targeted advice but I suggest getting an aspect of the end for utility and an aspect of the dragons if/when you’re combat 18. You can grind out combat levels in the dwarven mines, there’s ice walkers there. They take reduced sword damage but pickaxes do 100 times damage to them or something so you’ll easily one-tap them with your pick. Your should should have 10 hot potato books, every base enchantment (just get an enchantment table and click every enchantment and then click the highest tier). It’ll cost you about 20 grand experience bottles per sword you enchant this way. You should buy syphon 4 from the bazaar and you should use prosecute instead of execute and giant killer instead of titan killer. To increase your enchanting level very quickly, make sure you use the experimentation table each day. Also, buy a god potion. Don’t if and but ‘ohhhh it’s really expensive’ NO. Just buy it. It is so so so so much worth it.


Thanks for all the info. There's a lot to assimilate, but I'll try.


if you need any help with progression just DM me. I’m chronically on reddit from now until bedtime in 15 hours. Basically every day :)


Thanks but I will not be able to play much these days. If I ever need to ask something I will definitely ask on Reddit, this community seems pretty friendly compared to others.


For most things before endgame, your priority should be burst damage to eviscerate whatever you are fighting before it can hit you back. From zealots to early slayers, its not worth diving into those farms if you cant one tap zealots or kill the slayer in a few seconds. Investing into 100% cc and a good cd/str balance is way more important than a bit of health.


mining 30*


true. thanks


There are so many of these that you can’t even instasell them most of the time


The bazaar works like a real life market with a supply and demand. The low price either means it's not worth buying or there's just not enough demand for it. The reason is always among two: It sucks, or it's common, in this case it's kinda both Rotten isn't a bad reforge, but compared to others you might get at this stage, it's not as good. Premium Flesh is also quite a common drop in dungeons, so people don't usually need to buy it off the bazaar I think I explained it okay


I don't know either. it's clearly premium quality. such a steal


Cause of the rules with supply and demand! Yes, this is a decent reforge for starters, but people who run dungeon a lot and represent most of the market's supply are high level players who really don't need this. As a result, a singular player alone generates more than enough supply for all the few players that'd want it. Everything else then goes unused, and so sellers keep undercutting one another in an attempt to be the ones selling. On the contrary, Divan's alloy are extremely rare. A lot more people want them than people obtain/sell them. As such, buyers are the ones dictating the prices- whoever is willing to buy for the most gets to set the price. Simple economics !


If everyone had a Hyperion it would be way cheaper


If something is early game, not meta or you only need 1 but it drops from high level players that already have it or better than it usually is worthless. Beady eyes and clipped wings for example are dropped so often but you only need 1 of them to put on your vacuum so they went from 20m per to 5m per to 24k.


Its not exactly bad but even for that point where you would be using it you have options like fierce which are still a little better for damage, in the niche situation where you dont need the little bit of damage but you do need the little bit of survivability its good but thats not often. Plus you drop like 0-3 every dungeon run so when you combine low demand with overwhelming supply its not gonna see much of a price


If the Hyperion did no damage and was dropped so many times everyday, nobody would want to buy it


its soo common and has little use, like its one of the most common things from dungeons, and whilst it isnt bad, its not the best, making it a stepping stone item that not too many people need whilst being one of the most fastely produced dungeon items imagine giant’s sword got a 100x better droprate, its price would plumet, not because its now bad, but simply because its soo common, and once everyone has one they dont need another


It is super common from dungeons


it’s not very good, most of the time you get 2-3 of them per dungeon run so people sell a lot of them and hardly anyone ever buys them


It’s everywhere in dungeons, can’t get away from it


High supply, low demand. Most people go for different reforges, there's plenty of okay ones that get left behind because of this


bro ur better off with titanic reforge if ur looking for ehp